Slugle Huggle

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#3 of General One Shot Stories

Rerim and Tiran visit a forest which seems to have an odd disease going around...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^^

Rerim and his friend Tiran were walking into the local forest for their annual monthly walk, it was Tiran's birthday so they had decided to do it a bit early as to celebrate. They usually did the walk at the end of the month, so they had been excited to do it early. They were weighed down by their heavy backpacks, but they didn't mind as the weather was gorgeous.

Tiran whistled a happy tune as they turned a bend on the hiking path, Rerim appreciated the beauty of the mountains that they were walking through. Tiran let out a slight sigh as he unzipped his backpack, "Why am I always the first one to take a drink..." The friends had a little contest every time they went on a hike, they tried their hardest to resist to take a drink from their water bottles. But Tiran being an animal who loved water always got hotter than the corgi, he took a deep drink from the bottle.

Chuckling, Rerim pulled his own water bottle out and took a drink before sighing as he wiped his arm over his mouth. "Finally, you should've waited just a bit longer Tiran. I was thinking about taking a drink soon." The otter fumed and kicked a rock off of the route down a hill, the corgi laughed as his friend fumed for a bit.

As the pair walked, they passed by a few other hikers who had odd looks on their face. Tiran and Rerim didn't think of it much at first, but after the third hiker they decided to ask the next one what was wrong. A panther with the same odd look was walking towards them and they decided to stop him, "Excuse me." Rerim asked, stopping the panther as he grabbed the cat's arm.

The panther flinched violently away from the touch, "Oh no! I've been touched, I've been..." He then looks down and sighs in sudden relief, "Oh... it's just a dog... What's up?" Tiran and Rerim looked at one another with confusion.

"Why is everyone walking away from this direction with such an odd look?" Tiran asked, fiddling with his backpack as he did.

The panther looked back doubtfully, "Well it's just that there's this sign just a bit further that says that there's this really nasty disease going around in that area of the forest, thankfully it's only able to be spread through touch..." He looked away embarrassed, "That's why I freaked out when you touched me..."

Rerim scratched his head, "So how did you know that we weren't infected?"

Looking carefully at the edge of the forest nearby the panther answered, "Well, the sign said something about slime... I dunno. All I know is that I'm getting out of here." He pulled away from them before they could ask anything else.

Rerim looked at Tiran with slight concern, "Should we leave?" The otter scratched the back of his neck.

"I dunno... we were really looking forward to this, and if we have to we can keep an eye out for anything slimy looking." Rerim rubbed his muzzle.

After a moment of debating, the pair decided to go on and run back if they saw anything wrong. Walking towards the forest, they both hesitated a bit as they approached the edge. Tiran took a deep breath, his rudder ticking nervously. "I... I'm sure we'll be fine." Rerim steeled himself and nodded, the pair then walked into the forest not looking back.

As they walked in, they started to unwind after a bit. The forest smelled of pine and flowers, it set their minds at ease of the disease that apparently inhabited the area. Tiran started to whistle once more and Rerim himself joined in as well, the pair were on lookout still but they'd lost the edge of their fear.

As the pair walked down the forest, Rerim's ears suddenly twitched as they heard the sound of running water. "Hey Tiran, I hear a river!"

The otter jumped in excitement at the news, "Really?!" When his friend nodded, he quickly looked from side to side as if he could easily see it from there. "Where is it?!"

Rerim closed his eyes as he twisted his head from side to side, listening for the sound of water until he found it. Pointing to their left Rerim answered, "It's over there." Even before finishing his sentence, his friend had sprinted through the woods towards the water. Rerim shouted to his friend as he ran, "I'll be there in a sec, I just want to walk ahead a little bit!"

Tiran heard his friend, but he didn't answer as he was too excited at the prospect of getting a swim in. As he reached the river, his vest and backpack were quickly discarded before he jumped into the river happily.

Rerim hummed as he walked along, his friend always loved any chance to swim so he knew it would be a bit before the otter would get out of the river. He glanced around slightly nervous at the chance of someone with the disease, but he didn't see anyone so he sighed with relief. Walking through the woods, he looked around and admired some flowers. Kneeling next to them, he didn't notice a form approaching behind. "Maybe I should grab one of these to show to Tiran..." Rerim muttered, from behind an oddly wet hand was set on his shoulder. Rerim chuckled, "Did you need to tell me something Tiran?"

