The Naga Kingdom

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#6 of Adult Story One Shots

A story I've had on my mind for quite a while.

Kingdoms at war, a prince visiting a naga's kingdom, and magic, what could possibly go wrong?

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^.^

Targius buttoned up his finely made shirt, the human prince sighed heavily as he looked at himself in the mirror. His royal advisor stood respectfully off to the side. "Damirus do I really have to do this? Why can't we just have all of them killed off?" He asked the advisor.

The elder man bowed his head respectfully before speaking, "My young liege, you should know that though the Nagas are indeed disgusting they are a very capable warrior race. If we were to go to war with them, we would likely be killed off with hardly another glance."

The prince sighed, being only nineteen he was still learning the rules of diplomacy. His father would've gone if not for the fact that their kingdom was at war with another, so it had been set upon Targius's own shoulders to handle the politics of the kingdom. As Targius finished up buttoning his shirt, he couldn't help but admire himself in the mirror.

Being a bit vain, Targius always loved being around mirrors. His handsome face and gorgeous green eyes had attracted many women to his side, he had bed many women already in his short life. Dressed in finely made clothes with golden silk on the edges, Targius was a looker especially with his darkly tanned skin. Folding the collar of his coat back, Targius flashed a smile. "When I'm finished Damirus, I expect there to be five of the finest women waiting for me when I return home."

Damirus nodded, "Of course your highness, I shall find the finest in the land." The old man was no stranger to the prince's labido, pulled out an enchanted timepiece he glanced at it for a moment. "Your highness, the carriage will be here now. You should be on your way."

The prince held up one hand, "One moment Damirus." His advisor nodded, Targius approached a balcony with an ornate railing. As he stepped onto the balcony he looked out upon the city sprawled out below, set again the yellow of the desert his city gleamed with a brilliant white color. A feeling of sadness crossed the prince's heart as he thought of leaving it even for a day, "I don't know how my father does it Damirus... with a city so beautiful how can he leave it so easily?"

The elder man stepped beside the prince looking out at the city as well, "Believe me your highness, he does so with a heavy heart. But he does it as he knows that it is to protect all that is precious to him, if he didn't do it than we would've lost our homes long ago."

Targius closed his eyes thoughtfully, the pair was silent as the inhabitants of the kingdom moved around below. A gust of wind blew by blowing the princes dark hair to the side, as he opened his eyes a look of determination had appeared. "Well then Damirus, I cannot fail in these talks. I won't let my kingdom be crushed under the foot of another kingdom."

Damirus smiled, "I'm glad that you say that your highness, now I think it's time for you to take your leave my brave lord."

Taking one more look at his kingdom from above, Tamirus took a deep breath and let out a sad sigh. "Alright, thank you Damirus." He turned and walked back into the room before heading out into the hall, as the prince walked out of his room the servants were awaiting him with heads bowed respectfully. The oldest of the regular servants, a cook by the name of Servestus spoke with his head bowed still.

"Your young highness, we simple servants pray for your safe return." Even though Targius was known to be vain, he had always respected the servants of the castle and the peasants of the outside world.

Smiling, Targius laid his hand on Servestus's shoulder. "Thank you all, I will be back in three days time. All of you do your best and I promise that I will host a feast when I return." The servants smiled at him as he turned and started down the hall, his steps echoing through the halls.

The hallways of the palace were magnificent, the castle was cleaned almost constantly by the servants to stay polished and glow with majesty. Hung on all of the walls were portraits of past kings and queens, they all resided within gilded gold frames. When Targius was younger he would look upon the previous monarchs with awe, but he no longer needed to look at the portraits. He had all of their faces imprinted into his memory with a sense of pride in his lineage.

The polished floor underfoot reflected the beautiful murals painted upon the roof of previous wars fought by the kings of the past. Walking towards the entrance of the palace, Targius felt proud as he walked towards the doors. He was going to do something to keep his precious kingdom safe, Damirus followed his prince's lead. The advisor respected the young prince more than he knew, having watched the young man grow up had let Damirus know that he was going to be a great king when his father passed.

Targius grew to a stop as he stood in front of the large doors, inscribed on them was the words of his ancestors. He whispered them to himself as he set his palm on the door, "To my kingdom my life is true, to protect the inhabitants of the city is my duty as is theirs to protect these doors, this is the solemn oath of the monarchy." He closed his eyes respectfully as he recited the oath of the past kings.

