Part Six - ...And the Truth Will Set You Free

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#6 of The Choices of Fate

Hiya!! Here's part 5 of The Choices of Fate. As always, please read the previous parts of the story so you know what's going on, but this is probably the most lenient part so far in that sense.

If you are not of legal age to view sexually explicit material (which would be 18 or 21 depending on where you live) then you should leave now and wait until you are older. For anyone who does not wish to read depictions of sex and/or violence, you have been duly warned.

And, as always, please leave feedback. I really would like to know what people think. And the more specific the better. If you like the story, what did you like about it. If not, what could I do to make it better in the future. I am always looking for good, constructive criticism. I know my work is not perfect.

Also, this story, and the characters portrayed herein, are created by me and remain my intellectual property. Ask permission before using them in any story. I hold no claim to their images, so I do not require permission for pictures, though I would like to know that they have been done.

Anyway, on to the main event. Time to hand the microphone over the Kevin.

"Uuggggghhhhhh. My head. Where am I?" I say, waking up. I look around and see an unfamiliar sight. I appear to be in a room furnished of metal, and, HEY!! Why are my hands and feet chained to the wall? Ohhhhhh, crap.

I suddenly remember what happened. I was attacking a Krendall facility, leading furs in battle as I have been doing for months now. When suddenly, I heard a loud bang, and blacked out. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but something knocked me out, and now I guess I'm captured.

"Ah, Kevin, nice to see you've woken up. Now we get to play." A feminine voice said. This can't be good.

"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I have no idea who you are."

"Oh, I am of little importance. Just think of me as your confidant. You can tell me anything you want, maybe about your little resistance group?"

"It would be hard to tell you anything without seeing you. I like look people in the eye when I talk to them."

In response, she steps in front of me. The beige, siamese cat is dressed in a sharp blue business suit. She lithely walks in front of me, her tail slowly moving behind her. "There, that better?"

"Much. Though, it would be better if I was not chained up, and if I could take a bath."

"I'm afraid that's not possible. At least, not until you start talking."

"Oh! This is an interrogation! How neat."

"Yes, neat. Now, about that information."

"I won't tell you anything, or at least, anything you don't already know."

"Try me."

"Sure, the resistance hates the Krendall. They make attacks on Krendall installations. I am a member of it. Uhm, I think that's all."

"Humph, coy, aren't you." She says, pressing a button on the table next to her. The next thing I know, Every muscle in my body clenches in pain as a high voltage shock courses through my body. It feels like a taser on steroids. I only take a second or two until I pass out.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to go back to before the Krendall arrived two years ago. No more need to lead troops in battle, no more powers, no more fighting. Granted, I have gotten used to the world as it is. Living on the move, going from resistance group to resistance group, training furs with powers. Leading raids. It has a kind of appeal, being important. I guess if that means I have to endure some torture, I guess it's worth it.

I wake up, cold and wet. "Now, now, you can't tell me anything if you are unconscious. I need you awake and talkative. Now, about the resistance."

"Seriously, I told you everything I know."

"Well, what do you know about the Krendall?"

"The Krendall? Nasty creatures, they attacked Earth without provocation!"

"Hmm, that all?"

"Uhm, Oh! Yeah! They are also REALLY ugly."

"You must be some kind of masochist."

"And you must be a sadist. Nice to meet you." She pushes a button on the table, and instead of an electric shock, a loud, high pitched ringing starts. It causes a splitting headache. After what feels like a few minutes of that ringing, She pushes the button again, ending the noise.

"Please, Kevin, I don't like doing this, but you aren't helping things. Why did you attack the Pacification Production Plant?"

Pacifica-..., oh, the drug manufacturing plant. I was captured during our raid of the plant. We wanted to know more about the drug, since we only really know the effects of the drug. Apparently, the drug reduces the willpower of the fur taking it, like sodium pentothol. However, instead of coercing the truth, it instead corrupts it, making the fur believe what they are told. The effects are gradual, however. At fist, the drug only influences what the fur does not have a preconceived notion about. Eventually, though, the drug makes it so that if the fur does not hold a strong, contradictory belief, then the fur will believe what they are told.

