Walls Book 1 - Ch 2 : Template

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#7 of Walls

Chapter 2 - Template

510 A.R. June 2, Volkov Household, Morning

"Hey..." A voice whispered.

I felt my mind stir as I struggled to open my eyes, "Huh?"

"Vilkas?" I heard father say.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into two yellow feral eyes and a big black nose.

"What?" I whispered in fright.

Father cocked his head, "You haven't changed your mind?"

I blinked and felt the groggy sensation in my mind clear like a popped bubble, "No."

A grand smile spread on father's muzzle, "Okay... good... go back to sleep."

I raised my brow in confusion, "You... woke me just for that?"

Father squirmed a little, "I was worried."

"Dad... I won't change my mind... just... give me a few weeks so I can visit the testing center and explain to Jason."

Father nodded, "Not a problem Vilkas. Though... would you..."

"What?" I asked.

"My pack... their sons are about your age... it's rather perfect actually... would you want to meet them? They could become your pack if you like them. They're good... strong fellows... raised by honorable wolves... just like you Vilkas."

"I don't know if I'd call myself strong," I whispered with a slight smile.

Father leaned in and whispered, "You are strong Vilkas, I don't know how I would have handled hearing what you heard last night, I'm so proud of you pup."

"What's it like... being a wolf?" I asked.

Father touched my shoulder, "It's a wonderful experience, being surrounded by people that you love and care for, the thrill of hunting, the scents, tracking... the sensation of clamping your jaws around prey."

"That's a bit too much information dad," I whispered.

Father leaned in and nudged my cheek with his nose, "Sorry. I can't help it... I get so excited... my instincts are running wild... I feel like I could run leaps around the earth just to shake the excitement."

"Was your dad like this?" I asked with a bemused smile.

"Oh yes, but I didn't torture him like you do yours," Father said with a smirk and a chuckle.

"Sorry about that," I whispered.

Father inched closer and gave me a sudden lick on the nose, "Love you."

"... Love you too dad," I whispered as father rose and walked out with his tail wagging.

510 A.R. June 10, SYNE (Symbiont Nexus), Morning

My hands rested against the window and my mouth was agape in amazement as I looked down at the wonders below me. There were interconnected buildings that looked like crystal palaces, automated cargo movers in the form of huge spiders, humanoids, and even drone aircraft that hummed as they flew past the window.

The place looked like a futuristic metropolis and it felt as if I had stepped into a whole new world. Dominating the scenery was a gigantic tower in the center of it all that reached beyond the clouds.

"Athena?" I said out loud.

"Yes Vilkas?" Athena's disembodied but gentle voice seemed to emanate from the walls themselves.

"This facility is very impressive," I said.

"Thank you," Athena answered.

"My mother was surprised when she heard that I had talked with you, if someone else were to call your name, would you answer?" I asked.

"As a general rule, no," Athena answered.

"Why answer to me then?"

"You had need of my intervention, to ignore you now would be rude."

"Does that mean I'm special? Or just weaker than everybody else?" I asked.

"A stupid question, your skepticism does not make you weaker than anyone else, if anything it makes you stronger once one has gained your trust."

I smiled to myself, "You're rather straightforward."

"You seem to appreciate blunt answers, so do I."

"The technology used in this facility... it's incredible. Why doesn't it exist in the rest of society?"

"It does, but it works in the background. Fission and fusion reactors provide power, automated machines excavate the earth for precious minerals, automated factories take the brunt of heavy labor, genetic engineering is widely used and information technology permeates society."

"If all this amazing tech exists, what purpose do we serve? People that is," I asked.

"Do you think I am alone in managing this society Vilkas? Who do you think built me? Who do you think researched and developed this tech? There are millions at work keeping society flowing. Machines can make life easier but we cannot replace or replicate the adaptability or creative nature found in sapient creatures."

"I see," I said.

"I take it you've made a decision regarding whether to accept a symbiont?" Athena asked.

