Emancipation: Attempted Escape

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#2 of Empancipation

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anara http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

The hold on the base of Walter's tail was firm enough that all she could do was thrash and twist about, she rolled her weight about, kicking back with her short legs, but it still wasn't enough to get free. It only made the aging donkey bray out angrily and pin his ears back flat before continuing the trek along the long dirt road. Her tail was tied up and used to haul her along the ground, while her mouth, with all its dangerous teeth, were securely closed by a length of rope so that she couldn't even open them a fraction of an inch. It was humiliating to be dragged through the dirt, her claws scraping furrows in it as the girl that pulled the donkey along didn't even glance back at her. Didn't pay the least bit of attention to her struggles as they travelled along a bit of road that was starting to be overgrown and reclaimed by the swamp.

Her world had been twisted around, destroyed to the point that she had no idea if she was coming or going. She had started this all hoping that this was some sort of hellish dream, but the colored woman had seemed to take pains to ensure that she couldn't forget. No dream ever came complete with the aching feel of her back arched at such an angle that she could barely stop the pained noises from bursting free of her throat. No dream stank of the swamp or came with buzzing flies that landed on her hard pebbled hide. Eventually, the only thing she could do was allow herself to be dragged along like so much meat, without any hope of freeing herself as they turned along the long road that began to swing upwards. The mule snorted angrily, but eventually threw his weight forward one slow step at a time, pulling his load.

Walter knew who the woman was, but this girl didn't call herself the name that she recognized. She called herself Abeni, some filthy tribal name that made the gator want to scoff at such a ridiculous name. Well, Walter would have scoffed if she weren't so terrified about what her fate might be. If she were truly in this changed form, there was no telling what was going to be done to her. She was being kept alive, but she had no idea how long or what she would be forced to do to maintain her life. She had no idea if she would even be allowed to regain her human form or if she was going to be killed and skinned like so many other gators were by trappers. It was the unknown that terrified her, it was the unknown that left her clinging to even this horrible existence. Anything was better than finding herself dead, even life as a beast.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Here, here is perfect." Abeni's voice barely lifted up as she looked out over the series of wooden walls driven into the murky swamp water. "Here will be excellent."

She turned to the mule, who gave her a martyrs eyes, and carefully looped the ends of the lead around a log before going to her victim. Walter's body was dark, so dark that it was nearly black, with a flashing underside that was a pale creamy white. She was a perfect example of an alligator, complete with large white teeth that were rendered useless by rope tightly wound around her jaws. It had seemed fitting to change her into this form, absolutely fitting. A deadly creature that could kill and destroy, but was bound and limited by human hands. Seeing the instrument of her torment rendered into this form eased some of her pain, but not enough of it. The grief seemed to be bottomless, there was not enough revenge in the world to satisfy it, but that did not stop her from exacting her payment. The spirit that roiled through her mind was adamant that this beast deserved her fate.

She unhooked the tail from the rope and immediately the beast made an attempt to lunge forward, the stubby legs scrabbling against the ground wildly as she dragged her backwards. Walter let out a hissing growl from deep in her throat, but it was less than impressive when coupled with the fact that she could only twist her head and smack her jaws against Abeni's legs uselessly. She ignored the attempts and put her back into hauling the beast across the rough terrain, ignoring the mule's angry snort at they came too close to him. Her eyes were fixed on the patch of swamp that was right in front of her, the perfect place for her to set up her new home. She wouldn't rebuild on the painful ashes of her past, but would make her own way in the world.

The old shack was a failed attempt at a young man's dreams to portion off the swamp so that he could contain the fish and crawfish to breed and sell off. It had fall fallen apart, mainly because the effort it took to maintain the area wasn't worth what he was making, so his shack had fallen into ruin and his attempts at walling off the swamp had fallen into disrepair, but now she had a use for it. He had used large planks of wood and make shift metal screens to allow water to flow into the area, but for larger creatures to be unable to get out. It would take some repair, but she had hopes that it could be maintained indefinitely as a place she could secure Walter. Until she could work to repair it, she had extended her magic to ensure that even if Walter did find a way out, she wouldn't get far.

"Do you see this place?" She hauled the gator back until the tail could be dropped in the dark still water. "You can escape it, perhaps, but I will not remove your muzzle."