Preparing himself, Targius's muscles rippled as he pushed against the heavy doors. Bright light entered into the entrance of the palace as Targius stepped out of the doors of the palace, cheers greeted the young prince as he stepped onto the finely polished sandstone. In front of Targius was the inhabitants of the city of Tetalirus, they had been anticipating the prince for hours. The prince smiled as he saw the crowd of his subjects, he rose his arm in a respectful gesture to them all.

The crowd let out a deafening cheer, Targius smiled happily as his subjects cheered for him. Damirus whispered into his ear, "They will miss you for these short three days my liege."

Doing a barely noticeable nod, Targius whispered back. "I know, and I will miss them likewise. But I must do this." After waiting for the cheering to die down, Targius called out to his subjects. "All of my loyal subjects, I thank you for being here as I leave the city. I truly despise having to leave all of you, but it is for the good of the kingdom that I do this. I will be back in three days time, but until then I leave all of you in the capable hands of my royal advisor Damirus." He gestured towards the elder man who nodded, "I will be back as fast as I am capable. So until I return, be safe all of my beloved subjects!"

The cheer that came from the crowd this time was even louder than the last, in the crowd of people men and women alike cried in joy and sadness at what their prince was doing. Walking down the stairs of the palace Targius held his head up proudly as he walked to the royal carriage which had gold inlays in its sides, opening the door he took a breath and felt a lump grow in his throat. He looked back at the castle one more time, "I'll be back." He said before clambering inside of the carriage and ordered the driver to go.

The people parted for their highness's carriage, cheers followed the prince for what felt like miles after he left. Damirus turned to start for the doors of the palace, but before he could reach them a message runner screamed out to the proxy king. "D... Damirus! Wait, wait up!" Damirus turned and watched as the young runner who couldn't be more than eighteen hold out a scroll to him.

"What is this?" The advisor asked, the runner was too exhausted from running an obvious distance to speak. Taking the scroll in hand, Damirus broke a royal seal on the roll and quickly unwrapped it. His eyes quickly scrolled down the parchment, an ominous grin slid onto his face. "Well... this does play into my plans, doesn't it?"

The runner was confused, "Sir, why are you smiling? Don't you understand what that means?!"

Damirus chuckled, "Oh indeed I know, this just happened far earlier than I expected it to." Turning back towards the doors, the advisor started to walk and as he passed by a pair of guards standing at the sides of the doors he called out to them. "Have the runner executed, and make sure to do it where no one can see. I'd rather not have unsightly blood on the stairs of the palace." The young man tried to run away, but the guards easily caught him as he was too exhausted to run very far.

As the doors closed behind Damirus the screams were deafened by the doors, the advisor looked at his clothes with distaste. "The king shouldn't be wearing such drab attire..." He called out, "Servestus, come to me! I require your help with my garbs!" As the servant walked towards him, Damirus grinned maniacally. "Now that the prince is out of the way, and with this news there are no problems for me..."


Targius settled into the finely padded seat of the carriage and watched as the desert terrain passed by, dunes and mountains of sand were all that were seen for miles. As they rolled along, he saw many different settlements along the road. Gypsy encampments, small villages, and even the rare mage convoys. The prince was tempted occasionally to stop the driver and visit the towns, but he restrained himself as he knew he needed to be at the naga's kingdom as soon as possible.

The reason for the prince's haste was that Damirus had gotten word recently that the nagas were preparing themselves to launch an attack again his kingdom, deciding that since his father was out to war, it was up to Targius to discuss a peaceful solution with the royalty of the naga kingdom. Damirus had set it all up, and now it was all up to Targius. The sandy surroundings slowly gave way to a tropical setting as the ride went on, sand became scarce as dirt and rocks became the road they traveled on.

It was the first time that Targius had seen anything like this, he'd seen the odd oasis true. But it was a breathtaking sight for him to see trees everywhere, "Truly amazing..." He whispered as he brushed his hair to the side of his face, for an hour he saw no sign of living beings until he saw a village in the distance. There didn't appear to be any active inhabitants, but for what he saw it looked pretty primitive in terms of technology.

As the carriage continued on, Targius saw more and more villages but there seemed to be a constant with all of the encampments. "Where are the people?" Targius asked in a puzzled tone. Each of the villages differed, but none of them had any people in them. Unless the people were nocturnal something was going on and it wasn't good, "Whatever's happened here, I feel I might be able to trace this back to the nagas..." Targius muttered, his determination only growing.

After six hours of riding in a carriage, and the occasional break here and there, the prince arrived at Navasis, the naga's kingdom. The carriage stopped in front of the city's gates, the driver stepped down and opened the prince's door. Stepping out, Targius smiled at the driver who bowed to him. "Your highness, I wish you safety within the walls of the naga's kingdom."