I felt a sensation of unease in my gut as I made an awkward smile in return, "Yes, I do want a symbiont. But I have few things to take care of first, and I want a chance to customize it, how do we do that?"

"Step onto the platform in the center of the room," Athena said.

I turned away from the window and looked at the center of the room. Set in the very middle was a large round platform and in the roof was a bulging dark glass dome. The windows began to darken all of a sudden and then turned pitch black while lights in the roof and floor came to life.

"Why? What does the platform do?" I asked as I walked up to the platform.

"We're going to take a scan of your body," Athena answered.

I stepped onto the platform and stood in the center, "Like this?"

"Hold out your arms," Athena said.

I raised my arms.

"Stand still, you will feel a tingling sensation," Athena said.

Something above and below the platform churned to life as an electric whine filled the air, moments later I felt a strange tingling in my nerves.

"Do not move," Athena said as the tingle turned to a buzz that bathed my body, seconds later it began to abate and left a rather numb sensation in my body.

"Step off the platform," Athena said.

My skin felt warm as I stepped off the platform and turned around.

"Watch," Athena said as the electric hum in the room grew stronger.

An eerie shape began to form in the center as the air quivered, moments later I found myself looking at a perfect 3d replica of myself.

"Whoa... What is that?" I asked.

"A hologram projected by the dome in the roof, this is your template. Do not attempt to touch it, the focused laser beams will harm your skin."

"Duly noted," I whispered.

"What do you wish to become Vilkas?" Athena asked.

"... Wolf... like my father," I whispered.

The clothes faded from the 3d replica and left a near naked human with only a small loincloth.

The replica then started to change, the template grew taller, muscle blossomed across the body, the jaw extended and pulled the nose with it, the ears migrated upward and folded as it became triangular canine ears, the hips widened and the structure of the legs began to change.

Claws sprouted from the fingers and the feet turned into splayed paws while the balls of the feet lifted making the legs digitigrade. The eyes changed and turned stark yellow as the iris grew larger and took on a more canine look.

A fleshy tail extended from just above the buttocks as the loincloth split. Moments later a thick mat of gray fur began to grow and cover the whole body.

The template seemed to take a deep breath as the chest grew wider and deeper while the spine curved a little. The hunchbacked look of the creature began to fade as the neck filled out with powerful sets of muscle while the muzzle extended and opened to reveal the wicked teeth of a wolf.

The template kept growing in stature until I found myself looking at a towering behemoth the size of my own father. One of the final alterations seemed to occur beneath the loincloth as it lifted in the outline of a bulging sheath.

"That's..." I whispered.

"Do you like it?" Athena asked.

"Yes," I whispered.

"Is there anything you would like to customize?"

I cleared my throat, "Are all wolves this big?"

"This is the average build of a wolf, size and musculature is dependent on diet, lifestyle, and other parameters."

"Can wolves be customized to be even bigger?"

"The customization cannot be used to create monsters, there are limits. A wolf that does not have a good diet and plenty of exercise, will result in a smaller physical body than this. This dependence is meant to stimulate a healthy lifestyle."

"So what's stopping people from maximizing all attributes to their limits?" I asked.

"Mental maturity, a good compatibility index. I have deemed that you are unlikely to misuse the system, that is why your age restrictions were lifted."

"I see."

"The fur patterns have been adapted to make you unique, the scent glands will also be automatically customized to make sure you're not mixed up with anyone else."

"Scent glands?" I asked.

"Scent glands are an important part of hybrid canine communication, the scent is made up of the oil secreted by the skin, as well as glands along the cheeks, wrists, anus and genitals."

"Oh," I whispered.

"Is there anything you would like to change?" Athena asked.

"Could we try other colors for the fur?" I asked.

"Of course," Athena answered.

510 A.R. June 10, SYNE (Symbiont Nexus), Midday

"Is this too much?" I asked as I stepped back for a better look.

