Bonds: The Beginning. [Chapter 1 + Prologue

Story by KiraKira on SoFurry

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First chapter of a furry story I'm making.

My first story.

This chapter: Human


It was a silent day, the August evening was at it's end... Who is to say something is impossible? Was it really the end of summer? School was just around the corner, Already in 6th grade? A young boy named Damon thought it was impossible... And a girl named Rozaline, Rozzy for short was ready, They had meet the year before... Became best friends too! They only got along with each other. They were different than the rest, dreamers... Others didn't like this... School was a living hell for them, but all they cared about was each other, that's all they needed. Or at least.. That's what they thought..A change would occur.. A change that would change them for the better. They would learn over their years,

Chapter One: The First Day..

"Dude... Dude... DUDE!" the young boy heard through his sleep, only to mumble and turn..

"That's it.." said the young girl beside him, as she pushed the other to the ground The boy fell to the ground with a thump, only to awaken in a daze, seeing his childhood friend Rozaline, glairing down on him.

"What the hell was that for Rozzy!?" Snapped Damon.

"Well, you were in my way!" she said as she stepped over him and proceeded off the idle bus.

"Well you could have at least helped me up!" said the boy as he got up and ran to catch up with the girl.

Finally catching up to Rozaline, Damon proceeds to mock his more mature friend; copying her movements, and aggravated facial expression. Rozaline was Damon's only friend; a few months older than him, a few years more mature. She had long red hair, brown eyes, and was way taller than Damon, but they shared the same slender shape. Things were starting to unwind, the first day at their new school was going fine. The two shared a homeroom, and even had the same class's. What could be better?

"First days are always boring.. Why did we even come to school today?!" said Damon walking towards class as the bell rang, he trembled and peeked over at Rozzy, who glared at him with a demonic facial expression.

"Because of you, I'm late.. On the first day..." she said jabbing him in the side. He whined a bit.. But Rozzy didn't look in his direction, just kept walking. Why he thought.. Was she truly aggravated at him? Would she see him differently because of it? He had always been haunted by insecurities..

"We should skip next period!" said Damon excitedly.

"Okay. It sounds fun I suppose.. But where do we go? We don't know anything about this place smart one!" Rozzy snapped "Well.. I suppose I'll think of something during this class.." he mumbled

"Very well, but you best not get me caught!" she said, as they approached their class.

Soon after entering the rather large class room, the teacher neglected to notice the tardy kids entering the room, they soon found a spot in the back of the room. Two seats un-taken, as if they had been destined for them. Damon gazed down into his desk, a chilling sensation builds up as he spots the etching in his desk. Reading aloud the words etched onto the ancient desk:

"_ If you could give up everything and everyone, except for one, would you? If yes.. Than who would you choose?_" he would look up to see the class, glaring at him with same generic face.

"Whats going on back here?" said the female math teacher, as ancient as his desk.

"Oh, it's nothing! He was just asking around for a pencil!" Rozzy replied quickly, (she always did have an excuse for everything)

"Very well.. Next time come more prepared!" she said with a wink. Soon after, Rozzy stealthily slipped a note to Damon saying: "What does it mean?"

"I don't know.. But I'm going to try it. Don't worry.. It's just an etching" he wrote and quickly passed back to her. She nodded hesitantly, but that was enough for him.. He had soon etched his name, "yes", and then he added "Rozaline" at the bottom.

Raising his hand, Damon asked to be excused to the bathroom. He creeped into the rather old bathroom, seemingly alone he stared into the mirror to see his long dark hair and pale skin, complimented by purple eyes. With a blink of an eye, there was a boy behind him, he turned to look.. But no one was there...

"H-Hello? Is anyone there?" no reply. Quickly, Damon rushed back too his class and creeped back to his spot next to Rozzy, with a strange note oddly placed on the middle of his desk, he felt woozy just looking at it. It was parchment rolled into a scroll, It was yellowed, as if it were sitting on a shelf for years. Carefully peeling it open, it read "Tonight shall be the last night of this life for you and your friend. Tomorrow morning, you will awaken anew, you will both have your memories, but the others will all be clueless. Do not fear, you are not in danger, but a beautiful metamorphosis shall occur." he sat there, astounded.

The first day in class, math had ended, next for the day was science, but Damon had other plans. As they exited the class room on ground level, Damon grabbed a hold of Rozzy's hand and pulled her along, leading her to a room that said "Storage" he had seen on his trip to the bathroom. As they entered, it was quiet and empty, their were cobwebs everywhere and dusty desk's stacked against the walls.

"I see you found our spot" she said with a giggle.

"It was pure luck I suppose.. But.." he let out a sigh. "That etching.. Something is going on.."

"I know.. I could feel it.. As soon as you etched my name into that desk..." she let out a shiver.. "Did you put this note on my desk?" The boy held out the note.

"I didn't.. Whats it say?" Handing her the note, he say's hesitantly: "I don't think it's a joke..." Silently reading the note, her eyes open wide..

"I'm scarred.." Slowly taking her into a hug, she just stands there in shock..

"It's going to be okay.." he said. "Lets think of it as an adventure!" he said excitedly.

Coming out of her trance, she shakes her head and holds him tight "Yeah.. Our personal adventure. This will be exciting.."

They sat there in silence till the bell rang, holding each other, but it was lunch time now so they departed their new hiding spot, and headed toward the cafeteria. The same stench of school lunch haunted the halls. As they entered, a mostly vacant table, occupied by only one small boy, brown wavy hair and green eyes. He noticed them and with a fake smile on his face, he introduces himself.

"H-Hi.. My name is Namie.." he said, than sighed.

"Hello, my name is Rozaline, but I go by Rozzy."

"And my name is Damon, nice to meet you. May I ask.. Are we taking anyone's seats?"

After a moment of silence.. "No, I'm all alone here.. I'm not very good at talking.. And I just moved here.." he replied.

"Well, we'll be your very at this friends here. We just came to this school too.." said Rozaline.

"R-Really?!" He said excitedly. "Iv never had a friend before!"

Rozzy and Damon stopped, both astonished, a boy grown up, with not a single friend? It was incredible to them! How he made it through the troubles of the school. Namie sat there, his smile faded, he wondered if he had done anything wrong..

"I'm sorry.." He said

"Why? You have done nothing!" Damon snapped putting his hand on Namie's sharp shoulder.

"You guy's were staring at me.. I thought I did something wrong.."

"Don't worry so much!" Rozzy said. "You have to loosen up!"

Damon whispered to Namie: "She needs to take that advice for herself" they shared in a loud chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?" she said. "Seriously!"

They stopped and looked at her, "Oh nothing!" said Damon.

Pretty soon, the lunch period was over. Then English class, and soon after was a Spanish class, in which Namie was in. Damon gave an excellent first impression as a young trouble maker. Eventually the school day passed. The day was coming to an end, Damon's only company was his English paper that the snobby old bag fed to the class. He wondered what was going to happen next, he wondered if that note was just a well planed prank. Half past eight pm, Damon soon falls asleep, unaware of the changes to occur.

To Be Continued...