Targius nodded, "Thank you, have this for traveling all of this way with me." He picked up the driver's hand and set a bag of gold, "Use this to sustain your family." The driver was overwhelmed, he sobbed as he bowed to the prince multiple times while thanking him profusely.

After sending the driver on his way, Targius turned towards the gates of the kingdom and approached. Dirt crunching underfoot, Targius felt out of his element. He was used to the comfortable feeling of shifting sand underfoot, dirt felt completely different. Even in the palace Targius had felt a bit out of place, sand was his element. Approaching the gate, Targius saw no markings on the obsidian gates. "Odd, these gates are so simple..." Targius muttered before knocking on the gates. "The prince of Tetalirus requests entry into the kingdom of Navasis!" He called out loudly, for a few minutes he stood there waiting.

After almost five minutes, Targius grew annoyed and prepared to knock once more but then there was an awful grinding noise that emanated from the walls. The gates of the kingdom slid open faster than Targius was used to in his own kingdom, as he got a look into the kingdom the first thing he saw was a handsome black naga with a hood that had yellow lines lining the edges of the hood. What shocked the human though, was the fact that the naga wore nothing at all, he stood tall before the human complete bare.

The naga grinned at the prince, his eyes glowed a gorgeous emerald color. As the doors finished sliding open, he opened his mouth revealing a set of deadly sharp teeth and began to speak. "Welcome Targius of Tetalirus, I've been long expecting you. I am king Leviti of Navasis, I am glad that you have come to talk to us in person. Please, enter my fair kingdom." He gestured for Targius to come in, a feeling of dread seemed to grow in the prince's chest but he had no choice as he didn't want to offend his host.

"Thank you king Leviti." He said cordially and walked into the kingdom's perimeter, the door sliding behind him as he did so. Approaching the naga, Targius had to admire the king's scales, they were as black as the gates of the kingdom but they seemed to have a glow that outshined even the most precious of gold in Targius's kingdom.

Leviti's tongue escaped from his mouth for a brief second tasting the air, "It is no problem, I assure you Targius. Now, why don't you follow me to my palace so that we may discuss the terms of our agreement." Targius nodded and watched as the king turned and slithered in the direction towards an enormous palace in the middle of the kingdom, as the prince followed behind the king he admired the golden markings on Leviti's back. Even though the naga's markings were natural, he would've sworn that the markings were truly gold.

Breaking his gaze of the king's markings, Targius admired the architecture of the naga's kingdom. Unlike the buildings of his own kingdom, the naga's seemed to be made less for the visual effect but more of a solid structure as if they were to keep out anybody from getting in. "You have some remarkable buildings here Leviti." Targius spoke to the naga.

Leviti let out a hissing chuckle, "Why thank you Targius, I've seen paintings of your fine kingdom as well. Your buildings are truly a work of art in themselves." The naga's words seemed to roll with an oddly hypnotizing effect.

An odd blush broke out on Targius's face, even though it was a simple compliment something about it caused him to feel extremely happy. "T... thank you king Leviti, that's very kind of you to say." Around the pair, the lives of the citizens continued. Targius noted that there seemed to be an extremely high number of nagas, though he noticed that there appeared to be no females around. "Leviti, I'm just curious. Where are your women?"

Leviti continued on without stopping, his tail twitching from side to side as he moved. He didn't seem to notice the human's question as they reached the palace, "Welcome to my home Targius."

The sight of the naga's palace drove the question out of Targius's mind, the palace of the nagas was even more majestic than his own palace. Even though the buildings in the kingdom weren't as well designed as his own, the palace was a masterpiece among average pieces of work. The spires had naga statues wrapped around them pointing towards the sky with swords. The windows of the palace had images of snakes intertwined in intricate patterns.

Targius was silent for the longest time as he took in the castle's vision, "T... this is... this is amazing... pure beauty..." Tears welled up at the edges of his eyes, truly the majesty of the palace was beyond that of his own.

Leviti smirked, "Thank you prince, why don't you come in and we shall start discussing more pressing issues." Targius's eyes were glued to the palace's architecture for a few moments before he was able to break away from them and slowly nodded as he wiped away tears from his eyes.

As they walked into the palace Targius felt an odd inadequacy about his garb, usually he felt completely at peace in what he wore but now he felt odd about wearing it. As if wearing clothes was weird... the prince shook his head, "The sun must be causing me delusions." He muttered to himself as the doors of the palace locked behind them.

Walking into the palace, he noticed that Leviti had stopped. "Is something the matter king Leviti?"

