Cardboard Utopia Part 1

Story by Yiff Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of Cardboard Utopia

Cardboard Utopia

By Yiff Fox ([email protected])

(M/M, M-mast, mild erotica)

The Crescent was packed that night, overflowing with loud music, half- and totally-drunken furs out for a good time, and the alcohol they had gotten that way on. The wolf pushed his way though the heavy wooden doors with a practised ease, taking any opening that became available to work though the crowd. At least the entrance wasn't too bad tonight and he managed to make it onto the main seating area without a great deal of difficulty.

It was a Thursday, so that meant nothing going on on the stage behind him which gave the wolf a chance to survey the pub for a certain fur he needed to talk to. The Crescent fit its name very well, wrapping around one circular side of the University Community Centre. The inside wall was host to the kitchens and the almost omni-present line-ups for the greasy, salty, and oh, so good food that was served therein. To the left of that, and out of sight from the main room, was a small arcade where a few of the wolf's friends often hung out, feeding quarters into the various games. The rest was all tables and booths, all of those of heavy wood containing the dings, dents and graffiti from decades of McMannon University students. The three pool tables near the middle of the main section were fully occupied, the lizard Mallinson putting on his usual spectacular, crowd gathering show. The wolf's friend wasn't amongst any of those. There weren't any stools near for the bar that resided on the far back wall, either, so that left the booths. Actually, when he looked there, his friend wasn't hard to find at all. The kitsune was the only fur in the entire place sitting alone.

Shawn made his way through the rest of the crowd separating him from his friend, eventually reaching the booth and plunking himself down in the seat opposite. Oddly enough, the vulpine showed no reaction and Jason KNEW he had felt the thump. When a wolf that stands about six-one, two-hundred-ten pounds takes a seat across from you, you generally notice. Yet the kitsune hadn't even flinched, he just kept staring out the window into the blackness.

"Jake, good evening. How's it going?" the wolf asked of the reflection of the kitsune in the pub window.

But Jake didn't turn to face his friend, merely pulled his drink a few inches closer and shifted his eyes to meet the reflection of the wolf. The class was filled with coke, though oddly minus the customary ice. When a smile came to his lips, it was a small and weak one. "It goes, Shawn."

The wolf's response was tinged with a slight growl. "Um, I see. Exams have been getting to you then?"

"Yup," said Jake as he lifted the glass to his muzzle and drained about three quarters of the dark ebony liquid.

From where he sat, Shawn made a quiet appraisal of his friend. The kitsune's black leather bomber jacket was lying on the bench beside him, and he was sitting slouched over as if to protect his drink, in a faded, blue sweat-shirt bearing the university logo. His face was what drew the most attention; Jake's eyes had a baggy appearance, even under their light covering of red fur; his point ears had a slight, backward crook to them, and he seemed have huddled himself into the corner as if trying to avoid the press of the crowd. While Shawn watched, Jake raised his glass and sipped at it some more, though there was a notable wariness to his actions, and he met the drink half way. And not once since Shawn had arrived had the kitsune moved his gaze from the window.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

Shawn snapped out of his contemplative state to look up at the waitress. She was a collie, her small, bent ears perked up and an order pad in her hand. Shawn's eyes flicked over his face, noting the lovely, full mane of fur she possessed. It was all run though with dark amber over white. It wasn't quite as attractive as Jake's russet red, white and black, but it was still pleasing. "No. I'm fine."

She flicked her eye ridges in acquiesce and turned to the kitsune. "Another?"

Jake moved his finger around the glass, idly looking at the lightly fizzing contents. "No, I've had enough already." The waitress nodded and left them in search of thirstier patrons.

Returning his gaze from the departing collie to the kitsune, Shawn noted that Jake was once more looking out the window into the night.

"What have you been having all night?"

"Rum and coke. Easy on the coke," replied the kitsune, running the ends of his claws absently around the rim once more. Shawn sighed, though it came out tinged with a slight wine.

"Well, I hate to do this to you, buddy, but do you have that fifth lab for comp sci done? I had that bio mid-term to study for and I wasn't able to do it myself. Mind if I scam the code off you?"

That finally got Jake to look the wolf in the face. Yes, those off green eyes of Jake's, with the yellowing in the centre and their vertical pupils, those clearly showed a bone weariness in the other canine. When Jake sighed it caused his whiskers to droop a little more and his ears laid back a bit further. "Yeah, why the hell not?" He straightened up, then leaned back, tilting the glass up and draining the rest of the dark brew. "I'm done here."

"Okay then."

Since Shawn still had his jacket on - it was leather also, but unlike Jake's bore the university logo of an enraged warthog and was coloured the school colours of yellow and black - all he had to do was stand up and wait for his friend.

Jake was a little slower, however. When he finally emerged from his seat, he was dragging his four tails and jacket behind him. Unlike most other furs, kitsune possessed more than one tail, though they were essentially vulpine in all other respects. Well, their tails WERE a bit longer and more luxurious than normal foxes. The four that Jacob possessed were each about three feet long and quite full bodied with generous white tips. Jake shook them out, restoring some of their volume, as he pulled on his jacket.

Shawn almost missed it when the kitsune winced. Though Jake covered it quickly, the wolf saw that the act of pulling on the left sleeve of the jacket clearly caused his friend some pain. Jack visibly staggered, the cringe causing his ears to go flat against his skull and his lips to curl into a snarl. But all the same he was quick to cover it from his fellow predator's keen eye, using the excuse of shrugging it into a more comfortable position on his shoulders.

"Let's go."

