Metal-Heads:Caught in a Mosh

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#3 of Metal-Heads

The dragon and otter arrived at Veronica's house just as the last of the light was leaving the evening sky. The first thing the otter noticed was that Sheela's car was no longer in the driveway.

"Well I guess she just got tired of waiting for me and left." Said Veronica.

"I guess so." Said Kirek as he hugged her from behind and kissed the back of her neck. Even after 'discovering' each other just over an hour ago, he felt completely fine with the little gestures of affection. Apparently she felt the same way; she turned in his embrace and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss while resting her hands on his chest. They broke apart several seconds later.

"Kirek, thank you so much."

"For what?"

"For coming into my life, for this wonderful day.........and for such a magical first kiss." She replied with bright, misty eyes.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'm deeply honored that you chose to share it with me."

The two of them shared another short kiss before separating from each other's arms.

"Good night Kirek." Said Veronica with a smile.

"Sleep well Veronica." Said Kirek while mirroring her expression. He then waved goodbye to her and took off into the night sky, heading back towards his own house. She watched him until he was out of sight before heading inside for the night as well.

Once the dragon touched down on his block, he began to walk towards his home.

"Hey guys, I'm back." He called when he opened the door. As he walked into the living room he saw Derek and Victor sitting on the couch. They looked at each other and then at him. Derek took a deep, thoughtful breath and spoke.

"Look, Kirek. We just wanted to apologize for prying into your life like that."

"Yeah. We didn't mean any harm by it." added Victor.

The dragon stood just there smiling at them as they spoke. "Guys, if you hadn't have said anything, I never would have found that she felt the same as I did." He then proceeded to tell his two awestruck friends what had happened; about how she had fond him on the cliff, the flight he had given her, and the amazing kiss they had shared. "I THANK you for getting involved, and I'm sure that she would as well."

Victor picked his jaw up off the floor. "Half-an hour-?!" exclaimed the avian.

"You two are going to be something special. You were perfect together when you were just friends." Said Derek when he had recovered as well.

As soon as Derek had finished speaking, one commercial from the television caught Kirek's eye. A plan started to form itself in his head. "I need to get to a computer." he said.

As soon as Veronica was inside she heard the phone ring. She saw Sheela's number on the caller I.D so she answered it. "Hello."

"Hey, Veronica, it's Sheela." Came the wallaby's voice over the line. "I need to talk to you. I figured you might be back home by now. I tried your cell earlier but you didn't answer."

"Oh, I was.....busy." said the otter, barely keeping the smile from entering her voice.

"Well, I shouldn't have pushed you into doing something you didn't want to do. It wasn't my place. I'm sorry hope you can forgive me."

"That's true; it wasn't your place. But, maybe it was just the little push I needed to stop hiding from my feelings and face them.....I mean him."

"I-I'm not sure I follow you." Came Sheela's perplexed voice.

"It's funny. We even go to the same place when we want to be alone and think. I found that 'sexy dragon' on the cliff by the lighthouse. He took me on the most incredible flight after I mentioned that I would have liked to see the sunset from up high. It was indescribable! When he brought me back to the cliff I knew I had to tell him how I felt. And if you hadn't 'pushed' me in that direction we never would have 'found' each other; we must have kissed for close to thirty minutes! How's that for a storybook finish?" said Veronica, feeling tears come to her eyes just reliving the memory.

The line was silent for several seconds before it exploded with noise from the wallaby's end. "That's incredible! How was it? That's sounds so romantic! I knew you two would get together sooner or later!"

"Isn't it? Magical. I know. It never would have happened without you; thanks." Replied the otter in response to her friend's rapid-fire exclamations.

"I can't wait to see where things go from here. Trust me, it can only get better. I'm so happy for you!" said Sheela.

"I'm just as happy as you are, probably happier. I'll see you later Sheela, have a good night." Said the otter.

"I will, see you at school tomorrow." Replied the wallaby.

Veronica hung up the phone and decided to call it a night.

One Month Later.....

"Whew. Another semester done with. How do you think you did on your finals, sweetie?" asked Veronica, her head resting in Kirek's lap as they sat on the grassy hill outside the food court.