The naga turned and gave a smile, "My prince, I was wondering something."

"What would that be?" Targius asked curiously.

Leviti slid close to the human and set his hand on Targius's cheek and looked deep into the prince's eyes, Targius moaned slightly as he felt his mind start to fog over until everything blanked out.


Targius moaned as sunlight beamed in on his face, "Mmm... Damirus close the curtains..." But as he tried to continue to sleep, he remembered that he wasn't in his palace anymore. He pulled himself to his feet and stretched, as the human looked around the room that he was in an awful realization came to mind. He didn't remember anything after walking into the building, it was all a blank from the door closing on.

"W... why can't I remember anything?!" He muttered in confusion, in his irritation he realized that it was awfully drafty for some reason. Targius looked down and shouted in shock, he was completely naked. "W... what in the world?" In all of his life, he had never slept naked alone. There had been the nights with the women, but whenever he was alone he slept respectfully so this was a complete change of character. Quickly glancing around, Targius sighed in relief as he saw his clothes on a nearby table albeit scattered about.

Sliding back into his clothes, Targius felt extremely awkward. He'd never slept like that before, something was weird, and the fact that he couldn't remember anything past entering the palace concerned him. Now decent in his clothes, Targius stepped out into the hallway and glanced around in confusion. The hallway was oddly barren, it has a polished floor that seemed to glow with a muted white light, and the walls were a deep red color that seemed to fit the hall just right. Walking away from his room, Targius glanced around to look if there was a guard somewhere to guide him but there didn't appear to be anyone.

Picking a direction, the prince started to walk down the long hall glancing around to see if there were any decorations in the hall but there didn't appear to be anything. As he walked down the hall he tried a few of the doors, but they all were identical rooms that seemed to look exactly like the one he had been in though their sheets were nicely made. Targius started to fear that he was lost until he bumped right into Leviti who chuckled, "There you are Targius, I've been wondering when you'd awake. You humans like to sleep in, don't you?"

Targius would like to comment, but he had no idea what time he had gone to sleep and there didn't appear to be any timepieces nearby to tell him what time it was. Before he said anything though, Leviti continued to speak. "Come Targius, join me for lunch." The human didn't say anything, he felt oddly compelled to follow with no questions.

As they walked down the hall, Targius continued to look around for some type of marking on the walls but there was nothing. "Leviti, I was curious. Why are your hallways so barren?"

The king stopped and laughed, Targius froze in the confusion. "You know, not many people ask me the same question twice Targius. You humans are forgetful, aren't you?"

Targius had asked the same question twice...? He then realized he couldn't remember what he done yesterday, so it would make sense if he asked the same question twice. Leviti finally finished laughing and gave the human a good natured smile, "Well, since it appears that you've forgotten let me remind you." He started forward again and Targius drew up beside him as he spoke, "The reason the halls are empty is because we nagas don't need needless things decorating our interiors, we aren't so vain."

The artistry of the palace came to Targius's mind, "But your palace..." The naga smiled, "You truly have forgotten, we've already had this conversation once. The reason why my palace appears as it does on the outside is to show our power, a weak looking palace wouldn't do much to impress my opponents now would it?" Targius shook his head in agreement, "So I've had my best architects design my palace, and as you said yesterday it is indeed a piece of art."

Reaching what appeared to be a dining room, Targius noted that there was only one chair in the room. He felt a bit embarrassed about having to have made them pull one out, Leviti slithered up to the table and coiled up which appeared to be the naga's equivalent to sitting. Targius sat in the chair across from the king and looked down at the table, in front of him was a piece of deliciously cooked steak. Targius was not one to eat meat usually, but the steak looked extremely appetizing to him today. Picking up the fork and knife that sat next to the plate, he carefully cut and ate the meat savoring the flavor as he took bites of it.

Leviti ate likewise, the two royal men didn't speak as they ate instead using the silence to gather their thoughts. Targius tried his hardest to remember what had happened the day before, it was a horrible feeling to have hours just disappear like that, especially when he needed to use every hour as carefully as possible. Leviti was giving the human an odd stare, his emerald eyes taking in the human's body.

Targius glanced up at the king, he had to admire the king's body. When he was younger, he had been told by his late mother about the nagas and how they were an ugly race. But now seeing them in person, he couldn't help but admire the snake man. The face of the naga was like a well sculpted piece of art, chiseled and strong while holding a certain attractive curve to it. The prince blinked, attractive? Why would he think that, he'd slept with many a woman and they had always held his heart. To think of a man with the word attractive perplexed the young prince, he knew that he would never bed with one.

