Burdens - Chapter 56: Predict

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#56 of Burdens

What is life without complication?

Chapter 56: Predict

Mary was the first to initiate conversation. She greeted them, introduced her friends, as well as herself formally. She informed them of the movie they were to watch, which confirmed Roger's prediction.

It gave him the chance to present his idea. Away from the crowd, he spoke to Hunter, saying, "If they go watch that movie, then we can watch a different one, maybe that actiony one that's playing. They're roughly the same length, I would imagine, so we would still catch lunch with them. What do you say?"

The wolf wagged and nodded in response. It seemed he enjoyed the idea, probably because romantic comedies were not really for him. That, or he liked action movies.

Roger said, "If you all don't mind, Hunter and I are going to watch a different movie. This type isn't really our thing, but we should get out around the same time, so we'll catch you all here?"

The group nodded. He quickly inspected them; there was the vixen, Mary, and beside her an otter, by the name of Josie. Next was a raccoon, of which the name he did not catch but it sounded something like Rachel, and the last was another canine, seemingly a coyote as far as the fox could tell. Her name was Emily.

Mary spoke up, "Sounds good. And hey, you know what? I'll go with you guys: it's not my type of movie either. I mean... if that's alright?" Her question was soft and appealing.

Roger did not know quite what to feel at that moment. Part of him was disappointed, hoping to spend time with his friend, but another part of him urged him on. It was what he wanted, to get to know this vixen. This was a good opportunity, he thought. He acquiesced.

The time came for them to enter the theater. Roger had purchased the tickets for himself and the wolf, while the others had purchased their own.

Some of them bought snacks and drinks, but Roger and Hunter went without them this time. They were followed by Mary, who also refrained.

While the theater for the other movie seemed crowded, their own was fairly empty, save a few others that sat scattered throughout it. Roger explained that it was most likely due to the movie having been out already for a couple of weeks.

They found a seat toward the back end, yet still in the middle. The fox sat down first, and to both sides were the vixen and the wolf.

The previews started as they sat, and he looked to either side. Hunter was already transfixed on the screen, and Mary looked slightly bored for the most part. Perhaps she had seen the previews before.

Reminiscing on the past time they had seen a movie, the wolf had come into close physical contact with him. Would that happen again? He wondered. Normally he would be fine with it, but now Mary was there to his side. If she had any attraction to Roger, would she show it? Would he be the one to make a move, or would she? How would her reaction be if Hunter did something out of the ordinary?

He began to feel a bit nervous about the possibilities. The movie started.

Periodically he would check on the other two, but luckily they were focused on the movie. They both seemed to be enjoying it. It was almost hypnotic, it seemed, and they were both under its trance, the same effect upon them: when there was an explosion or gunshot, both of them would jump; when there was a suspenseful scene, they would grip the armrests that Roger had acceded.

It was relieving that he would not be put in such an awkward situation because of their intense focus on the movie. He was slightly disappointed, though, as he had begun to grow accustomed to the physical contact that had happened so often in the past week.

The movie went by uneventfully. Roger could hardly recollect the time spent there, as he had not been so focused on the movie as much as the two that surrounded him.

They left the theater without incident. It was still a bit too early for the other movie to let out, but they would exit soon.

Mary and Hunter began to talk about the movie in generalizations, so as to keep any spoilers from being overheard. They seemed fairly in tune with each other when it came to the discussion, and Roger could merely stand and let them speak. It was apparent to himself that he did not pay as much attention to it as they did, nor did he have the same interpretations, it seemed.

Hunter's tail had been wagging all the while. It seemed he was enjoying himself, and that was a boon to the fox. At least it went better than it had before, and he found something that the wolf enjoyed. He made note of it and was determined to pay more attention to what the wolf liked, so that they could discuss it as those two were doing.

He looked at Mary briefly. She had taken a fairly attractive stance, as far as he could tell. Almost seductive, he imagined, but he would not really know. However, to whom did she speak? It was to the wolf, of course. He grumbled under his breath, "I figured."

Hunter looked over and asked, "What's that?" He apparently had heard Roger speak, but not necessarily what he had said.

Roger quickly said, "Hm? What? Oh, nothing, just, uh... thinking that the others should be out soon."

He turned his head to look back at the theater, but the purpose of it was not to keep an eye out for the others. He hid his disappointment at the situation as best as he could, but he was sure it showed on his face. He hid that, as well.

He pretended to check his watch and turned to face away from the two. They continued their discussion, but he only really heard Mary. The corner of his mouth twitched. His tail drooped and the tip of it flicked back and forth erratically. His left ear followed suit.

He at least commended himself on his predictions.