Of course, this kind of drug has side effects. The user becomes physically dependent on the drug. The dependency makes addictions to heroin or cocaine look tame. The users conscious mind itself eventually becomes reliant on the drug to even exist. At first, it just causes headaches and rage when the fur is denied the drug. Eventually, however, any fur dependent on the drug cannot be cut off from the drug abruptly, making recovery a long and dangerous process. The beliefs that were adopted under the drug are all rejected, and the more core of a belief it became, the harder on the psyche it is to reject it, it seems. Needless to say, the sooner we can cut off the supply of the drug, the better.

"What, was there something special about it?" I am just waiting to get some good information about the Krendall, and then I am out of here.

"I might answer if you do."

"That's no fun, but okay. We attacked it because it was Krendall. They're the bad guys, you know."

"That's not good enough." she replies, with a sigh.

"That was the only reason I was told, but I am not in the resistance high command, so I guess they just didn't tell me."

"Oh, I doubt that, Kevin. Your girlfriend is pretty well connected, for a dragonness slut." Great, they did their homework on this, didn't they? "And rumor has it you were in line to be acting general when the resistance captured the triple P and started a more conventional war." Okay, that settles it, we have a mole.

I guess that counts as pretty good intelligence, and I am not liking where this is going. Time to get out of here. Just need to focus on the Grey Wolves' bunker. It makes a good backup for this sort of thing.

Aaaaaaannnnddd, nothing? What? Why didn't I teleport?

"Oh, did you finally try to escape? Sorry to disappoint you, but we can't have you just warping out of here all willy-nilly. We need you to talk."

Not good, they somehow are blocking my teleportation ability. I need to think. Maybe I can get a message out to Emelia.

~Hey Emelia, can you Crap. Not my telepathy too.

{ Kevin! Ah, finally.}


{Huh? Oh. That's odd, I need to read you, why can't you send to me?}

~I'm not sure, they seem to be blocking my powers.~

{Blocking your powers? How?}

~I just said I don't know. I can't teleport either.~

{This is not good.}

~Tell me about it. How is the resistance?~

{Well, most of us are still here. A few of us were captured, about 400 were killed, about one thousand more were injured. We failed to capture the facility. But I guess you already know that.}


{You seem to be inside it.}

~Oh, great. They were EAGER to torture me.~

"Kevin, why are you so quiet? You won't get to see your hussy if you don't talk."

"And you think I would talk to someone like you? You won't let me leave, no matter how much I talk. I'm too much of a threat."

"You may be a threat now, but we have ways to persuade you to help us."

Not good....~Emelia, how long has it been since the attack?~

{A day, why?}

No....~Emelia, they are feeding me the drug. They are planning to turn me.~

{I'm here to help you, we can get through this together.}

~I hope so, but I would like to get out of here soon.~

{We are working on a plan as we speak, or think, or whatever. Just hold on.}

~Okay, hurry.~

"So, you plan to use your little drug to make me help you? That won't work on me."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. We have a special batch for you."

Special batch? So there is more than one kind of this drug? "Like what, a stronger dose?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you a little bit, you will be working for us soon enough, and begging us to listen to whatever you have to say.'

'The drug is made from furs not unlike yourself. They have to be telepathic, or of a strong force of will. You seem to be both, which invariably makes the formula stronger. We drain the power and psyche for our production, which also has the effect of using the drug on them, since we remove their willpower to make the formula. I must say, the Krendall's methods are genius."

"So you are draining my powers, that's why I can't teleport? And wouldn't that give whoever takes the drug the ability to teleport?"

"Yes and almost correct. The drug can only have the properties of one power. As such, we separate the energies in a process that only the Krendall seem to understand, and then make different formulas based on the power. Thanks to you, our soldiers are going to be even more powerful. You are helping, even now, to crush the rebellion."

~Emelia, can you hear this?~

{Not really, the connection is pretty weak.}

~Great. Long story short, they are draining my powers to make the drug. Apparently, it has the same effect as the drug, and I have no idea how long it will take.~

{I will try to get a plan and team together as soon as I can to get you out of there. Just hang on.}

~Hurry, or we may be even worse off than ever. They are planning on giving my powers to the suits.~

{...We will get you out by morning.}

"I guess I really ticked off your leader, leading the rebel troops and all."

"Oh, actually you amused him. You would be surprised to find out what he said when you started fighting."

"And what would that be?"

"About time."

