What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Eleven.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Eleven By Roofles

Two weeks before the full moon...

Marco leaned forward, biting his lower lip as he sat up a bit more holding his breath as he mashed the button in his hand. The screen flashed before him and before he knew it his character was dead on the ground with his head ripped off, blood everywhere.

"Son of a..." He cursed tossing the controller aside as the larger man flex and kissed his bicep.

"Wolf beat man." He chuckled heavily with a loud bark afterwards. Even as a human Kenny, these days, was very wolfish in nature. He also happened to pick the wolf darkstalker.

"That guy is just overpowered." Marco frowned, crossing his arms and pouted like a child another loss.

"What can I say?" Kenny grinned. "I just feel this deep connection. I'm one with the character." He nudged him playfully afterwards at the still frowning man. "At least we didn't go toe to toe in real life, huh? Huh?"

"Yeah." Marco rolled his eyes relaxing as he rested back against the couch. "It'd be like being mauled by mighty thor." Kenny just looked at him and Marco gave him a shove at the expression that crossed his gruff whiskery face. Even the look in his eye had a strange feral feel to it. Marco was more nervous around him when he was pretending to be human than when he was the nine foot, fanged, able to crush watermelons in the palm of his hand wolf. Oddly enough.

"Don't make me bring my hammer down on you." Kenny chuckle pushing him back, and shoving Marco to the other side of the couch with an 'oof'.

Marco rubbed his arm where he had been shoved. "Not very big right now." Marco teased a bit rudely back, annoyed by the painful shove. Kenny seemed to miss it as he began flipping through the character selection for someone else to pick. He ended up picking the same wolf character however.

"Let's do something else." Marco said not even bothering to reach for his controller. He laid out a bit looking up at the ceiling for a bit before asking a question to the man who was busy setting up netflix on the ps3. "Can you change your form whenever?" Though Marco had actually been meaning to ask if he would instead of being human.

"Yup." Kenny sat with a shrug, a casual reply as he flipped through the movies. Frowning at the selection he clicked on the horror at least hoping to be able to create some kind of atmosphere for him to take advantage of.

"So you don't need the full moon?" Marco went on some lingering question coming to mind as he looked at the man who was crudely picking at his teeth. Kenny had finally put a pair of shorts on even if he left the fly open. His body was covered in hair, a muscular body builder build was under this. It made Marco jealous. At least when he was covered in fur it was harder to tell.

"Nope." Was the flat reply he got. "Well," Kenny rested back on the couch. "I've seen some ferals turn under the light of the full moon. It seemed to rile their beast blood. While others can only ever turn when under the full moon's light. Some kind of phenomenon seems to happen in certain individuals." Marco looked at him after he stopped suddenly, picking at his teeth. Kenny looked back and shrugged. "What?"

"How do you know all this and yet at the same time know nothing?" Marco sat up a bit chuckling at his friends stupidity.

"Well..." Kenny grumbled a bit before standing up.

He stretched and excused himself. And within the same minute returned on all fours as a black lumbering beast that swayed from one side to the other as it walked. "I haven't always been like this." Kenny muttered a bit taking a seat in the middle of the living room. He lifted a paw up to look at, clenching it into a fist and standing up like a man.

Marco didn't say anything as he watched unsure what to do or say as his friend spoke so seriously.

"I was in a pack, before I began talking with you again." Kenny's expression darkened a bit. "I learned a lot with them. And the most important thing I learned was just how...messed up others, like me, really were." He took a seat on the side chair, kicking up the feet and leaning all the way back in it. A comical site for the man resting on the couch. It looked like he was resting on a shrinks red chair.

"Is that way you prefer to go stag?" Marco joked trying to lighten the mood. He got a chuckle from his friend but no reply at first.

"Most of them hated humans, ya' know?" The wolf shrugged, stretching his legs with a loud yawn before crossing his legs and resting back on his arms behind his head. "Others just had fucked up home lives and were trying to just run away." He chuckled once more as his eyes glazed over and he was lost in thought for a bit. "Others were tricked into turning, some didn't even have that luxury. Trying to...cope with what they were." Oddly enough it sounded as if he despised the last group the most.

"Did you learn to cope with it?" Marco inquired looking at his friend now. These conversations made him uncomfortable and he wished he had a beer. Or a smoke. Or both at the moment.

"In a way." Kenny replied. Marco really did feel like a therapist now. "I mean how do you come to terms with something like that?"

"With...what exactly?" Marco frowned a bit looking at him. There was so many parts of this puzzle he wasn't sure if it was a center piece or a side that his friend was now trying to fit into the grand picture of things.

