The Human Species Ch. 91 - Epilogue of Year 11

Story by Justanotherstranger on SoFurry

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#96 of The Human Species

Humanity has finally gotten fed up with their fragile position in the world of Pokémon. Gathering the best of trainers, they have decided to subdue or dispose of every powerful Pokémon in existence.

The strong will expire as a large conflict between Pokémon and humans arises... But which side of the conflict will you end up on when you are neither Pokémon nor human...?

Words fail me as I attempt to disclose the status of our mission. In regard to our objectives, the mission was a great success. We penetrated the enemy's defenses, acquired the virus and captured the perpetrator. Although the virus in question was not of the nature we had suspected, it is a highly dangerous artifact that must never be used and should remain top secret to everyone without full clearance. We are currently looking into ways of disposing it, taking as much time as we need in order to prevent accidentally releasing it.

However, the toll for victory was steep. Our leader Zoroark was brought back in a panicked state, not recognizing who we were or where he was. He had been dealt a powerful attack to his psyche, something previously thought impossible to inflict upon Dark-types. After several hours in solitude he finally came back to his senses and took charge once more, but was notably weakened. I can personally attest to the fact that in this week to follow, he has not slept once. I worry about his health, but at least he seems to have escaped the ordeal unscathed in terms of persisting physical damage.

The death of Mew was not something any of us had thought possible. Presented with her body, we all just stood and stared, speechless as Celebi cried and cradled her like a sister. Despite repeated efforts from the legendary to bring her friend back to life, a distinct lack of results shows that some things are beyond even their abilities. Rejecting my offer for proper burial, Celebi has taken to isolating herself with the body inside the deepest reaches of this cave system. Unaware of the rites and traditions between legendaries, we are at a loss as to what to do, and will simply have to wait and see what the future brings. I do fret for Celebi's sanity, cooped up with no company but Mew's corpse. It is at times like these that I feel utterly powerless, wishing there was something I could do to ease her burden.

The legendary trio is no more. Pikablu fell in battle against Red, suffering a stroke from stress and exertion. He was captured by Red who then immediately abandoned his post by the stadium, traveling at maximum speed towards the nearest Pokécenter. Eyewitnesses claim that when Raikou collapsed from exhaustion, Red stole a nearby bicycle and rode the last distance with his own two legs, displaying the strength and determination of a man in the prime of his youth. Pikablu was taken to intensive care, and his condition is currently stabilized. However, the damage upon his body is said to be deeply rooted, and it seems unlikely that he will ever be able to leave the hospital or perhaps even walk again.

Cold as it seems, I wish I could say the same for Kabutops. The ancient Pokémon was struck by an attack to his psyche similarly to Zoroark, reverting to his primal instincts of aggression and fear. Zoroark described the attack in question as a forcible retrieval of ones worst memories, meaning Kabutops might currently be reliving his violent past in a world long gone. Showing no hesitation, he attempted to cut down the Gallade and anyone else that dared approach. He was eventually subdued and captured by Blue, but despite our best efforts he has yet to show any signs of recovery. Even going as far as to wildly devour a picture of his family, one shudders to think what would happen should they ever reunite.

Despite having spent more time with him than the other members of the trio, the case of the Gallade eludes me. One would think that the loss of his two friends would dampen his spirits, yet he wanders the caverns as cheerful as always, telling jokes and entertaining anyone open to it. His disposition is most peculiar, but it is nice to see at least one of us who has yet to fall prey to deep depression.

The one that worries me the most is the Lucario, the one without the signature spikes upon his chest and hands. Although he recovered quickly from the effects of hypothermia, he blames himself for the death of Mew and has taken a troublesome liking to the stash of alcoholic beverages we acquired during our initial scouting of the area. He seems to be convinced that his presence brings misfortune to others, and violently dismisses anyone who approaches. The supply of alcohol was quite generous and there is no worry of him running out any time soon, at least not before the inevitable liver failure. Being a Whimsicott with a less than impressive physical stature, my own personal attempts to reach Lucario have been unsuccessful, and it seems his close friend Zerobi is treated likewise.

All things considered, Zerobi seems to be the one least bothered by the catastrophe at Pokémon Stadium, something I attribute to the fact that death and mayhem is something she is all too familiar with. More recently she has begun visiting a nearby town in secrecy, most likely assuming us too busy to notice. As much as I worry and wish to investigate, truth is that we do have far more pressing issues at hand, and lack the resources to even try. All I can do is pray that her words of redemption were not complete fabrications.

We shall be returning to No Man's Land soon, leaving nothing but the original scouting party behind. We have offered means of travel to the Gallade, Celebi and Lucario, but all of them rejected. Although the former is capable of teleportation, the other two seem content on staying until the end of times. Zoroark requests that we leave them to their own devices and treat them with respect, due to their helpful roles in our mission. Although I feel responsible and wish to supply them with some manner of therapy, Zoroark insists that privacy is the best we can give them. Following his enlightened mind is what has led me here thus far, but it is with heavy heart that I write these last words and sorely hope for a better new year.

- Whimsicott