Getting out of the Crescent was almost as bad as getting in, and it took the two canines a little time and some fancy foot work. But at last they eventually made it out the main door, through the glass corridor that was the outside of the UCC, and into the cold and inviting air of late autumn. While it was true that they both had on modest leather bombers, the rest was only light clothing on account of their fur. Both were in jeans - Shawn's being a deep black, Jake's a worn and faded light blue - and both had on sweatshirts with t-shirts under the jackets. But their faces and paws were bear to the elements, and both revealed in the sensation of the cool night wind. Well, Shawn revealed, Jake just seemed to wake up some from it.

They had just crossed the walkway between the social science library and the concrete beach and were descending the small hill between the administration buildings and the Jensen Rehabilitation Sciences Centre when Shawn decided to try for some conversation. Jake was walking slumped over and almost dragging his tails on the pavement. "Did I tell you that I got that biology exam back yesterday?"

"Pretty fast. Multiple choice?"

"Yup. Gotta love scan-tron. Got an eighty-three."

Jake's smile and small yip of congratulations were a bit forced. "Nicely done."

They were just past the department of languages building and the business school of McMannon university now and were atop University Hill, looking down and out across the very eastern fringe of campus. The moon was high and full and bright in the cloudless sky. It made Shawn's fur glow like silver fire, the brightness of some parts highlighting the blackness of others. His face and throat glowed with the eerie light, that light even picking up a few highlights of the wolf's full tail as it swung behind him. His claws made subdued clicking on the pavement, matching something of the kitsune shuffling along beside him.

The effect of the moonlight wasn't that different on Jake when Shawn gave him a close look. The moonlight really highlighted the white that ran from about the middle of the top of Jake's muzzle, back to his cheek fur just under the eyes, then all the way down his chin and neck to disappear under his shirt. Where the tails behind him flashed, the tips were bursts of white in the darkness. The inky black of his jacket, paws and feet lent an air of a red, white, and blue spectre floating through the campus.

By this point, they had made it down University Hill and were passing by Willowdale College and the philosophy department, and Shawn was willing to give casual conversation one more try. "So how are your mid-terms going? Good I hope."

"No idea. I get my english back tomorrow, my calculus Monday." Both turned their faces away from the headlights of an oncoming car as they crossed the bridge over the Beryl River. After it had roared past, Jake said one of the few things that evening that wasn't a response to a question. "So where's Lee tonight?"

"Ah," wuffed Shawn when Jake asked about his tiger lover, "he is... busy at the moment. Actually he locked himself in his room and is refusing to let me in. He says that I've made him miss too many organic chem classes, and he'll be damned if he fails the mid-term because of me."

Jake nodded and resumed his old silent facade. At least they were almost to the kitsune's rez now, and Shawn wouldn't have to put up with it for too much longer. Jake, lucky little fur that he was, had managed to get a room in the new residence, Stewart Hall. Shawn had been there a few times before and the place was... well, it was like a hotel. It was one of the two suite style residences on campus for first and second year students - each person had their own room, and in this case there was a set of showers and a shared kitchen for each suite of four rooms - and it had the latest in the ways of architecture, furnishings, and utilities. Standing in the entrance way, while Jake used his keycard to buzz them in, Shawn was thankful to have gotten placed in the other one across campus. It was nice to be someplace that didn't have a few years of parties and such behind it, where everything was still "new," he reflected. Turning left down the main hall to Jake's first floor room, Shawn was quite glad for not getting suck in Burnette Hall, the vintage 1960's dorm style rez. He would happily accept rather-new beds and all adjoined amenities than to live in "party central" with its shared bathrooms and well used -- and well stained -- beds.

At least Stewart Hall was like almost all other residences in the open-door policy; people were going in and out of different rooms, visiting friends, bumming food, and playing loud music. While the wolf stopped to greet a few friends, Jake just hunched his shoulders forward and pressed on through.

Shawn managed to catch up to the fellow canid as Jake was buzzing open the door to his room. That struck Shawn as kind of odd, as most of the other rooms were lively enough. Also odd was the darkness within. The flick of a light switch corrected that and left them standing at the intersection of the suite's main hall, kitchen and small longue beyond. Shawn saw a sliver of the moon through the large window overlooking the parking lot and heard the door bang closed behind them.

"Um, where are your roomies, Jake?"

The kitsune looked up from rubbing at his head and murred. "Oh them?" He began to point to the approximate different locations of the different bedrooms, starting with the one next to his own. "Off with his girl friend; off with his girlfriend." The kitsune shook his wrist, letting his wristwatch fall down a few inches from his sleeve. "Actually, by this hour it would be ON his girlfriend." He then pointed to the last room, furthest from his own and near the second shower, and pronounced that the leopard within had staggered back at about two in the afternoon from completing an exam after a thirty-six hour marathon cramming session and was quite dead to the world.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge," said Jake as he went to the closet and hung up his jacket. "Then we can get down to getting you those computer files."

Shawn's eyes roved over the small kitchenette with its single sink, stove top, microwave and full size fridge. "No thanks, I'll be fine."

A final use of the keycard unlocked the kitsune's room and allowed the two canines entry. The flick of another light switch revealed pretty much what one would expect from a rez bedroom; it was about ten feet on each side, had a curtained window looking out over the parking lot behind and below the building, a bed in front of that, and a good sized desk that held a computer with a night table and printer combo beside that at the foot of the bed. The many posters of science fiction movies and drinking just seemed to scream "University computer geek and proud of it!". Who else would have interest in a poster that was the periodic table of mixology? Shawn always loved the large portrait one he had of Drakemaul, the villain of the latest sci-fi block buster holding a double sided pis-saber with a completely manic expression.