"Killing Kenny." Kenny said flatly. Those emerald eyes looked over at. "Well become this kind of Kenny." He looked at his arm again turning it over in front of his face before holding it high above him and looking at it as if it truly was someone else. "It's like years had past." He began. "Before coming back to this world, this life. As if this was some kind of...Reunion."

The chair creaked as he sat up and the wolf stood and walked over before sitting next to him, though Kenny was looking everywhere but at him. "I remember..." He closed his eyes tightly his brow wrinkling up as he strained his mind to recall. "Memories. Of us." He placed a paw slowly, timidly on his leg.

His fingers gripped the leg tightly before letting go and just resting on it. Those paw pads were like soft cushions that squished against his bare thigh as that paw rubbed a bit higher before sliding back down. "And I remember that it was during those times that I was truly. Happy." He said the word a bit strained. This was clearly a sour subject for him and he was still tip toeing about exactly what had happened in his past. "I missed that. Or what I had. We had." Kenny looked up and those eyes were soft and his lip was, mostly, closed only his fangs sticking out in the front and sides. "And I wanted that again."

His head fell a bit with his ears, even his whiskers seemed to droop. "I'm selfish, crude and...not the same man that you once knew. I'm NOT Kenny." He forced between clenched teeth and his paw tightened on his leg once more. "But that doesn't mean I'm not your friend." He forced a smile though the end of his muzzle twitched several times. "I am...not... Kenny." He strained once more still smiling.

"Ok." Marco said already knowing it. The Kenny he knew was a boyscout, straight A kid that happened to live next door. And an odd friendship that grew over time from it. This was an even odder one he had to admit. "You aren't Kenny. Your just his doppleganger?" He chuckled lightly though he placed a hand on the wolf's paw.

Lately they've been avoiding the topic but it was clear how much Kenny had wanted to talk about it. Marco was still uncomfortable but could at least do this for his friend.

"Basically, heh." Kenny said in a low, soft growl of a voice. "But that doesn't mean-," he said quickly looking up and pleading at him his eyes wide as he looked. Marco smiled and gripped his hand tighter which silenced him before he could go on.

"I know." Marco just shrugged. It was odd how human he could be in this state. "Really. I understand, mostly." He chuckled rubbing his hand ontop of that massive paw on his thigh. The fingers opened for him and Marco found his own fingers in a tight hug from the wolf's as his slid between them. "I knew something was up. I never would've thought it was this! But...You, this you, was still...are still my friend."

And within seconds Marco found himself in a big wolf hug with the mongrel sobbing on his shoulder, nuzzling the side of his face and like a drunken fool proclaiming just "how much I love you man."

"I love ya' too bud," Marco rolled his eyes as he patted the large canines back. It was as if Kenny had just chugged a whole keg as he wept, for "brolike" against him. "So much man. You don't understand." He was soon nuzzled at this, whiskery scratching and swipin against his face as that muzzle rubbed against his cheek and his ribs creaked, protested and ached from the hug he was recieving.

"Right back at you. You big...lug." Marco said patting his back and then just frowning as he was rocked back and forth. "You can let go now."

Kenny did. "Oh right, heh." He grinned and for a second Marco thought he looked embarassed but that wolfish grin returned. "So what do you want to do now." He scooted closer which was saying something as the wolf had been sitting directly next to him, pressing against him even.

Those emerald eyes were wide open, with a slightly less feral look to them as if it had soften, dampened and withdrawn as all of Kenny's attention was focused on the single man in front of him. The very words from his lips seemed to be like the life breathing oxygen of life. And as he scooted closer, it seemed that even his body warmth was what the wolf desired, needed to stave off the cold grip of loneliness.

Marco just patted his thigh and moved back away from that hot, humid maw breathing into his face, slightly open with the tongue nearly poking out. Like a hungry animal looking at his next meal. Or worse, Marco thought. Yet he felt aroused to the point where he had to get up to "stretch," turning away and moving into the kitchen.

He cleared his throat, stretching and scratching at his bare stomach showing through over the open over shirt that Kenny had been wearing a couple of days ago.

The canine hadn't left ever since the first change, never even returning home after school (which they both admited, though hated, that it would be too suspicious if they didn't go back too). Kenny was already, basically, joined at the hip with him (or hoping to be) and though Marco found his neediness to be a problem in and of itself. When that man was his four legged counter part there was a part of Marco that didn't seem to mind so much. In fact he even enjoyed the beasts warm, musky fur body against him. As if he were but a big friendly, freightening looking dog. The apperance did take sometime to get used to and after each change there was those first couple of minutes of awkwardness.