What is that supposed to mean? Exactly what it sounds like. What? You again? Yes, me. So what, are you the leader of the Krendall? Perhaps, I was just commenting on the phrase. It means exactly what is says. It was about time you stood up to the Krendall. Nice to know you approve of my actions. I wouldn't go so far as that. Oh? Why is that? You could get yourself out of this. You know how. Now you've lost me. They are draining my powers, I am chained to the wall, and I would guess I am under armed guard as well. There is one power they cannot drain. You used it in the forest two years ago. No. I am not using that power again. Even if it means that I lose who I am, I will not use that dark power again. But what about Emelia? She wants to see you again. To hold you again, to yiff you again. You want it too. That power is your only chance. Maybe, but I don't want to risk it. I know I could lose myself in this power. Just this once, to get yourself out of this situation. The longer you think about it, the more energy the Krendall get from you, the more powerful their army becomes. Don't think about it, just do it. You don't have any other choice. You'll be fine. ...All right, fine, you win. I'll use it. Good, you won't regret it.

~Emelia, I might be able to get out of here on my own.~

{What? But I thought they were draining your powers?}

~They are, but I think I have one trick up my sleeve, I will let you know if it works.~

{...Be careful, and don't do anything stupid.}

I recall the time in the forest, and I feel the power start to build. Shortly after, though, the feline interrogator screams in agony. Her cries break my concentration, and the energy slips from my grasp.

"What the fuck did you just do?"

"Come again? I didn't do anything."

"It felt like duct tape being pulled from every square inch of my fur, and even on the inside. It was excruciating."

Did I do that? What exactly is this power? Well, little time to think. I need to get out of here. I concentrate on the power again, drawing up the energy. Again, the cat screams in pain, falling to the floor. As the power builds, I notice the cat starts looking older, and sickly. Her fur turns from the vibrant chestnut brown to a dull ash gray. Her cries die out into a weak whimper, and finally, into a quiet, mewling sob.

I have never seen anything like this, and part of me wants to stop, to make sure that she isn't in too much pain. That part is silenced, however, by a part of me that just wants to get out of here, to see Emelia again. There is also something else, something darker, that just wants revenge for the short torture session, reasoning that she wouldn't do the same for me. I gather the rest of the energy required to do the burst, hearing a few more cries of pain. I shut them out, trying to keep concentrated on the task at hand.

Once I have enough energy, I let it out in a single wave. It spreads out, the wall behind me suddenly dematerialized as energy passes through it, my chains burned away. The body of the cat disappears as it is reduced to base particles. Various instruments and equipment around the room suffer the same fate. I feel the same rush of energy as before, and the feeling of power and excitement. It still makes me afraid, but the rush is hard to ignore.

Further compounding matters, I feel the return of my other abilities, as whatever was draining them has been removed. I never realized how much power I had, and how much I relied on them. I feel invincible.

A squad of suits run into the room, the wave of energy having been dispersed from the room and no longer having enough energy to carry forward. None of the suits are carrying weapons, which does not bode well for me. They raise their hands, and since I now know that any powers we have, the suits could have, I try to get my shields up. I manage to get my shields erected by the time the first beam hits, the force knocking me back a few steps. This is the first time that I really think my shields will not hold up. The second beam hits, followed closely by the third and fourth. I can feel my shields wavering, the energy being drained from both my shields and me. I have my back to the wall, which is in the hallway, since the wall of the room is gone. I do not know how to get out, and the suits are most likely in the way. I also have little idea of my combat worthiness, so I guess my best bet is a bull's rush.

I run forward, battle cry ringing from my muzzle, straight towards the six suits standing in the doorway. They try to hit me again with their beams, but I manage to dodge most of them, but one clips my leg. The force of the blast sending me head over heels, my momentum carrying me into the suits. My shields have enough energy left that the first suit I hit has his helmet disappear, which causes him to shriek, and then slump over, lifeless. The next suit I hit, I run into his breastplate, and bounce off. I guess my shields finally gave out.

Thinking that I don't want to stay here, and that since they are all around me, in arms reach, I form two blades, but only manage a dagger-sized blade in each hand. I need to learn my limits. I just hope I have enough power left to teleport. I spin around trying to catch as many of the suits as I can before trying to teleport back to the field base we set up in the nearby woods, and feel resistance on my blades. I realize then that the suits also have shields. I quickly try to teleport, hoping that they can't follow.

