Stalked love

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#8 of Short stories

a quick short story o3o

I saw him all in black. Who was he though? He saved me, and I don't even know him. All I know is his eyes are evil...demonic even.

I raised from bed and grabbed my camera. "I'm going to find him." I went to my laptop and began looking through school's year books. I think he is probably around my age so he will probably be in high school. But, I have to look into all the high schools of last year's yearbook. Hopefully he has been in the same school last year. If he transferred from a far away place it will take a long time until this years book to come out. If that happens then he might forget me and my apology will seem hallow. I searched high schools and then found my friend's cousin was in this school. I will borrow his to see. I sent him an email for asking for it. There are only five high schools in the area so it should be easy. My other friends go to two of those three. So I now have five of these books, but the fifth one will be difficult to find seeing its a private school. I began to look threw my things and found it under the table holding the desk evenly. I skimmed threw it slowly and found one person that looks like it seeing he is wearing sunglasses in his picture. Alex Stone he sounds very familiar...OH! We were in the same club. I flipped to the club section and saw Alex without his sunglasses on. Damn too small...I looked in my closet finding my magnetizing glass looking in closer he has brown hazel eyes. Damn not him... "Ping" I turned and saw my screen with a reply. 'Sure, but you have to come over and find it.' I sighed and flipped my phone calling his cousin "Hey J I need a favor." "What is it?" "I need your school's year book and to go to your cousin's place to get his." "Ugh...why?" "I saw a guy who killed a guy who tried to jump me." "...Fine." "Thanks man." I hanged up and texted Steve 'I need your yearbook for a bit.' I put it down and began to think how I can find him. Before I set my phone down a text came 'You can have it.' I laughed a bit.

Steve came over and handed me the book and waved good bye "Later Steve" He said nothing and kept going. I flipped the pages slowly looking at all the guys' eyes. I reached the juniors and found a guy who also wore sunglasses. Leon Daymen...I wonder why schools allow people to wear sunglasses for pictures. I flipped to the back and found Leon's name only in two pictures. Great he probably won't be wearing glasses in that picture. I looked at the page it was a club...Sunglasses club..."Really!" I banged my head on the table. I wrote his name on the computer. I went back to the book and found no one else that could possibly be him. Ok so I have to find this guy and pray that the mysteries guy doesn't go to a private school. Ok let me think more about him...It was a school day, and he wore a black trench coat with black clothes. I didn't see any type of symbols on his clothing so he more likely doesn't go to a private school, but I can't strike it out just yet.

Someone knocked on the door. I looked down and saw J "Hey J." He looked up and began to aim at me with the books "Here it comes dude." He tossed them up. I reached out and grabbed them, but almost fell down after catching them. "Good luck finding the guy." "Thanks J!" I opened the books and looked closely at each guy's eye. No one damn my only clue so far is Leon. I went over to the computer and gaggled his name. His TheBook appeared on the first link. I saw more pictures of him and yet all his freaking pictures have him with sunglasses! I swear if this is the guy I am going to freaking smack him around. I looked down his feedline seeing his last post saying he will be at the block with the sunglass club. I looked more and no post about the event that happened. Damn I hope this is him. I grabbed my bag and went down to the block.

I saw Leon with his club making motions with his hands. I climbed a tree and took aim with my camera at him and began to take pictures of him. I zoomed in at his face taking out a slingshot aiming at his glasses. God this is hard. I let go and started recording as the rock smacked his glasses off his face. I looked at the camera and saw it. I smiled and stopped recording and climbed higher to make sure that no one will see me now. I aimed the camera back to his face, but now he was wearing sunglasses again. He started to motion his hands down. I think he was trying to calm down the people. He looked up to me or in my direction. Is he looking at me?

He said good bye to his group as he began to walk home. I followed him as far as my camera would let me. He made it so hard with his random running and going into corners. It made me so mad that he was running from me. "That's a nice camera you have there mind if we take it?" I looked to the guy and saw his friends coming up from behind him. Damn if they take this it will be so hard to follow him. I turned around and ran towards him. He saved me once he will probably save me again. I turned the corner where he turned. "Ow." I looked up and saw him and smiled. "Oh it's you again." The guys came from behind and Leon looked at me and sighed. "In trouble again I see." I smiled as he just conformed what I thought. He pulled his glasses off and jumped up. He landed on the guy's face it was so angelic. I took pictures of his fight of every leap he did. He finished the last one jumping over to me "I love you." He looked shocked and back away a bit. "I'm not gay." He turned around and left running. I couldn't help it though. I chassed after him until he made it to his house. "So this is where he lives." I zoomed into the top room and then saw the bathroom. I saw him taking his shirt off as I took pictures. He closed the blinds before he took his pants off though.

A few weeks later my shipment came. I was so happy as I reached his home waiting for him to leave his house. I watched him leave as I waited a few hours to make sure the close was clear. I ran to his front door and picked the lock. I began to place mini cameras around his house. I bit my lower lip. He's such a tease making it so much harder for me to see him naked, but I still love him. I opened my portable mini laptop to make sure there wasn't any blind spots. Ok good no spots missing. I went out quickly to and made sure to lock the door when I left. I ran home and logged into the cameras and started to record when he opened the door. I watched him remove his clothes for his shower. "Mmm, sweety your body is so hot."

Two months later we met in court and went in front of the judge. I was so happy with how we are going with our relationship, but he wants his space so I'll let him have some. I was following him one night when he got surrounded by a group of people. He started to fight them off until one shot him. They all ran away as I went to him taking a picture of his bleeding body. But, then I saw he was alive still. I called the ambulance.

More months have past now Leon lets me have tags and cameras on him 24/7. He does shows for me too. He still admits to being straight, but when he does climax he gets it and makes a heart for me. We see other people, but we still see each other.