The color of the fur had changed from gray to an overall pitch black with a few exemptions. The tail had a strip of red and so was the outline of the ears. A dusting of the red fur could be found along the arms, chest, and along the back and neck where the fur had been lengthened to form a slight mane.

The eyes were blue, the snout was a little slimmer, and the black fur eased up to become a dark gray along the chest and pleasure trail wandering down to the groin.

The template looked though as nails, strong, if a bit cheeky.

"It is unusual, but it does not violate social norms or customs," Athena answered.

My heart was thumping and my dress-shirt felt damp as it clung to my body.

"Can I bring my parents, I'd like their advice?" I asked.

"Of course. Be aware that our current technology does not allow a template to be altered once it has been set, there is no going back once you become part with the symbiont," Athena answered.

"I know. Does the template look like a jerk?" I asked.

"Jerk, a word implyingfoolish, rude, immature, stupid, or a contemptible person. Are you applying personality traits to physical appearance?" Athena asked.

"I'm just trying to be realistic... society does judge based on appearances."

"The modifications you've made are suggestive of a tough or aggressive nature."

"... I see," I whispered.

"I have seen many pass though these halls, do you want some advice?"

"Yes please," I said.

"There is a certain prejudice against wolves in society, not all of it is unfounded. Wolves are and represent wilderness in hybrid society. This form is fitting when seen from that viewpoint."

"Mm," I whispered with a nod.

"Also, I have seen your reaction in many others and I can tell you this. Those that change their appearance to better fit in more often regret their choices than the ones who didn't."

"I see," I said.

"That does not mean that a bit of compromise can be tactful. Extreme colors and odd modifications can often become life-long regrets."

"Do you have any suggestions on what I should change?" I asked.

"I found your earlier suggestion wise, invite your parents, take part of your father's wisdom, he is a wolf with a lifetime of experience to draw from."

I nodded and glanced up at the roof, "Thank you Athena."

"You're welcome Vilkas."

510 A.R. June 13, Volkov Household, Evening

"Dad?" I asked out loud as I looked out at the dark garden.

A large figure moved in the darkness, moments later the reflection of two yellow eyes could be seen as father faced the light coming from within the house.

"Yes Vilkas?" Father said.

"What are you doing out there?"

The reflective eyes darkened as father looked up toward the sky, "Just looking at the night sky."

I slipped into a pair of clogs and stepped into the garden, the trees rustled with a light breeze and it made me cross my arms as the cold air brushed against me. The sky was stark black and stars twinkled above in a grand belt stretching across the night sky.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

Father looked down and focused on me with his stark gaze, "You sound serious."

I made a slight smile but found myself wondering if he could see it.

"I haven't changed my mind dad," I reassured him.

"Oh... good," Father whispered.

"I visited SYNE..."

"Yeah, you've been avoiding the subject," Father said.

"I just needed to think about stuff, it's... a big deal. But I'm ready to talk about it now... and I was wondering if you could come with me to SYNE?"

"Really?" Father asked with a sudden pitch of excitement in his voice.

"Yeah... I figured you could give me a few hints."

Father stepped closer and I could tell from the pearly glint that he was making a big toothy grin.

"I'd be happy too," Father said.

"Great... there was something else as well."


"Do you think... I mean... you keep talking about a pack... hunting and things like that..."

"Yeah?" Father said.

"Will I be able to fit in? I mean, I'm not exactly a though guy."

Father stepped closer, put a hand on my shoulder, and pulled me close.

"You'll fit in just fine Vilkas, the others will be new to this as well, you'll learn, together."

"Mm. Do you remember what we talked about when I was small, how various hybrid types were better suited for certain kinds of work?"

"Of course," Father said.

"Am I expected to look for work in those areas?" I asked.

"No Vilkas, stop being silly."

"... I work in an electronics store dad, I'm starting to realize that there's a great deal about the world that I don't know. It's not a silly question."

Father nudged my head with his muzzle, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. People have a warped image of wolves at times but no one is going to demand that you take up work as a police officer. I work as an engineer, not a very violent job."