Leviti finished eating as the prince was admiring him, "So Targius, while you finish eating would you mind me asking you some questions?" Targius shook his head giving his approval. The naga smiled, "I'm glad, now my dear prince, how old are you?"

Swallowing a piece of the meat, Targius answered. "I'm nineteen, soon to be twenty in three months time."

The king nodded wisely, "Alright, you are well spoken for a nineteen year old if I may say." Targius smiled, he had prided himself on being well spoken since he was young. The prince's eyes met with the king's and he immediately found that his mind started to fog, but the king broke eye contact and the fog faded. Blinking a few times he shook his head and started to eat once more, "Targius, what do you think of me?"

"I think you're a handsome naga." The words escaped from the prince's mouth before he could think over what the king had asked of him, the fork fell from his hand and he clapped his hand over his mouth. "I... I didn't..."

But Leviti said nothing, his eyes seemed to narrow in pleasure though at what the prince said. Embarrassment was painted on the young man's face, "Well I'm glad that humans can appreciate another man with no romantic attachment." He said offhand making Targius feel a bit relieved as the naga had misconstrued his comment.

Finishing up the steak, Targius wiped the food at the side of his mouth with a napkin before setting it on the plate. "So, shall we talk about the plans for relations between our kingdoms Leviti?"

The naga smiled, his eyes seeming to flash with an odd magical glamor. "Yes, but let's forgo that for now. Let me show you something that I think you'll enjoy my friend." Targius wanted to argue that they had to talk, but he didn't want to appear rude. As Leviti and Targius walked away from the table, the naga looked the human over and smiled pleasantly. "Targius, aren't you uncomfortable in those clothes?"

Before the king mentioned it, Targius had felt perfectly at ease in his clothes but now they felt awfully stuff. A blush passed over his dark cheeks, "I... I guess they are..."

The king tilted his head thoughtfully, "Why not remove them then? You wouldn't be awkward, it's not as if my subjects and myself wear clothes."

Targius nearly spoke that they weren't humans, but he bit his lip before he said it. "I'll be fine king Leviti." But as they continued on, his clothes only became more unbearable to wear. Stepping up to a door that looked similar to all others, Leviti smiled at the human who was messing with his clothes.

"Before we continue, would you like to get out of those clothes my friend?" Targius tried to say no, but it was no use. His clothes felt so... unnatural, he had never thought like this before but he couldn't help it. Blushing he nodded before sliding off his shirt revealing his well built build, his abs looked strong and his arms rippled with muscles.

Reaching for his pants, Targius was jarred as he realized what he was about to do. He was stripping in front of a king of another land, "I... I think I'll keep my pants on." He blushed as Leviti nodded.

"I understand, unlike us you can't conceal your more private segments can you?" Targius didn't answer as he was too embarrassed, instead he just followed the king through the door which lead into a hall that sloped instead of having stairs. As they reached the end of the hall, Targius had felt a definite temperature change. It was far hotter down there than it was up in the main building, he nearly ripped his pants off right then but he was barely able to prevent himself from doing so.

The hall that they traveled down was dark, though the walls seemed to be made of a luminescent material as the pair were able to see one another. As they reached the end of the hallway, Targius found himself in a large room with four nagas standing at each corner of the room. "Wow... what is this Leviti?" He asked in a whisper.

The king grinned at him, "This is my personal mage chamber, each of these nagas are powerful mages. Before you came here, I decided to have them use their magic to make you something." The human was put off, something for him? Leviti smiled, "Wait here, and I'll go get it."

Moving away the naga slithered towards a podium in the middle of the room, he picked up something that seemed to glow with an odd green aura of magic. As Leviti returned to the human, clutched in the naga's hands was a beautifully crafted bracelet. Targius glanced at it with slight concern, "Why does it glow as it does?"

Leviti smirked, "It's been enchanted by my mages to protect you from any harmful enchantments." The human felt a moment where he was doubtful until the naga reassured him, "Believe me, why would I want to hurt you? You slept with no problems, didn't you?"

Something about the king's reasoning reassured the human, "Oh... I guess you're right." He picked up the bracelet from Leviti's hands and admired it, it depicted two snakes biting each others tails. Targius slipped it carefully onto his arm and admired it, it seemed to fit his wrist perfectly. "Wow... thank you king Leviti, how can I repay you for such an amazing gift?"

The king grinned at the human, "Don't you worry my boy, I'm sure that you'll find a way to repay me... now, why don't go back upstairs? It looks like you're going to die from the heat." Targius didn't realize how hot he was until Leviti brought it up, he nodded quickly and followed the king back into the cooler area above.

