A Home in the Woods

Story by jesusfuck on SoFurry

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In this story a naive human befriends a dragon who teaches him that messy and anatomically-impossible gay sex is a good idea. That's never been done before, right?

This one is a bit different from my other stories in tone and content. It's rather long, so if you're here solely for the aforementioned sex you might want to skip the first half of the story (Ctrl+F: "sodomite")

I'm posting this story somewhat reluctantly. It seems very flawed to me and I would probably rewrite it if I hadn't already spent more time than is reasonable for any one person to spend writing dragon porn. Still, it was fun to write and I learned some new things about writing.

I'm sorry if there are typos or incoherent sentences. I suck at proofreading. Feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated.

He listened to the rain patter on the roof of his truck as he went over his checklist. He had all the gear he would need for a couple months even though he only planned on staying out for three or four weeks. He was going to an old hunting cabin his grandfather had used decades ago. It was far enough into the wild that a missing item would be a big deal.

A lot could be said about the type of person he was, but the simple fact that he was going on a trip like this in the first place might have been enough. The only people who knew about the trip were his mother--who was terrified of the idea--and a few close friends. If you asked him why he was doing it he might have responded 'to see nature' or 'to get away from things'. The truth of the matter was that he didn't know why.

He knew that he would have to get there before dark and there was no use holding it off any longer, so he pulled out of his driveway and drove off. The rain cleared when he got onto the highway. It was still early in the morning, and the cars he passed were few and far between. He stopped for breakfast at a gas station but in a few minutes he was on his way. The pimple-faced attendant in the station was probably the last person he would speak to for a month, he thought to himself. He wasn't sure how the idea made him feel.

After a few hours on the road he turned off onto an old logging road that looked like it hadn't been driven on in years. It was closed in on both sides by dense forest and where it wasn't mud it was covered by overgrown grass. He considered just giving it all up and turning around as he was rattled around in the cab of his truck. He thought about the warm bed and clean clothes and home-cooked meals he would be missing out on so far out into the wild. He might have even turned back, had the months of preparation that went into this trip not weighed so heavily in his mind.

It wasn't a smooth ride. He was jolted around in the cab every with every bump. He was afraid he would get stuck in several places. The road gradually evened out a bit but the grass only got taller as he went on. In some areas it became a challenge to distinguish exactly where the road ended and where the bush began. There were no landmarks to tell him how far he had to go. All he knew was that it was a long way.

After what seemed like hours he reached a dead-end. That meant he had missed his turn-off. He pulled out his phone to check the map before remembering that he wouldn't have service this far out into the bush. He turned it off and put it into his glove-box. From the directions he had he knew that the turn was a few miles back so he wasn't too worried. He managed to get the truck turned around on the narrow road with a bit of effort and started driving back. After ten minutes he found the turn, or at least what he really hoped was the turn. It was a narrow path that was even more rugged and narrow than the road he had just been driving on. Thankfully he had planned for this. He unloaded his quad from the back of the truck and transferred his gear over to it. He didn't think anyone was likely to come out this far, but he locked his truck just in case.

Even though the path was rugged the quad made travelling fairly easy. For some time the only thing that interrupted the monotony of the trail was the occasional glimpse of a river off to his side. He was going deep into a mountain valley. The river was the only indication he had that he was going in the right direction. He came to a small clearing and stopped to have supper when it started to rain again. It was getting late, and he certainly didn't want to be travelling on these trails any longer than he had to. He didn't have any choice at this point so he started up again and moved on.

The rain beat down, and despite the canopy of trees over him and his raincoat he quickly found himself drenched. He shivered and hoped it wouldn't be much longer. The grey sky above him was getting darker. At last he spotted the shape of a building through the trees let out a sigh of relief. He pulled up to the overgrown clearing that the cabin was in. It was a ramshackle piece of work, and smaller than he thought it would be, but he figured that it would be better than standing out in the rain.

The windows and doors were boarded up, but with a bit of effort he got the front door open and brought his gear inside. It was dark and musty and covered in cobwebs. He lit the stove inside with a few rotted logs that had been left in the corner. He stripped and set his clothes to dry. For a while he just sat in front of the stove and warmed himself. He unpacked his sleeping bag, which thankfully had not gotten wet, and set in on a moth-eaten cot that had been left in a corner. He moved it in front of the stove and after he was dry he got into the sleeping bag. It wasn't comfortable, but the warmth was welcomed by him after he had been soaked for hours.

For a while he laid there in the sleeping bag just listening to the crackling of the logs in the fireplace and the rain dripping off the roof. The sounds of the forest around the cabin came into focus as the night deepened. The wind on the eaves and the rustling in the bushes played tricks on his mind. He realized that it was all in his head and that there probably wasn't anything out there, but the thought didn't help him. Especially when he realized that he was lying in the middle of the woods a hundred miles away from even the nearest phone service. For the first time since his childhood he found he was afraid of the dark.

He did breathing exercises to help calm himself, and eventually find himself too tired to care what dangers might have been lurking outside of the cabin. Just as he was fading out of consciousness he thought he heard a loud roar in the distance. A bear, he thought. Or maybe just another trick of the mind. It didn't matter to him anymore. He fell asleep.

He woke up to the sound of birds chirping. The rain had stopped and the wood in the stove had been reduced to embers. He removed the boards from the windows to let some light in and saw that the sun was already high in the sky. The cabin was even more of a mess than he had first realized. After getting an axe and chopping more firewood he made a quick meal. He spent most of his first day doing odd jobs like cleaning up and fixing leaks in the roof and after several hours got it into a state that was liveable. He sat down on the porch of the cabin and relaxed.

Things soon became routine for him. He would wake at the crack of dawn--something he could never manage in the city--and bathe himself in the nearby stream. He would make a paltry breakfast and sit on the cabin porch, watching. The noises of the forest occupied him and began to fill him with a deep curiosity rather than fear. He found that the wildlife was abundant, when he looked for it. He saw several hares and the occasional deer. His biggest worry was bears. He had a shotgun and some bear-mace he carried around with him, but that didn't do much to quell the fear. Even after a few days in the bush he always stayed relatively close to the cabin.