"I think I did alright, love. You know that all you need to do is e-mail your pictures to the teacher. I think some of the ones I took at the Galapagos a few weeks ago should be sufficient to impress even her." Replied Kirek as he stroked Veronica's hair. In just one month, the two of them had become, if possible, even closer than before. They had taken to each other so well that they were already using affectionate pet names and took the time to let their feelings be known to each other as often as possible. They were in love, tails-over-topside in love.

"I'll say! That picture of the albatross nuzzling each other was absolutely precious! I know her grading policies can be a bit rigid at times, but if she doesn't at least give that one good marks she's officially an emotionless void." Quipped the otter.

"Thanks, love. Well, I've been waiting a while, but I got you a little present to celebrate the end of the semester." He said with a smile.

"Well that's stupid."

"What do you mean?" he asked, his smile faltering slightly.

"It just can't get any better than this right here." She replied as she reached up and planted a tender kiss on his cheek.

"Aww man. Then what am I going to do with these?" he said with feigned sadness as he reached into his backpack, pulled out a slip of paper and dangled it in front of her nose.

She took it from him and started to read it. After about ten seconds she lowered the paper and stared at him with dinner plate eyes. "Are you fucking serious?" she asked softly, not quite able to grasp what she was holding.

"Absolutely. When I got home the night we first kissed I saw a commercial for it. Who knew that the Mayhem Festival would come to a little coastal town like this? I got online right after I saw the advertisement. Thankfully, they weren't sold out of tickets quite yet. I'm glad I saw it when I did because I was told that they sold out just four days after I ordered them. So, I hope you're not doing anything this weekend because I used the prize money from the contest and a little of my savings to get us both tickets." He said with an extremely wide grin on his face and a barely perceptible swell to his chest.

She put the piece of paper down and gazed at him with bright eyes. She cupped his face in her hands and brought him down for a warm kiss. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?" she asked him as they broke apart.

"You told me this morning."

"So I WAS overdue." She replied with a grin. "As for this weekend, I didn't really have anything in mind. And even if I did, I could MAKE time for shit like this! Speaking of which, do Victor and Derek know about this?"

"Oh they sure do. When I came back that night they were still at my house. They both bought tickets after they saw the commercial as well. We're all going together!" he said happily.

"Sic!!" said the otter excitedly.

That weekend.....

"Hey guys! Are you ready for some moshing!?" shouted Kirek from the window of his car with Veronica in the front seat.

"Hell yes!! What are we sitting around here for?" yelled Victor as he and Derek ran from his house to meet their friends.

The four of them drove to the arena where the festival was being held; listening to tracks from Disturbed and Slipknot and banging their heads all the way to get in the spirit of things. They pulled into the parking lot with their windows rolled down and the music playing full blast. Normally, Kirek was against playing his music so loud because he found it disrespectful to the people who might not have wanted to listen. But, needless to say, that wasn't a problem at their current location. In fact, almost everyone who heard it cheered and saluted them with devil horns. The gang pulled into a parking space and headed straight for the admission booth. Once they had all shown their tickets, all of them ran to the rapidly filling arena and got as close as they could to the stage.

Even though they were here for the main two acts, they were still treated to some great metal beforehand, and their enthusiasm wasn't any less either. All four of them managed to get to the front of the crowd and were all leaning over the fence with their heads banging when Dragonforce came on. Kirek had become a huge fan thanks to Veronica and now knew all the words to most of the songs they played. Even though she had been listening to them for a long time, this was the first time Veronica had seen Dragonforce live (or any other band live). She was still amazed at Sam and Herman's outrageous shredding skills. It was one thing to play like Eddie Van Halen, but it was something else entirely to have two people do it at the same time; in harmony no less!

When Disturbed took the stage the crowd went insane. Victor and Derek were probably the two biggest fans of the band in the whole arena and yelled themselves hoarse cheering for them. David Draymond kicked off the setlist with Stricken, followed by several songs from their new album. They capped their performance with Down with the Sickness; much to the enjoyment of the crowd as well as one particular stallion and a certain avian.

"Alright, let me hear a little patriotism out of you motherfuckers! U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A." screamed David at the end of their final song. Even though the four friends liked the band, none of them took part in the tumultuous chant that rippled through the arena. It wasn't that they didn't love their country, but none of them cared for the fact that it had become so black and white; if you're not a patriot, you're a terrorist. All four of them agreed that David might have been a little misguided in his support of the war effort overseas. Regardless, they all cheered the band as they left the stage following an amazing performance.