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Work?" Father asked.


"It's interesting, pays well, it's flexible, so yes."

"I see."

"Wolves can be quite the ruffians though, it's in our blood, soon it'll be in yours."

I leaned my head against father's chest and felt the fur shift beneath his dress shirt, the comment itself filled me with a tinge of unease, "Comments like that make it sound so creepy."

"Wolves are not bad people Vilkas, we only play rough with each other and we do so on equal terms, it's a fun game, recreation, not life or death."

"Uh huh. Can you see well out here?" I asked as I found myself near blind in the darkness.

"Of course," Father said.

"I can hardly see a thing," I whispered.

Father chuckled, "So what kind of wolf can I expect? Gray? Red? Timber?"

"What about black?" I whispered.

"Black is nice, very pure, can be a disadvantage in winter landscapes."

"Yeah," I whispered.

"I haven't seen you with Jason for a while now. Did the two of you have a fight again?"

I shook my head, "Jason will be at summer camp for another week, I just need to explain to him and then I'll be ready for my symbiont."

"Are you worried about how he'll react?"

"Yeah. I wish I could help him somehow."

"Maybe you can," Father said.

"How?" I asked as I looked up.

"Show him that you're still you after receiving the symbiont, I doubt it'll convince cultists like them but it's worth a shot."

510 A.R. June 17, SYNE (Symbiont Nexus), Morning

I couldn't help but smile as I looked over at the window where both mother and father were plastered against the window as they looked out in amazement.

"It's like you've never been here before," I said.

Mother looked back, "That's because we haven't, SYNE was just an idea back when we got our symbionts."

"So what was it like back then?" I asked.

Mother moved away from the window and looked up at the dark glass dome in the ceiling as she spoke up.

"Our symbionts were delivered to a local hospital, back then our customization options were limited to a few generic options and a randomization algorithm."

"Oh," I said in surprise.

Mother pointed at the dome in the ceiling, "This looks like a 3d holographic projector."

"How did you know?" I asked.

"We use these at work to create the background sets for our talk-shows... let's see... if I can't get it working."

Mother closed her eyes, a few moments later the dome clicked to life as an electric hum filled the air.

"... How did you do that?" I asked.

Father turned away from the window and approached the platform and then glanced at the windows.

The windows began to darken and grew opaque while the lights in the room lit up.

"... How are you doing this?" I asked as I looked at father.

Father made a bemused smile as he glanced over at me, "Hybrids have many special abilities."

Mother opened her eyes and looked at me, "How did you interact with it? Through Athena?"

"Yeah," I answered.

Mother smiled, "Talk to her."

"Athena?" I said out loud.

To my surprise there was no answer.

Mother made an understanding smile, "Give her a command, she won't talk with us around but that doesn't mean she won't acknowledge you."

I glanced up at the dome, "Athena, could you show my template?"

The hum from the dome rose in strength as the wolfish template formed in the middle of the platform once more.

"Oh... oh my..." Mother whispered.

Father chuckled and cocked his head as he looked over the black and red beast.

"And you wondered if you would fit in," Father said with a smile.

"So it looks good?" I asked.

"Your template is great, though you look a bit like a warning light with those colors."

"Oh," I said.

Father leaned a little closer to the template, "Do you want my honest opinion?"

"Yes please," I said.

"The red is interesting, it suits you, but it needs to be a darker shade unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb in the forest."

"Uh huh."

"May I change it?" Father asked.

"Sure," I said.

I couldn't see father do anything but the red color on the template shifted and became a few degrees darker.

Father made a pleased nod, "Perfect. But why the blue eyes Vilkas?"

"I wanted to be unique," I said.

Father glanced back with his stark yellow eyes, "The blue and the red are distracting when put together. Want to try something else?"

"Sure," I said with a nod as I looked at the template.

The eyes shifted to yellow and something seemed to snap into place as the avatar took on a more natural look even when combined with the red.