He found that time passed in a different sort of way when he was out there. He had no clock and could only guess what time of day it was by the position of the sun in the sky. Life in the woods gave him more free time than he knew what to do with. He had brought a few thick books--including a survival handbook, just in case--but he would always get tired of reading after a few hours. He started to explore the surrounding area further. He would go on walks, and as he grew comfortable with the area he started going further away from the cabin. He found a good fishing spot a few miles downriver from his cabin and soon found himself spending more time fishing than anything else. In this manner he passed his days in solitude, for a time.

One day while walking by the river he noticed some bizarre tracks. He was by no means a tracker but these were hard to miss. They were bigger than any he had seen before, and certainly not from any animal he had ever heard of. He looked around and saw that he was alone. He had an ominous feeling about the tracks. They looked fresh. He followed them into the woods for a distance, all the while scanning his surroundings for possible threats. He lost track of them when he walked into a rocky clearing. The forest was silent save for his breathing.

He turned around and what he saw made him freeze in his tracks.

A dark shape stood not more than a few paces away from him. The creature eyed him suspiciously. The piercing gaze of the creature's reptilian eyes was unnerving enough, to say nothing of its physical appearance. It was easily the size of a large horse and covered with green scales. A series of dull spikes ran down its back and two ram-like horns protruded from its head. The large fangs that protruded from the creature's snout were what captured his attention. There was no doubt in his mind that what stood in front of him was a carnivore far more deadly than any bear he might have encountered.

A chilling realization came over him. He had left his shotgun at the cabin. He gulped. "...Please... don't... kill me..."

The dragon stared at him and huffed. The human saw a look of intelligence in the dragon's eyes, but he hadn't expected a response. "There's no worry of that. Thou dost not look appetizing in the least."

The human was so stunned at the fact that the dragon had replied that it didn't process in his brain a few seconds. "Wait, you understood me?"

The dragon rolled its eyes and flicked its tongue out. "'Twould be difficult to respond had I not." The dragon spoke with a slow drawl. It was very gravelly and the way the syllables rolled of its tongue intuited the human, despite how terrified he was. It had an accent that the human couldn't quite place.

He looked at the dragon incredulously. Surely it was a dream, he thought. He would wake up any second now. He closed his eyes and opened them. The dragon was still there. "What are you?"

"Thou hast never heard talk of the fearsome dragons that were once so abundant in thy lore?"

A dragon! It had never even crossed his mind that the fairy tales he used to hear as a child could be true. "But you're not supposed to exist!"

The dragon let out a sigh of frustration. "And yet I do, it would appear."

Silence passed as he tried to collect his thoughts and he tried to think of something intelligent to say. "So, you're not going to eat me?" was the best he could manage.

"Dost thou not listen? I thought I had made myself clear."

The human breathed a sigh of relief, assured for the time at least that he wasn't in mortal danger.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same question of three." The dragon paused before continuing. "I stay away from thy people. 'Tis been many a year since I laid eyes on one of you."

"I- I'm just here on vacation," he stammered, "I don't want to cause any trouble."

The dragon glared at him. "What has your kind ever caused anything else?"

"What's so wrong with humans?"

The dragon took a few steps toward him and turned to its side. Before the human knew what it was doing the dragon had lifted its wing and bared its side to him. He saw bullet scars scattered down its flank.

The dragon's face was only a foot away from the human. "This is what is wrong." Flecks of the dragon's spittle wet the human's face as it spoke. "An ill-advised huntsman decided he would make a trophy of me."

The human looked at the scars, searching for something to say. "I'm sorry."

"Thou needst not be. He did not last long with my fangs in his neck."

"We-We're not all like that."

"Nay, not until ye need a head to mount on your walls."


"But nothing," the dragon interrupted, "When thou return home and tell thy kin of me, what then? If thou dost not wish me harm, 'twould be no great task to find one among thy people who dost. Perhaps 'tis foolish of me not to kill thee right now."

The hair stood up on the back of the human's neck. He heart was pounding and he tried desperately to think of some way he could calm the dragon down. "They w-wouldn't believe me if I told them a-anyway. I'm sorry if I offended you, I-"

"I suggest you leave. Farewell."

The dragon turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. Something inside the human protested. "Wait!" He tried to run after the dragon but its long tail tripped him and he ended up falling face-down in the underbrush. When he looked up the dragon was already far away.

The survival handbook hadn't mentioned anything about dragons. He was ready to pack his things and leave. He wasn't sure another encounter with the dragon would end well for him. But something in the back of his mind prevented him from leaving. He hadn't been at the cabin for more than a week, and he was reluctant to cut his vacation short. Something about the dragon suggested that it didn't actually want to hurt him. He found, to his surprise, that he was more curious about the dragon than anything. How long had it lived here? Were there any others? Such questions raced through his mind, and thinking about them only created more questions.

He began to think that he had imagined it. What, he thought, were the odds of him discovering a creature that had completely eluded modern science? It wouldn't exactly be a minor discovery. This creature was capable of understanding and using human speech and clearly possessed a considerable intelligence. No, he thought, it was just too fantastic to be true. But the thoughts lingered in his mind. He had heard of people beginning to hallucinate while in isolation, but it hadn't even been a week since he began his vacation and he ruled out that possibility.

The days passed, and the encounter grew more distant in his memory. He fell back into a regular routine quickly, all things considered. He began to spend his days as he had before the encounter. After a few days just sitting at the cabin he had finished all the books he brought and started to get restless. For all his planning he somehow didn't ever expect boredom to become an issue. He was growing and against his better judgement he began to explore again.

The sounds of the forest stirred him more than usual whenever he went on his walks. With every rustling bush he walked by he expected that he was about to run into the dragon again. But save for the songbirds and the odd squirrel that ran by he never encountered anything.

He began to delve further into the woods with no particular object in mind. He came out here to experience the great outdoors, he thought, not to sit around a cabin twiddling his thumbs. He knew that it would be easy to get lost out here and that a sprained ankle could mean the difference between life and death. He knew he could easily end up as a rogue dragon's next meal if he wasn't careful. He knew all this, and yet he became bolder in his explorations each day. Sometimes on his daily walks he had a gnawing feeling that he was being watched. It was always a fleeting but very unnerving sensation. He would stay on high alert whenever he felt it, but nothing ever came of it.