But as he turned around, he froze as he looked into the face of... something. It looked to be a fox, but as he looked at his head it seemed to be oddly slimy, on its head were two slug like antenna. Any fur that the fox would normally seemed to become the natural coloring of his slimy body, Rerim looked at him in confusion. "W... what the?" He looked down to see where the fox slug thing touched him, where his fur should've been was slimy skin that looks exactly like his fur color. "What did you do to me?!" As he tried to wipe off the slime, his hand that had touched the slime started to change as well. His fingers disappeared as they became one solid appendage, Rerim was frightened.

The fox slug smiled, his face appear to be in a dopey state. "Hiya mister doggy, you don't look right. So I thought you might like to look right." He said, his voice equally odd along with his face.

Rerim gasped as the fox pulled his backpack and jacket off, he weakly reached for them but he felt really odd. "No... my... my stuff..." His nose disappeared as his face smoothed out, becoming slug like as he changed. A pair of slug antennae grew on his head, his eyes started to change into pink swirls and his face started to slide into an easy smile. "Wh... what were those things again? Were they mine?" He asked the fox slug.

The fox tilted his head, "What stuff?" The thoughts slid like slime out of Rerim's head.

"I don't know..." Around the white fur of his stomach, a white slug line slid around it naturally, sliding down to his extending slug tail. A natural slime formed on the corgi slug's body, as the slime slid around Rerim's name slid out of his mind, actually all of his memories slid out except for one. The memory of a familiar otter running towards a lake, it disturbed Corgi Slug that there was someone in the forest that looked so weird...

Fox slug noticed the disgruntled look on Corgi Slug's face, "Is something wrong Clug?"

Clug looked at the fox slug, "I need to find someone Flug, I'll be back." He then walked into the direction of the odd looking otter.

Tiran spit out water happily as he swam around in the water, his rudder twirling happily. "Ah... much better..." He muttered happily, all thoughts of the disease were gone from his mind. For a while there were no sounds but water rushing by peacefully and the cheerful chirps of birds. After a while Tiran started to wonder where Rerim had gone, "Hm... maybe I should go look for him..."

Tiran twisted in the water and started for shore, as he did so he saw a familiar form approaching from the bushes. "Oh, there he is." Tiran said with a smile before stopping and waving to the form, "Hey Rerim!"

But the figure didn't say anything, he just stared out at Tiran. The otter frowned, "Huh... is something wrong?" He swam to shore and approached his friend, "Hey Rerim, what's w... what in the world?!" His friend looked so weird, he had antennae and his eyes were odd spirals. "R... Rerim?"

Clug tilted his head, "Who?" He approached the otter, "You look weird."

Tiran sputtered, "I look weird?! You've become... something really weird!"

Clug approached the otter, "No, you're wrong." He said with his happy face and then hugged the otter, smothering Tiran in slime.

"Ewwwww... this is nasty!" Tiran called out in disgust, the slime sank right through his fur.

Clug wiped his head against the otter's shoulder, "Better otter?"

Tiran tried to push away the slug hybrid, but his body felt really weird. Glacing down, the otter's eyes widened as he saw his fur giving way to slimy same colored skin. "No..." He moaned weekly, it was as if being hugged by the slug hybrid was draining him of all strength.

Clug smiled as Tiran changed into a slug hybrid, Tiran's nose disappeared as his head changed and his eyes became blue spirals. A goofy smile appeared on his face as everything from his mind just slipped away, none of it really related to him, he was a otlug not someone named Tiran.

His rudder morphed from a normal otter tail into a sluglike one, as the last of his fur became his sluggish skin he giggled as he felt needless thoughts slide away.

As his body finished morphing, Otlug's body slumped over and he happily hugged Clug back. Clug smiled, "Feel better Otlog?"

Otlog giggled, "Yeah..." As Clug let go of the new slug hybrid, slime lingered between them for a moment before slopping to the ground. "Should we find someone else bud?"

Clug smiled and nodded, the pair walked off towards the trail to find another unfortunate soul.