
Story by Gifthefox on SoFurry

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This is going to be a long story...


The seat of my car vibrates as the bass hits my subwoofer. I look at my run sheet and count off fifteen runs. 2563, 2565, ah there it is 2567 Blue Grass Trail. I grab the pizza in my passenger seat and kick my door open. This house was freaking nice!! I think to myself as I approach the door, good chance at a high tip here. I poke the doorbell and at least an eight tone chime rings through the house. A tall, muscular border collie answers the door. He was at least 6' 8" to my 6' somewhat lean frame. He was wearing a green polo t-shirt with black stripes, a pair of black jean pants with part of his green, flannel print boxers sticking out. His fur was black and white with a few brown spots here and there. Oh, did I mention those frosty blue eyes. I stood there almost speechless as this beautiful canine stood before me. "H-hi there, h-how's your evening going," I ask with my cheeks slightly red.

"Better now that there's food," he replies jokingly.

I give him his total and he pays. Freaking awesome -- a ten dollar tip. I thank him and get in my car to leave. He waves to me from the door with a friendly grin on his face and happily wagging tail. I finish off my day at work but I can't stop thinking about that amazingly sexy border collie from earlier. Gah, I didn't even get his name. Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and deliver to him again.

My shift finally ends and I head out to the parking lot, doing my, "just got off work," dance to my car. I pay no heed to my surroundings, after all, I've been doing this for a couple years now and never had an incident. It was my weekend so I was really psyched that I could go drink with my friends and get high. Little did I know that the border collie from earlier was watching my every move from a small car with dark tinted windows.

The border collie sits in his car munching on some chips, he's been waiting a long time. About six hours now he had followed that husky on at least a dozen more delveries, so he had to keep some energy up for later. "Finally," he says as he sees me heading for my car in my black hoodie and green shorts."That husky is going to be perfect for the institute." He notes that it's a bit too, "populated" for his tastes. He licked his lips as he examined the tan and white husky. Admiring the cubbish complexion, complex fur patterns and soft facial features he had. Murr, he had quite an ass too and those eyes! One green one brown, possible one of the prettiest huskies he had ever seen. The border collie checked his syringe and made sure that everything was good to go as he started his car up to begin his pursuit.

I unlock my door and hop in my car. I really need to stop at the bank before I head home. I have over 100 dollars in tips on me and I don't really like carrying that much money. After making my deposit I turn up the bass and drive off, ever oblivious to the border collie tailing me. "Hmm might as well check the mail." I stop at the mail box and leave my car running as I grab the various envelopes and packages that have accumulated over the past few days and as I turn around, I felt a small pain in my neck. That's the last thing I remember about that night.

"Rise and shine, cub. C'mon cubby, we have a big day planned."

"Ugh my head, where in the fuck am I? You! You're the border collie from last night," I scream out.

"Watch your language. I am that same border collie and you can call me, Adam."

"It's nice to meet you, Adam but WHY THE SHIT DID YOU CUBNAP ME YOU FUCKING MUTT!?"

"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! I won't tell you again! You my dear, sweet husky are about to be part of an experiment. Hmm, says here on your driver's license that you're about to turn twenty-two. If everything goes right your mind set will be that of only one of those numbers."

"What do you mean," I growl out in anguish, realizing just now that all my limbs are bound together and fairly immobile.

"You'll see soon enough, Jason."

"My name is Jace, you dic-" again that's all I can remember before I blacked out again. I think he had to have been drugging me. Because the haze of waking up was paralleled by no drink or drug I have ever recreationally done. I feel nauseous but euphoric as hazy images roll past my eyes. The next time I wake up, I was completely immobile and had something stuffed into my maw. Damn it, that bastard. Where was I NOW?! I look around at my surroundings and try to get a guess of what kind of a situation I'm facing.

I've learned that staying calm in the face of the unknown is best but my heart is racing as I flail around trying to get free in a desperate attempt. My arms and legs bound to a mattress inside a cage... no wait this isn't a cage. It's a crib: too big for any average cub though, this was designed for a full grown adult. My stomach turned and I spit the thing in my mouth out. Eww, is that a pacifier. What in the hell is going on. Oh my god, is that a freaking changing table? That plushy is the size of me! "ACK, AM I WEARING A DIAPER!?" Ugh, if that border collie did this to me so help me... my thoughts were interrupted by Adam opening the door. "You sure are cub! How does it feel?"