"Make yourself at home," Jake suggested, absently motioning to a wooden chair which was heaped with old clothes. He took the comfortable, high back, leather chair before the computer. With a tap of the mouse, Jake stopped a pair animated ferrets from taking apart his desktop.

Shawn grimaced down at the pile of laundry and decided standing might be a good option for now. Like all chairs for furries, Jake's had the central design of an open lower back for his tails to fit through. The back was in the shape of an A, the hole at the base triangular and the supports rising up from there to meet at about shoulder level to create a solid support for the back and head. The wolf choose a place right behind Jake for now, being careful not to stand on the long tails were they rested on the floor.

Jake's paw flopped palm up on the top of the chair's back. "Disk?" Shawn already had retrieved it from his inner pocket and slapped it down to the kitsune's palm.

"Hey, you ever get that RAM upgrade you wanted so much?" asked the wolf as he folded his arms over the top of the chair.

Jake was quickly clicking through the folder structure of his system. He had his feet tucked back under the front of the chair, his tails also under and out of the way of Shawn's feet. "Yup. Got that one-twenty-eight meg DIMM off Dexter yesterday but I still haven't installed it."

"You think he's got any more of those?" Shawn wanted to know as Jake found the files he was looking for and cracked open a second explorer to examine the disk.

"You're still using the separate directories for each lab, right? Yeah, I see you are." Jake did a quick drag-and-drop with the needed files and the computer responded with its usual grinding and clicking. "Dex should. You also might want to look into getting a new hard-drive, video card, sound card, monitor... you're still using that crappy P233, aren't you?"

Shawn could see the reflection of his long, white fangs in the monitor as he let out a mildly annoyed snarl. Where normally Jake would have laughed at the antics of his friend, here he just gave the reflection in the screen a mild smirk, his tired eyes never changing focus to look at the wolf.

Damn it, Shawn just couldn't understand it! He had known Jake for over two years now, since highschool, and he had never seen the kitsune in such a state. Jake was usually rather energetic, always fun to be with, often joking around, but almost always with a playful vulpine attitude. That was part of the reason that led to them being friends originally.

There was a sharp snap as the disk drive ejected, then the kitsune's paw appeared once more at the top of the chair, this time holding the requisite floppy. Shawn backed off a few inches as he had almost been hit in the nose. "Your disk, monsieur."

"Thanks," Shawn lightly growled as he plucked the disk and stuck it in his pocket. He started out of the room. "I own you for this one, kit."

"Yeah, sure, no problem," mumbled Jake. Shawn turned back a second then did a double take as he saw his fellow canid sitting there with his head in his paws. Jake had curled back into the chair and was massaging his fingers into his forehead as he covered his eyes with his palms.

Shawn sighed and turned back. Reaching down with one paw, he took hold of one of the chair's arms and slowly turned the seated kitsune around towards him. Jake was still sluggishly scrubbing his face with his hands, but stopped when he realized he was fixed in the wolf's gaze.

"Jake, I've got to be honest with you; you look like shit. What's wrong?"

When the kitsune looked up, his eyes were of a truly sorrowful cast. Shawn definitely couldn't recall ever seeing his friend like that before. "I'm tired." Jake visibly swallowed. "I'm stiff, I'm sore, and I'm tired."

Snorting, Shawn nodded his head to the side asked, "So how long has that shoulder been bothering you?"

With a wince, Jake's hand went reflexively to massage his left shoulder. "Honestly? It's been bugging me for a few days now."

Shawn just hung his head, shaking it slowly back and forth. "God, you should have said something sooner. You know I'm majoring in kinesiology, you know I could help with that, or at the very least tell you where to go get some." He pushed off the chair and waved at Jake. "Come on, get up. We'll see if I can do something about it now."

"Yeah? How's that?"

"Massage. These last few classes they've been giving us a crash course. The other guys have been having a ball, since our section is predominately female. So what do you say?"

Jake's vulpine eyes flicked up and down his friend's frame. His tongue licked out once to wet his nose. "Okay. Let's see what you can do." With a quick thrust of his feet, Jake spun the chair, turning his back to the wolf.

Shawn shrugged off his leather jacket and tossed it on Jake's clothing chair. When he was satisfied that it wouldn't fall to the floor, and he moved up to the chair and gave his knuckles a quick cracking. Finally he was done, and he reached down for the kitsune's shoulders.

"No, no, this isn't working," admitted the wolf after about a minute. He took his paws away and backed off. Two of Jake's tails swished against his bare feet. "Look, I can't do it with you sitting there, Jake. I can't reach properly over the chair, I can't get to your back with you sitting against it, and your clothing is getting in the way of the whole thing. So get rid of the cloths and lie down on the bed."

While Jake was a little slow to get up, he eventually managed to do it and that was all the wolf really cared about. Reaching down, Shawn grabbed the bottom of his own sweat shirt, pulled it over his head, and added that sweatshirt to the pile of clothes. Jake's own sweatshirt and T-shirt followed, interrupting the wolf from smoothing out of the silverish fur on his arms. Shawn looked up and noticed the kitsune was about to sit down.

"Hey, the pants, too."

Jake turned his head to the side with his brow cocked and a slight snarl on his muzzle, shooting Shawn a puzzled glance.

"From the condition you're in, I expect you'll need a full body massage. And trust me, you'll be far more comfortable lying there without those jeans on." Jake just shrugged and undid the buttons for the crotch and the extra large tail-hole before sliding them down to his feet. With a well practised kick, he managed to land them over the wooden arm of the chair then rolled himself onto the bed, favouring his left arm. Shawn murred softly in appreciation that Jake was a boxers fur. The ones the kitsune had on now looking to be made of silk with an outlined, silver droplets design resting on a black background.

