BioLab 2

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#8 of BSI

Just some fluffiness occurring before BioHist. A lady bio-engineer tests a fluffy foxboy to relax.

BioLab 1 - 2009-0731.2341

* * * TechLog, BioSyn Lab 4, Friday January 5, 2007 2007`0105F1008 Head of Research. Dr. Thomson

Melissa Thomson looked over the Recom order list. She worked for Biological Synthetics Incorporated in Butte Montana USA, and the next customer was one Alysa Benton. She didn't really care who it was, and skipped over the 'Bill To' and 'Ship To' sections. That was for the accounting and shipping departments.

Mel sighed. Why the heck did Mark One Mod Zero humans bother with all this, frankly, crap? She didn't need this info, in fact it blocked her from getting to what mattered, so it was stupid to bother! Just 'BentonA' to keep tabs, or better yet, some serial number for the customer's order.

Another M1M0 who saw the product catalog and just thought it would be cool to have one. What Mel needed was the environment and psych reports, because customers never thought it through, never really knew what they wanted, even those smart-asses who thought they did. OK, BentonA wanted a domestic servant and pleasure slave. That meant R4G2. Why not look in the catalog, however those humans did it, and just copy down the product numerical code? Just what mattered, and not bother her with the rest!

BentonA; domsrv pl sl. What species? Gender? Size? Color? Customer was vague, that's what the questionnaire was for. Turns out, first-time cust. Kinda small, drab. Oh, male pl sl, liked dogs but wanted a bit more, um, self-care. No slave handling experience, not even friends' beasts. OK, fox, smallest dog genus. Said drab, but liked color/decoration in home furnishings. So a Red Fox, but which, American or European? Americans were rarer, smaller. Cust had traveled, might appreciate Vulpes fulva. Brown with a little red, drab but with color.

This was what they paid Mel for, translating customers' vague notions into reality, making their dreams come true. BentonA would get a male American Red Fox mix with russet hair and fur; he'd be shorter and thinner than his owner, easy to handle. But Recom level 4's were stronger and faster than humans, better hearing, eyesight, olfactories and reactions. They'd grow it for her, ask her back to see it in the 'wet tank' artificial womb, get her approval. It'd see her, know her as its owner. Then they'd train it, him actually, to serve publicly and privately. Take another year and a half for it to grow up to sixteen human years and be delivered.

OK, Hot!Tech, time to work! Mel liked the computer's command interface, only two-year-olds point to things. Real people use words! !EX OfcDsk BentonA.wpf<- meant here's a command! execute program OfcDsk, the Office Suite, on Word Processor file BentonA. You don't have to frikkin point to damn pictures, didn't mean anything anyway, just a damn software company sticking its name up your face everytime you want something!

Why would anyone CARE what company made a tool?! I wanna put up a picture on the office wall, I get a hammer, I don't care if it's a Stanley, or Craftsman, or any of that crap! But people buy computers just 'cause it's got colorful pictures on it! That doesn't mean it'll do what YOU want, only people who didn't know what they were doing anyway would let some damn TOOL lead them by the hand!

Alt-I-S. Hey, word-processor tool, Insert a Scan. Put the order form face-down on the glass, close lid, press green start button, order form image appears in WP window. Don't need any stupid Scan Manager Options window, if I wanted options I'd damn well tell you before I say Start! I'll say when I'm done, edit image, remove form lines, just the facts. Just text, a few words, don't need to keep all the pixels in an image!

The customer should've just done this herself. Just gimme the facts! Copy WP text to DNA control; use one tool then the other, much easier than expecting one tool to do everything! The HTOS lets many users do many tasks with many common and special tools, don't need a GUI. In tech talk, that's Multi-User, Multi-Tasking, Multi-Threaded.

DNA Control. Directories, you use 'em when you visit a client company's building, says what suite they're in; use the same terms with a computer! Tell the app what DNA strands to make, GroupAKA Mammal meant Animalia Eumetazoa Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Mammalia Placentae, GO! While the 'Synths cooked, more specific Carnivora Canidae Vulpes fulva. Actually the DNA Control app was opening DNA 'cookbook' files at each level, adding more codes to the double helix, making genes and chromosomes which would produce not a synthetic animal (which was a fun product in itself!) but a hybrid with enough human DNA so the R4G2 domestic servant and pleasure slave would talk and walk upright, enough intelligence to know what its owner commanded, not enough for it to rebel.

