
Story by Aury on SoFurry

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Ziras was one of the smaller guys in his tribe. Belonging to a large tribe with a population numbering above ten thousand. The clan he belonged to were constructing a town. Complete with a blacksmith, market, farm and headquarters. Only a few residential homes were set up at this point. The tribe never works for pay, but are systematically provided all necessary needs, like food, water, the shelters they were striving to build, recreational activity, and slam parties around a camp fire on the end of every weekend. The clan was truly a fine clique of peace and prosperity, as they all enjoyed their political equality, the treatment they bestow upon one another, and their fine abilities to solve personal quarrels and assessment of the situations and struggles put in front of them.

The population of the tribes were all like Dragons. They referred to their species as Teimals. Their outfits almost consisted entirely of only loincloths. The politically superior members of the tribe often had gems for buckles on the cloths, while everyone else had ordinary zinc or copper ones. The Teimals had fortified, squared, well-shaped muzzles, hairless, covered in hide. There was a select number of body colors amongst the tribes. A common one being Soft yellow and a light brown underbelly. But these colors always vary. Unlike dragons, they lacked wings. They had long, beefy, spadeless tails. They all lacked wings. they were all burly folks compared to a human. A male's height averaging 6'1, a female's height averaging 5'10. Ziras was very small in contrast to his people, being only 5'8. The biggest struggle with his size was that the large clan he was established in, it was hard to be efficient.

As socially beneficial as his tribe was and enjoying of his lifestyle, Ziras was not very happy with his physical self. He felt like he wasn't handsome, and as nice as the women were, never really managed to attract females of his kind. He felt he was too small and weak; and in contrast to most of his tribemates, he was. Being shorter than most, in addition, he was also a bit of a lightweight; lacking muscle most of the laborers had. The line of work on establishing the tribes was almost entirely revolved around labor and the construction of their aspiring society. He couldn't lift weight as well as most, and was often outdone in a lot of efficiency. He was also very new, having joined the tribe since the day of it's independence, which was only a month ago. Learning the ropes on all of the skilled trades also very overwhelming; because it was the tribe's main forte, and something he never really had a grasp up, including a lack of mechanical inclination.

Ziras was an outlander before joining, only recently brought in upon the clan's independence. His hide was a dark grey, with a matching hue of dark yellow for his underbelly. All inlanders and veterans of the tribe had horns on their heads, but Ziras was a different Teimal. He had big, triangular ears. This often helped him express his feelings, but the difference was very glaring.

Dusk was upon the tribe, and it was time for everyone to head off. Most people had friends and other things to do, but Ziras felt a little out of place with the tribe. As nice as he was treated, the lectures made him feel dumb, the efficiency of his bigger tribe-mates made him feel inferior, and while a few of the women found him cute, he doubted any belief of attraction, for he was an intense negative thinker.

Ziras was learning the trade of a locksmith, and the workings of locks.. Once getting away from the others to bring his mind at peace, he picked up his open, thin iron box of tools and began to head home. The home of Ziras was a giant, roomy tent. Only about 5% of the people had standard housing, given the newness of the tribe, where everyone else were settled in big tents. Each one as big as a large-end bedroom. Ziras had one of the bigger tents of the tribe, even though he doesn't share it with anyone. The glaring evening sun that was merclessly beating down on him and his people was finally heading off, to be overridden by the pending night sky. The end result was a furiously sweating Ziras, who sighing in complete relief, dropped his tool box inside near the entrance of the tent. He wiped his forehead with one hand and adjusted the front of his loincloth with the other. The lack of clothes was almost needed for how intense the weather was.

*I love the home here.. but the work is brutal.. I didn't think building anything would be this complicated.. how did I last a month on the work force?* Were thoughts that surged through his mind.

Full of doubts as to if he belongs, he also remembered his lack of associates and female companionship in the tribe as well. He enjoyed the luxury of having all his home demands covered, even if he didn't earn an income. Food, water, shelter, he was all good. He also took note that there was mail placed on the table where his messages are normally placed onto. It was only the second letter he received, the first one being information about his entry into the tribe. It didn't seem business related, so he promptly stepped up to the table and took the envelope on his hands.

The letter's paper was brown, and there was no writing.. But was a mark of a lipstick kiss on the front of it! The smooch was ginormous! *Was that lipstick applied on with ordinary lips, or drawn on? it's HUGE.* He thought with bulking eyes. His heart was really picking up from the sheer confusion of all of this. He opened the letter as soon as this feeling came. He had to figure out what such a peculiar letter was sent to him for. With quickly rummaging paws, three fingers and one thumb, he drew the letter out from it's smooched envelope. His eyes planted a gaze firmly to the beginning it's first sentence.

"Greetings, Ziras! I would like to give you a warm, warm welcome to the new tribe you joined. I used to be in one myself, but we eventually parted ways. I had a fantastic time growing up in it.. I was pretty exalted in it, myself..