Marco doubted he'd ever get used to seeing his furry friend. The fact of the matter was not only was he a feral wild animal in the end of things but he was quiet, silent and even when standing behind him, Marco couldn't even feel his presence. Something that big couldn't phyiscally possibly that silent. Yet he was. Not only that but he blended into the very shadows at night and all that Marco could see were those glowing emerald eyes and heavy breath. That was when he was breathing (or appearing too anyways). Kenny had an odd, annoying habit of breathing, open maw, whenever he was close and directly able to pant onto him. Any other time the obsidian fur wolf kept his breath shallow and even unable to even be heard.

Whenever this happen his eyes would glaze over and become vacant of thought. Those pointed triangle ears stood tall and he would just listen to the sounds around them like some kind of watch dog. And though at first Marco found it amusing the second and third time began to worry the man. He truly seemed void of any actual thought and when Marco just watched him, he truly felt...as if his friend was nothing more than one of the four legged kind.

But just like now when he would look at him those eyes would soften and become full of wonder. An overwhelming torrent of feelings and thoughts unbound. Raw emotions unsanctioned like his own, bound by rules that had been reinforced into him and hardened by society. Unlike Kenny. Who was so sure of himself that, in itself, frieghtened the man who was now hugging his friend back giving into that look.

The fur was warm as ever with a clean yet natural musk to it. It was always so fresh whenever he first changed. No wonder he never really needed to take a shower. Every time he reverted from one form to the other it was like a...snake, shedding its skin for a perfectly fresh knew one. As warm and invitingly as ever Marco thought as he pressed his face against that strong neck of the now grinning wolf, who held him securely.

Marco had found himself pressed against this warm furry body several times in the past week and each time he found himself getting more familiar with it. The sounds that rumbled through his chest, the feel of those muscular arms around him, the way the fur was strong and thick yet soft and trailed through his fingers like water. Yet Marco could grip it tightly and pull on that hide, clinging to him like some kind of newborn if he had ever so desired too.

A security and comfort he had never really known. Marco would never mention this however as he pulled back from the wolf and rested back on the couch. A hand reached out to rub over his hairy chest and down his belly, down his happy trail and to claw at his loose jersey shorts. Marco smiled even as the hand moved back and the wolf leaned back on the other side of the couch.

Next thing Marco knew Kenny tossed his legs up onto the couch and the man was trapped between two powerful wolf legs, not exactly in the way he imaged however as a large soled hind paw rubbed at his face. Before that paw just stepped on his face and those large black paw pad toes wiggled themselves.

"You know?" Marco said around the paw not even moving to stop the wolf. Whenever he tried to fight the canine, Kenny would only seem more earger to do what it was he was doing. "The other day?" Marco went on as a toe bump against his lips as the wolf looked down between his legs with a grin. "The conversation we had the other day about personal space?"

"That your personal space is my personal space?" Kenny just grinned rubbing his other paw on his cheek now before 'honking' his nose with his fur covered toes. It might've been the fresh change but his soles were extra soft, warm and musky.

Marco pushed his foot against the wolf trying to force him back but only ended up getting his ankle grabbed and pulling closer. Marco face was pulled against that paw still pressing down on him and he soon found his own foot in the wolf's face. Nuzzling at it with the side of his whiskery muzzle, opening his maw to breath hottly over it. And soon a damp, warm wetness washed over it.

Marco flushed a bit as his foot was licked once more and that musky paw began rubbing against his face. Marco pushed the paw to the side, and found his face squished between the two hind paws, as he watched the wolf taste him once more. "Enjoying yourself?" Marco chuckled.

"You love it." Kenny just growled focusing on the object in his hand as he nuzzled his toes and licked at them once more.

Marco just chuckled at that. "No, I think YOU love it." Marco said watching the wolf who had closed his eyes, growling against his foot still.

"I just...love every inch of you," Kenny growled folding his ears back as he mumbled a bit against his sole.

"Love? Wanting to molest?" Marco weighed the two. "Yeah, that's the same thing."

Kenny sat up a bit, taking a few more long moments. Grabbing both feet now he rubbed them against his chest and down to his stomach before, shifting a bit, and placing them in his lap. Kenny rubbed his paws with his thumbs as he looked down at the man. He rubbed a hind paw against his cheek affectionately again.

"You don't mind...do you?" Kenny grinned hopefully after asking.

"As long as it's clean." Marco shrugged. He had to admit that, though the kink itself wasn't enticing, Kenny intese craving was, in itself, attractive. The way those eyes lit up with hope and he swallowed nervously, breathing heavily through his nose and just how his body flexed, tightening until he got the approval.

"So you wouldn't mind if I just rubbed my musky paws all over your body? Tieing you up and just forcing you to love them?" Kenny ears perked up and the end of his large tail wagged.

Marco laughed. Kenny laughed. And though Marco hoped he was joking, as the laughter died down, they both knew he wasn't kidding. And a part of Marco knew, that if he didn't indulge in some of Kenny's fancies, sooner or later he'd end up in that position rather he wanted it or not. Bound, gagged and tied up fully exposed for the wolf dripping, aching...hunger. Or that's how Kenny imaged it every night as he pawed in the bathroom.