I smiled a bit in relief as I found myself liking it, "You're right, that is better."

Father walked over to me and then pointed at his broad muzzle, "Look at my muzzle."

"Yeah?" I asked in confusion.

"My teeth," Father said as he opened his muzzle to reveal teeth like that of fierce beast.

"I don't follow?" I whispered.

Father shut his muzzle, "Your muzzle won't be able to get a good grip on prey, your snout is to thin, your teeth are too short and your neck muscles aren't strong enough. Wolves kill prey quick and efficient, there's no need to make our food suffer."

"... Oh," I whispered.

"I'm not saying you have to hunt, but if you ever do, then you'll be putting your pack in danger by keeping a potentially dangerous beast kicking while you try to chew it to death."

My heart thumped as I looked over at the template, "Athena... could you fix that?"

The muzzle on the template opened, the jaws and the face itself widened and took on a feral look, the neck swelled with padding and the back broadened with blooming muscle. The teeth and canines in particular took on a growth spurt as they thickened and grew longer.

"Oh..." I whispered in amazement as I found myself looking at what looked like a hungry beast of a wolf.

"Perfect. Now... let's do this..." Father whispered as he moved his hand as if summoning a spell.

The template blinked and started breathing all of sudden, I jumped in surprise at the sight and the template did the same as its ears folded back while it jumped in surprise.

"Oh," I whispered as I realized that it was mimicking my movements.

I began to smile and the template did the same but with a toothy grin and a wag of its tail.

"That's so cool," I said in unison as I watched the template move.

"My advice was just advice Vilkas, this is you body, your choices," Father said.

"I know dad, thanks for your advice. I like it," I said as I looked up at father.

Father nodded and smiled.

Mom started to snicker all of a sudden and covered her short muzzle.

"What?" I asked.

Mom chuckled and pointed at the template.

I looked over and noticed to my horror that the loincloth was gone, I flushed red in an instant and the template mimicked my reaction as its ears clamped to its head.

"What did you do!?" I exclaimed while the template bared it's teeth in anger and frowned.

"I was curious," Mother snickered as she looked at the prominent sheath by the groin on the template.

"Athena!" I yelled out in desperation.

The loincloth reappeared while mother continued to smirk and chuckle, "Is that really the default size?"

"Mom!" I exclaimed in protest.

Mother glanced over, "What?"

Father sighed, "Your mother's mind is in the gutter Vilkas."

Mother grinned, "Hey, I'm not the one cranking the size of my genitals to the maximum."

I sighed and put a hand to my forehead, "That's the default mom."

Mother looked surprised and glanced over at father, "Really? I always figured..."

Father put his paws on my shoulders, "Just ignore her."

510 A.R. June 23, Jefferson Household, Evening

"Is Jason home?" I asked as Charles opened the door.

Charles nodded and smiled, "Of course, he's in his room. We missed you at camp Vilkas."

"Oh, sorry I couldn't come. Did you have a pleasant time?" I asked as I glanced past Charles.

"Indeed we did, have you considered joining us for next year?" Charles asked as he blocked the path.

"I'm thinking about it... Jason's a good friend of mine," I said.

Charles stared at me and adjusted his glasses, "Vilkas, you're... what... 19 years old?"

I made a slight smile but felt a shiver of unease along my spine, "Yes."

"The world is an ugly place, but there is light, and hope. I hope you'll do the right decision."

Anger began to boil inside me but I clamped down on it as I tried to twist things to my advantage.

"... So do I Charles... that's why I need to talk with Jason... I want his help."

Charles smile remained but took on a lifeless look as he stared at me with his wrinkled face.

Seconds that felt like an eternity ticked by until Charles finally eased up and moved out-of-the-way as he motioned to the stairs, "You're a good kid Vilkas, come on inside,"

I walked past and glanced into the living room as I passed by. Charles wife was sitting in the living room staring into a big book in her hands.