I feel the teleport take hold and find myself in the forest, but I am not sure where. I feel faint, and I try to sit, but find that my arm won't move. When I look I find an arm sticking out of a tree, the arm looks like it belonged to one of the suits. I look at the tree and notice a leg and another arm sticking out of it. I feel bad for the suit, but I don't grieve for long. I'm just happy I didn't bring him to the resistance base camp. I pry my arm out of his hand, and slump to the ground, resting against the tree that has parts of a Krendall soldier poking out from it.

{Emelia, I'm out, and I'm a forest, somewhere.}

{Oh, Kevin, thank God, are you hurt?}

{Not much, just tired, I might need someone to} I black out, happy to be out of the Krendall's clutches.

I wake up, and I see white all around me, except the ground, of course. I figure it must be a medic's tent, where else would they take me? I still feel week, but hunger and thirst are more pressing concerns. I get up, and move out of the tent. There are several furs waiting outside the tent, and they all stand when I walk out. They all look very tense, as if they are waiting for something. I start walking off, and notice that they all follow. "Let me, guess. I was a Krendall captive, and you are here to make sure I had not been turned into a spy. I'm touched."

A burly wolf, who, by his aura, could use a beam and shield says, "We can't let you roam about until you have been cleared."

"Well, who would clear me? I know Emelia could. Why don't we bring her in?"

"No can do." the wolf replied, "We will be bringing in a telepath who has had as little contact with you as possible. We want a neutral test."

"Makes sense. Am I supposed to wait around until this 'neutral party' arrives?"

"Yup, and if you don't mind, we would appreciate it if you went back in the tent."

"Could I get some food and water? It feels like it has been days since I have eaten anything."

"Fine, we'll get some food for you."

I walk back in the tent. Just because I can't see Emelia doesn't mean I can't talk to her.

{Emelia, you there?}

{Yes, good to see you're awake.}

{How long was I out?}

{Two days. We have been waiting for the telepath.}

{Waiting for the telepath? What happened to the telepaths here?}

{Captured, killed, or severely injured. The Krendall seemed to target them specifically.}

{How would they do that?}

{Well, how would they drain your powers? They seem to be more able than we think.}

{I guess. So about how long will I be stuck in this tent?}

{The telepath should be arriving soon, she should be able to see you by nightfall.}

{So, what's your verdict?}

{Excuse me?}

{On me, what do you think, am I a spy for the Krendall?}

{I am pretty sure you haven't turned on us, but I saw what happened during your escape.}

{I thought the connection was weak?}

{It was, but once you came back, I took a look at your memories, thought I could get some more information. I heard what you heard, especially with that voice.}

{You...heard the voice.}

{Yes, and I understand why you didn't trust the voice when you heard it in the forest. What I don't understand is why you trusted it in the facility.}

{I'm not sure. You heard it, it is very convincing.}

{Kevin, we were about to come in and get you. If you had waited another hour, you would have been free.}

{I guess you're right, it's just that I really felt alone and helpless. I couldn't call you for help, and my powers were gone. I didn't know how long I would have been me. I was anxious to get out of there.}

{I would have been too, but I would like to think I wouldn't cave in and use that power. You drained the life out of that poor cat!}


{The cat that was interrogating you, you drained her life away, or something like it. That power you use, it isn't natural.}

{I wouldn't call any of my powers natural.}

{Not that, I mean it seems...I don't know, evil I guess. Necrotic. I don't want you using it anymore.}

{I promise I won't use it.}

{Even if it means you would die? Or succumb to the Krendall? That was your choice today.}

{Now that I know it means so much to you. I will not use it ever again, so as to not cause you pain.}

{Thank you. Oh! The telepath just arrived.}

{Oh, thats good news.}

{Maybe, it's Cassandra.}

{Great.} Cassandra was a lupine classmate of mine during high school. We didn't exactly get along, in fact, most of the time we directly competed with each other over grades. Nothing like having an old rival being your unbiased opinion.

{Kevin, she can't be your telepath, she won't clear you from sheer spite.}

{We may have been rivals, but I don't think we are enemies.}

{Well, if you don't have any objections.}

{I don't want to be cooped up in here forever, unless I had some company.} I send Emelia a picture of us in the throes of passion, my pole buried deep in her cunny.