But I wanted to mail you and say that, while you do seem a little alone there, but I can assure you otherwise. I see you having a difficult time learning all the stuff you had to build. I sympathize.. My line of work then was a little more simple.

But.. I want to have a word with you. I was pretty high ranked in the clan. Dare I say I found you.. Adorable?

I've enclosed the location of my tent at the back of this letter. Please see me tonight! I'd love to meet you!


Former Tribeswoman, Kirei."

The first reaction to the letter was a pert, pink blush from the cheeks of Ziras. *Me.. Adorable?* He thought to himself. Although he was teased for being cute, the way this mysterious female told him he was adorable seemed very genuine, like she was attracted! It was the first time a female initiated any form of approach with him.. He was all too eager to meet this woman now. He darted out of the tent, almost forgetting he had the letter in his hands. He was gonna put it back on the table, but remembered the instructions at the back.

"Large orange tent, blue flag. at it's top.

Roughly north of your home.

Tent is set up at the River of Rejuvenation, directly next to it."

*Large orange tent.. Blue flag. River of Rejuvenation, go directly north. Got it.* Thought Ziras. While the dusk of the day-to-night transitioning sky was still very visible, he decided it was a good time to embark right now.



Ziras had spend only 15 minutes traveling directly north, and just as the instructions had told him, there was a tent. He was at the river, but the tent was a little far off to his right, which took about 3 more minutes of walking to get there. Nightfall was almost complete, and seeing further was getting a little trickier.. Ziras was wise to have embarked at this time. He quickly fiddled with the waist of his loincloth again, but backed off the habit since he knew he was meeting a lass. When finally arriving to her tent, it was huge! It's layers outside were a lot more refined and ostentatious than the ordinary tents back at home. It was also much much more taller. Towering to 15 feet! It was a solid home.. rightfully so, given it's solitary placement at the river.

Ziras quickly peered into the tent, with a stealthy frame of mind, subtly moved the drapes to look inside. The tent had several lanterns placed around the end of it's parameters, making it very well lit. But nobody was inside..

"H..Hello?" He called out.

There was no response. He continued to look around into the tent a bit.. He wasn't expecting the unexpected. This included the fact that there was a giant 10 foot raptor looming over his shoulder.

"Boo." It spoke.

Ziras stuttered a frightened, quick vocal and darted into the tent. Quickly turning around to gander. He saw a raptor!! A scared Ziras began to repeatedly backpedal as fast as he could.

"Back! Back!!! GET-Wait.." he yelled, quickly lowering his voice on the last word.

This raptor simply giggled and began to enter into the tent with him.

"Ziras! It's me! Kirei!" The raptress introduced herself.

Ziras didn't respond and made eye contact with the gargantuan raptress. After taking in her giant size, he didn't factor it, as he was lost in sheer blushing embarrassment, thinking about how much of a stupid, guillable fool he was. Kirei let off a vocalized mmm, sympathetic.

"I'm so sorry, my dear.. I shouldn't have scared you off like that.." Kirei spoke, rumbling.

"No, it's.. it's okay.. I seem to have a low attention span.." Ziras responded, holding the fault to his own.

It was then that he made eye contact with the raptress, where his awe increased again. The Teival began to inspect the raptor's entire form. The raptor was not only 10 feet tall, doubling his height from head to toe, but she was highly buff, even for a raptor. Raptors usually had roundish bodies with docile limbs and necks. Kirei on the other hand had a thick chest, thick thighs, a beefy neck, a ginormous tail, amongst the rest of her muscular increases. She too was covered in soft, leathery hide, but one that was orange. There was a red gemstone fixed to the front of her forehead, bolstering the gaze of serenity in her blue eyes. She may be huge, but had a presence about her that made her far less threatening than a regular raptor would be, including the fact that she can speak too.

"I.. I'm surprised raptors still live.." The outlander Ziras responded.

Kirei responded with a chuckle. "Us.. Raptors.. us Teival Raptors.. We're very rare. And very valuable.."

Ziras let off an acknowledgeable nod. Something about her voice was instilling feelings in his mind. Almost as if she had perfected her speech. It was almost goddess-like, or something you'd hear from a famed voice. Ziras tried to muster up his words again.

"You.. Wanted to see me? What did you want to see me for?" The Teimal asked.

"I've been with you through all of the time you've entered the tribe, my sweet.. But it looked like you were having a hard time in it..." She soothingly answered.

"It's.. hard to say what's wrong. Everyone is nice and all.. But I feel like I don't fit in at all. I feel lonely.."



"How so?"

"Hard to say.. I don't know mechanical stuff, or had experience growing up.. it's difficult to learn. I don't feel like I'm one of the guys, because everyone dwarfs me.. I don't feel like I'm very attractive to the girls-"

With that, Kirei quickly cut him off. "Not attractive to the girls?" She vocally spoke, raising an eyeridge.