Stretched out fully, Jake didn't quite take up the length of the bed. Right then, he was lying there on his belly, hands folded up with his head resting on top them. His four tails were fanned out behind him. Now that Shawn thought about it, that was the most peaceful and serene he had seen his friend all evening. The wolf gently moved one of the bushy tails over a little more before sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"Now I want you to relax, Jake. Close your eyes and relax. Can you do that? Just try and forget about whatever's been bugging ya lately and enjoy the feeling." The kitsune murred in response and shifted around to get a bit more comfortable.

Shawn decided to start with Jake's shoulders, as those seemed to be the worst - and would give him some time to gauge the kitsune's reactions to what was being done to him. First he started with the loose skin near the nape of the neck, enjoying the feel of the fur between his fingers and how the skin slid around over the muscles. It almost visibly shocked the wolf how tight those were. His friend was as tense as a wound spring! But Shawn managed to loosen some of those muscles quickly and continued to work his way back to Jake's scruff, lightly pressing his fingers into the sparse muscles there. Shawn always loved the thicker fur that so many species possessed down their back; just running his fingers through it was a pleasure he could enjoy for hours. Which was part of the reason he had chosen the major he had. Jake's fur there was a russet red and seemed to shine in the light from the overhead light. Finished with that area, he moved to Jake's left shoulder.

Jake's vulpine ears lay almost flat against his skull and his upper lip went up in a snarl that exposed almost all his teeth. "Aawww!" he growled, his eyes tightly screwed shut at the light pressure the wolf was exerting.

"Gee, it's that bad?"

"Yah. It feels like the entire shoulder blade has rotted and I can feel the whole thing any time I move." His snarl lessened into a grimace. "Though what you're doing does seem to be helping some."

"Ug. Well, just hold on and I'll see what I can do about it." Shawn was more careful at the beginning, carefully working the different muscles around the shoulder as Jake lay there and whimpered softly to himself with his ears set back. But Shawn had had practice in dealing with things like this, and after about ten minutes of gentle kneading, Jake's ears had righted themselves and his whimpers turned to light murrs of contentment.

"Feeling better?" asked Shawn in casual whisper.

"Um, you have no idea how good that feels," Jake rumbled. "The pain, which I've lived with for days now, is finally gone. You can't imagine how wonderful it feels not to have that ache in your muscles which has been there so long, to finally have it all gone. It's a pleasure all its own."

"Hee hee, I'll bet."

The shoulders done, Shawn moved in slow circles down the rest of the kitsune's abdomen. Initially, he worked the lower back and spine, one hand pressing down atop the other, working both in circles over the muscles. At one point, after having kneaded his way down past the ribs, Shawn moved his hands and started to caress the softer fur of Jake's sides, where the white of his underbelly met the red of his back. Jake actually liked that a lot, letting out one long murr and stretching his lanky frame from claw to tail before resettling himself. His one ear gave a few absent flicks as he turned his head so it faced in to the room and not out to the window. Shawn then really got him to squirm when he tried using only the tips of his claws on the area just below the kitsune's ribs. Of course Jake just claimed that he was just ticklish there.

"Do you know what I admire about your kind?" asked Shawn as he lightly traced one claw through the corse fur just over Jake's tail base. The tails themselves were above the waistline of the shorts, as all furs desired as little constriction there as possible. "The tails; they're an absolute masterpiece of biology. Where every other species has only one, your kind have two or more. The mechanics of your tail base - the bone structure, nerves, muscle groups - are all at least four times as complex as my own or any others."

"Yeah, and it's also at least four times as sensitive as yours," said Jake as tried to shift out of the way of the teasing wolf. But between the window on one side of him and Shawn on the other, Jake didn't have any real option left except bearing it out.

With a laugh, Shawn smoothed out the disturbed fur. "Yeah, I suppose that's right. Now give me a sec here and I'll start on the legs." Jake mumbled something and turned his head towards the window, nestling it deeply into his arms.

Shawn turned around on the bed and plucked one of the kitsune's tails from the bed where it lay next to his thigh. Jake reflexively jerked it away and settled it with the other three on the side away from the wolf. Chuckling to himself, Shawn went to work on the leg muscles of the one closest to him.

Like all canines, Jake's feet were digitigrade and thus had very large and very strong thigh muscles which were needed to support the rest of his frame. With a slow squeezing motion, he worked his paws down an over the muscles starting at just below the legs of Jake's boxers, enjoying the feeling of both them and the fur covering them as he used his fingers to cup the thighs and his thumbs to work the firm muscles underneath. The softness of that fur was one aspect he loved, the colouring another; Jake's predominantly red colour met there with the white of his chest and the black of his feet. With one hand on the white, the other on the red, Shawn worked his way slowly to where it all met at the knee in black. Alas there was really nothing more to massage after that, so he made a quick trip back up the thigh before smoothing out the wonderful red and white fur there and leaning over to start on the other. Of course he had some tails to move to the side first.