I headed upstairs to Jason's room and knocked on the door before easing it open as I looked inside.

To my surprise the room was clouded in darkness.

"Jason?" I asked.

A figure near the sofa rustled to life and looked over, "Vilkas... is that you?"

I stepped inside and shut the door, "Yeah."

"Did you..." Jason whispered with something akin to fright in his voice.

I felt along the wall, found the light switch, and then flicked it on. Jason squirmed in surprise and covered his eyes as the room lit up.

"Did I what?" I asked.

Jason struggled to see and squinted as he looked over at me, he made a loud sigh of relief as he saw me.

"I thought..." Jason whispered.

"What?" I asked.

Jason looked pained, there were dark bags below his eyes, his skin looked sunburned and the room reeked of sweat.

Jason looked at the big screen on the wall and spoke up, "Want to play a game?"

I stepped closer and frowned in unease, "You don't look well Jason."

Jason made a light smile and looked back, "I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"Should I leave?" I asked.

"No!" Jason yelled out in surprise as his eyes took on a desperate look.

I stumbled back in surprise at his reaction, "Okay."

Jason looked back at the screen, "I'd really like to play a game... please?"

"Sure," I answered.

510 A.R. June 23, Jefferson Household, Night

"Vilkas," A voice said.

I felt my mind stir from sleep as I opened my eyes, "Yeah?"

"Why are you still here?" Jason asked.

"You fell asleep, I didn't want to wake you, your parents didn't throw me out. I figured I'd sleep here."

"Did you put a blanket on me?" Jason asked.

I glimpsed over at him, "Yeah."

Jason pulled the blanket tight, "Aren't your parents worried?"

"I sent them a text message to make sure they didn't panic," I said.

"I see," Jason whispered.

"So how was summer camp?"

"... Are you going to become one of them?" Jason asked.

"I asked first Jason," I said with a light smile.

"Summer camp was hell, now answer me," Jason demanded with a dark gloom as he looked over at me.

I glanced away for a moment and felt a tinge of shame, the shame faded moments later and was replaced with anger as I looked back and stared Jason in the eyes.

"Yes, I'm going to receive my symbiont next week."

Jason seemed to shrink into his blanket while his face twisted in both surprise and torment.

"You know that it's permanent, right? There's no going back once you turn into one of them."

"I know, I've made my choice Jason," I said.

"Let me guess... you're going to be a huge wolf the next time I see you?" Jason asked.

"Well, a wolf at least," I whispered.

"And then you'll get new friends... a 'pack'... I'll be more of a burden than I already am... and then you'll forget about me... and after that you'll even forget who you used to be..."

"What if I promise to prove you wrong Jason? I'll come back, I'll knock on your window, and you can see for yourself that I'm still me."

"I've seen it before Vilkas, you're not coming back here, you think you are, but you won't."

"We'll see about that."

510 A.R. June 28, SYNE (Symbiont Nexus), Morning

A male doberman walked around the corner, caught sight of me, walked up, and extended his hand.

"Hi Vilkas, I'm Erik and I'll be assisting with your procedure," The doberman said with a light smile.

I got up from the bench and took his hand, like all hybrids he was a bigger than me and I felt like a child as he gave my small hand a firm shake, "Hi Erik."

"This way please," The doberman said as he motioned for me to follow.

I followed around the corner into a large bright room, set in the middle of it was a simple strap-in chair as well as a small trolley with a sealed container and a few tools. Standing in the background were several large machines with tools that were lit up but otherwise did nothing.

Erik motioned to another hybrid standing beside the trolley, "That's doctor Warden over there."

The hybrid was a rather lean male tiger clad in a big lab coat, his striped black and orange tail swayed at a steady pace as he worked on a pad in his hands.

Doctor Warden glanced up and spoke as Erik and I approached, "Hello Vilkas, how are you doing today?"

"Hi, I'm fine... if a bit nervous," I answered.

"That's understandable," Warden said with a light smile.

Erik spoke up, "Do you have the electronic slip you were given earlier?"