He felt ashamed with what he said. Kirei was a high ranked female herself it seemed, so he simply lowered his head shamefully.

"Look back up to me?" The raptress asked honestly.

Ziras obeyed and met her eyes.. that seductive, warm face was still upon her. "I guess I spoke too loud.. But I'm a bit surprised.. I thought you'd at least get to make some girlfriends.. They outnumber the guys in your tribe big time. I thought small guys were all the rage." Said Kirei.

"I don't know.. I feel like I'm too weak, dumb.. The place revolves a lot around building things.. I feel very unfit for it." Said Ziras, very quiet as doubt continues to override him.

"I think you're just having a rough time learning there.. And you got nobody to really associate yourself with.." Kirei spoke.

Ziras let off a nod.. his legs twitched in the spot a bit.. he's been standing around a lot, and the lack of labour practice was starting to show. his feet were giving in on him, and his arms felt spent. He looked away and began to caress one the triceps on one of his arms.

"It's hard.. It really made me exhausted too, I'm afraid.." Ziras spoke. His legs twitched again, wondering how he's still standing from having used them so much.

"Sore legs?" She empathically spoke.

Ziras nodded, letting off a stiff grunt from his physically spent body. "And I gotta do it again tomorrow.. It's hard.." He spoke.

"You should give your legs a break.. and to think you walked here too!" Kirei responded, feeling bad that she made her do so.

"I got an idea, sweetpea.." She said.

Kirei suddenly turned a slight angle and began to crouch down very lowly in front of him. Ziras, who was still caressing his arm, observed, not knowing what she was doing. He took note of the fact that this feral, giant raptress was wearing a blue loincloth, just like the one he was wearing. Only to fit and cover her private parts too. He blushed and spoke of it.

"You.. wear a loincloth too?" He timidly asked.

"Ziras, sweet.. You must be spent. Climb onto my back.." She offered.

Suddenly the Teimal's ears both shot up high when offered this. "Seriously?! This is.. flattering.. thank you.. " He responded.. The feeling of comfort flowing out of his voice already.

"I'd LOVE to give you this ride. I'll do all your walking and standing for you tonight.. don't worry about your legs anymore, dearest." She added, arching her neck at him.

The sweet spot on the front end of her back looked irresistible to straddle. Ziras busted out an euphoric chuckle, thrilled inside, but shy outside. He promptly moved over and placed one foot on her side. The foot placed back down onto the floor of the tent.. His legs couldn't do much at this point. So instead, Ziras leaned over and reached up for her neck, and did a leap as great as his legs would allow him. He barely made it on, but was officially straddled on Kirei's bare back. He pushed on Kirei's neck to motion himself upright, and at the same time, the giant raptress began to raise up to a full stand again. It was then that he began to feel how outstandingly comfortable it was on Kirei's back. Ziras couldn't do much at this point but let out his pent-up aches in one single fantastic moan.

"My word, the comfort.." he spoke soon after.

He couldn't muster up the words of how great it was up here. The muscles on Kirei's back were soft and easy to press into, like it was meant to be sat upon. The leathery smoothness of her hide provided a lovely texture to it. Ziras arched his back forward in weakness and began to very quickly cave in to the comfort of the ride. Kirei snickered.

"Ooooh, looks like a certain lizard's getting a little settled up there.." She teased.

Ziras, often exposed to being teased, grunted in discomfort towards it, until Kirei began to idly canter around. The two-legged beast began to show off the cozy-ness of her gait. As if being astride her back wasn't enough to make a person feel like a spot on cloud-nine, when walking slow, she seems to generate a soothing motion which compliments the already-sedating joyride. Ziras curled his toes and began to take note of it.

Riding Kirei was unlike riding horseback. More often than not, a horse usually has a stiff gait and requires it's rider to be in a certain physical condition. That they needed a saddle for comfort, That there were certain ways to go with the horse. Kirei made steed riding absolutely simplified. Kirei had the ability to communicate directly with her rider. The comfort and shape of her body was intensely soft and soothing, making it easy to stay upon, and difficult to simply fall off of. But the biggest ease of riding her comes within the gait itself. The figure of the raptress had the ability to absorb shock impact from her steps, reducing any discomforting kinetic transfer to Ziras, or making him bump upwards excessively. Instead, the only thing Ziras feels is a comforting smush-down of his pelvis against her body. Almost like a deviously involuntary motion underneath Ziras' loincloth.

The raptress spent a minute walking very humbly in a broad, complete circles around the interior of the tent. Ziras was silent, enjoying the ride with a comfort hard to describe. Both his palms pressed down idly against Kirei's neck with his wrists together. The anthro had silently remained on Kirei's back, his body tense with muscle-soreness, being soothed by the therapeutic feel of Kirei's rising and dropping gait. The subtle press down on each completed step. The wavering of her giant buttocks. He soon burst out into purrs that he didn't consciously commit.