{You know they wouldn't let that happen until you are cleared.}

{My point exactly. I need to get cleared so we can be together again. I can feel your need as well.}

{Fine, but I don't think I can get you a second chance, if something goes wrong, you will be executed.}

{Nothing like a little pressure.}

A call comes from outside the tent. Apparently the tent is close to the entrance of the camp. I stand to greet Cassandra, and I don't need to wait long. Cassandra steps through the flap of the tent, her snow white fur and petite frame has not changed since our time at Plandon High. The only thing that has changed is that her left ear is now an inch and a half shorter. She tries to hide it by tying her ears behind her head, but I was there when it happened. A Krendall beam came a little close for comfort, and took off the top of her ear. Seeing her with her ears like that, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, though it did make her look cute.

"Hello, Kevin. It's been a while."

"About eight months since the raid at Starzen."

"Only eight months? It seems longer than that."

"A lot has happened these past eight months. We are ready for open war."

"I suppose. And the casualties from a few days ago, there are going to be more, right?"

"Unfortunately. It's been said freedom isn't free. Many furs have died to bring freedom to their country before, now it is our turn to risk our own for the freedom of the planet."

"Careful there, you are starting to sound like a leader."

"I am no leader, I'm just a believer."

"Any great leader is a believer. They just don't mind sharing their belief with others."

"Well, I think that is enough with the small talk. I guess we should get this examination underway?"

"Oh, I had that finished before I came in the tent. I have been practicing finding people from a distance and reading them. I had my verdict before I asked to come in here."


"I wouldn't enter a tent with a Krendall agent."

"Thank you Cassandra. I appreciate it."

"It's nothing. You saved my life, remember? It's the least I could do."

"What? Oh, that beam. Sorry I didn't move it further, I forgot how long your ears were."

"It's okay. Some people think I look cuter this way anyway." She says with a wink before walking out the door.

I hear Cassandra tell the guards her verdict. Some of them seem relieved. I guess they didn't look forward to having to terminate me. Others were oddly sad, like they were just waiting to try to kill me. I make a mental note to keep an eye on those furs. If they are ever captured, I will make sure I stay away from them until they are cleared.

I walk out of the tent, and see the mix of emotions I heard in their voices when Cassandra delivered her news. I ask if it is okay for me to go get some food, and the wolf from before nods grudgingly, adding, "You can go where ever you want, you were cleared."

I walk off to find the food line, and when I find it, Emelia is standing there, waiting for me. I walk up to her and give her a long, passionate kiss. I never want to back out of the kiss, our tongues winding and writhing around each other's, but my stomach has other plans. The moment is broken by a loud rumbling from my gut, which causes Emelia to giggle.

"We should get you something to eat."

"I know I wouldn't mind, and my stomach wouldn't have it any other way."

We go up to the serving tables. There is no line since they seem to be setting up for lunch. Emelia asks for some food, and explains the situation. The cooks agree to let us have some food -as much as I could eat- early. We each take a tray piled with food over to a table, and I chow down. I feel as though I hadn't eaten in weeks. When I finish my tray, Emelia moves most of the food from her tray over to mine, saving some for herself. I thank her and continue to eat. When I clean off my tray again, she comments, "I don't think I have ever seen anyone eat the rations like that. You must have really been hungry. Didn't the Krendall feed you?"

"I don't know, I was unconscious for a good part of it."

"Oh, well. Do you need more?"

"No, I think that hit the spot, finally."

"It's a wonder you aren't the size of a house after a meal like that. In fact, don't you feel over full at all?"

"No, not at all. I find it kind of strange, too. Normally, before I had my powers, a meal like that would have put me in a coma. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I ran out of energy."


"I ran out of energy escaping the facility. When I teleported, I was aiming for here, but I only managed to get as far as I got. I guess it was a good thing. Those suits are going to be a problem."

"You ran out of energy? I didn't think that was possible!"

"Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were draining my powers. I have been having this nagging feeling that I am weaker now. Maybe they took part of my energy? I am glad I got out of there."

"We all are, even if we didn't like how."

"Sorry to bring that up. I know you didn't like me using that power. I already promised I never will again."

"Don't you forget it. Anyway, you think you got your energy back?"

"Yeah, and then some."

"Good, because you are going to need it." Emelia says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the table. She leads me towards a large sized tent that I have come to recognize as home. Emelia and I have spent many nights together here, either sleeping or otherwise, over the past two years. As she leads the way inside, the familiar scent of our activities that has clung to the very fabric of the tent wafts over me, adding to the feelings of need and lust. I hold back long enough to make sure the tent flap is closed behind me before I grab Emelia and continue the kiss we shared by the serving lines.