I nodded and fetched the slip from my pocket, "Here."

Erik motioned to the container on the trolley, "I don't need it, for security reasons we'd like you to verify that the container over there has the same number as your slip."

"Oh, OK," I answered.

I looked at the sealed box and the big ID code printed on it, I then held up the slip and compared it.

"The numbers are the same," I said.

"Good. Just a security measure to make sure there's no mix up," Warden said.

I looked at the menacing chair and felt myself tense up in worry, "What's next?"

Warden looked at me, "Well, we'll talk for a bit and then we'll strap you in, give you some local anesthetic, and then we let the symbiont to do its thing. I take it you still want to go through with this?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Good, sit down, we won't strap you in just yet but you are looking a bit pale."

I made a nervous chuckle and took his advice as I eased into the chair and pulled a deep breath.

"The symbiont is a very docile and harmless creature, do you want to see it?" Warden asked.

"... I can do that?" I asked in surprise.

Warden nodded and brought the trolley closer, he then used a passkey on the container and opened it up. He then reached inside, grasped something, and lifted it out.

The symbiont looked like a big green slug with coiled tendrils underneath it. The thing squirmed a little but did little else.

"Want to hold it?" Warden asked.

"You sure this isn't dangerous?" I asked as I watched the squirming creature.

"The symbiont won't do a thing unless you've got a bleeding wound."

"... Okay," I said with a nervous smile.

Warden held out the symbiont and set it down on my lap. I pulled a deep breath and then reached out to hold it as Warden let go.

The flesh of the symbiont was rather cold and it had a slimy touch to it as It squirmed in my hands.

"It's rather difficult to imagine that this thing can make humans into hybrids," I whispered.

Warden nodded, "Quite so."

I looked up at Warden, "I've already been briefed on what the actual transformation will be like... but is it true how much will this part will hurt?"

Warden pulled a deep breath and cocked his head a little, "Have you ever broken a bone?"

"No," I answered.

"Well it's a lot worse than that. You will be screaming, I guarantee it."

I chuckled and bit my lip, "Rather straightforward."

"This is not the place for comforting lies Vilkas. The pain is the reason why we have to strap you down. You'll die if you manage to hurt the symbiont once it has started the process."

I nodded, "I understand."

"Any further questions?"

I shook my head, "No."

Walden reached out and took the symbiont once more. Erik stepped up, helped me out of my shirt and then urged me to settle back in the chair.

I leaned back and watched as they tightened the sturdy but soft straps along my arms, legs, chest, and even my head. The locked in sensation pushing at me from every angle made me pant in unease as I glanced around.

"Can't you just put people asleep for this?" I asked.

"Unconsciousness makes it possible that the symbiont will mistake you for food rather than a host, it's not recommended," Warden answered.

I exhaled and gulped as my heart pounded, "I see."

Erik grabbed a cotton swab, dabbed it in some kind of liquid and then brushed it along my lower arm.

The area tingled and then grew numb.

Warden fetched a small scalpel and inched closer, "You ready for this Vilkas?"

I nodded, "Yes."

Warden placed the scalpel by the skin, and then pushed and moved the scalpel along my lower arm. Blood began to seep from the cut and the skin parted a bit proving just how deep the cut was.

I felt a bout of nausea as Warden put the knife down. He then fetched the symbiont which began to coil and thrash around as it neared the wound.

I began to hyperventilate and tensed up in my whole body as a thousand thoughts began to rush through my mind. What if I was wrong? What if this was the end? What if Jason was right?

My lips began to quiver and I made a slight gasp in surprise as the tendrils touched the wound.

The tendrils parted the skin and pushed inside, pain like acid and fire struck like lightning as I squirmed against the restraints in a sudden bout of panic.

"AH!" I yelled out.

Warden let go of the symbiont as it wrapped itself around my arm and sent tendrils into my flesh.

The pain arched like a rocket reaching for the sky and I screamed.