"You're purring, honey.. Is there anything else you want right now?" Offered the raptress.

There wasn't a time Ziras wasn't blushing, everything was psychologically overloading him. The embarrassment, the comfort, the acceptance, the flirting, the compliments, the voice, it was all getting to him. He was so absent-minded about it that he didn't even realize Kirei had asked him a question.

"Ziras, hon?" She asked again.

Ziras jolted in his seat again. "Oh, sorry.. I was just.. thinking a bit there.."

Kirei rumbled, but only for an instance. Her neck craned, flexible eyesight allowing her to make eye contact with her rider.

"Do you want anything?" She repeated herself, her loving smile always apparent.

"Oh.. I could use a drink.. I don't think I've gone several hours with one.." Ziras mentioned.

With that reciprocated offer, The steedy raptress began to humbly walk herself out of the tent, already bearing a porcelain jug in one of her hands. It was pretty dark out, but not too dark that one cannot see the River of Rejuvenation nearby. The raptress began swaying her buttocks with a bit of an accentuated gait, to keeping Ziras mentally stimulated by her actions. When they got to the river, Kirei halted.

"Hang on hon, you might want to come close and.. hug my neck tight. Gonna have to bend over a bit here." forewarned Kirei.

Flustered, Ziras silently obeyed. From his upright seat, he slowly lowered his spent body down to her, his chest pressing against the base of her neck while he reached up and hugged close. His thighs squeezed her back firmly. Kirei then promptly lowered the front half of her body down onto the grass, her fists making contact with the ground. This caused Ziras to force along with the angle, Kirei's buttocks high into the air.

"Mmh.." Mumbled Ziras. All of the joyriding he had been doing up to this point was making his heart stir around in dazzling warmth. Given the fact that he's clinging tight with all fours on her comfy, leathery back, his chest pressing into her warm body increased the pleasure.. Kirei promptly scooped a large portion of fresh, cold water from the lake. It was a good 3 Litres worth. The two were back in the tent, Kirei raised back to her upright position and carried the drink back to her tent home, setting the jug on a nearby table. Before she caught onto it, Ziras was nibbling rather habitually on the left section of her neck, where it was relatively fleshy.

"You really like me, don't ya?" Asked the raptress, who had stopped in place, staring at him nibbling. Ziras jumped almost a foot from his straddled seat, detaching his maw and sitting back a little upright. He was busted for his affectionate means.

"I.. I'm sorry.. It's tempting." He apologized admittedly.

Kirei simply smirked. "Well.. if you're that into me now.. Tell me some of your turn ons.. What can I do to make you aroused?" She asked, all too blunt.

The eyes of Ziras began to widen as he sat upright on her, averting his eye contact with the raptress who was looking back.

"K..Kirei, that's such an embarrassing question." He stammered.

While Kirei was holding her ground, she suddenly began to motion her buttocks from where she stood. It was wickedly provocative. Her buttocks began to do this little bounce several times, and every time she bounced, her loincloth-draped butt would sway slightly to a direction. Left-right-left-right-left-left-right, she was dancing naughty on the spot. This was causing Ziras to, without volunteering, to smush his crotch repeatedly against her hide. She was teasing him on purpose!

It only took mere seconds before the loincloth in-between his legs began to tent, his internal sheath unable to keep itself inside.

"Damnit Kirei.. Why-" He was going to ask before cut off.

"Don't worry, love.. all is safe with me. I can tell you like this sort of thing.. Haven't had luck with any females lately? I'll let you have fun with me tonight.." She offered.

"Tell me, what riles you up sexually.."

"Let me think.." Ziras mumbled. His cheeks were now officially three shades of red A shiver down his spine sent from all of this. Kirei averted her eyes and turned around a bit, lowering herself to the mug, to let Ziras have access to it.

"Oh! Thank you.." He responded gratefully, taking the whole mug. After a large sip from the mug, he sighed in relief, hydrated after consuming almost an entire liter. He sat it back down and was quickly reminded of the letter.

"I think I- Oh, I don't know.. it might be too naughty." He spoke, too shy to bring forth his dirty side.

"Go on.." Kirei goaded, keeping the dance constant.

Ziras took a look at the swaying gait of Kirei, and the bulge inbetween his legs and his riding thighs. he idly stroked the front of his cloth, and mustered up what little courage his shy soul had to speak.

"You.. You know that letter, right.. Kirei..?" He timidly asked.

"I do.." She responded.

"Were.. you the one that left the kiss marks on it?"

"I was.."

"I thought that was kind of.. sexy.."

"Really? Go on.. I'm listening.."

"Could you.. wear that lipstick?"

"Absolutely, darling."

"There's something more though.."


"I uh.. Want to hear my other.. turn ons?"

"Absolutely! I would love to use one on you.."