By the time he was done the second thigh, he could tell the kitsune was extremely relaxed. Shawn lightly traced his claws along the back of the kitsune's legs, enjoying the feeling of the short black fur overlaying the thin layer of skin and bone. He gave the pads of one of Jake's feet a light brush as he got up and turned around, causing the kitsune's feet to twitch in response and Shawn to chuckle. Sitting down once more, so that he faced the head of the bed, Shawn paused to look at his friend. In all the time they had known each other, not once had he seen Jake like this, both mentally and physically. Lying there, with his head nestled in his arms with his eyes lightly closed and his back rising and falling in a steady rhythm from his breathing, Jake looked very peaceful, almost asleep. The bedroom was well insulated from the rest of the residence with painted cement blocks for walls and thick wooden doors. Despite his canine hearing, Shawn couldn't detect any of the loud dance music that had been playing out in the halls; all he could hear was the kitsune's steadying breathing and the soft hum of the computer power supply fan. Reaching up, Shawn began to absently pet the fur of Jake's back, running his hand down in long, pleasurable strokes. Jake murred tiredly and shifted around a little beneath the touch.

The wolf's stroking hand stopped a moment, then made a last swill in the middle of Jake's back before slipping down to the armpit and giving a little tug up.

"Turn over, kit," the wolf whispered.

Jake's ears both perked straight up and turned back to face the wolf sitting there calmly in his t-shit and jeans. One eye opened and did likewise. Jake made an inquisitive whine.

"Come on, turn over," whispered Shawn again, adding another light pull. When Jake's brow creased in speculation, the wolf responded, "Well, I can't very well do your front if you're lying on it, now can I?"

"No, I suppose not," mumbled Jake. Pushing himself up on his arms, he gave off a full body vulpine stretch and yawn. His ears swivelled back and his muzzle opened showing the full extent of his teeth while his long, pink tongue curled up in the usual canine manner. Shawn felt a pair of tails lightly smack him on the back as Jake arched his. Then with a quick jerk, Jake flopped over onto has back, being careful not to get any of his tails caught under himself in the process. Shawn couldn't help but smile as his friend lay there with his black hands folded up besides his white chest. They way he lay there blinking, he looked like a kit.

"What are you looking at?" demanded Jake as his brow furrowed.

Shawn snorted and shook his head. "Nothing. Now just close your eyes and let me get to work on the front." Jake just mumbled a few times as he let his arms down to his sides and leaned his head back as he shifted around a bit more. Shawn's eyes roved over the soft white of Jake's fully exposed throat to the fur which covered the kitsune's chest.

The wolf's hands went gently to Jake's chest, slowing entwining the fingers into the short, soft fur just below the shoulders. It was a wonderful feeling that fur, and Shawn paused to revel in it. He loved the way that it glided under the pads of his palms and brushed at the thin fur on the sides. Then with slow, deliberate motions, he began to circle his hands, pressing lightly down with his fingers and the edges of his palms. Jake rolled his head around a little and made a small rumbling murr as his fingers clutched at the bed spread.

"Feel good?" Shawn wanted to know.

"But of course," replied Jake in a low, rumbling grown that was reminiscent of the villain of a popular movie about sword swinging immortals.

Shawn chuckled as he shifted a few inches back on the bed. He stopped when he felt himself run into one of the kitsune's bushy tails, then he slid his hands down to Jake's ribs. It was obvious that Jake wasn't as well muscled as either Shawn himself or Lee, but as the wolf worked his hands gently and slowly over Jake's abdomen, he could feel a definite firmness beneath the soft white. Shawn worked his hands down and off to the sides, just below Jake's ribs, and subsequently swept them up against the lie of the fur to meet in the middle of Jake's chest. There he proceeded to use the tips of his claws to scritch a spot on the breastbone. Much to his surprise, it elicited a small yerf from the kitsune.

"What the hell was that?" asked Shawn with a laugh as he stopped and stared down.

Jake's pink tongue flicked out and licked the tip of his nose. "Um, long story."

Rolling his hands through his friend's chest fur, Shawn laughed and admitted, "I'll bet."

Finished as he was with the chest area, Shawn slowly raked his claws down Jake's abdomen. The further down he made his way, the lower his head got to the other canine's body. He finally stopped with both hands resting on Jake's hips. He gazed down at Jake's slowly rising and falling white chest, feeling the warmth of the fur beneath his paws and remembering the rather brisk beating of the kitsune's heart as his hands rested over it. Then the wolf worked a pair of fingers from each hand under the wait band of Jake's black and quick-silver-pattern boxers and slowly began to pull them down.

Shawn's gaze instantly snapped up when Jake's right paw clamped down on his, the claws digging into his wrist. He looked up into the panicked visage of the kitsune, with his slightly bulging eyes and crooked back ears. The boxers let out a small, muffled snap as Shawn withdrew his fingers and held his hands several inches away from Jake's hips. He looked right into the slitted eyes of the mildly panicked kitsune and spoke reassuringly.

"Jake, I'm your friend. I hope you realize that. As your friend, I'm not about to do anything that you don't want me to. I'm sorry if that freaked you out there."

Those off green eyes flickered over the face of the silver wolf for several long moments. "Na," Jake finally whispered. He released Shawn's paw from his black furred one. "It's cool, wolf," he murmured as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes once more.

The wolf sat there for a moment, almost waiting for Jake to say something else. When the kitsune continued to lie there, Shawn returned his paws to just where Jake's shorts were covering his hips. He kept a careful eye on the kitsune as he worked his fingers under the waist band this time before starting to slowly inch down the smooth garment. When he had wriggled the boxers down to just where the waistline was catching on Jake's sheath, he looked up once more into the face of his reclining friend. Jake hadn't moved in the slightest. Nor had he made any further objections. Shawn took that for what it was and rapidly slid the silk underpants down to Jake's knees, enjoying the muted swish of silk on fur.