Everyone knows that human DNA is the same as GroupAKA Mammal anyway. Just Primates Hominidae Homo Sapiens, we've got the ridiculous pride to call ourselves 'Wise Men'! Ha, men aren't even 'Aware' half the time! Labs One and Two were just different parts of the same room, and the computer network shared the 'cookbook' files to make Placental Mammals. Lab One just made human blood plasma and insulin, the most primitive proteins. That didn't mean they were low-class, far from it, BioSyn made a good basic profit margin on keeping injured and sick people alive!

Lab Two made whole organs to replace diseased or damaged ones. Also for what Mel called 'makeovers'; people wanted better eyes or ears and paid BioSyn plenty. Mel herself had needed them, a drunk driver had crashed into her car five years ago and nearly decapitated her! Body smashed, arms and legs shattered, pelvis, ribs, spine, skull. She was barely alive when the EMTs got her out of the burning wreck. BioSyn had given her her life back, rebuilt her, new body made her better than she'd been, stronger, faster. But still completely human, Mark One Mod One.

Lab Three made complete artificial people but brains were tough to get right, so many connections! Recom Level Three Generation One AKA Mark Two humans. Freaked everybody out, even Mel, looked exactly like people but barely enough mind to walk, never mind talk. They acted like Roger Corman zombies, staggering around with blank eyes, just the cry of 'Brains! Brains!' to complete the horror-movie look. But it was real! Mel had watched BioSyn stock go below floor level until all the R3G1s were rounded up and destroyed.

Then the hospitals started screaming, they needed BioSyn blood and organs to stay in business! BioSyn Mark Two rose like a phoenix from the ashes, made R1 and R2 products, then R3G2 DNA mixes. Laborers and Guards, talked like idiot humans and walked almost upright, but fur and heads like animals. R4G1 unskilled workers like the maid Alexa CatGirl, R4G2 servants like Red Fourteen.

OK, the DNA Control app had finished the sequence for BentonA's foxtoy. Mel's specs so far, species and fur color, expected duty groups made it use DNA Line K, the eleventh one defined. Variant N, the fourteenth variant. And trial forty-seven, that's how many American Red Fox mixes BioSyn had tried to make so far. OK, not all of them worked out, but no technology's perfect. The computer showed the DNA sequence coding: KvN47. Just for completeness, it asked for a name for this particular slave. Mel was never very imaginative, so she just saw it was a boy fox, saw the letters and numbers and typed in a name --

Kevin FoxBoy Four Seven.

* * *

TechLog, BioSyn Lab 4, Friday January 5, 2007 2007`0105F1115 Head of Research. Dr. Thomson

OK, DNA sequence mostly done, up to Placental Mammal. While the AutoSynths cooked, modify to Vulpes fulva. The 'Synths would add that to their soup. Natural DNA was different in each species, made that way by a Supreme Being or Beings if you were metaphysical, evolved over billions of years if you weren't. Mel was in the middle, things seemed to exist but new things emerged, so they got created somehow. So there must be a Creator, mightier than she was as she directed the 'Synths.

A nonhuman Creator, making humans lesser beings. Mel was OK with being less, made according to such a Being's will. The Creator's plan for humans, His image of them, not of Himself. Religions seemed to be dominated by men, so the Creator was 'He'. Made in His image for them. Such a Being wouldn't be limited to human lifespan, so a 'short time' for Him could well be several billion orbits of the little blue- green planet around its Sun!

Or maybe Melissa Thomson was committing the worst kind of blasphemy, daring to compare her command of the DNA AutoSynths to make R4G2 slaves to the Almighty's plan for His Universe. Maybe it was an evil servant of His that made humans with free will, able to think that way.