"I like lipstick.. Because I like.. being well.. sucked. Mmh, and you have such big muzzle.."

Kirei couldn't help herself but burst into an uncontrollable giggle.

"Aww! Would you like the idea of me sucking you, then?.." She asked him.

Ziras was harder than ever, he soon began to drift off into daydreaming about being blown, but his heads weren't all buried in the clouds. He responded right away.

"Oh gosh, I would.. Receiving oral.. I want it more than intercourse itself.." He added.

Kirei chuckled and nodded. The raptress ambled over to a huge arrangements of pillows and blankets. This was Kirei's sleeping quarters. In addition to a lush arrangement of pink blankets and blue pillows, there were pillars set up in this quadrant of the tent, where blue see-thru drapes were hung, harem style. She promptly lowered herself down to allow Ziras to disembark right onto the pillows.

"Now, get comfy on these pillows hon.. And if you want oral so badly, then I'm just gonna have to suck you off until you cum in my lips, aren't I?" She spoke, her words dirtier than a junkyard.

Ziras conscious mind refused to respond.. Never before has he heard someone speak so devious to him. Regardless, he dismounted from Kirei and sprawled against the arrangement of the pillows, but facing backwards. He set the jug to the side. It took him a whole minute, but very slowly, he turned to face himself in front of Kirei and relax against the arrangement of fluffy goods, overcoming embarrassment's inhibition. The pillows were organized in such a way that he was able to recline against them with his back upright. His legs were closed to hide his obvious sexually pent-up member, hidden only by a single, lift-able article. The raptress had a tube in her mouth. Lipstick. Ziras took a gander at it then realized what it was. His blush began to resume, his heart getting rather irregular from sheer gleeful excitement. She discarded the stick into his close-legged lap.

"You have the honors.. make my lips nice and pink." She snickered. A big coo emanated from her thick raptor lips, pursing them as her head began to leer in closer to Ziras, so he didn't have to leave his spot. Promptly taking the lipstick, he uncurled it a couple times and revealed the pink shaft of it, leaning in to begin decorating the raptor's lips.

"Mmhmmhmm, looks like it's not the only thing that's rising up.." She horribly teased again.

The words caused Ziras' thighs to spasm uncontrollably. He couldn't even stop his own hands from shaking. A giant, 10 foot raptor with snuggly lips about to give him the suckoff of a lifetime? The thought was unbearable, and he was doing the honor of adding her lipstick! The loincloth inbetween his legs was twitching, because the hidden penis of his was throbbing without mercy. After a moment or two passed, he managed to apply the lipstick to her womanly, maternal lips. It was a miracle that he managed a fine application with arms as shaky as his, which were sore from labor and thrown off by psychological exchanges. He flumped back against the pillows and sighed. It was like he was trying to crack a safe upside-down around trip-laser alarms, and successfully pulling it off.

This only gave Kirei the green light to tease him further more. She smooched the air. She puckered her lips. She kissykissied, her smacking lips getting loud.

"Arrgh.. You damned minx, I don't know how much more teasing I can take.." He added.

He's been teased sexually the whole time they were together, and finally got his horny side on. He didn't even regret calling her a name, because he couldn't take the teasing!

"Then lift up your loincloth.. And tell me EXACTLY how you want me to suck you off.." Suggested the Raptress. With tightly shut eyes and hips that just won't stay still, Ziras complied. Underneath his teal, skimpy loincloth revealed a pink, 7 inch penis. He was a fairly big cock for a guy of his size, or perhaps the fact that his riled-up, burnt-out body was wailing with sexual tension. Smooth with a fairly tapered head length at the end, throbbing vigorously. With elevating breaths, Ziras watched the raptress' headshape, making a solid calculation to every dear movement, of every passing second.

The tribal raptress pursed her lips and began arching her head back like a hydra. "Deeper is better.." Added Ziras. And his fate was sealed. Kirei promptly closed her head in and in a single forwarding motion, her lips tightly doused all of Ziras' cock, embedding it into her glossy, pink lips. The lips had devoured so much, that they were latching on to the entire crotch of the Teimal reptile. Even though his testicles are internal, an external pair would still easily get swallowed up by this.

"NNnnNNNnrrgh!" Loudly grumbled Ziras.

He gritted his teeth tight and shut his eyes tight too, but only momentarily. When his eyes opened and his teeth unclenched, he saw his sexual fantasy become reality. A giant beast with thick, smoochy lips, was suckling on his little penis hungrily. Kirei's eyes were closed, her snout remain plastered to the loincloth-lifted phallus, the warmth encompassing his whole crotch. The whole sight of this sent a whole new level of fulfilled yearning and sexual want. Ziras did nothing more than spread his aching legs as far as the soreness would allow him, his eyes glazed with complete mindlessness. Both his paws reached over to clasp Kirei on the end of her snout, thumbs pressing tightly to the grip.