He made sure to avoid the area where he had ran into the dragon, but other than that he took no special precautions on his hikes. Besides being a bit paranoid, his walks were much the same. He began to explore further into the valley. He found a rocky outcropping along the river one day and decided that it would be interesting to see where it went. The ledge was only a few feet wide and there was a considerable drop into the river on the side. In a few areas the path got so narrow that the human was forced to sidle against the cliff face so he didn't fall into the river. It went on like this upstream for a while before the ledge ended and the cliff face on the side of him opened into a rocky clearing. At the far end of the clearing the human saw an entrance to a large cave. He couldn't see the inside of the cave, but he did notice animal bones scattered around the entrance. His heart started pounding. He realized that he just might have found where the dragon lived.

He rushed back towards the cabin, almost tripping into the river as the adrenaline coursed through his body. He didn't slow down until he got a distance into the bush. He tried to be a bit sneaky but gave up on it after about five minutes when he realized that he wasn't being followed.

His thoughts thereafter were focused on the dragon's cave. The same questions that had been provoked by the previous encounter ran through his mind. He started to wonder if maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go and see if he could catch another glimpse of the dragon. Against his better judgement he decided that he needed to see the dragon one last time. He planned it all out in his head. He would take a different route to get there and make sure he was well-hidden. He would wait, and maybe with a little luck he would get to see the dragon again. What he would do with this accomplished wasn't entirely clear.

He woke up the next morning and mentally prepared himself for his mission. He wasn't sure how long he would be so he packed a lunch and some other supplies in his bag. By foot it only took about thirty minutes to get there but he figured the detour around the outcropping could take some time to navigate. He made his way through the woods carefully and eventually found a rocky ridge a dozen feet above the entrance to the cave.

He peeked his head over the side of the cliff and saw the dragon's form lying outside the entrance of the cave. His heart was pounding so loud he was worried that the dragon would hear it. He still didn't have a very good view of the dragon so he moved closer little by little until he was only a dozen paces away. He looked down and inspected the sleeping form. Even with its body curled up it looked huge. He leaned forward to get a better look and accidentally knocked a rock off the ridge. The dragon's eye opened and looked up in his direction before he could duck down.

"Forsooth, thou'd make a poor huntsman."

"Shit," he muttered. He poked his head over the ledge. "Um, hi."

"Was the suggestion I left thee with unclear?"

"I wasn't looking for you or anything... I was just passing through and I noticed..."

"'Tis a falsehood if I ever heard one. I saw thee creeping over yonder not two days ago." The human was silent for a while before the dragon spoke to him. "What made thee choose to grace me with thy presence on this lovely morn?" The dragon showed an odd lack of anger at the human's presence.

"Well... I'm curious, for one."

"Thou'rt rather bold as well."

"I don't mean to disturb you..."

"Oh nay, 'tis no disturbance at all." The dragon rolled his eyes as he said this.

Taking this as an invitation the human climbed over the ledge. The dragon's eyes lazily followed him as he made his way down the rocky ledge. When he reached the bottom he sat down on a rock facing the dragon. They sat inspecting each other for a time before the human spoke. "Why are you here?"

"What sort of question is that?" the dragon scoffed.

"I mean, are there any other dragons?"

The dragon looked down and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Thou hast a method of impertinency that quite astonishes me."

"So there aren't any?"

"How dost the proverb go? Curiosity killed the..."

The human hastily brushed this off. "But aren't you lonely?"

The dragon huffed. It remained silent for a moment as it pondered this. "Alone is a state of mind, lad. No amount of companionship will appease thee if thou'rt not content to be with thyself."

"So there are no more dragons?" He hoped he wasn't overstepping his bounds here.

"If thou needs must know, aye, I live in solitude. There are others, but none that I have seen in recent years. We are solitary creatures."

He started nervously telling the dragon about himself and why he had come out here. The dragon seemed disinterested until the human started talking about modern society and how it had changed. The dragon started to listen attentively. For it, human society had always been something ill-defined and generally unchanging. It started asking questions and the human did his best to answer them, though they were often beyond his grasp. He told him how humans had travelled to the moon and beyond and the dragon scoffed in disbelief. But there was a look of uncertainty on its face as the human told it how the world had changed. Besides the occasional aircraft the dragon saw flying through the sky it had been completely isolated from humans and modern technology.

After about an hour the dragon suddenly got up and announced it was going hunting. "'Tis been an interesting talk, human." The human was about to say something when the dragon suddenly launched into the air and flew off into the horizon. The human marveled at the speed at which it flew away, and was a little disappointed at how abruptly the dragon left. It had the human hungry for more.

He tried to keep himself occupied at the cabin but his thoughts continually returned to the dragon. He tried going back the next day and when did still didn't find the dragon he wondered if he had done anything wrong. He didn't see it for the next few days and when he finally saw the dragon he was surprised by how coldly he was greeted. "Good morning," the human said.

"What is it good for?" The dragon hissed at him. He wondered at the cold reception and tried to talk to the dragon but it remained distant and silent. After a minute he realized that the dragon was staring at the shotgun he was carrying with him. He remembered the scars on the dragon's side.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He tossed the shotgun to the side and raised his hands to signal that he meant no harm. The dragon responded with a growl. The human hoped he hadn't offended the dragon and tried to change the subject.

The dragon still eyed him suspiciously as the human made conversation, but after a while it had apparently decided there was no harm and let its guard down a little. The conversation continued from where it had left off yesterday. The human felt an unexpected sense of rapport with the dragon, despite his mistake of bringing a gun with him.

He left his gun at the cabin from then on, and developed a strange sort of friendship with the dragon. He began to meet the dragon on an almost daily basis. Even on the days when he didn't actively seek out the dragon he usually wound up running into it somehow. They spent a lot of their time just chatting. The modern world had been a curiosity that the dragon had never dared to venture close to. A great deal of their time was just spent in a sort of comfortable silence. The dragon would watch him casually as he fished on the shore, occasionally asking a question or two.

The dragon had a way of disappearing. Sometimes he wouldn't see it for two or three days, and sometimes they would spend whole days together. It annoyed the human at first but he began to realize that this was just how the dragon was.

