Untitled Poem about Fireflies

Story by Metonymy on SoFurry

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#1 of Poetry/Misc

I wrote this poem after my professor (an entomologist) told a story in class about a very elderly couple who had lived in California for many years. They called him to ask when the best time to catch fireflies would be, because they wanted to come back to Indiana and visit their childhood home and catch fireflies for their very last trip together. The story kind of stuck with me, and thus the poem was written.


The dying embers of sunset> Tickle your hand> Like the ocean of dark green below

The sky


The treasure in a shaky prison> Light shining> Unabated by fear



The twitching probes> Recalling dim memories> Yearning for the lost



The shining mote> Now only a fragment of memory> Dancing among its friends

The stars