As they reached the cooler area, Targius found himself fiddling with his pants once more and he blushed as Leviti looked back at him. "My dear prince, please pull those off. It's obvious you're not comfortable with them."

Finally giving in, he slipped off the silk pants and blushed as his manhood dangled. He could at least be proud that he was well hung, Leviti looked at his body with an indescribable expression. As the pair walked through the palace, Targius felt oddly at peace wearing nothing. On the prince's wrist, the bracelet slowly faded becoming a black marking on his wrist though he felt nothing.

Leviti glanced out a nearby window and noticed that the sun was starting to hang low in the air, "Ah... very good." He spoke, Targius glanced at the king curious.

"What's happening Leviti?" Then the king turned to the human and set his hand on the prince's cheek before looking deep into the young man's eyes, Targius let out a soft gasp as he felt his mind become covered in an oddly familiar fog. As he started to blank out, the last thing he saw was the king leaning in very close his lips approaching his own.


Damirus sat upon the throne, his smile was anything but full of good intention. He wore fancy garb that would fit a king, before him the servants stood awkwardly with disdain upon their faces. "So... which of you did this?" Damirus asked in his usual polite tone, but his eyes carried a menace that could make anyone quiver in their shoes. In his hand there was a note that had been going around the servants with words that would make a mother blush, it said things about Damirus that he didn't take kindly to.

None of the servants stepped forward, Damirus sighed and stood up slapping his hand with the note while he paced back and forth in front of the servants. "I'll make it easier for you to tell me who it was..." He slipped his hand into his robe and pulled out a stick, "You know, I never wanted anyone to know about this secret of mine but..." He pointed the stick at one of the servants, they all looked at it in confusion. "I guess I'll have to come out about it." From the end of the stick, a silvery glow appeared before shooting out and hitting the servant. For a moment nothing happened before the servant opened his mouth and let out a heart wrenching scream before his body exploded in a show of sparks.

All of the servants screamed in horror, Damirus grinned. "The secret is out now, I'm a mage. Now unless one of you come out as the person who wrote this nasty letter..." He held up his wand for everyone to see, "I'll just have to use this little piece right here to punish you one by one."

After what felt like an eternity, one stepped forward. Servestus glared at the proxy king, "It was me Damirus, I wrote all of those words and I meant every one of them. You're an upstart king, and when the king comes back I'm sure he'll have you executed!"

Damirus's smile only grew wider, "Oh... it looks like I have another little secret to come out with my servant..." Suddenly all of the servants felt an awful dread come onto them, Damirus slipped out a scroll from his robes and held it out to Servestur. "Read it out loud please, I want everyone here to know the truth."

Servestur slid it open and quickly did a once over of it and all color poured out of his face, "N... no... it can't be..."

"Read it out loud Servesture, everyone needs to hear this very important news..." Damirus said with a devilish grin.

Tears formed in Servestur's eyes as he started to choke out the words, "On the field of battle..." He choked for a second before continuing, "The king of Tetalirus has fallen to the sword of the king of Diris." Wails of pain came from around him as he continued to speak, "His head was put on a pike, and the rest of the king's personal army fell." All of the servants cried out in horror.

Damirus's laughter filled the room, one of the servants called out in horror. "W... what's to happen to us?! Our army has fallen!"

Wiping away tears of laughter, Damirus grinned. "Worry not my servants, I have used my magic to summon a demon which is taking care of their army as we speak."

Servestur glared at him, "Y... you could've summoned a demon the whole time, And you let our king die?! How could you, you're the royal advisor!"

Shaking his head, Damirus tutted. "Can you really not piece it together? I let him die because I want to be the king, is it really that hard?"

The servant threw the scroll to the side and rushed the new king, "You son of a bit..." But before he finish Damirus had touched his forehead with his wand and an aura of magic passed over his body.

The king chuckled, "I could easily kill you, but that'd be a waste of a good servant. So instead..." A mark appeared on Servestur's head and his eyes changed color to a pitch black, "I shall make you a demon, completely subservient to me."

Servestur fell to his knees and kissed Damirus's feet, "Thank you master!" He worshipped the king's feet as all of the other servants cowered in terror.

Damirus grinned with malice, "Now, unless you all want to follow his example... get to work!" His laughter filled the room as all of the servants rushed to their positions, Servestur continued to worship everything about his new master while the servants started to spread the news of the king's death.