One morning when he woke up he found the dragon waiting outside of his cabin. The human thought he looked rather majestic just waiting there. The way the sun reflected of its scales gave it an unearthly glow, he thought. He noticed the lean muscles that flexed across the dragon's body as it moved. He had been too frightened to give the dragon any thorough inspection on their first meeting, and he was learning new things. He didn't see any testicles and he didn't want to ask the dragon if it was male for fear of offending it. It was hard for him to consider the dragon anything other than male. He decided that the creature's testicles must be internal. The dragon looked at him curiously, and the human realized that he was staring.

They spent the day just wandering through the woods, the dragon showing the human some of its favourite spots. The human asked if he could stop when they reached an area that had a particularly scenic view of the valley. The human gathered some dead branches and tried to build a fire. The dragon watched with amusement for some time as the human struggled to light the fire. After five minutes the dragon pushed the human out of the way and put its mouth to the branches. A puff of flame issued from its mouth and the branches were soon alight. The human looked up and disbelief and they both started laughing.

The human sat across from the dragon as he prepared the dinner he had packed. The dragon watched with a look of disgust as the he cooked his meal over the campfire. "I shall never understand why ye wights scorch your meals like this."

"We get sick if we don't."

"But you ruin the flavour by such lunacy!"

"Do you want to try some?" The dragon declined, repulsed by the idea.

They were sitting across from each other but after a while the dragon invited the human to move closer. The human shrugged and sidled up against the dragon. He began leaning against the dragon's side as the evening wore on. He pressed his ear against the dragon's side and listened to the vibrations it produced as it spoke. The dragon told him stories of distant eras. It told him stories of its early years and other dragons and ancient battles between dragons and humans. The human could only listen in wonder. Every word the dragon spoke had a strange aura of myth around it.

"How old are you?" the human asked.

"Old enough that thy standards of measuring time could not grasp it."

"That's not a very precise answer."

"What is a millennium to one whose life is so short? Nothing but a word. I've been here for many ages, and thou need not worry thyself with how many."

"Why here?"

"'Tis been home for years and further shall be, I hope."

"You hope?"

"Thy towns are always closing in. It could be that my reign here shan't be much longer."

"Do you hate humans?"

The dragon thought about this for a minute. "I do not know. Belike I once might have said yes. There is no place for hate when one lives in solitude."

The human thought about what this might have meant. "Have you ever been in love?" he asked.

"Love is a human obsession that I never could grasp."

"So you've never, you know, had a mate?"

"On the contrary, I've had many."

"None of them meant anything to you?"

"They were good lays, 'tis certain."

"But what's the point of doing... that... if it doesn't mean anything?"

"'Tis great fun, for one."

"I don't see what's so fun about it."

"So thou'd have a fair young bawd were she begging for thee to take her, her loins all a'quiver?"

"No. That doesn't interest me."

"Ah, I see. Thou'rt a sodomite!"


"I took thee for one the moment I saw thee."

"Are you saying that I'm gay?"

"Gay? Is that what ye call yourselves now?"

"I'm not gay!"

"Nay? Ah, well. 'Tis no matter."

"Now if we could just stop talking about sex..."

The dragon moved its head a foot away from his and gave a puzzled look. "Thou'rt sure?"

"Yes. Wait, what are you-"

Before the human could do anything the dragon's nose was nuzzling into his crotch. "Ye sodomites always have a strange scent."

"Um, can you stop?"

The dragon pushed him down and placed a foreleg over each of his arms. He couldn't budge, as much as he tried to when the dragon brought its snout down to his jeans and grabbed onto them with his mouth. The button popped of as the creature tugged the pants to his knees. "Hey!" he yelled. His complaints were ignored. The dragon seemed pleased with itself as it pressed its snout into the human's underwear and took a deep whiff. The creature lightly bit down on the fabric and with a quick jerk back it completely ripped them off. It spat out the torn underwear to the side and looked down at very exposed human cock in front of it.

So, the human thought, not only did he discover a mythical beast he didn't think existed, he was also going to be raped by it. He gulped and wondered if the size of its package matched the rest of its body. He tried to get away but the dragon's powerful forelegs still had him pinned to the ground. He struggled and beat his free hand against one of the legs but it didn't budge. The dragon was probably showing considerable constraint by not crushing him right there. It spoke to him in a calm voice.

"Calm thyself. If I meant thee any harm it would have been done long ago."

Somehow the dragon's reassurance failed to calm him. He gasped as the dragon's warm tongue cupped his balls and slowly slid up and down over them. The dragon's snout pressed against the human's soft member as it used its dextrous tongue to softly massage his balls. He let out a moan as the dragon gave one long lick from his taint over his balls and up his member. It slid its lips over his member and began to softly suck on it.

The sensations were unreal. The fear he felt of his genitals being so close to the dragon's sharp teeth quickly dissipated as he felt the warmth of the dragon's mouth over his dick. The dragon's snout came to a rest against his pubic hair and he felt a shiver of excitement as the dragon moved its tongue up and down his dick. He started to get hard despite himself. The slightly rough texture of the dragon's tongue against his dick was impossible to ignore. It felt very good. He found that his hips had started to buck forward reflexively as the dragon attended to his shaft.

He was delighted by how dextrous the tongue was. He gasped as it tightly wrapped around his cock and started moving back and forth. Something like this was certainly beyond the abilities of any human tongue. It moved along his dick in ways that he had never imagined possible. It was so long that it could reach out and lick across his taint and balls as the human thrust into its muzzle. Every time he thrust in he was delighted by the feel of the dragon's tongue that was pressed against the underside of his package. The warmth was incredible. He had never received a blowjob that felt so complete.

He was getting close. Whatever reservations he had initially had about getting a blowjob from a dragon were gone as he put his hands on the dragon's horns and started madly thrusting into its muzzle. The dragon grinned. Its tongue had suddenly stopped moving. Its mouth slipped away from the human's shaft and it gave him a playful look. "'Tis a shame that thou dost not enjoy this."