Walter's blunt head swung up to regard her with alien reptilian eyes, but no reptile had ever possessed the intelligence that stared back at her as she stepped back. "I will feed you, but you will be only partially unmuzzled for food. If you manage to escape, you will do as you are, unable to eat, or defend yourself, or hope for any mercy from humans. "

The gator didn't give her any acknowledgement that there was any real understanding of what was being said. Just glared at her in hatred as Abeni stepped away and allowed a small pained smile to cross her features. She had no doubt that the former man would try to escape, believing himself superior to an ignorant colored woman, but she had plans in place for that. If the gator stayed here, she would be safe, protected, and fed until she found a suitable punishment for the beast. If she bolted, she would find out just how harsh the punishment would be for disobeying her. She found herself hoping Walter bolted, anticipating it and watching it. The animal watched her with sly looking eyes as she turned back to the mule and began to lead him to the shed to wipe down.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Walter pushed herself back into the water awkwardly. She didn't want to be in the lukewarm water, but it offered some coverage as she pushed from the muddy banks and found herself sinking into the wetness. Mud churned up around her webbed claws as she twisted about and awkwardly used her thick tail to propel her out into the water where she could suck in a deep breath. She had to get the muzzle off herself, and she had to get out of here. How dare this nigger keep her in here like a pet?! When she had gotten out it wouldn't be difficult finding aide, how hard could it be to write in damp mud with a talon, stubby though her toes were, and somehow make them believe her. If they watched her write, they at least wouldn't kill her and she'd lead them back to this witch.

The water swelled around her, making her flick a lid over her eyes that she had never possessed, but at least made her able to see beneath the swamp. She blew out bubbles and sank towards the bottom, barely leaving sight before she clawed roughly at her snout and twisted her head in an attempt to bring her muzzle down to where she could claw at the ropes. It was no easy task, not when she had to twist and contort herself, but she managed to bring her head about as her spine awkwardly curved into a half circle. She scraped roughly against her own scales, trying to hook a claw beneath the muzzle as she thrashed about and rolled, hitting her side against the thick damp muck of the bottom of the swamp.

She nearly expected instant gratification, the rope being caught under her claw, feeling it slip free over the bridge of her nose and suddenly loosening so that she could surge out of the water free and clear. Instead, she scraped and twisted, struggled and strained, but her too short legs refused to reach up over the bridge of her own nose. The harder she tried to reach it, the worse she twisted about, her thick tail propelled her in wild circles beneath the water as muck was churned up. She tried to gape her muzzle open, straining against the hold that the rope had on her, but the tight bonds refused to give. Eventually, she had to stop her struggles, her lungs aching for air as she felt the urge to pant and she shoved up for the surface with a new rush of rage filling her.

There had to be a way out of the damned muzzle, it wasn't full proof and she was no stupid animal that could be trapped this easily. She snorted out a breath from her flared nostrils and glared at the shore. There was a shack there, half rotting out on one side, but it provided the mule shelter while a fire began to hesitantly trickle up from the front of it. The woman's outline could be seen moving around, shifting and flickering in the light while Walter turned her gaze about. She settled on the wall and guided her way over with a sweep of her tail, roughly bumping her snout against the lopsided barrier that held her from the rest of the swamp. As her nose pushed against it, it was laughably easy to feel it starting to bow. She nosed it a few times before guiding her way down to where there was a part of the fence nearly dryrotted to bits by the constant weather of the swamp.

She studied it briefly, her legs spreading wide to help keep her in spot by paddling before she roughly shoved her nose against the wood. She'd get out of here and find something hard and pointed she could scrape the muzzle off with. Perhaps a beast would starve with it on, but she would get it off before the sun set, and be back to civilization before dawn. She shoved roughly, battering with her sealed muzzle so that the wood began to crumble as she surged forward with a powerful sweep of her tail. She moved her stubby front legs and scrabbled frantically against the stuff, feeling it tearing away as she used every part of her body to twist and contort.

Her tail slapped against the water roughly as she twisted to one side and caught her claws against a good section of the wall and pushed against it. The hard edges of wood scraped against her as she dragged herself over ever so slowly, snorting in short bursts as she rolled about and gave a kick of her hind legs and another bash of her tail before she spilled into the swamp freely. Her tail slipped free without any problem at all, leaving her facing the spread of the swamp with a smug feeling of victory. Let the filthy witch huddle by her fire, he'd have half the country side against her by the time she was through!

