Wild Fruit

Story by Cyberuis on SoFurry

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A quick story I did spontaneously this morning. Really short but I like how I did, hope you enjoy as well.

Resting beneath the shade of a weeping willow, an epic fruitful dragon closed his eyes and curled up to take a wonderful afternoon nap. Though underneath a lazily swaying willow, the sun light still streamed through the many small gaps, peppering his rather large body with beams of sunlight. However, soon his drowsy comfort was interrupted by a sudden chill. When he opened his eye, the first thing he noticed was the shadow looming directly over his head. Upon opening the other eye, he was greeted with a ghastly sight, something so disheartening that he could tell his face warped into a grimace the moment he laid eyes on her. Pine, the epic wild dragon, was looming overhead, grinning sweetly, though her smile is far more unsettling than her usual scowl. Drood gave an annoyed sigh, "Hello, Pine."

She sat on her haunches, eyeing the plump dragon like a fresh kill, "Hello Drood, you don't sound too excited to see me?"

"Well I was about to take a nap."

"Sleeping the day away on such a wonderful afternoon, typical."

"What do you want Pine?"

"I'm hungry."

This sigh was more disgruntled than the previous one, "No, Pine."

"Oh come on, you're like a walking buffet."

"You get weird when you eat my fruit."

She snorted, sneering slightly, "Who me? Absurd."

"Seriously? You do it every time."

"Exactly", she leaned forward, her sneer intensifying, "So we both understand how this is going to end. You might as well just let me eat, because you know I will eventually."

Drood hated how she could be so thuggish, but still make so much sense, "Fine, eat your fill and go away."

She smirked, thrilled by another successful hunt, and approached her prey. She gave his cheek a small lick, but instead of pulling away, she trailed her tongue along the side of his muzzle, past his ear, and up to the tip of his horn, finally taking a small bite out of a succulent pineapple growing from it. Drood despised the way she ate his fruit. Normally, dragons that ate from him would just pick a piece of fruit and be on their way. While this would be somewhat painful, as he has a few nerves going through the stems, it more or less felt like a pinch. Pine knew about his sensitivity in his fruit, and would not only eat the fruit while they were still attached to him, causing him to feel every bite, but also take her sweet time to lick the fruit too. The whole process was so irritating because of how good it actually felt. She made such a normally mundane and quick process, into a painstakingly slow and strangely erotic routine. His thoughts were interrupted when a shudder worked across his spine as she gently scraped her teeth across a ripe pear. She let her tongue wrap and circle the fruit, tugging it gently but never fully plucking it from the stem. Though the nerves weren't very sensitive, he could feel every shallow bite into its juicy flesh. To make matters worse, this time she decided to reach his horn fruit by crawling over his head, resting her lower stomach directly on his face, allowing the scent of her more intimate parts to drift upward. If his body was twisted slightly to the left, he was quite sure that he would fully unsheathed by this point.

After an excruciatingly long period of time, Pine backed away, licking her lips and smirking. What felt like years of perverse torture, was actually seven minutes of her eating five fruits. Drood sighed, thankful, and admittedly somewhat disappointed, that she was finally done. Pine licked her paw, "Delicious as usual, Drood."

"Yeah yeah, happy now?"

She leaned forward and gently kissed the top of his head, "Delighted. So, still going to take that nap?"

"I suppose so, once you..."

Interrupting him midsentence, Pine pushed Drood's head up and sat down beneath him, letting his head rest on her back. She flicked her tail up to tap his nose, and then curled herself up. Drood had to admit as pushy and irritating as she was, she did make a wonderful pillow.