A kind of electric charge came over the entire arena. Everyone in the crowd knew that the headliners were next. Kirek had been waiting for this for three years. The band had been on hiatus while they took a break from their relentless touring and worked on their new album. The lights of the stage dimmed and nine outlines could be seen moving in the darkness. Two making their way to the sides of the stage where two drum kits were set up. Three other shadows moved to surround the center of the stage, each appeared to have a guitar strapped around their neck. Another dark shape appeared to be taking its place behind the main drum set on a raised pedestal to the rear of the stage while two more indistinct outlines strayed to opposite back corners of the stage on either side of the drummer; one clearly appeared to have needles sticking out of its head. Finally, when all the shapes had taken their places, one final dark figure walked out of the curtain of smoke and took its place front and center. Then the lights flashed to life and all nine members of Slipknot became visible, most of them wearing their new masks, as Joey hit his symbol four times and Jim, Mick, and Paul began the opening riff of The Blister Exists. It was Kirrek's favorite song and he let the whole arena know it as he cheered his lungs out. Once the faster beat kicked in, the dragon began swirling his hair around just as Corey had done at this point in the song before he cut his hair. And when the heavy chorus riff began all nine members on stage as well as the whole crowd started rocking out as hard as they could.

The Nu metal powerhouse shook the arena for a good hour and a half, all the while playing some of their classics like Disasterpiece, Eyeless, Wait and Bleed, The Heretic Anthem, People=Shit, Pulse of the Maggots, and even Psychosocial and All Hope is Gone from their new album. Joey Jordison also treated the arena to an amazing drum solo in which the pedestal he was on rotated and tilted until the drum set along with him were perpendicular to the ground, but he just kept on drumming his heart out the whole time. But as they often had in the past, they chose to end with their biggest crowd pleaser.

"On behalf of all of my brothers in Slipknot and all the bands that have played here today, thank you for sharing this night with us." This was one of the reason Kirek had fallen in love with them; they were so down-to-earth, modest, and thankful of their fans and supporters. "We have one more song for you. WE HAVE ONE MORE SONG FOR YOU. And this just happens to be your new NATIONAL FUCKING ANTHEM! This called....SURFACING!" yelled Corey.

Mick struck up the unique trilling riff that started off the song. But as Kirek had been expecting, just as the breakdown started in the studio recording, the music stopped; Joey's hand holding the symbol to stop it from making any noise as they all watched the crowd. After close to fifteen seconds of keeping the crowd on edge, Corey spoke. "Now get...your the FUCKING AIR!!!!!!!" he screamed. Kirek had seen just about all the footage of their live performances and his middle finger had been up ever since the music had stopped. As Corey had been yelling, Joey had slowly been building up the noise by drumming on the symbol in a progressively rapid manner. And as it reached a crescendo, Corey screeched into his microphone; belting out the words everyone in the arena had been waiting to hear. "FUCK YOU ALL!!!" Then all nine members began to play, rocking out like never before. Sid had run over from his turntables, hopped onto Chris's drum kit and was now snapping his neck to the heavy beat. Shawn was doing the same on his kit. Jim and Paul had their backs together and were both rocking extremely hard. Mick had adopted his usual position with his legs slightly bent and the guitar held across his chest as he nodded his head to the chorus. Craig was doing what he always did; he just stood there banging his head, the pins protruding from his mask bouncing with his movements. Joey was swirling his hair around like he was so fond of doing, drumming intensely the whole time. Corey was doing what he did best; just banging his head to the brutal beat.

All this time, Veronica, Derek, and Victor had been slamming each other around in the pit while Kirek had decided to go crowd-surfing. When the beat finally slowed down, Corey began to sing:

"Running out of ways to run,

I can't see, I can't breathe.

Over and over and under my skin,

All this attention is doing me in!"

The band rode out the rest of the song. The crowd just happened to move Kirek in the direction of the pit his friends were in. When they finally put him down, he shoved the rest of his way to meet his friends and join in the insanity. He entered the pit just as the final chorus started. All four of them slammed, pushed, and thrashed around in the mosh pit and they all sang along with Corey:

"Fuck it all, fuck this world,

Fuck everything you stand for.