The human's disappointment was palpable. He pathetically thrust his dick into the air a few times. His failed attempts to get himself off were side-tracked when he noticed the creature's partially erect cock dangling from its backside. The dragon stepped forward until it was standing directly over him. The dragon looked down and smiled. "'Tis my turn, I believe." The sight of the large dragon standing over him was intimidating enough without the fact that its large member was in plain sight. The smell was strong, even from this distance. Half a foot of pinkish dragon cock had already emerged from its sheath and he suspected there was a lot more of it to come. It was covered in ridges and came to a tapered tip which was gathering fluid. A drop of pre-cum fell onto his chest.

"But you didn't-"

"Then thou'lt not uphold thy end of the bargain?"

"What bargain?! You're not giving me much of a choice!"

"I shall either come on thee or in thee. 'Tis thy decision."

"But I don't want either!"

"'Tis not very sporting of thee. Choose swiftly, I'll not wait long."

The dragon used its hind legs to spread the human's legs apart and bought its rear end down. The human felt the tip of the dragon's member poked against his pucker and started squirming. He knew the dragon wasn't joking when the tip started pressing into his anus.

"Wait, wait, OK! Not in there."

"Very well then." The dragon stood up and waited. The human stared up at the cock, wondering what the dragon was waiting for. "Go on then. Place thy hands around it."

"You didn't say I had to help!"

The dragon growled. "How dost thou expect me to finish this myself?"

The human breathed in deeply and tried to calm himself before reaching up and touching the tip of the member. It was warm and slick to the touch. He curiously ran his fingers along the bumps and ridges of the shaft. It was an odd shape, certainly a lot different than any cock he had seen. Inch after inch of the cock slid out of the dragon's slit as he slid his hands up and down the shaft. He was fairly sure it had fully emerged when he saw a large bulb at the base of the shaft. For a while he just stared in awe at the sheer size of the piece of meat he held in his hands. It was the size of his forearm. He clenched his asscheeks together just thinking about what something this size could do if the dragon wanted to use it.

A large gob of pre-cum landed on his chest. He was taken aback at first and thought for a second that the dragon was already finished. The notion was quickly dispelled as the dragon started thrusting into his hands. His hands quickly became soaked in the dragon's pre-seed. It dripped down his arms and onto his chest and he gasped as a small spurt of it landed on his check. He gradually accepted the fact that he wasn't going to get out of this without getting messy and after a time he got accustomed to the continual spurts of pre-cum that landed on him.

His member was still aching for attention from earlier and he was more than a little surprised when the dragon crouched down and started rubbing its shaft against him. The bumps rubbing up and down the human's shaft felt wonderful and he began to moan despite himself. He wrapped his hands around both members and started to enjoy himself as the dragon continued rubbing their member's together. The human wasn't sure if he was disgusted or aroused by what was happening. All he knew was that he really wanted to get off.

The feel of the dragon's slick shaft rubbing against his was bringing him closer to orgasm and he tightened his grip. The dragon got the message. It started thrusting in and out of the human's grip fast enough that it was becoming difficult to hold on. The human started thrusting up as well, fully enjoying the sensations that rubbing his dick against the dragon's ridged member produced. He came. He shot all over his chest and felt and wonderful warmth rush through him. He had almost forgotten about the dragon, but what came next was impossible to ignore. It let out a loud grunt and started coming.

The first shot covered the human's chest with an astonishing amount of dragon spunk. He looked down at the in shock and was met with a second blast of semen to the face. It got up his nose and he started coughing and received another blast, a great deal of which ended up in his mouth. He kept his eyes shut as shot after shot of the dragon's ropy sperm covered his body. By the time the dragon was done the human's entire upper body was covered in the warm gloop. His own orgasm had been completely overshadowed by the dragon's.

The dragon bent down and gave the human a long lick across the face, slurping up much of its own seed in the process. When the human opened his eyes the dragon was gone. He sat up and tried to brush some of the cum away from his clothes, but there was just too much of it. He left a trail of the dragon's spunk behind him on his way back to the cabin. He had just taken the idea of a "walk of shame" to a whole new level, he thought to himself.

That night he couldn't get to sleep. Even after spending an hour trying to clean himself off in the river the dragon's musky scent still covered his body. He had just been violated in ways he had never imagined, but what worried him was that he actually might have enjoyed it. He kept telling himself that it was unnatural and disgusting. The fact was that his dick was getting hard just thinking about it.

He didn't see the dragon the next day, nor did he seek it out. He didn't go too far away from the cabin for fear of running into it. He tried reading, and then fishing, but his thoughts kept returning to the dragon. The thought of the dragon's dick rubbing against his would enter his mind and pretty soon he would have a hard-on that wouldn't go away. He spent half the next night trying to get to sleep but it was next to impossible with his dick begging for attention. He finally caved in and started rubbing himself while replaying his encounter with the dragon in his mind. When he finished just lay back the cot and gave a sigh of relief. He knew that he had to do something.

The next morning he quickly got dressed and made no delay in rushing back to the dragon's cave. The dragon wasn't outside the cave but the human did see a fire flickering inside. He entered and only saw the dragon's dark outline against the fire before his eyes adjusted to the dark. The dragon blinked. It hadn't expected the human to return so quickly. "Hello," was all it said.

"Look, about the other day..." the human started.

"Was I too forward?"

"No. Well yeah, kinda, but it's just...

The dragon eyed him curiously. "Could it be that thou've changed thy mind?"

"I... I want to return the favour."

The dragon's responded with a grin. "I knew thou wouldst come around."

The dragon stood up. It walked up to where the human was standing and placed a foreleg on its shoulder. The human got the idea and sat down on the cave floor. The dragon took a few more steps until its backside was right over the human's head.

The human examined the dragon's backside in the dim cave light. A few inches away from its tail-hole was a slit that evidently hid the dragon's member. The scales on the backside of the dragon's body were rough, but he saw that they smoothed out as they got closer to its slit. He stuck out a hand and ran it along the entrance. The smoothness of the surface surprised him. He hesitantly stuck a finger in and wiggled it around. The inside was hot and slick with the dragon's fluids. His finger brushed against the tip of the dragon's member and he heard it groan above him. "Oh my!"

He pulled the finger away from the slit with a stand of the dragon's sticky fluid still connecting it, and gave it a lick. An explosion of musky flavour overwhelmed his taste buds. Far from being repulsive, the dragon's fluids actually had a savoury taste that lingered in his mouth. He sucked the rest of the fluid from his finger. He looked back up at the slit and found that he desperately wanted more.