In either case, Melissa could change only her little piece of the Universe, called BioSyn Lab 4. The 'Synths cooked their fulva, like a restaurant chef makes his dishes for all tastes, then seasons each serving as the guest says. Mel seasoned BentonA's foxtoy, adding limited brain, just some beast instincts, fear of something New so it wouldn't run away, especially fear of pain. Fear the whip, boy!

She'd done the same to the European Red Fox trial 14. Messed up his mind so he'd think being treated as a beast slave was normal! Make him NEED to please human masters, feel bad and then sick and dizzy, too weak to fight, until he begged to submit his foxflesh to the whip, to the fear, to their command. Red Fourteen wouldn't understand now if Mel told him the truth, and she had no intention of trying.

Mel could control KvN47's DNA, make its body and brain but not its mind. That had to be done the slow way, training it in the wet-tank and over the next 18 months. BentonA would just have to wait, two years from seeding to delivery, because the beasts were 'quick-grown' to be as old as a human at sixteen when delivered. BioSyn had a machine that could force desired neuron connections and break others, but it had been tried and failed to brainwash humans because their brains are too complex.

The Mind Bender would work on humans only as a learning tool, like speed reading. Humans had better recall than real reading, but it was far from perfect, and humans with 'photographic' memory had trouble because pictures were almost impossible to copy. We still don't know enough about where and how humans store memories, to figure out what to look at and store.

You couldn't force someone to remember for the Mind Bender; it only worked for conscious memories, not just whatever he had in there. You could try to trick him with something similar, like a smell could make you recall a situation, but it was fleeting, like a dream. It was even more suspect than regression hypnosis, not accepted in a court of law because it was vague and the operator could lead you into false memories.

The USA had tried to use the Bender to interrogate suspected terrorists. Oh, yeah, they could beat someone to death or electrically torture his sensitive parts, and then force someone else to suffer the same, but the feelings were severely muted, even when some sadist CIA guy amped the feed up until the suspect lost consciousness. And even then it was like being forced to watch someone else get tortured, not yourself, and the emotional impact faded quickly, more like watching a movie. Was anyone ever forced to confess just by watching TV, such as seeing Jack Bauer in '24'?

BioSyn used the Bender on every mix at first but found it killed them! It took awhile to figure out mixes' minds were simpler, so the Mind Bender had lasting emotional impact, brain trauma really, that actually stopped the mind while it made memory! The beastminds couldn't stop to make memory and still function. Even if you just used it for a few seconds and then let the beast recover, it would keep shaking until its mind calmed down.

Sure, the memory would last, almost perfect. What the beast could absorb at all, it kept; everything else just went past like a hurricane in its mind. Even if you didn't kill the beast outright its mind might never recover, and it would stay in the hurricane, forever. They tried pumping in videogames and animated training, but the beast- minds couldn't cope, couldn't tell it wasn't real! The Bender worked too well, they believed the videogame, and reacted later as if they were really being chased by zombies or vampires or werewolves! Ever seen the video for Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'? What if you couldn't tell it was fake?!

Dancing zombies scare the bejeezus out of little kids, mixes react even more so. Kids lose a few nights' sleep, mixes just go nuts. Unable to function, minds frozen due to intense fear. You could try to use the Bender again, but how do you set it, what memories do you try to erase? Where are they?

Maybe, if you could read a mix's mind, save it all like a computer Full Backup, then Mind Bend it, then read and save again, you could figure out what changed when the mix experienced the Bending. Or if it reacted badly, MAYBE you could just put back what was there before. But organics were way too complex, storing memory not in discrete chunks a machine could find, but in the connections BETWEEN the organic parts, the neurons. And parts of the same memory changed widely spaced different parts of the brain, while very different memories seemed to change the same parts again!

The best Mel and BioSyn could come up with was making a mix's mind go thru an experience quickly and learn on its own, like taking a roller-coaster ride and remembering everything you saw, heard, smelled, and felt the entire ride! No wonder the poor things were shaking when it was done. Get a human to volunteer to do something, record his mind, just the surface stuff remember. Then put it in a mix, poof! Train that beast! The Mind Bender couldn't actually cause or break neuron connec- tion, just force a mixmind to experience something and do it.