A small murr of contentment rose in Shawn's throat and his tail slowly tossed around on the very edge of the bed as he finally gazed upon his friend's naked sex. The kitsune's maleness was exactly like other canines: he had a sheath that started from between his legs and ran a few inches up his belly, below which hung a pair of well sized testicles, the whole thing looking to be covered in a downy white fur to rival the softness of Jake's chest.

Shawn's eyes never left that sight as he eased himself off the bed, being careful not to back into Jake's desk or printer in the process. As he moved between Jake's legs, he kept one hand on the black fur of the shins, lightly rubbing the ankle and foot. When he finally got into a good position between Jake's legs, he propped his knees up on the bed, then bent down and grasped the boxers. Slowly, teasingly, he slid them down the rest of Jake's legs, taking special care to toy with the thin, black fur on the way.

The right leg, the one facing the window, was freed first and Shawn left that leg propped up at the knee while he worked the shorts off the other. Here he used both hands, cupping them under Jake's foot and slowly pulling the whole leg up to his chest. When the wolf ran out of leg, the shorts came off and Jake's leg fell off to the side of the bed leaving the kitsune lying almost spread-eagle. Shawn balled up the silk boxers and three-pointed them onto the pile of the rest of Jake's discarded clothes. Now it was time for the fun to begin.

The wolf growled lightly as he placed both hands on Jake's right thigh and leaned forward, driving his paws down and against the fur. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jake's grip on the sheets tighten. Shawn stopped moving the outside paw when his chest came to rest against Jake's knee, but he let his right hand move a little further until it was resting on the crook between the kitsune's legs and crotch. Shawn had guessed right; the fur there was much softer, and warmer as well. A small shudder shook Jake's body when the wolf ran his fingers, claws forward, up and around the sheath, only very lightly brushing the edges and top and he made his way around, eventually coming to rest with his fingers beside the sheath itself and the thumb resting under the heavy balls. By this time Jake's muzzle was open as he lay there panting lightly. A small gasp worked its way past his lips as Shawn began to rub a sparse patch of the soft, white fur.

"You know," said Shawn in a soft rumble as he slowly worked his thumb in small circles down towards the pucker of Jake's anus, "I think I'm just going to keep you like this for the rest of the evening, massaging you until you go nuts."

Jake's response was to use one of his tails to clock Shawn lightly on the head. The wolf broke instantly off, sitting straight up and blinking rapidly. Then he looked down at Jake to see the laughter shaking the kitsune's chest and his tongue lolling out the side of his grinning muzzle. Jake still had his eyes closed.

"Oh, so that's the way you want to play it, huh?" said Shawn as he leaned over and grabbed one of the bushy, red and white tails, bringing it back up with him. Jake yipped slightly and his body tensed a moment, causing his one upright leg to lie flat. Shawn didn't really care about that at the moment, he had what he wanted.

Being careful with the sensitive tail, Shawn ran a hand up its length as he brought the tail to his muzzle. Considering he was sitting straight up on his knees, it was quite a reach; Jake had to lift his hips up a few inches to accommodate the wolf. As Jake could only really use his shoulders and the leg on the bed for leverage, this forced him to spread his legs even wider than before, in an effort to lessen the powerful sensations. The tail of any fur was an incredibly sensitive appendage, more often the source of discomfort than pleasure. But if you were gentle, the wolf knew that it could be a source of extraordinary pleasure. If it had not been for the blanket gripped tightly in his hands, Jake probably would have sunk his claws into the pads of his palms at the intensity of those sensations.

Shawn held Jake's tail lightly pinched off a few inches below the white tip and was idly flicking that part back and forth before he chose to bury his nose in the dense fur and inhale deeply. When the wolf ran one hand down the rest of the tail, Jake's hips rose a few more inches and his head pressed down on the bed. The kitsune's muzzle formed a tight O and he gave off a series of rolling yowls. That only encouraged Shawn and he clamped his jaws lightly over the tail and dragged his teeth down a good foot of its length. Jake's tone went from a yip as the wolf's teeth first clamped down, to a long, loud, drawn out moan as he arched his whole body upwards and squeezed his eyes more tightly shut.

Jake's body made a light thump when Shawn released his grip and he lay there in a panting heap. When Shawn looked down, he saw a few centimetres of Jake's bright pink flesh poking from the kitsune's sheath. The wolf grinned, a few teeth showing, and leaned over the prostrate vulpine. He ran his claws over the white inside of Jake's thighs again, teasing him gently. Jake only lay there and groaned at the now familiar feeling of claws though his fur. This time one of Shawn's hand travelled down and under the leg, over one tight ass cheek to the kitsune's tail base. With a little urging, Shawn was able to persuade Jake to lift up a few inches and permit him to entwine his fingers around each of the tail bases there. Since Jake possessed four tails, it worked out well and the wolf was able to clamp off each one between two fingers. He literally had the kitsune by the tails now. Jake murred in pleasure at the slight pressure put on his tails, his muzzle opening and his long, pink tongue hung out the side.

Returning an echoing murr, Shawn moved his other paw upwards, cupping Jake's heavy balls and toying with them with his fingers. Jake's legs spread open even more in an effort to give the wolf still better access and his arms thrust back on the sheets in a mock attempt at escape. Shaw mirrored Jake's panting as he lowered his face to a few inches of the kitsune's white furred sex. The smell of vulpine musk was heavy in Shawn's nostrils, something that had been steadily permeating the air ever since Jake's boxers had been fully removed. The smell of another male's arousal was like the most sensual cologne to the wolf, and this close, the smell was making him dizzy. Right now he wanted nothing more than to taste kitsune.