"KIREI." He vocally blurted out.

His eye contact averted, his neck soon shooting up to the ceiling of the tent. His eyes were figuratively zombified, taking in the sheer fact that Kirei, a giant-mouthed lovable female, was sucking on his penis, lipstick and all. His maw dropped agape and remained that way. Ziras had no idea how long all of this had occurred, when it reality only a minute has passed with Kirei devouring his cock. She didn't do anything except keep his full length plastered in her maw while smooshing malleable lips to his entire pelvic front.

As he remained lost within his ruined judgment, he couldn't even last two minutes, as his overly teased cock was being rewarded and started to hotly cum. The Trajectory was so great that his small penis was firing thick ribbons of edible seed, all the way into the back of her throat, where his shaft wasn't even close to it inside the roomy mouth. He fired and squirted this orgasmic bliss into this throat of hers. The orgasm was so uncontrollable that additional semen that wasn't catapulting forward, was forcefully pouring out like honey. His eyes shut tightly as his two hands clasped all the tighter on her muzzle. No mental discipline could have prepared Ziras for this to do anything but cry vocally. His whimpers and sobs were not of sadness, but from the sheer inability to handle the pleasure. He was even trying to pull back, by pushing his spasming legs on the pillows, trying to get away from Kirei's maw. But to no avail. Her powerful neck kept her muzzle locked on against his body for all time. In addition to the whole muzzle being stuck to him like glue, she suckled needily on the dick like a goat to a bottle of milk, suckasucking several times a second to swallow all of his seed. Thirty seconds of this unbearable bliss had occurred before Ziras gave up with relenting from the blowjob, helpless to stop anything.

In the afterglow, he sprawled against the blankets, whimpering for mercy in combination of erratic breath. When the pleasure had finally stopped rattling his body, he began to calm down, his post-orgasm hormones finally settling in.

The only thing about this post-orgasm was that Kirei was still suckling furiously on the penis. It only took seconds for Ziras to catch onto this phenomenon. He was still harder than well-enforced titanium. Kirei knew that there was plenty more in the dragon's reserves and aimed to extract what he wanted to let out. One orgasm just wasn't enough. Ziras once again started to believe that there was nothing he could do but squeal, yell, shout, moan, groan, or grunt. Or so he thought. When he could actually just tell Kirei to stop, a part of him wanted him to become psychologically void in the pleasure. He accepted the latter choice subconsciously, but he still couldn't fathom the overwhelming feelings earthquaking all of his anatomy. Single fingers roamed the leathery hide of her snout.

"Mrroooah.. my.. goshsh.." he moaned incoherently, eyes fixated on her muzzle shape again.

Ziras looked down and through the motivation of his sex drive, bent his knees right into the air and let his thighs spread as wide as they could go. He didn't even remember the details of his own penis, the loss of judgment combined with the fact that it was all buried deep inside was preventing it. What he did notice in detail was that in a single, loud sucky, all of the air was removed from her muzzle. The shape of her roundish muzzle became more tented inward, the pressure inside her muzzle just increasing suddenly. She resumed smacking and kissing ferociously.

Ziras burst out another shout-moan of pleasure, his back arching backwards again. His eyes closed, never to open as his maw drooped agape a second time, hanging there. Ziras was approaching climax a second time. This time he was ready. His mind reeled as he began to feel the viscous jamming at the base of his crotch, surging and surging until his orgasm makes the point of no return. Realizing he was at his climatic moment, he tried to hold it in, but when the cum came forth into Kirei's muzzle a second time, he had no choice but to make a big white mess inside the darkness of her pleasuring throat and tongue.

The sheer intensity of his pleasure was the only thing he now cared about. Torn asunder by the sensations his body was smothered with, his legs began to kick and throw around, holding his maw-agape expression the whole time. That exact same swallowing suck pattern from his first orgasm was administered in identical fashion. No matter how messy the orgasm was, Kirei swallowed it like it was nothing. The extraction of the whole orgasm, one squirt after another, became a very vivid feeling for Ziras. His eyes refused to cooperate with him, and wanted to see her muzzle again. He just couldn't bring his eyes to do so, for the waves of pleasure denied it. Moments later, the orgasm died off.

Kirei just wouldn't stop. Even after two of the most powerful orgasms from Ziras, it wouldn't sedate the raptress and her suckling habits. Ziras was starting to get scared. Not scared for the fact that Kirei wouldn't stop, but the fact that the hardness of his penis wouldn't stop, nor the demand to be sucked again and again. All he wanted was more, and more. And the more he wanted, the more he got.

While all of this was streaming through the mind of Ziras, not once has he changed his maw-agape expression, save for quickly swallowing air and his own saliva in tenseness. His hips began to thrust themselves back and forth against Kirei's muzzle, where the interior of her mouth lost air and tightened pressure once again. Lips snugged, and in addition to the spaciousness of her maw, the comfort of her lips and the embrace of her maw's pressure, it was only then that she had finally started licking his penis, the fourth feature he had began to realize.