She worked her tail back and forth awkwardly to slip over the edge and gave a shudder as she lifted her muzzled head from the water. Freedom. She didn't look back to see if the woman had noticed her escape, instead she began to awkwardly use her tail and stubby legs to power through the swamp, pushing duckweed with her nose and having it bunch up over the bridge of her muzzle. She ignored the tendrils of moss and bits of growth that wrapped around her paws and clung to her talons. She set her sights on a break in the massive cypress trees that would lead her out of the swamp and to harder ground. Where there was firmer ground, there was safety.

She was concentrating on that break hard enough that she didn't notice movement in the water, a ripple along the surface, the muted splash of the waves she made rolling up over a traveling form. The male's golden eyes were fixated on the relatively small form that was making headway through the water. It wasn't hard to see that the slim form was a female, but more important, the tastes on the air, the way she moved, every part of her screamed of something more than simply female. It was what had lured him from his comfortable ledge, what had woken him from his drowsing state, the sense of a female coming into season. It was late for one to still be in need, but it didn't bother him, he had slipped from his ledge and into the water, arrowing in on her and warning off the lesser males that dared to tread the edges of his territory.

Walter barely focused on the feel of rippling waves that hit against her side, her body noticed them, but her attention was only on getting away as fast as possible. It wasn't until the weight slammed against her with a vibrating roar that she realized the waves hadn't just been because of the natural swamps movements. Blunt claws scraped up against her side while she twisted about, lashing her tail wildly as a monstrous beast pushed her beneath the water, heavier than she was, more agile as she tried to scrabble upwards. She twisted her head, smacking against her muzzle against the creature as a larger tail than her own cracked against her and claws scrabbled against her haunches.

The world crew claustrophobic as a pair of heavy jaws snapped at her neck, hissing and trying to hold her down beneath the water as she squirmed with all her might. She had no weapon to use against him, only a kick of the stubby legs, a crack of the tail, useless as the male gator was far larger than she was. He outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds, if not more, a true monster that shoved her down every time she struggle up for air. The teeth bit harder against the back of her neck as a broad stomach slipped over her back, bearing her down while her terror only mounted. At any moment she expected to feel the jaws cracking her neck effortlessly, ending her life in one brutal movement beneath the filthy waters of the swamp.

The violent crack never came, instead, she felt the hind legs suddenly hook against her own and shove her down into the silt beneath the swamp. His weight settled over her, the claws scraped against her roughly, tearing at her hide before the grip on her haunches wrenched her hips to one side with a brutal movement that sent a rush of panic through her. The thickness of the larger tail pushed her own to one side as the gator resettled himself over her with a low subsonic rumble that sent a tremor running down her spine. Something thick and heavy jabbed against her, dragging along the flat scales of her underbelly and sent a shudder running down the line of her spine as understanding hit her. He wasn't trying to kill and eat her, he was pinning her down to mate her.

Walter renewed her terrified struggles, digging her flaws against the bottom of the swamp, kicking up great clods of mud as she tried to get away. The powerful tail pushed harder beneath her own, wedging her body upwards while the girth dragged in a disgusting line right along her underside of her stomach. She intimately felt the grinding push digging against her under scales, scraping and pushing while her eyes bulged and she twisted her head back blindly, only the jaws clamped down. They bit hard, digging in roughly against the scaled hide until she let out a pained noise. The cock pushed up and suddenly caught along the tender opening of her sex, but this was no slender finger that dug against the sensitive opening, it was a rough thick prying shaft that jabbed against her.

She shuddered, unwillingly spreading her haunches wider as she felt the bruising force of the cock tip suddenly jabbing against her folds and prying them open. The cool water brushed along the swollen flesh, but it was soon replaced with something hot and sticky oozing out of the tip. The former man squeezed her eyes shut, shuddering in horror as she intimately felt her virginal flesh yawning open wider and wider. This monster had to have been ten feet compared to her own six foot, and he was large in every place while the hips gave a rocking drive upwards. The smearing precum pushed in deeper as her walls clutched down tightly around him and contracted in reaction. His grip didn't relent from the back of her neck, he rolled and forced his hips down tighter beneath the water so that her passage formed a lewd O wrapped around the fleshy appendage.