Abandoning his lose grip on Jake's testicles, the wolf moved his hand up further and began to fondle the bottom of Jake's sheath ever so lightly. A series of shuddering gasps wracked the kitsune's body, almost causing the wolf to break his concentration to see if anything was wrong. But a groan of pleasure and some slow wriggling of Jake's hips reassured Shawn that everything was quite all right. Moving to the main part of the sheath, Shawn feels Jake's penis begin to quickly swell. Propping himself up on one elbow, the wolf looked down on this and churred happily as he worked the loose skin back and forth.

As his hard, pointed pink flesh was being exposed to the cold air of the room, Jake began to make all manner of vulpine sounds of pleasure; yips, growls, and several drawn out yowls. His panting had also increased with the rhythm of the wolf's pumping actions. Shawn was quite glad, once again, for the well insulated construction of the room and the vacancy of the suite. Once he had gotten all eight inches of the kitsune exposed, and was pretty sure that Jake was fully erect, he began to work the paw at the tail base, rubbing the area above there vigorously. He knew that Jake would be feeling both that and the slight pinch of his tails being trapped between Shawn's fingers.

Jake's head snapped up suddenly and he sucked in a noisy breath. His eyes closed tightly and his ears went once more flush with his skull. Before Shawn could ask anything, Jake's head slowly lowered itself back to the now disarrayed pillows. "Ohh... is good."

"I'm glad you like," whispered Shawn as he slid down the last bit of the kitsune's sheath. His hand then reached up and closed on the bright red, and lightly throbbing peace of flesh. Jake's penis was heavily veined, coming to a point like other canine's, and Shawn could feel the rapid pulse through it. Jake could feel Shawn's hot breath on his exposed flesh even though he couldn't see it. He didn't need to see anything, actually; the sensations of it all being far more sensual and intense without having to use his eyes. The feelings created from rubbing of his tail base were pleasurable enough, but a combination of that and the tight grip on his shaft, with its long stroking motion, with the feeling of the fur on the edge of the paw rubbing exposed flesh, was almost more that the kitsune could take. A loud and rumbling groan of pure pleasure passed Jake's muzzle as Shawn slowly began to stroke him up and down.

The two canines continued like that for many minutes; one lying on the bed enraptured in lust, the other administering the pleasure. Shawn could not recall when he'd had a partner quite as vocal and sensitive as Jake. The kitsune was panting heavily now, his tongue hanging over the sharp teeth in his wide open muzzle, only disappearing when Jake yipped or made some other vocal response to Shawn's actions. The rhythm they had fallen into was a steady one; Shawn pumping slowly and firmly on Jake's bright red dick, feeling the heat from it on the pads of his hands, and Jake thrusting his hips up to meet the strokes. The sweat on Shawn's paw and Jake's own natural lubrications made the sliding action far smoother and more pleasurable to both parties.

Eventually Shawn began to feel a slight swelling at the base of Jake's penis. Slowing down his stroking, he gives Jake's sex a quick examination as the kitsune slowed his thrusting hips. Sure enough, it was his knot. Jake had settled into a rapidly panting heap by then, lying there with his eyes closed, his legs spread wide, and his dick in the hand of one of his best friends. Shawn glided his hand along to the top of the kitsune's shaft and dabbed off some of the precum that had been leaking from the tip. He rubbed it into his fingers than took a little more and used his thumb to rub it into the pointed end of Jake's penis. Jake squirmed a little more under the wolf's touch as a soft mewl escaped his lips.

"You want me to suck you or just keep pumping? It's entirely up to you." Shawn could feel his own hardness straining almost unbearably at his jeans. He had no idea how the kitsune could have lasted so long, especially with what had been done to him. And then he wondered if lasting this long was NORMAL for Jake.

The kitsune's eyes fluttered open and his tongue licked some of the spittle off his lips and whiskers before finally retreating inside his closed muzzle. Jake lay there gazing at the ceiling for a few seconds, feeling Shawn's one hand resting on his cock the other gently and slowly stimulating his tail base. Closing his eyes, he shuddered at the sensations going through him. "Um, no. What you're doing is... most adequate."

Shawn wined in disappointment as he lightly slipped his hand down to cover Jake's sheath once more. After all that he had been through tonight, with his own over stimulated senses, there was nothing he wanted more at the moment than the kitsune's hot flesh in his muzzle. He wanted to have one hand toying with the softly furred flesh of Jake's sheath and balls while his own tongue played over the entire length of the kitsune's cock, tasting the flesh and the pre that would be oozing out. He wanted to drag his incisors along its length an see what kinds of sounds that would produce from his oh, so vocal partner.

But Jake was still his friend, and he had promised not to do anything the kitsune didn't want done to him. Dabbing a little more of the dribbling pre from Jake's tip, Shawn used that to lubricate the whole shaft. "Okay, if that's the way you want it," he whispered with a downcast expression.

The kitsune, however, was completely oblivious to the wolf's face; all he was aware of was the iron grip Shawn suddenly put his cock in and the vigorous pumping motion he imparted. Jake was only able to growl and start thrusting his hips up to meet the wolf's action once again. He could tell by the tight soreness in the skin at his tip and the swelling of the knot at his base, that he didn't have much longer to go. His hands contracted into fists and he pulled the bed spread up as the sensual feeling of anticipation grew.

Shawn murred contentedly as he pumped Jake's throbbing member. His own mounting excitement over the kitsune's actions had helped to blot out any sense of being deprived himself. From the now massive swelling of Jake's foxy knot, not to mention the heavy odour of sex and cum that had saturated the room, he could tell it was almost over. He began to increase the pace, rubbing the kitsune's tailbase with his claws as he watched the knot grow to its full size.