The tongue was bumpy, broad and gigantic.

It was encompassed with little bumps, just like a felines, But with saliva providing lubrication to it. Her licks came into full swing. The tongue was broad and thick. A single lick swamped his entire swallowed up penis, as well as the location of his internal jewels. Every time the raptor licked, Ziras heard a vague scraping noise. He had to pull his hips backwards because of how sensitive his cock was; it couldn't take the overload. But his hips couldn't go back any further and was forced to take the bumpy scrapings.

Even after Ziras had cum twice and spent his body doing 18 hours of work in two days, it still didn't seem like a miracle that he was able to sex up Kirei's mouth on his own accord. The bumps of Kirei's tongue was awakening his zeal. Because his hips couldn't go backwards, the only thing they could do was go forward. He started slamming his crotch from where he sat in with nothing but pure demand from the Raptress. Full-force bucks happened many times a second, and Kirei was able to appease it all, oppressing the range of motion, licking it without any signs of stopping.

Ziras began to feel the orgasm in his cock build up for a mind-boggling third one. Kirei was able to detect the irregular throbs from his penis, and knew what was coming. Ziras was coming. Again. Her tongue slapped itself against the bottom of Ziras' whole dragonhood and snuggied it comfortably, holding it still. He didn't even cum yet, and the machine-tempo pull-sucks that were administered began to to occur. They were goading Ziras the third time. And he did.

Following through with this orgasm, it was seemingly premature. But it was just the fact that because of his third cum, his penis gave out the natural diminishing return. The distance he fired into her maw was much shorter, the dosages were lesser, and the penis was starting the shrink up during the bliss. But that there was no disappointment in either minds of Ziras or Kirei, where they knew the dragon was finally reaching the point of being totaled. The third orgasm quickly died, much faster than the two did. Ziras' penis was back to it's original unaroused state.

He finally broke out of his mindless pleasure-drone expression and closed his eyes and muzzle, his head smashing into a nearby batch of pillows, his whole body angling diagonal. His thighs began to close, trying to get away from Kirei's muzzle. His whole body began to give up on him. Kirei let off a final smooch and begin to withdraw her lips from the crotch she had been sucking on for seemingly an eternity. There was a vivid, pink lipstick-embossed hicky plastered on the Teimal's entire nether region.

The raptress leaned her snout over and draped Ziras' loincloth back down in-between his leg. In doing that, she went up to occupy the center location of the bedding, moving the pillows around so that it may allow her to do just that. The weakened Ziras had crawled over with her and snuggled up to the raptress' side.

"..Kirei.." He whispered.

The raptress leaned in and let off an idle vocal to acknowledge his question.. or seemingly a question from the way he whispered it.

"..Does this mean I'm no longer a virgin?" Spoke Ziras, his voice more casual now.

Kirei giggled and sprawled over onto her side, bringing Ziras into her short, but still versatile arms.

"..That all depends on what you've wanted.." Kirei responded.

Ziras simply let out a weak grunt and moved to to cuddle the raptor some more. Both his arms wrapped around the raptor's neckline, the rest of his body huddling in with Kirei's big-hearted chest. He couldn't even open his eyes, for he was physically spent. The raptor was moving restlessly around in the bed, disrupting Ziras.

Kirei asked a question herself. "Hey Ziras..?"

"Mmh.. yes, miss Kirei?"

"Climb onto my back.. I'll let you sleep up here. You'll love it. Take a blanket you see here, too." She offered to him.

Poor Ziras had a hard time opening his eyes, let alone perform a full mount onto Kirei. But the raptress did everything her feral frame would allow in order to help him aboard. Ziras managed to lift one of his legs up to her back. Kirei was surprisingly nimble in helping the teimal lizard climb up onto her, as she was smuggling against him in a way that helped him get his pelvis off of the floor's arrangement. A few wiggling arounds later, Ziras was on Kirei's back the second time. Ziras let off an exhausted sigh, his eyes getting heavy as he tried to pull the blanket up.

Kirei kept herself laid belly-first onto the bed, her legs tucked in. She craned her neck over and bit on Ziras' blanket, helping him pull it up over himself. Barely able to keep his attention in tact, he finally spread the blanket out evenly, tossed it over himself and collapsed onto Kirei's back.

Ziras began to slumps his paw down from Kirei's neck-base, letting it hang a bit while a single finger of his began to trace around her soft hide. There was a lot he wanted to say to this lovable dinosaur, but became caught up with sleep. The raptress held her seat on the mount of comfortable things as the Teimal began to drift of into the realm of sleep, and it only took a mere few minutes for him to fully succumb into it.

As Ziras fell into slumber onto the dinosaur's back, Kirei wasn't feeling the same tired-ness.