Don't belong, don't exist,

Don't give a shit, don't ever judge me!"

After several more verses of heavy riffs, the melody ceased and they all went haywire in their big ending. Mick began strumming out a complex solo on his guitar while Paul and Jim backed him up with medleys of their own. Chris and Shawn pounded mercilessly on their drums while Joey gave his set the once-over, all the while reestablishing his reputation as one of the fastest double bass kickers in the world.

"Thank you so much my friends! We will see you again very soon. Stay Sic. Take care of yourselves. Good....NIGHT!!!!" screamed Corey as the stage's pyrotechnics exploded into life to finish the festival with a bang.

"That was fucking amazing!!" exclaimed Victor as Kirek's car pulled into the avian's driveway at close to eleven o' clock. "That's something I don't think any of us will forget any time soon."

"Got that right." Replied Veronica.

"Well, I guess this is where we get off." Said Derek.

"Okay guys, see you later." Kirek said as he locked his devil horns with Victor and then Derek.

After the two of them had gone inside, Kirek pulled back out of the driveway and drove towards veronica's house. Veronica was deep in thought for the whole drive. She knew how close they had become over the past few weeks, but she wanted to take the next step and become even closer. She began to formulate a little plan that she thought might just get him to feel the same way.

"Hey, Kirek. Since it's so late, do you want to just stay the night at my place?" asked the otter with a slight blush when they finally arrived at her home. "I wouldn't mind in the slightest, sweetheart." He replied as he shut off the car. He walked around to her side and opened her door for her. She had told him a while ago that it wasn't necessary, but he had persisted. Since she didn't see any real problem with it, she had just decided to let him do it. It was a rather sweet gesture after all.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked him once they were inside.

"Nah. I'll be okay until morning. I'll just go set up the couch bed."

"Oh no you won't.." she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Come on, you can sleep with me in my bed." She said with finality.

"Are you sure?" he asked uneasily.

"Yup. Now c'mon, I'm exhausted." She replied with a yawn.

She led him down the hallway to her bedroom and ushered him inside. As soon as they were inside she jumped on the bed and started to disrobe in a slightly teasing and seductive manner.

Kirek picked up on it immediately. "Uh, Veronica? What are you doing exactly?" he queried.

She sashayed up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I think I need to thank you for taking me to the festival. You got me a present for the end of the semester, just consider this my present to you." She said in a sultry tone just before she kissed him passionately. His eyes opened wide in surprise for a second before they drifted closed as he lost himself to the passion of the moment. As they kissed she slowly started leading them backwards towards her bed. A few more seconds and she had pulled him onto the bed as she caressed his strong frame. Kirek didn't know what brought this on, yet found himself unable to resist her advances. But when her paw strayed to the crotch of his jeans, he pulled away from the kiss.

"Mmmphwait." He managed to say.

"W-what's wrong?" she asked, suddenly worried that she had gone too far.

"Veronica, don't you think we're moving a little fast?"

"Kirek, I don't...."

"No, just listen, please." He cut her off. "Veronica, we've found something beautiful with each other; the last thing I want to do is fuck it up by doing something I don't think we're ready for. I want to do it just as much as you do, but I think we should wait until we're both ready. I promise you the time will come; I hope we don't have to wait too long. I just don't want to ruin what we have by moving too fast." He said gravely. He hoped with all his heart that she would understand how he felt and that he hadn't hurt her.

She listened to his speech, her love not squelched, but rekindled by his rejection. She now knew that he was in it for HER, not for the sex. She saw the worry in his eyes and decided to put his fears to rest.

She kissed him again, but much softer this time to leave no doubt that she didn't intend to go that far again tonight. "Are you still okay with snuggling?" she asked with a cute expression.

His face brightened immediately and he hugged her close to him. "By all means." He replied.

The two of them pulled each other close as they began to drift towards slumber.



"I just want you to know that no matter what may happen, as long as we're together, I will never stop loving you."

She smiled softly and nuzzled against his strong chest, immensely reassured in her commitment to him by their little exchange. She also hoped that the day would come soon when they could fully express their love for each other. But she also didn't want to throw away what they had found with each other.

With these thoughts flowing through her head, she fell into a peaceful slumber with Kirek close behind.