KvN47's DNA would take awhile to cook up to fulva, replicate, become genes and chromosomes. Then a full helix ready for ovoimplant in a fake egg, in a fake womb, to stew six months into a fake fox-human hybrid body with a fake mind, and get born into a life of slavery. Mel controlled it, did that make her a faker, or a fakir, or what? Some- times Mel's mind wandered when she wasn't focused, and Red Fourteen had been licking her ankles because he scented she wasn't pleased, and that unfocused her.

Or maybe he was trying to get her focused on something else. He'd seen her busy typing at the DNA Synth Control app, then lapse into not moving, and he couldn't understand the idea of contemplation. Maybe his'an Owner needed some fun, the kind an R4G2 pleasure slave could give Her? He was trained to sense Her needs and desires, it was just a Pavlovian response, not initiative on his part. Mel had some time now, and Red HAD been a Good Boy, waiting for her all this time. His furry knees had to be getting sore, even though he knelt on a thick soft rug.

The back room, Red? The one with the cot? Mel told him to Stay, then got up and stretched. She did need a short break. Mel pulled the loop on Red's leash where it was tied to her chair, ordered him up, and winced as she heard Red's knees pop when he stood to follow her. She forgot the sadist had hurt his bones to make him scream himself hoarse, and he still walked a bit stiff. Sorry, Red, I made you hurt and I'm not angry; a kind Mistress wouldn't do that, she'd have you lie down and stretch first. Come with me now. Still sore, Red followed her submissively, front paws at his sides and snout down.

Red Fourteen knew the way to the back room cot very well, and Mel still hadn't told him to say everything he'd been doing over the weekend, just what he'd done to obey Duty. She didn't tell him to speak, so he walked silently, padding two steps back and to Her right, where She could grab him and force him down if She wanted. He didn't tell Her he'd been exploring Alexa the maid Catgirl in there. Or that she'd explored him as well. Just some unauthorized training.

Red also knew how his'an Owner liked to relax by sitting on him. She ordered her slave foxboy to the cot, he lay on his back, and she chained him. The black leather collar and cuffs he wore looked good on his red fur, and she spread his front paws wide apart along the cot over his head to the pawcuffs on the wall. She pushed him around a little, spread his back paws to the pawcuffs in the corners of the cot, and stood back to watch her naked slave foxboy, his training showing already, struggling weakly at his chains to please her that she con- trolled him. He even whimpered a little, a game she taught him, not fear but ... desire.

Mel decided she'd tweak the next slaves that way, make them chain themselves and whimper for their Master or Mistress, beg for word they had pleased the Humans. She looked at Red, stretched out to her whim, naked and ... tasty-looking. She somehow thought of her human boyfriend at home ... naked and bound ... made to serve her pleasure. Get a grip, girl. This is just a beast here, just to relieve tension, no emotions involved.

But what about the tail? Like all Foxes, this mix had a big bushy tail, kept fluffy with cleaning and combing. It looked big, but it was almost all fur, Red's sacral vertebrae increased in number to make a thin rope of flexible bone. Smaller and shorter than a HouseDog, much less than a Wolf, maybe one-and-a-half, two feet, another foot of long fur at the end making such a luxurious tail Mel loved to pet it, pet the foxy beast it was hooked to ...

Mel had made Fox slaves like Red Fourteen to please Mistresses, and BioSyn's psychologists really knew their stuff. Mel knew her work wasn't cheap, and it sure showed. Mel had made this beast herself, and she could hardly keep her hands off the thing! OK, it wasn't her hands she wanted to use with Red ...

She was out of chains, so Mel used what she had at hand, so to speak. She got undressed and used her bra to tie Red's tail to the frame at the foot of the cot. He got excited when she 'accidentally' brushed it over his tailtip! Mel liked Red hot and bothered, and ready for her touch. She made mixes so their tails were sensitive to touch, especially underneath near the base, and she took advantage of Red, his need to please her, and his chained helplessness.

Mel Thompson was testing the BioSyn product, and he passed.