FoxTail ch. 1 pt.2

Story by Zafmod on SoFurry

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#4 of Project FoxTail

Part 2 of FoxTail chaper 1

"And what, pray tell, do you find so disquieting about it?"

_ _

"You made the choice of allowing FoxTail to try and become the leader not because you think he can actually do it, no you're doing it out of sympathy and contrition, and this is just an attempt to clear your conscience about what happened to the boy's father."

_ _

"When you put it that way; I can see how you've become apprehensive about my integrity and you may be right, I do feel guilty about hiding the truth from him, I feel that this is all I can do. How sad, I'm supposed to be the strongest and bravest of us all; yet crushing the soul of my friend's family petrifies me."

_ _

"I know how you feel, Zalphine was a great man and I was honored to have him as my protégé but what happened wasn't our fault, it's time to let go of that guilt."

_ _

"Trust me Grom, I've been trying to do that for years, but I just can't. You and I are the only ones who know the truth. Grom my old friend, tell me, how did you get over Zalphine's death?"

_ _

"I look at his offspring, they remind me of him at a young age and I see a future in those boys."

_ _

"You mean except FoxTail, right?"

_ _

"I don't hate the boy, Vornax; I'm just not very fond of his love for humans. There's always this fear in me that one day the boy would turn his back on us."

_ _

"That seems fair enough, I suppose, but don't forget that Zalphine's older brother was a human too."

_ _

"Yeah, a werewolf, I never really liked those creatures. When you really think about it they're almost like fake beasts, what did you call them again?"

_ _

"You're talking about hybrid wolves?"

_ _

"Yeah, that's it, 'hybrid wolves'. It's just really weird to me, you know, with how they're born and all of that nonsense."

_ _

"There created naturally Grom, just like you and everyone in the clan, I don't see why you have a problem with them."

_ _

"Oh come on, they're not really beasts and they're not really shifters either. They're born through a wolf having a relationship with a human, it just seems unnatural to me."

_ _

"I still don't see the problem; sound a little prejudice if you ask me. Hey, do you remember that ludicrous story we came up with to help the humans hide the truth about us?"

_ _

"You mean the whole transform into a werewolf if you're attacked thing."

_ _

"Yeah that's the one; man I still can't believe how much trouble we had to go through in order to ensure that humans lived a happy life."

_ _

"Good job changing the subject by the way, it nearly worked."

_ _

"Thank you, I tried but of course you can still see through my ploys."

_ _

"Vornax, the time will occur when you and I must come clean to Zalphine's family, at least to his wife. I really like Zii; she's a strong person, if anyone deserves to know it's her."

_ _

"You're right and I know, we're just delaying the inevitable."