Kenny head looked down and he just stared softly at his feet, rubbing the soles with his thumbs the paw pad on each one aiding in the massaged as they squished against the bare flesh, rubbing in counter clockwise circles and pressing roughly against them. Marco had to admit he was good at this.

"I mean if you want to just always do this," Marco offered looking towards the side as his face flushed a bit. "I wouldn't object. Who doesn't love a full body massage?" He joked looking back, the blush deepened in his face making him uncomfortable as those soft, warm eyes of the Nine foot wolf looked at him.

Kenny placed his legs on either side of him and scooted closer. Bringing a hand up he rubbed the man's face and bending down he bumped their noses together. A shaking breath escaped the wolf and his eyes fluttered a bit once more that feral expression came into those eyes and a void filled them as all reason and thought seemed to leave; as he enjoyed this moment with his (not exactly said yet) mate.

"I would massage, lick and love every inch of your sweet, sexy, fuzzy body." Kenny murmured breathing out lightly against his nose as if to share his own breath with the man. He continued to rub his cheek, tracing a claw around his strong jawline and down over his throat intimidatingly so. A smirk crossed his face as Marco swallowed at that. "So meek, fragile you are." Kenny spoke, his voice seeming to deepen as if another part of him was taking over. "Like a little lamb, strayed away from the saftey of its herd. The shepherd," he murred deeply breathing against his face once more. "No where to be seen as the big. Bad. Wolf. Lurked in the shadows waiting to gobble up his prized meal." And again those claws traced along the side of his face and down his neck. "I could eat you all up," he said the corner of his muzzle lifting up in a toothy, fanged smile. "Keep you inside forever." His muzzle rubbed his cheek as his black lips breathed into his ear whispering those words. "And always mine."

Marco shivered at that, feeling a cold sweat take him as a clawed finger ran down his chest, dipping into his belly button. Marco had to force his eyes shut. It really was as if he were trapped in a cage with the wild, lustful creature holding him. And there wasn't any lock or key to get out of it. Something he always knew was the case. Kenny had taken it slow, delicate on the matter but the fact was always there that Marco never really had a choice in the matter.

It was by luck or pity of Fate that Marco happened to be Bisexual, that he happened to find Kenny's alter ego to be attractive and by chance he was (in a way) ok with this situation. And though those claws teased at his flesh as that fanged muzzle pressed against the side of face, Marco knew that Kenny wouldn't ever deliberately hurt him. As long as he played along with things in the long run. And it was by that mere, slight glimmer of a chance that Marco (for now) was ok with that.

"If it was anyone else," Marco muttered more to himself. If it was anyone else that would then be a problem was what he was going to say.

"I'd rip their throat out," Kenny smiled innocently pulled back petting his face once more.

Marco opened his eyes to look down his muzzle and into those glowing emerald spheres that hypnotized, entranced and allured him into this monster bewitching, captivating cage.

Marco ignored those last words. Not excepting them even as a joke. Denial wasn't healthy but it kept him sane as he pet the wolf's large muzzle. The very muzzle that could devour him whole if he ever reached the end of the leash around his neck.

Marco just let his mind go of all thought or reason as he rubbed the top of his muzzle, tracing with three fingers the clawed scar that hadn't healed just yet. "Does it hurt?" Marco asked pushing their previous conversation aside and jumping onto this side one hoping to distract the beast who was holding him.

"Not anymore." Kenny murr softly, his voice in turn seemed to soften. Though deep and husky due to his large size. Those pointed ears folded back and his eyes closed shut as he enjoyed the feel of those cool finger rubbing against his scar. Just like a mate to take care of him when he was injured or sick. How things should, would be.

Kenny was aware of his antics, his voice, the way he was talking, thinking. And it was all due to the comfort Marco had given him. To let his guard down, to fully expose himself and drop the innocent act. This was how things were and would be. He was a wolf. A dominate, possessive, territorial creature and Marco was the only territory, only property he so desired. It only took him a brief half second to let that guard down and for the wolf to take over in these moments.

That primal instinct bled into his very system, fueling the already breaking storm inside of him of lust and desire. To say those words, to do this. To make things clear, matter of fact, no way around. That's how things always should've been. To take what you want, to cherish and keep it safe and sound and to never let it or anyone else get in the way. To make sure it knew it's place...

And with it clear that burden seemed to strip from Kenny's back, fading away and though he still held his mate in his arms it was more lax, secure. For no matter how long the leash was. They both know fully knew there was no escaping that red string tieing them, bounding them body and soul together so long as the wolf so desired and hungered for...