Fracture - Prologue

Story by Alexos Drausus on SoFurry

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#1 of Fracture

"Fracture" - A love story.

What happens when a very secretive fox with a shady past meets someone who wants to help him but it all behind him. Can he accept the offer?

Alexos is a broken fox, can anybody put him back together?

It was fairly weird, for him at least. To be feeling something quite like this. Mostly because showing real emotions even when he wasn't around people was very unlike him. When he was surrounded by his friends he could be calm and collected, even with what had befallen him before. All that was now ruined... and why? Just because of a simple slip of the tongue. One sentence... a few words cut off just too late and it had ruined everything.

The façade he had worked for years to build up and sustain came crashing down on his head. What was he going to say when he had to face them? And he did. Have to face them, that is. He could not evade them forever. Eventually one of them would see him... confront him. And then would they still be his friends? With everything out on the table before them. Him left before them unshielded and unhidden. His secrets and lies found out, and his past uncovered.

Of course, he was being overdramatic. He still had most of his secrets. He shuddered slightly as he remembered the way they all turned to look at him. And him. At that moment, he despised him. The one all this was about. All this trouble. And all for nothing. It was the fox's fault of course, for saying it. But sometimes you just need somebody to blame. For only a few moments he found himself pushing the blame and hurt onto the other. But then he took it all back, tears forming in his eyes and one slowly cascading down his muzzle. He was alone, for now. So he left it there. He would always be alone, he thought sadly. A thing so rare as a single tear started to remind him that under all the lies and secrets, he was still only an anthro. Fragile.

"Corrupted." A memory came back to him and he couldn't hold it back anymore. There comes a time when everything grows strong enough to break free, and at least he was alone here. Hiding, curled up under the stairwell at his school, he began to sob, shaking and crying, desperately wishing he had somebody to help him. But nobody came. Of course not, everybody else was in class. He had a few more minutes. He just hoped that would be enough to pull himself back together...