Knock at the Door

Story by JLJVarlo on SoFurry

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#2 of Mimic

A knock hit Ring's door, the type of heavier knock from a larger person; she knew it is Mimic at her door. She gracefully went to the door and opened it, holding out her arms for a hug. He tightly hugged her and basically let himself in, sitting on the couch in a relaxed position and glancing over at his partner. Ring chuckled at his quick laid back mood and softly pet him before returning to her kitchen. Mimic finally did speak up and did it cheerfully.

"Oh I enjoy it so much, smells nice and all, comfy couch, roomy and best of all... A lovely lady walks around half nude half of the day." He looked over the couch at her, which yes, she was only in a silky top and undies.

"Maybe if you weren't so lazy and actually built your house rather then setting up shop in a cave..." She joked. Mimic simply shrugged.

"What are you making anyway? It's so early and it doesn't smell like breakfast."

Ring never replied, but that was okay because Mimic was sure he'd have to taste her cooking. It was great when she wanted it to be... But horrid if she wanted to spite you. Being sure he did nothing wrong he waited for her to hand her a small dish with a little treat on it. Seemed to be some type of fudge cake with white icing. Mimic sniffed it before taking a small bite and savoring it, then instead of savoring the rest he downed it. Ring shook her head and sighed, rubbing his thigh then kissing his cheek. Mimic licked the food off his lips and softly grabbed the busty woman's head to kiss her lips. He broke it then smiled.

"I wouldn't at all impress me if you fed me like this so the kiss wouldn't taste so bad--"

"--And you're right, your diet is fish, deer and small game hehe, this taste more sweet." She said before kissing him again. Outside her window sat the Varlo twins, snickering at the cheesiness of it all. Gage pat her brother's back and whispered.

"See Ring makes food for Mimic in the morning, where was my food ya lazy bum?"

"I asked you if you wanted anything, but nope you went back to snoozing, you lazy ass." He shrugged in a sarcastic tone.