He leaned up and gingerly ran his tongue along the slit. He pressed his nose against one end of the slit as he ran his tongue up and down against it. He breathed in the dragon's powerful musk. The scent was so powerful at this distance that it had begun to fog his mind. More of the fluid had begun to drip through the entrance and he eagerly lapped it up. He continued on like this for a minute before the dragon's taste got the better of him. He pressed forward and slid his tongue through the dragon's slit.

The taste of the musk was so strong that it was all he could do to mindlessly. He ran his tongue along the tip of the dragon's shaft and delved into whatever crevices his tongue could reach to lap up more of the dragon's potent taste. The dick began to harden and started filling up his mouth as he tried desperately to get whatever fluid was left. When he could feel the bumps of the dragon's shaft along his tongue he switched his focus away from the slit.

Before long the dragon shaft was poking the back of his mouth and stretching his lips. There was so much of it that he decided on a different course of action. He removed his mouth from the shaft. He massaged the head of the cock with one hand and brought his lips to the base to coax more of it out. Even though he had already seen the cock fully erect the level of intimacy he felt while running his tongue along every newly exposed ridge made it seem larger than he remembered. He wrapped his hand around the knot when it came out and squeezed the base. The dragon moaned and a few globs of pre-seed spurted from its dick. The human made a mental note of how sensitive the dragon's knot was.

Now that the dick was fully everted he was eager to get his lips around it. He traced his tongue along the bumps that went up its shaft and slurped up a drop of the dragon's pre that had formed at the tip. He traced his tongue around the head once before taking as much of the shaft as he could into his mouth. The dragon moaned and bucked his hips in pleasure.

Stuffing something of the dragon's girth into his mouth was a challenge enough, the human thought, without worrying about when the dragon started to thrust in and out. The human took his time, moving forward little by little until he had taken a considerable amount of the shaft. The tip of the dragon's cock bumped against the back of his throat and he choked a little. He felt that he wasn't going to be able to take the entire thing, so he brought his hands up and massaged the portion of the shaft that wasn't in his mouth. He seemed to have reached his limit when he had taken just over half of the shaft. The dragon meat took up so much of his mouth that he had a hard time doing much of anything except holding still as the dragon thrust in and out. Bursts of pre-seed started to regularly shoot from the dragon's member and the human had to learn to deal with that on top of the dragon's gradually advancing thrusts.

The dragon picked up speed and was soon pulling in and out of the human's mouth at a steady pace. The human felt the member slide into his throat and he gagged, but before he could make any protest the dragon's pushed it deep into his throat. The human choked and panicked at how unexpected the sudden intrusion was. The cock pulled out and gave him time to calm himself before it pushed back in. The human was already taking way more of the cock than he had thought possible. Despite how uncomfortable it was he was quite pleased with himself.

The dragon was no less pleased with the way the human's throat massaged its member if its moans were any indication. The human just held on helplessly as the dragon thrust in and out. The shaft felt odd against his throat and it was challenging to breath, but all he wanted at that moment was to give the dragon as much pleasure as possible.

The dragon gave him little warning before thrusting up to his knot and giving a loud groan. The dragon came with such force that the human was knocked off the shaft at the first shot. He tried to keep his composure, but so much of the dragon's seed had gotten down his throat the spent the next minute trying to swallow all of it down. The dragon's ejaculation, however, was far from over. It continued to blow its gooey loads onto the human even as he was dealing with the seed in his mouth. This time he kept his mouth closed and just focused on the dragon's fluids that were already in his mouth. The human had found the taste weird the first time, but when he took his time to enjoy it he realized that the flavour was actually quite nice. He had swallowed the last of it as the dragon finished its orgasm.

He brushed the cum away from his face so that he could open his eyes and looked up at the dangling shaft that was still dripping onto him. He wrapped his hands around it and squeezed the last of the dragon's seed from it as he licked the outside clean. He realized that his clothes were soaked in the dragon spunk for the second time and would probably never be clean, but he was beyond caring at that point.

The dragon walked a few steps away and flopped down on its back, exposing its rear. The human looked down as his own painfully hard shaft and then to the dragon. It smiled and nodded. "Go on." He didn't know a lot about anal sex but he did know that he would need to get the dragon's hole lubricated before he did anything. He was reluctant at first but the dragon urged him on. "'Tis quite clean, I assure thee." He thought about how delicious the dragon's scent was and he realized exactly what he wanted to do. He leaned forward and gently stuck his tongue out. The taste of the dragon's pucker was very potent and it further clouded the human's mind. Before he realized what he had done he began to kiss the entrance. "'Twas not two days ago that thou wast arguing for thy chastity," the dragon remarked. He broke off the kiss in embarrassment. The dragon only smiled at him and waited for him to continue.

He stuck his hands on either side of the hole and surprised at how squishy the area was. He pressed his thumbs on either side of the hole and spread the opening apart. He licked his lips when he saw the soft pink flesh within. He ran his tongue around the entrance and tried to taste every fold. The musk mixed with the flavour of the dragon's cum that was still in his mouth. The human's dick throbbed through his pants.

He pressed his face into the opening. He rubbed his cum-soaked face back and forth across the puckered entrance, further enjoying the dragon's scent as he lubricated it. He smeared his tongue up and down the folds and into every crevice, and was continually rewarded with the dragon's savoury taste. He found that the deeper into the dragon's folds he stuck his tongue the more potent was the dragon's musk. He stretched his tongue as far as he could into the pucker, which elicited a moan from the dragon. He started jamming his tongue in and out of the hole, and had soon taste every inch that his tongue could reach. He spent maybe a little more time than was necessary on lubricating the hole, but the dragon wasn't complaining.

After a while his tongue started to get sore and he reluctantly pulled away. He removed his sopping clothes with a little effort. He scooped up a handful of the dragon's cum that still covered his body and smeared it over his cock and balls. The dragon held its breath in anticipation as the human lined his shaft up with its pucker. The human pressed in.