Targius felt so warm, he had never felt so good. Even waking up after sex with women had never felt so good... The prince moaned, something moved in his ass. His eyes flew open in shock, "What the?!" He tried to move but he could move due to the arm wrapped around him, "H... hey! Let go of me!"

A familiar voice whispered into his ear, "Oh, you're awake hun... well, it's about time. I was wondering when you were going to find out the surprise."

The prince froze, it was Leviti who had his... cock jammed into his ass. Gasps of terror escaped his lips, "W... what's happening Leviti?! Wh... why are you doing this to me?!"

A chuckle escaped from the naga's lips, "The good news is, I've already explained all of to you my boy. Let me just unlock those pesky memories for you..." He then whispered a word into the prince's ear and Targius screamed out as the memories from the last two nights came back to him.


As Targius looked into Leviti's eyes, his own eyes glazed over. The naga grinned, "Good, now that you're under my trance..." He groped Targius, "Mmm... you are well hung, aren't you?" The prince didn't respond though.

The king smirked, "I'm so glad that Damirus promised me you in exchange for that threat to your kingdom... I get a sexy new human to make into a naga, and he gets a kingdom. I think it's a fair trade, especially when its a human as sexy as you are."

Glancing the human over, he shivered as a slit opened and his cock peeked out. "Mmm... I'm going to have to wait sadly, I need to do a little bit of reconditioning with this one." Leviti slithered over and grabbed a chair, the same one that Targius recognized from the dining table. Sitting the human down, Leviti looked into the human's eyes once more and started to speak in a very melodic voice as if he were singing. "Targius, don't you feel awful wearing those clothes? Human clothes are so confining, they don't let you show off your natural body to the world."

Targius started to itch at the clothes on his body as if a switch had been thrown, Leviti smiled. "Let me help you get those off." He slipped the clothes off, and the prince smiled in self satisfaction that the dirty clothes he had been wearing were gone. He was now in all that he was.

His cock hung limply between his legs though, no interest was shown on his face whatsoever. Leviti started to play with the human's cock, stroking it and playing with it as he spoke in the gorgeous melodic voice once more. "I know that you think that you fancy women my dear little prince, but you're wrong. You've always loved men, how handsome they are, their well defined figure, and especially their long hard cocks."

The memory Targius didn't respond for the longest time, his cock remained flaccid until a pleased smile started to slide onto his face, his cock starting to grow hard in the grasp of the naga. Leviti let out a hiss of success, "Good... now, I'm not going to do anything tonight to you my little sexy human. I want to let all of those commands sink into your head, so I want you to now go to bed and don't forget to bring your clothes with you." Targius picked up the clothes and walked towards the hallway of bedrooms that the current him remembered clearly waking up.


"Y... you changed me... you son of a bi..." He moaned in pleasure as he felt the naga's cock move in his ass, his dick getting hard. "G... stop it..." He let out a whimper.

Leviti chuckled, "I'm sorry, but I won't. Nagas like us will have sex all day whenever we want..."

Targius froze, "W... what do you mean Nagas like... us?" The king sighed.

"You won't let me have fun with you until you've fully learned the truth, will you? Fine..." He pulled his cock out of the prince, almost causing him to orgasm with pleasure which disgusted him. The sheets covering them were ripped off to reveal two naga bodies, Leviti's with its familiar black and golden markings and... a naga body with emerald green and black markings.

Targius shook his head, it couldn't be. "N... no... th... that can't be mine..."

Leviti rubbed his body causing Targius pleasure, "Oh it is cutey, once you remember last night... well... you'll be more than happy as you are, now..." He leaned in, his dick rubbing against the prince's anus and he whispered those sweet words once more.


Leviti watched as that glazed expression appeared on the human's face once more just like the previous night, "Now that we've gotten you all ready my sexy little toy, come with me. It's time for us to finish up your reconditioning."

Following the naga like an obedient pup, Targius followed Leviti into a room with had an extravagant bed in the middle of it. The king gestured towards the bed, "Get in." Targius didn't need to be asked twice, he slid right under the covers of the bed. Beside him, Leviti did so as well and smiled lewdly as he looked at the human. "Damn, it feels like it's been forever, but I finally get to do this..."

Rubbing his scaled hand over the human's chest, Leviti hissed in pleasure as he let his hand roam lower and lower until he grasped the human's firm ass. "Mmm... jackpot, now Targius, turn over." The human rolled over happily, his will subverted by the snake's hypnosis. His dick was getting hard, it was obvious that the spell that Leviti had put him under wasn't temporary Targius's orientation had easily been shifted.