"Like dead border collie," I growl.

"Now now, there's no need for such hostility. We are going to help you."

"You took me against my will and took me to who knows where to do this to me? I'm so pissed off right now I can't even breathe!"

"Aww, is the little cub cwanky," he coos as he stuff the binky back in my maw.

"Don't worry, one last little nap before we finally get there, then you will understand."

This time I wake up from blackness. If I had to guess how death is - it's that. Nothing until I awaken next. I find myself in a big room. Everything is fuzzy as I look at my surroundings. I'm lying on some sort of bed mat. It's actually pretty cozy - then again that might be the drugs talking. The very first thing I notice is the thick, steel bars on the windows. As I slowly move my eyes around, careful not to let anyone know I'm awake. There are more adults here and all of them are dressed and acting like small cubs in front of me. What in the hell is that lion doing? A fairly big lion with a full grown mane - sits on his obviously diapered bottom with his legs crossed, coloring in a child's coloring book. He's not doing such a great job staying in the lines, which should be easy for anyone his age. He looks content and happy as he fills the page up with various colored squiggles while he suckles on a blue pacifier. A look of scorn appears on my face as my muscles are once again mine to control.

A small fox approaches me. He's about 5' 9" tall and dressed in a pair of short-alls, Chris lettered on the front bib. He has a blue pacifier hanging on a clip attached to his "Sesame Street" shirt. What really caught my eye though was the full sleeve tattoo on his right arm of a few naked vixens. This guy looked like he had seen his fair share of parties. What he did next made me very afraid. He burst out crying, just like a little cub. Oddly enough a petite, young vixen came over and picked him up. "Woah, that guy has to weigh like 160 lbs," I whisper. I continue to observe my surroundings. Not to my surprise, I notice that I too am diapered. Only a blanket covers my otherwise naked body. The much thicker and tighter undies making me squirm a bit. I try not to move too much as the vixens haven't yet noticed the drugs have worn off. I can see various vixens committing to well over 20 other, "cubs." What the hell is this place?

Oh, god I'm in trouble. Ugh that stupid border collie, where in the hell did he take me? First rule of combat: stay calm. Don't let the adrenaline affect your thought process, keep calm and cool. I listen to various conversations going on around the room. These grown ass adults sound just like children! I think I just heard that young looking equine ask for a change... why doesn't someone do something! We could take these vixens! I can see the door but it looks like it's operated with one of those electronic card key things.

I slowly get up, trying not to draw attention to myself as I get a good look at everything. The room is decorated in Disney characters and cub blocks. There are numbers going all the way to three on the wall and the first three letters of the alphabet to follow. There was at least four dozen various animal plushies scattered across the floor and more cub toys then I had ever seen before. The disgust must be prevalent on my face because one of the vixens begins walking over to me. "Hey there little husky! You must be new here," she says as she lifts me up and checks my diaper.

I freak out at this. How is she lifting my twenty-two year old, 200 lbs frame up with those twig arms! I flail and yell out, "Let me go you crazy bitch!" The look on her face was priceless as she just about dropped me. The little satisfaction I did get out of that quickly ended as she stuffed my maw into a muzzle and began walking to the door. Hmm, I didn't play that right but there might be a chance for redemption, the dumb fox is taking me right to the exit. Now I'm no combat expert but I know a thing or two. There are two points in the shoulder I need to hit just right to make her arm immobile. Then I must snag the key card and be ready to run like I just stole a TV.

She heads for another door and it's now or never. I hit her dead on as hard as I can and she drops me in surprise. I land on my feet and snatch the card key. Something's wrong though, she's still able to move that arm... what in the hell? I hit her with everything I had and she barley felt it?! FUCK, RUNNN! I dash as fast as I can with the bulk of the diaper slowing me down. I have little trouble out running the vixen. If there's one thing huskies do well: It's run fast. Locked door, shit! I kick it as hard as I can and it breaks open. Why didn't I have this strength when I hit the vixen? Behind it there's a room full of doors, all of them look alike. Fuck this is the worst fatal funnel I've ever seen. But I hear voices and they're getting closer. Going back isn't an option. I push onward as I search desperately for a key card door. Locked doors are usually a good sign that you're getting close to an exit in a facility like this. I drop behind a reception desk and remove the bulky diaper. It's costing me a lot of dexterity and making a ton of noise. After taking a few deep breaths, I leap out from behind the desk and move quickly down another hallway on my left. Fuck, everything looks the same. I hear footsteps approaching and I quickly duck into an empty room and quietly close the door just in time. The footsteps pass with no indication that I've been compromised. But I'm nowhere near finding a way out of here.