The ooze pushed deep inside of her, while her body reacted in ways that horrified her. She could feel her walls pulling around him, contracting and molding so that she could feel the shape of him. From the tapered tip the engorged bottom, he wasn't shaped as anything remotely human. He shuddered to a halt as he ground himself up against her folds, the thickest portion of the base grinding up against her outer lips before he gave another drive. The base popped inwards and strained her open so she let out a ragged noise beneath the water as she was achingly splayed open and clutched around him. Another smear of wetness rubbed inside of her before the male pulled back again, popping his base out before nearly pulling all the way out.

The next thrust rocked her forward, forcing her to shudder as he sank in hard and fast, the water stirring around them as he hilted within her and she felt the underside of his scales grinding against her. She could feel the slimy wetness being worked inside of her, smearing along her body while her qui9vering walls clasped around him. It flared a need in her that was humiliating to experience, one that went with instincts she had never possessed as a human. She trembled beneath the water, shuddering and straining against the hold of the powerful jaws as he drew back and began to thrust within her. Pushing as deep as he could at the apex of each thrust. Her thrashing tail barely gave her any relief as each time the swollen base plunged into her she jerked forward with a muted groan. Her entire body felt flushed hot despite the coolness of the river and she shuddered in unwanted pleasure.

The cock that was rubbing and stroking through her was designed for this purpose, to stimulate her, make her body accept him as the gooey dribbles were spilling into her, smearing in deeper. The panic didn't ebb with that need, it only peaked as she realized that he could very well manage to do the unthinkable. Already his sperm was spilling into her body, oozing in so deep that it was threatening her with bearing eggs. Could she bear eggs? Why else would her body clutch around him, pulling harder as the muted thrusts picked up speed and force, rocking her hips higher beneath the water. The base popped in and out, the water helping to ease it, but that chill liquid didn't reach any further, it only brushed against her outer lips as the heat was pouring into her body as the movements rocked against her.

The water kept her hips up, her tail higher in the air, kept her from any hope of escaping him as she let clawed at the ground in a desperate bid to yank away. His hips dragged her backwards, his head twisted roughly so that she was arched into the air as the base pushed back into her, popping hotly as she trembled and her tail twisted back and forth. The tip plunged deep into her achingly spread body, yawning open painfully wide so that she couldn't possibly accept another inch. Her walls quivered, contracting down as the tip bottomed out deep within her body. She thrashed wildly back and forth, bubbles spilling from her nostrils as she attempted to pull her haunches away from the beast. One last frantic struggle as his weight pinned her down, refusing to let her go unseeded.

The entire slimy shaft started to pulse inside of her, throbbing and stroking before something hot spilled out in a hot syrupy spill within her body. Her walls clamped down, squeezing and pulling, trying to suckle the thick sperm rich cum deeper into her body as it spilled out of him. It was humiliating, terrifying and all she could do was submit beneath the larger weight as it continued to fling deeper into her body, pushing towards the barrier of her unprotected belly to be drawn inwards. She didn't know if he could fill her with his eggs, but there was certainly no lack of trying as the pulsing shaft pushed through her body and pulled backwards just a touch. Not enough to free her, but as if to make room for the virile seed plunging into her.

It could have been seconds or minutes or even an hour, but eventually the beast pulled his softening cock from her body leaving the thick seed smeared into her passage and drooling out as he slipped free. The hold on her achingly bruised neck was released as she twisted out from beneath the weight of the beast and writhed through the water. Her entire body was aching and sore, every part of her body throbbed in time with her heart as she surfaced about the water and sucked in a trembling breath. There was no trace as she scrabbled away from the massive dark form that rose up from the depths nearby, satiated as he barely glanced at her attempts to get away from him.

"I did warn you..." A voice murmured softly and Walter twisted her head to see Abeni perched on the makeshift wall of what had been her enclosure. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do now, he's found you. He'll tear apart anything that gets between you until he's sure you're going to carry him a fine large clutch."

A tremor rocked down along the line of her body as Walter tried to hiss in protest, her stomach twisting in disgust as she could almost feel the thick heavy seed still resting inside of her. She'd be damned if she remained here with the beast, she'd find a way out. She moved to twist away, her tail smacking against the wall to display her anger as she did so.

"You can run, but I'm afraid he'll only follow you. It's late in the breeding season, he'll have you all to himself..." The woman's lips parted, her teeth startling white against the black lips. "Of course, I think I might just follow. Such a shame I didn't get to watch your first time, but I promise, I will be there for the second time. I want to see how much you enjoy the hell you gifted me with."