He was immediately surprised at how tight the hole felt around his shaft. The dragon's anal walls snuggled against his shaft and he was satisfied with the heat they radiated. He pushed further in, and soon had completely hilted the dragon. He basked in the pleasure of how completely he had taken the dragon for a minute and then started thrusting in and out.

The dragon's shaft had somehow stayed hard since its last ejaculation. It was leaking pre-cum again and the human wanted to give it some more attention. He reached out and started rubbing his hands up and down the shaft as he continued to thrust into to the dragon. A pool of the dragon's pre-cum had gathered on its chest, and every time the human squeezed his hands up the shaft more of it would leak out.

"Dost thou still maintain that-" The dragon's teasing trailed off into a moan as the human's cock slammed into its slick tail-hole. Despite the size difference between the two and the ample lubrication the sphincter still wrapped very tightly around his cock. He was worried that he wouldn't be big enough, but it was more than enough to please the dragon, if the gasp it released when he hilted his cock was anything to go by. He started thrusting in and out and for a while the only sound besides their collective moans was the squelching of his thrusts. The human's balls began slapping against the dragon's scales every time he thrust in. He felt his orgasm approaching and started thrusting with a renewed vigour. The dragon must have known he was getting close because it began to squeeze its tail-hole around the human's dick. The human grunted and continued. Every so often the dragon would give a squeeze that would throw the human off rhythm for how good it felt.

While he was thrusting he looked on in amazement, and a bit of envy, as the dragon leaned down and started licking along its own shaft. The human watched as the tongue slithered up the length of the cock, and remembered just how good it had felt on his own. The dragon slid its mouth down its entire length and began pleasuring itself.

The human wanted the dragon to feel as good as possible so he started ramming his cock in and out of the dragon's hole as hard as he could. The dragon smirked up at the human and clenched its ass against the human's shaft again. The human groaned, and he knew that any minute now he was going to have the best orgasm of his life.

The dragon suddenly pulled off from its own shaft and started running its tongue along the scales around it. The dragon's tongue traced along the base of its shaft, gathering up the pools of pre-cum in the process. The human didn't realize what the dragon was doing until it brought its mouth up to his and pressed their lips together. The dragon's tongue forced its way into the human's mouth, spreading its fluid indiscriminately across his tongue. It was an awkward position but the human relished the contact. Here he was, he thought, French-kissing a dragon while he had his cock buried in its ass. He felt a connection with this beast that he never would have imagined was possible a week ago. The dragon could have easily overpowered him in any number of ways, and it was letting him violate its most private of areas. The thought sent him over the edge.

He gave a few last slams into the dragon's hole before he came. It was the most powerful orgasm he had ever had and it was only heightened by the fact that he was completely covered in the dragon's scent. He broke off the kiss with the dragon and rested there just panting for a while. He leaned forward and hugged the dragon's erect shaft as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. He held it against his chest and lapped at the pre-seed as it dripped out. The dragon murmured appreciatively. An idea came to him as he was lightly nibbling against the cocktip. He looked up at the smiling dragon. He asked the dragon if it would take him.

The dragon looked troubled. "I am not sure if thou wilt be able to handle it."

"I want it."

"Wanting is not enough. I do not want to hurt thee."


He couldn't tell what thoughts were passing behind the dragon's gaze. All he knew was that he wanted to connect to this dragon in the most intimate ways possible. The dragon was silent for a while before it responded.

"It will hurt."

The human smiled. "I don't care."

"Very well. Get on thy hands and knees," it bluntly commanded.

He pulled out of the dragon's rear excitedly and complied. The cave floor was hard stone, so he rested his knees on his crumpled up clothes. He looked back and saw the dragon getting up and walking towards him. He braced himself against the stone ground as he waited for the tip of the dragon's shaft to press against his pucker. He told himself he could take it and noted the dragon had clearly enjoyed it, but some anxiety lingered in him. He had heard stories of how painful it was even if it was only a small dick. The dragon certainly did not have a small dick. He tensed up as he felt a warmth press up against his entrance and slowly slide in. It felt strange but it wasn't unpleasant. He was thinking about how oddly slippery and flexible it was when he felt a warm puff of air against his ass. He looked back.

He saw that the dragon wasn't fucking him. It was rimming him. The dragon gave him a wink and stuck another inch of its tongue in, which caused the human to moan. The tongue was only a few inches in, but the way the dragon wiggled around made it feel larger than it was. Every time the dragon stuck more in the human's ass was stretched a little wider, but never so much as to overwhelm him all at once. The dragon was careful to give the human as much time as he needed for what was to come.

It started jamming its tongue in and out, each time venturing a bit further into his hole. Eventually it had gone as far as it could go, and the human started to enjoy the sensation. He felt amazingly full, and he could only speculate what having the dragon's shaft in him would feel like. The dragon's long tongue slithered around his insides, making sure that each inch was coated in its saliva.

The dragon's tongue was soon removed and replaced by its shaft. It lingered there and the human looked back questioningly. The dragon spoke. "This is thy last chance to say nay. Once I start I will not stop until I finish."

The human knew what he wanted. "Do it." The dragon nodded and pushed in. Even with the copious lubrication between the human's entrance and the dragon's shaft his eyes still teared up in pain. The dragon pushed forward an inch, and the human already felt like he was at his limit. The dragon bent down and licked the back of the human's neck to comfort him.

"Relax," the sultry voice rumbled against his back. "'Twill be easier if thou dost not fight it."

The human eventually calmed himself down and grew adjusted to the stretching of his hole, but he looked back and saw that he still had a long way to go. The dragon took special care not to hurt the human. It would always make sure he had ample time to adjust to its length before pressing in any further. It must have taken incredible willpower to not just start fucking him with reckless abandon, the human thought. Every time the dragon pushed further in the human was sure that he was at his limit, and every time he grew adjusted to the dragon's girth he found that he was ready for more.

The ridges on the dragon's cock had a strange feeling when they slid in and out of the human's rear. At first he felt that they were rather painful but eventually he grew to enjoy the added stimulation they gave. He enjoyed the odd ways the dragon's member stretched his hole, and his desire to have more of the shaft in him only increased.