I stick my nose out of the room and sniff the air. My keen sense of smell detects nothing as I quietly make my way towards the direction of the footsteps. Hmm, "roof access," that looks promising. I slap the keycard onto the pad and it opens right up. I know I'm running out of time and someone will be here in no more than a minute. I'm sure they flagged the key card and that there's security on the way. I dash up the stairs and make it on top of the building. There's already a group of wolves waiting on the top in matching uniforms. I've had some experience with multi person combat but they look like they did too. I sighed seeing them and knew I was fairly out matched. I wouldn't give up so easy, when you're fighting for your freedom you might find that you'll do what it takes to get free.

The wolves' charge me and I put up my fists. Shit there's no way I can take these guys. I dodge one and punch him hard in the throat. He gasps for air as he falls back, clenching his devastated wind pipe. The second one I hit square in the family jewels. Like I said, you'll do what it takes when it comes to your freedom. The third was not as easy. I threw a handful of dirt into his face but right before I did I could feel two needles hit me. Fuck that's a -*click click click click click* the taser hits me and I fall to my knees in agony. The electricity contracts every muscle in my body over and over. I scream when it ends and go to rip out the prods. I'm nearly crying in pain as I rip them from my flesh. The guard is still dazed with sand in his eyes but the first one I punched in the throat is recovering and I need to move, now!

Clutching my bleeding side I make a dash for the fire escape, the first wolf hot on my tracks. My body still hasn't recovered from the jolt and it hurts to move at all. I jump down each level crying in pain and the wolf is catching up to me. Shit, he's fast but I'm almost there! I clear the last few levels of the fire escape and hit the streets. Switching to all fours, I do what huskies do best; run! I can't go home, that border collie found my house. I have no money and no phone. Fuck, I don't know any of my friend's numbers off the top of my head.

I'm naked so I can't exactly go asking for help. Besides, if I told people I was running around naked because some fur cubnapped me and is trying to turn me into a literal cub. They'd put me in the loony bin. My options were running out quick. I run into an alley and catch my breath. What did I do to deserve this? I thought I was pretty damn nice to that fuck head border collie and he stabbed me in the back! Grr, I need a place to think.

I don't dare try to go to my friend's houses. They are probably being watched. Hmmm I need money or I'm screwed though. I see a wolf tracking my scent in the distance and I dash out of the ally. What the hell am I doing in a city? It thought secret facilities like this were only in desolate locations? I snag a pair of pants off a clothing rack outside a store and make a mental note that if I don't get hunted for the rest of my life, I would go and pay for them.

Shirtless with pants was better than nothing, furs do that all the time and I'm not about to ruin all my good karma to steal again. I needed the pants. For all I knew my life was on the line and I needed to blend in. I don't know what city I'm in or if I'm even in the same country. The architecture is a bit different form the states... I'm in Europe. That border collie is going to pay for this, I swear it. That wolf is still tailing me. I can run for a long time but wolves can hunt for longer. I have to take slow his progress. The wolf smells his way down over to me. I see a can of mace laying in a display case and the shop owner is fast asleep. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I say before spraying the wolf dead in the nose with it.

The reaction of that wolf made me feel so terrible. He cried, sneezed and whimpered on the ground. I could hear him as I made my escape through all those people for at least 100 ft away. My ears dropped and my tail between my legs. I felt terrible for that poor wolf, only trying to do his job but it was him or me. I punch a brick wall in anger, once more and my paw hurts enough for me to stop. It's getting dark and I'm exhausted from the day.

I learned this trick into getting into hotels for free from a friend of mine. I hate taking advantage of people like this but I must say I have a talent for it. I register under a fake name in a low end hotel with no security feed. I know this can't continue as I walk up the stairs to my room for the night. I slide the key in and open the door. Oh thank god, a mini bar. I slam a few shots and pass out in the bed with the TV on.

To be continued...