Leviti slowly widened the human's ass cheeks, his cock hovering closer and closer until it was right on the edge of the man's anus. "Before we start... I'd better activate the spell." He said something in the singsong language and the marking on Targius's arm started to glow and it disappeared, the human's eyes shifted from their original humanlike look to snakes slits. "Alright... now let's go..." He whispered as he slowly inserted his dick into Targius's ass.

The human let out a whimper, he wasn't used to having another man penetrate him but it quickly gave in to pleasure. The change was starting already, his black hair started to fall out, locks falling out to give way to show off the emerald scales forming underneath.

Targius's face took on ridges as his face pushed out into a snake's snout, his nostrils disappeared as his newly forked tongue escaped from his lips and tasted the air for the first time, the smell of musk and sweat assaulted him but that only caused him to grow more aroused. From the sides of his head, a hood slowly pushed out, his ears disappearing as the hood overtook them giving him a rather imposing look, black markings appeared in the hood.

Aroused moans escaped the changing princes mouth, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of a male's cock in his ass. Targius's legs slowly expanded while merging into one tail, the feeling of his legs fusing caused Targius to arch in pleasure while also jerking Leviti's cock in his anus. The scales rushed over his body, primarily green though black markings similar to Leviti's spread over his body.

As Targius's body changed into a naga's, he felt loyalty to his human kingdom wane, he was a naga not a human. Even though the memories were from the past, the prince could feel it editing his current preferences. Grinding and moaning, Targius's cock pushed out of a new slit, he thrust and grinded against Leviti's cock until it became too much for both nagas. They both came, and as they did so Targius in the present felt his original perceptions break in exchange for Leviti's.


Leviti kissed his boyfriend as they resided in bed, Targius wrapped his arms around the other naga and bumped and grinded for a while. The two members of royalty were now united through their love for one another, Leviti grinned as he looked into the gorgeous green eyes of his lover. "So, how do you feel now honey?"

Targius hissed in pleasure as they rubbed their cocks against one another, "Spectacular hun." His voice sounded more velvety now that he'd changed, no longer the abrasive human voice from before. "Though... I do have one request babe, if you're willing to listen."

The king chuckled, "I will... on one condition."


Leviti kissed the other naga, "You marry me and become my fellow king."

Targius's eyes filled with excitement, "Yes!"

Leviti hugged his fiance before asking, "Now... what was that favor?"


The human's didn't stand a chance, they were easily converted by the might of the naga army. Women went off to live in another kingdom, Leviti had explained to his fiance that they didn't mind the females but the woman rather prefered the female kingdom and the males respected that as they themselves prefered the presence of men. Damirus sat in his throne, watching with a feeling of superiority as the normal humans fell to the naga.

Something about watching the regular men fall for him felt him feel... godly. After an hour of doing nothing, the doors to the throne room opened to reveal two naga. Damirus smiled and spread his arms wide, "Welcome my fellow kings."

Targius glared at the usurper, "How dare you sit upon that throne, that belongs to me."

Damirus let out a hysterical laugh, it was obvious that the mage had become unhinged from everything. Power had destroyed the advisors mind, "This is MY throne! I DESERVE IT! I had to watch after you for nineteen goddamn years, and now I finally have it. And what do you do? You come back and think I'll just hand it over... well prince... you're going to have to come and get it... and well, I don't think my demon will like that very much."

From the shadows, a demon came out covered in black markings all over his body. At one point, he had been Servenus, but now he was Slarv, the demon belonging to Damirus. He had forgotten how to speak the human tongue, he didn't care, all he cared about was protecting his master. Damirus gestured towards the couple, "Kill them Slarv."

The demon rushed the pair, all caution throne to the wind. Sadly for him, Leviti didn't come unprepared. Four nagas came out dressed in mage gown and destroyed the demon with a powerful spell, he didn't stand a chance and was quickly wiped from the mortal plain. Demirus started to pull out his wand, but when a knife struck him in the chest, he had no time to cast a spell. He looked down at it with shock and then up at Targius who had thrown the knife, "I... I... I deserve this throne... I... I... I haattee... you..." He whispered before slumping in the throne.

Targius and Laviti smiled at one another, "It's done." Laviti whispered, drawing close to his fiance.

Targius nodded, "It is..."

The couple embraced, the last of their problems gone for now.


As they went back to Navasis with all of their new nagas in tow, Targius looked at the abandoned villages curiously. "Honey, I was wondering. What happened to all of these villages?"

Laviti winked at him, "Well, let's just say that it had to do with a lot of magic... and naga cum." Targius chuckled and the couple kissed, prepared for their new life together.