Jake had been through an astounding amount of pleasure that night. The massage was wonderful and the hand-job had been beyond anything he might have expected. It was clear why Lee and Shawn where so friendly to each other! A shudder went through Jake's body at the thought of what Shawn's mouth would feel like wrapped around his cock as opposed to just his hand. Just the wolf's panting breath, where it met the skin of his penis, was fantastic. He was about to say something about changing positions when a well known tightness overcame his groin.

With a last, final thrust that lifted Jake's ass a good six inches off the bed, the kitsune arched his back, and climaxed with a howl of unleashed pleasure. His cock spasmed several times, each time shooting out a long string of thick, white jizz onto his body as his toes and claws dug into the bed. The first gob landed on his shoulders, the next six landing at different ranges all along his heaving white chest. The rest just dribbled out onto his crotch or over Shawn's hand. The wolf had kept up his rapid stroking all through Jake's climax. When it was finally over, the kitsune fell back to the bed with a loud wuff, totally and completely spent.

Shawn moved his other hand out from under the prostrate kitsune and began to use both of them to scrape up the cum from his friend's fur and still dribbling penis. When the fur on both paws was thoroughly saturated, Shawn began to use his tongue and work his way up Jake's chest. His friend did nothing but lie there, panting heavily and trying to recover his breath, so the wolf made quick work of sucking the cum out of the fur. That was the one thing about any sort of masturbationary activity: cleaning up the mess afterwards

Flopping back into Jake's high-back computer chair, Shawn then proceeded to work on his own paws and fingers. Damn, the things looked like they had been dipped in that old white glue from elementary school. Shawn's head ducked down and his tongue lashed out to catch a drop before it fell. At least it had a better taste then that glue, he reflected as he started working his tongue over the rest of his paws. A small grin came to his face as he worked on a particularly stubborn patch, recalling the logo of a famous chicken place: "Finger Licking Good."

"That was... most enjoyable," rasped Jake when he had gotten his wind back.

Shawn smiled, showing off most of his teeth, and he sucked on the pinky claw of his right hand. "Hee, hee, why thank ye."

Jake groaned then, that one oddly holding almost distressed quality as opposed to pleasure. Slowly, like an old childhood toy with run down batteries, he brought his legs and arms up, closing the legs and wrapping two of his tails over his soaked crotch, before placing the palms of his hands over his eyes. "I can't believe I went and fucking did that," he groaned. Then in a low mumble, "I had too much to fucking drink."

"Believe it or not, I can't believe it either," admitted Shawn as he ran his tongue over the back of his hand. He had to use his teeth to work out an area that had soaked in right to the skin. "Look, just because we did this doesn't make you gay or anything. It was just a friend helping a friend, that's all. Friends do shit like that, help each other out, you know. They do things to make each other feel better." And the throbbing in his own pants reminded Shawn that he might need some feline help to feel better when he got back to his room.

"You're a liar, too, you know that?" said Jake without moving his hands.

"Oh, what makes you say that?"

"The otter, Suzan Serletic. She has kinesiology with you, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, remember? I also have an english with her. I remember her bitching to me about having to learn enzymes of muscles or some shit this week. You never did any massage therapy."

The wolf slowly pulled out one finger with a loud pop. "Shit. But of course, you're no better." When Jake didn't respond, he elaborated. "That drink you had wasn't rum and coke, that was plain coke. They serve the mixed drinks in another glass."

"So I guess we're both liars, then," said Jake after a pause.

"Guess we are."

The computer fan, and the licking and sucking noises of the wolf, were the only sounds in the small bedroom. After a few minutes, Shawn finished getting the greater part of the jizz from his fur. He put his hands down on the arm rests and glared over at his friend. Still, he guessed he could sympathize with Jake on some level. What they had just done was not something that society at large condoned, so it was natural of him to feel SOME embarrassment. The wolf figured on tying to lighten the mood.

"You know, I've never done that with a kitsune before. I've done it with a fox once, but never a kitsune."

Jake still had his hands covering his eyes. "And? Opinion?"

Shawn smacked his lips lightly, running his long pink tongue over his teeth. "Different, certainly. Believe it or not, taste isn't much of a factor in this. The most powerful part is the sex musk, and yours is quite arousing, more so than a normal fox. The rest boils down to texture; yours is a bit thicker, but then again, you know how yiffy foxes are. Of course it wasn't as good as tiger, mind you..."

He trailed off to the sound of Jake's chuckling laughter. The kitsune's whole frame was shaking with the effort to barely contain his amusement. Jake removed his hands from his face and leaned up a little, propped on one elbow, to look at the wolf sitting beside him.

"Um, Shawn, you have some..." He tapped the side of his own muzzle with a finger.

"Oh, do I?" exclaimed the other fur, his paw going up and finding the small, gooey mess. His tongue made as quick work of that one as it had the larger globs on Jake's chest. "Thanks. I wouldn't have wanted to leave here like that." The wolf Shawn leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands loosely before him. "Feel better?"

Jake looked away, his oddly green-blue eyes going out of focus, and pondered. His friend just sat there, in the silence of the room, and waited. "You know, I do," Jake finally admitted.

Shawn smiled that wolfish grin of his. "I'm glad, then. I hate seeing my friends miserable."

The naked kitsune's eyes roved the far end of the room for a minute. "You realize, of course, that we'll have to do this again sometime," he added in an absent tone.

Cracking a smile, Shawn growled deeply, "But of course."