Instead of going to rest, Kirei decided to rise up from the pillows with the slumbering Ziras firmly astride her back. She took good care to make sure her process of raising herself to stance was as subtle to ensure that she doesn't disrupt this loving rest of his. When she did, she craned her neck a bit so that one of her eyes may reach view of her sleeping rider. Taking two careful steps, she made her way off of the pillow zone. *Ziras is a really cute fellow..* Kirei thought to herself.

*I'll try and help this young lad fit into the clan more.. ...

But first, I think I'll give him a surprise or two when he wakes up..* She thought as well.

A grin plastered along her muzzle as she craned her neck back to look ahead. Ensuring her body's nice and linear, she began to walk her way out of the tent. In just two steps, the sleeping Ziras snorted momentarily and clamped his small thighs on Kirei's massive, raptor back.

"I..Instant noodles.." The Teimal mumbled in his sleep.

Kirei giggled furiously, almost finding it impossible to hold back a laugh loud enough to wake the poor exhausted, young male up. But she managed to oppress it. Keeping her mind off of what he just blurted out, she began to make gentle circles around her tent, blowing the torches out of all of the lanterns. Kirei walked off into the dark moonlit night with her sleeping rider, blanket and all.



Ziras woke up at the crack of dawn. He moved around, thinking he was still in Kirei's place, when in reality, he was riding on kirei's back! His eyes widened and quickly raised his cheek off of the raptress' neck, squeezing it to hold himself up. The blanket flew off his shoulders right away.

"KIREI.. How did you.." He bursted out, unable to finish his sentence as he looked around. His neck and shoulders quickly turning back and forth to look around, he concluded that he was in his own home tent.

"How did you.. take me here while I was.. sleeping?" He shyly asked.

Ziras blushed furiously as he began to quickly squirm around on the raptor's back, breaking crotch contact and motioning the blanket up. The shock of it all really had his mind reeling in the need for answers. The raptress simply giggled.

"I carried ya! Duh!! you slept like a rock!" The Raptress responded with a hint of amusement in her tone.

She craned her neck over and nipped the handle of a large over pan into her fresh-lipstick applied lips, motioning it over to Ziras, giving it to him. Inside were fully cooked instant noodles, this batch of noodles being of a rather spicy variant. She made these from his own food supply from his house.

"Hungry? I had a.. feeling you wanted some of these." Kirei told him.

Ziras couldn't believe it.. He had a thing for spicy food, and had thought about making it for his breakfast on the following day.

"Kirei.." he asked in demanding curiosity, taking the pot for himself.

"Do you have the ability to read minds?" He questioned.

Kirei busted out another laugh. "No dear.. I guess you can say I overheard you liked.. Instant noodles." She responded.

The cheeks on Ziras began to remain rosy red as he dug into the noodles. He bounced playfully on Kirei's back.

"You're too much.." He spoke. mouth full of noodles, with seemingly no regard or relent from it's hotness.

"Oh.. when do you need to go to work, hon?" Asked Kirei. Ziras was already finished up with the noodles, save for a ladle or two's worth. He flinched in worry on the raptor's back.

"Oh no! I forgot that I had an earlier morning shift!!" He added. He quickly dropped the ladle into the pot of noodles and dismounted off of the Raptress' back. He set the pot down on the burner in his home, power-walking over to his kit to ready himself as fast as possible.

"Don't worry hon.. it hasn't begun yet. Get ready though.. you can make it in time." She told him for ease.

Ziras moved a little slower in his preparations.. he didn't take regard for showering, since he knew he didn't have time, so he got his toolkit ready and lifted it up. Having his head down the whole time, he mustered up the trust to look Kirei in the eye.. and smiled.

"I should get going.. I LOVED what you did for me.. thank you so much.. But Kirei, will we meet again?" He asked.

"I'll come back here when you finish your shift.." She cooed.

Ziras sighed happily and looked down, setting the kit down to rush over to Kirei and give her a quick hug around the neck, as tight as he could. "I'll see you around.. sweetie.." He said, the compliment slipping out on the last possible second.

Kirei chuckled once again and nodded, and Ziras rushed out the door with his box.

He spent about two minutes walking to his work destination, having another day to spend on locksmithery. He had to use the washroom, as he hadn't done so at home. He located the nearest tree and hid behind it, setting his toolkit down. He peered around for any onlookers in the camp, the coast was clear, nobody was in his eyesight. Ziras lifted up his loincloth and motioned his hips a bit to get his malehood ready to take a leak.

It was then that he noticed that there was a huge, pink hicky on his entire crotch. Worse than the one he had on the letter he was sent. It even stained the inside of his loincloth too. The lip marks were so vivid, that the lipstick ingrained into his hide had her lip marks easily identified with every curve. He tried to wash it off with his own saliva-applied thumb, but it refused to remove. Ziras planted his palm to his forehead

"Kirei, you evil minx."