Your Mine! 2

Story by elmerfudpucker on SoFurry

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#2 of Your mine!

He starts to remember

Warm, soft, fur slowly rose and fell under his hands, his bed rumbled and adjusted its hold upon the human, arms of corded muscles wrapped in fur surrounded him, pulling him closer. His face was buried in his Alpha's chest ruff, his hands slowly dragging fingers thru fur, scratching around the lower neck. He didn't know how long he was awake, nor did he care. A quiet moan rattled the Alpha's chest as the fingernails dug in right below his collar bone while his toe claws curled and relaxed when the right spots got more attention. His scent still reminded him of the forest even after the bath, a forest that nearly killed him...

It started during a hunt, he was tracking a deer he had shot with an arrow, when he caught up to it he thought a feral wolf was ravaging his kill. He drew an arrow and shouted to try and scare him off. But when the White wolf stood up on two feet and turned, he lowered his bow and stared at him. The wolf dropped the arrow it had removed then stepped away. The human willingly shared some of the meat with him when he seen the marks where the wolf finished it. They hunted together a few more times till one day he found the wolf hurt. He brought him back thinking the village healer could help, but the healer screamed demon and ordered them to kill it.

He couldn't let them kill the injured wolf, he even tried to tell them the wolf helped during the last few hunts, and only because of the wolf they hadn't starved. But they was already in a frenzy, and he was strung up by his hands too. Then they turned on him with their knives, the pain was terrible, only stopping after he passed out. He felt the tight skin on his back, the sting still reminded him of the days of pain, nothing but his screams with a sickening counter melody of the pained howls of his woven hunting partner. The last thing he remembered was the screams of his tormentors when the fury of the wolves finally came, and the burning amber eyes of the Alpha as his vision blacked out.

He woke up in pain, but his first words was for his hunting partner, the brown wolf hushed him quickly, he bade him to rest and not to worry. The Alpha never explained what happened, just that he would take the white one's place in the pack. It wasn't till days later he had found out the humans had skinned the white alive and the Alpha had to end his suffering. He asked why he was spared, thinking it was his fault, only to find himself face to nose of a rather upset Alpha. "Are you telling me Snow lied?!" he growled. The human lowered his head till a paw grabbed his head and brought his eyes back up. "I shouldn't have brought him back to my village! I could have tried to save Snow myself out in the forest!" The Alpha let him go and sat down in front of him "My wolf told me of his injury, he said it was fatal, but you was not to blame for your tribes actions and that will be the end of it." He rose and turned away from the fire, "He also said you did your best to save him, even when you had a chance to save yourself. That makes you worthy to join us."

As the human laid on the Alpha's chest, he wondered how much longer till he could walk in the sun, the trip had taken weeks, but this was the hardest part. The Healer told him no other human could make it this far without a wolf, the cold was too much for those not of the arctic life. The powder was to put him in a deep sleep and he would not be affected as much by the cold. He remembered the edge of the frozen wasteland, nothing but snow and ice as far as he could see. The Healer putting him in the box of supplies, then blowing the dust in his face and tucking him in as he fell asleep. Suddenly his thoughts was interrupted by paws closing on his extremities and holding him down on the Alpha's chest. "Time to dress your wounds furless one", the realization of the pain to come flooded back as the Healer dipped a brush in a small jar and painted the blue liquid on his raw wounds. First it was cold then a flash of heat as it faded into a cold numbness, meanwhile the Alpha held his head and rumbled quiet sounds as the human thrashed about.

"He is healing pretty fast but why does the medicine hurt him so?" asked the brown wolf. "maybe it is stronger than normal humans medicine..." said the Healer. He wondered what the other side of the mountains would hold for them. Would the human be welcome to the rest of the wolves? Is there other humans there? The wolves had been gone for over two years, their quest done, now they headed back home. He remembered hearing the Alpha call the human "most loved" and wondered if he was strong enough, let alone willing to accept what it meant. Snow was the Alpha's mate and the original holder of the title of "most loved" and it was Snow's word that saved the human from joining the rest of the dead.