Our tongue wrestling match continues for several more seconds as we start undoing each other's clothes. We beak apart to allow more room to remove the cloth hindrances. They prove to offer no resistance to our skilled fingers, and within moments, we are both covered only in our scales. Emelia lays down on the mat that serves as a bed, opening her legs in invitation. She sends me a picture of us in one of our favorite positions, head to crotch. I can't argue with that, so I kneel over her face and lean down to taste of her nectar from the source. As I start to lick her folds, she gives my hardening member a tender kiss. We tend to each other with our muzzles, licking and sucking each other. Our mental link making short work of our ability to hold back our orgasms. We reach our peaks at the same time, her juices flood over my muzzle and chest as she swallows as much of my cream before it spills out of the side of her mouth.

Neither of us are done, and we both know it. We haven't gone three days without each other before, and we had gotten used to nightly attention. I line my member up with her passage, kissing Emelia passionately, letting her know with actions and thoughts how much I missed her while I was being interrogated. I push myself into her now familiar tunnel, as she grips me tightly. The pressure already building for both of us. Even in the most passionate nights that we have shared has the second round been this quick, but it looks to be about as quick as the muzzle job. I manage a few quick, fevered thrusts before our combined orgasm hits, sending us over a new plateau of pleasure. Her vaginal walls rippling against my member, pulling it into her warm depths and milking me for every drop of my seed, which I gladly provide.

After two rapid fire bouts of love making, we both need to catch our breath, so I fall to the side, while staying buried in Emelia. We share our feelings of joy at having each other to hold and feel again. I feel like I could lose myself to Emelia, almost like I already have. I don't think I would be who I am now without her and I don't know who I would be without her. I let her know that and she replies the same. We hold each other close as we realize that we are each other's best hope for happiness in all the stress and eventual carnage in the up and coming war.

With the emotion of the moment, and the fact that neither of us are sated, we start grinding against each other. Instead of the quick build up and ferocious passion of the previous sessions, this is a slower, more sensuous rhythm that stokes the fires in our loins. I decide to try a new trick, and hide it from Emelia. I take my tail and collect some of the juices that had pooled on the ground, making the end slick. I then try to guess where her tail hole would be, and align my tail tip with it. All the while keeping up with the grinding and sliding of my hips to keep Emelia distracted. I move my tail in and find that my guess was right on the money as I find the small opening and slowly push my way inside. I try to see how surprised Emelia is, but instead find surprise myself when I feel a slick pressure on my own tail hole.

{What? When you try to hide something from me, it makes me want to find it all the more. I found this little plan of yours and decided to try it for myself. Hope you like it!}

I give a mental chuckle -our muzzles were currently busy with having the other's tongue in them- and try to relax my anus to let her in. I feel her tip slide in as mine slips into her. I realize how absurd this must seem. Here we are, my penis in her vagina, and our tails crossed into each other's rear end, yet the pleasure is so immense...I have a feeling this will be our new favorite position. Our tails push into each other in a rhythm mimicking the motion of our hips, when I thrust my dick in her, both of our tails push in simultaneously, effectively tripling the pleasure we receive. There is a bit of pain associated with the tails, but the pleasure has long since been overpowering the discomfort. With this new stimulation, we both are racing towards our peak, any resistance to the pleasure had long since left us. After a minute or two we both have the most explosive orgasm we have ever had. Our cries are no longer muffled by each other's muzzle, our moans and grunts filling the air around the tent as we ride our orgasm. As we come down out of our euphoric high, we realize how wet we are at the joining of our legs, our combined juices reaching up to our chest.

We clean each other up, get dressed, and head to the tent that serves as the war room. I am greeted warmly and congratulated on my safe return. I also learn that the facility was destroyed, not by the resistance, but by the Krendall. From what little intelligence we could gather, they didn't want us to learn more than what I was told during my captivity and destroyed the facility to keep us from learning any secrets. Also, the prospect of a mole in the resistance is being looked into. It is also decided that we cannot wait any longer to scale up the resistance to a war effort, and news is sent to other groups that we will start to openly fight the Krendall as an army. Hopefully, we can garner enough support to win. For the future of the world and every fur in it, we cannot afford to lose.