The dragon's thrusts eventually grew so forceful that the human had a hard time keeping himself balanced. It took all his strength to support himself against the jackhammering motion of the dragon's hips. He knew the dragon was enjoying itself and he realized that he was too. Every time the tip of the cock jammed past his prostate the human felt a delightful sensation in his loins. The human's erection had gone away while he was getting used to the dragon's cock, but as he focused on the wonderful sensations it created he started to get hard again. Every time the cock thrust in it would graze against the human's prostate and shivers of delight were sent down his spine.

He had felt the knot bumping against his hole for a time now. He had never considered that he would be able to take it all in but now he realized that he would never be satisfied until he had every last inch of the dragon's cock inside him. "Stick it all in me!" he said, though the words were more moaned than spoken.

"I had planned on't." The dragon started to give the human a series of slow and incredibly powerful thrusts. The human cried out each time the knot was pressed slightly further into his ass. He couldn't stop himself from moaning as the cock stretched his insides in ways that he had never imagined. His eyes watered as he tried to come to terms with all the conflicting sensations he was feeling. The dragon stopped for a second and then slammed its length forward. The human felt his entrance finally give way.

Things seemed to happen in slow-motion for the human as the dragon slid its knot into his hole. There was an incredible pain, yes, but the way it reached into areas he had never felt before and the pressure it put against his prostate made him feel wonder. It made him feel an incredible sense of connection. He was tied with the dragon both mentally and physically now. There was so much sensory overload that he didn't even realize he was coming until he saw a gob of his own semen land on the ground below him. He looked down and saw that he was coming. And then an astonishing wave of pleasure washed past his body as the orgasm rushed through him. He cried out in pure ecstasy, and his pleasure was only augmented by the gigantic knot lodged inside his colon.

The dragon gave a few last thrusts before slamming every last inch of its length into the human. The human's body was rocked as the dragon's knot slammed back and forth in his insides. The dragon gave one last powerful thrust and slammed its hips against the human's. It let out a powerful roar. The noise echoed loudly through the cave and the human felt the first shot of the dragon's orgasm fill his bowels. That warmth quickly radiated up his body after the dragon filled him up with incredible amounts of his semen.

The human's stomach became distended with the dragon's seed that had nowhere to go. He just relaxed and enjoyed the incredible warmness that filled his body. He visualized the gooey seed that was now filling his bowels, marking his insides just as much as it had marked the outside of its body with the dragon's scent. The cum on the outside of the human's body had begun to dry, and he thought about the dragon's musky scent that he would probably never be able to wash away. The human had never felt so full in his life. He had never felt so complete. He turned his head and looked up at the dragon. "Thank you," he said.

"'Twas my pleasure." The dragon leaned down and gave the human a lick across the cheek. After a while the dragon flopped down on its side with its cock still locked in the human and they just rested against each other for a while. The human relished the feeling of fullness the cock gave him as it continued to pump the last of the dragon's seed into him. He felt the scaled chest press against his back as the dragon's breathing slowed down.

He turned his head and looked up at the dragon. "I'm leaving tomorrow," he said after a while. The dragon didn't respond. He just draped his wing across the human and they both fell into a deep slumber.

When he woke up it was late in the afternoon and the dragon was gone. Sometime during his sleep the dragon's cock had slipped out of his ass and he had left. He was lying alone on the cave floor in a pool of cum ass a really sore ass. He limped back to the cabin. He cleaned off, again, and sighed as he ended up having to throw away another pair of clothes.

Time passed quickly after that, and before he knew it the final day had come. He hadn't seen the dragon since the other day and it was getting late. He knew that if he didn't leave soon he wouldn't get home before dark. Just as he had finished packing his quad the dragon landed in the clearing behind him.

"Thou shouldst stay," it entreated him.

"I have to go back."

The dragon argued. "If thou stayst I can provide for thee. Thou needst not worry about danger."

"They'll come looking for me if I don't go back. They might find out that you live here."

He saw a look of hurt on the dragon's face. It didnt argue any further.

"I will come back. Maybe not right away, but I will."

He walked up to the dragon and put a hand on the back of its head. He gave it a kiss on its snout. The dragon returned this with one of its slobbery licks across the human's face. The human felt guilty for leaving but he knew that he had to. The dragon didn't seem convinced. It stared blankly at the him as he drove off. The ride back home was uneventful. The truck was just as it was when he had left it a month ago, aside from a few leaves and branches that had gathered on the windshield.

Adjusting back to his normal life was a challenge. He went back to work and slaved away in his desk like a zombie. He did his work mindlessly, and his boss commented on his performance. He was frustrated by his lack of focus, and try as hard as he could never entirely get his mind away from the dragon. He knew what he had seen and what he had felt, but it all felt so distant from him here in the city.

Time passed in a fog. He would wake up in the morning and routine would carry him through the day. Days and weeks would pass by without him taking notice. The entire time he had a gnawing sense that something was missing. He felt consumed by weariness.

He woke up in a daze on Saturday morning. He poured himself a cup of coffee and blankly watched the breakfast show playing on his television. It had been a month since he had left the cabin and he hadn't accomplished anything. He knew that he couldn't go on like this. He got up and grabbed his keys and quickly packed his truck. He stopped for a few things at the grocery store and was quickly on his way. He sped down the highway with a reckless disregard for the speed limit.

When he arrived at the cabin later that day it was exactly as he had left it. He didn't bother unpacking his things, he just got of the quad and started running to the dragon's cave. It was empty. He called for the dragon and got no response. He walked back to the cabin dejectedly. A big grin ran across his face when he saw the dragon waiting in front of the cabin. It must have heard the sound of his quad. The dragon ran up to him and almost knocked him over and started licking him across the face. The human smiled and let the dragon slobber everywhere and then hugged the its neck.

"I did not think ye would return," the dragon said.

"I missed you," was all the human could say through the dragon tongue lapping across his face. Tears started to stream down his face. He looked down and saw the dragon's partially erect shaft. "Well, it looks like I wasn't the only one..." The dragon smiled and moved his snout down to the human's crotch. They rolled around on the ground and eventually nature took its course. The human remembered to take off his clothes this time.

When they were done the human collapsed against the dragon's chest. He rubbed his face against the smooth scales, and he realized the enormity of what he had been missing for his whole life. He looked up to the dragon and smiled. For the first time in his life he realized that he had found a place he could call home.