Commission: The Arrangement

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission for Was fun to do once I got the beginning rolling.

The dragon purred low in his throat as he sat in one of his favorite chairs. He swirled the cognac around his glass as he looked at a massive box that shared the room with him. It seemed vastly out of place in the room, with its brushed steel finish clashing with the dark hardwoods, overstuffed leather chairs, crackling fireplace, and massive shelves filled with books and curiosities. Yet the dragon continued to gaze upon the monolith with just the barest of smiles upon his features. He looked like any number of high powered businessmen one might see. Reddish-black scales glowing in the light, silvery eyes staring intently at the box as the firelight reflected off his polished scales and horns. He wore an expensive suit tailored perfectly to his body. He looked to be ready for anything from sitting there with an aged book, reading and sipping his liquor; to shaking hands with presidents.

Well, no presidents today. Although there were a couple on his schedule for later this week. For now, he had a fairly clean slate so he could enjoy his new toy.

He took a sip of the cognac and purred as it slithered down his throat before setting the glass aside. Standing, he made his way to the box and walked a slow circuit around it. He paused behind the crate and frowned at a scuff on his floor. Someone would be paying for that, and it wouldn't be him. Mentally filing that away for later, he approached the front of the box once more. His finger hovered over a slight indent before pressing forward. He ignored the slight pinch as it took a sample of his scales, comparing it to the control tucked away in its memory.

Soft chimes sounded from the box as cracked appeared on it's smooth surface. He stood his ground as panels slid away to reveal the box's contents. A fox with a silvery-white pelt stood there, only held up by the various restraints that cradled his bare body. That enigmatic smile returned as he stepped back and reclaimed his glass. Displays filled the air in front of the vulpine, reading out vital statistics as the cryo-unit began the waking process. Sipping the liquor, he watched as information filled the screen. He barely watched them though, paying more attention to the fox as the male began to take deeper breathes. Whisker twitch. A little cough. Finally a moan as the male's head rolled around and dull eyes opened.

"Good morning, you will feel a little groggy for a few minutes. This should help it pass." Waving his hand towards one of the displays, the dragon's own cyberware linked up and pumped a little wake-up juice into the male. "Better than a cup of coffee," he murred, bracing folded arms on the back of his chair. The fox's head rolled around as the male tried to look at him.

While he waited for the vulpine to rouse himself, the dragon padded over to the fireplace. The whole thing vanished, revealing a massive display. Clasping his arms behind his back, the scaled male looked over several read outs as his tail danced behind him. The display danced and flickered, jumping between spread sheets and security feeds faster than one could blink. He paused at one and connected to the network. "Maurice, have the boys check building 42. Looks like someone is sampling some of the product he is supposed to be transporting. ID number 78-6732." He tilted his head at the unheard response. "No, just remind him who he works for." He paused, feeling eyes on the back of his neck.

The moment h stepped away from the display, the fireplace snapped back into existence, crackling and providing a soft warmth to the room. When he turned, he saw the fox watching him, body still held within the box's restraints. "Awake fully, are we?"

Ears twitched as the fox nodded, "We are, and curious about where we are." He looked around the room for a moment before focusing on the dragon once more. "Would also like a drink, I have a bit of a cotton mouth."

"Of course, how rude of me." A wave of the dragon's hand caused the box to open the rest of the way. The vulpine sagged forward as the restraints stopped holding him upright and pulled away from his arms and legs. He staggered from the box, legs wobbling unsteadily. Moving slowly, the fox was able to follow the dragon towards a bar stocked with a rainbow of glass bottles. The drake poured a glass from one of those bottles and held it out. By the time he was close enough to get it, the fox was feeling far more steady on his legs. Thirstily, he tipped the glass back and took a sip, nose crinkling at the flavor in the liquid. "I find that mint helps after a cold sleep, even a brief one."

Nodding, he cradled the glass and followed the dragon back to the seating area. The male sank down into a chair with an effortless grace, reclaiming his cognac for another sip. The fox padded over to another chair and sat down, only just realizing that he was completely naked at that time. Coughing, he crossed his legs and brought his tail around to conceal himself. The dragon smirked and sniffed his drink before sipping it slowly.

The pair sat in silence for a long moment, each nursing their respective drinks. The silence was so heavy that the fox jumped once the dragon spoke. "Imagine my surprise when I received a coded message from you." He nodded at the fox and smiled. "A man who had proved to be such a thorn in my side for so many years, begging me for help."

A soft growl came from the fox. "I did not come begging. I..." he trailed off for a moment, ears laying back. "I merely needed to get out of town for a while, and we both know that you are called The Solver for very good reasons."

A deep chuckle rolled across the room. "One does seek me out for a secret escape, new look, and a new identity just to leave town for a while." The silver eyes seemed to glow in the projected light, "No, someone like you only comes to a... "Bottom feeding goon" like me when they have bigger problems." There was a hint of a growl in the dragon's tone, but it vanished almost as quickly as it appeared. "But if I turned away any client that had issues with me, then I would run out of them very quickly." He poured himself another glass of cognac and chuckled. "Regardless, it is not every day that I am hired to make someone like you vanish, Chancellor. Not surprising though, considering just what trouble you had gotten into." Those eyes shone again, "Or should I say, had gotten into you."

The fox's lips pulled back to flash teeth as he growled, "I would ask you to drop that subject, but I doubt you will, all things considered." He laid his ears back and sighed. "It was something I never should have done, but cannot undo that now." The fox tilted his head a bit and looked at the dragon. "How did you secure my flight, if I might ask."

A hand wave turned the fireplace back into a display showing off news feeds. "It was rather simple. Getting my crew inside was the hard part. Once they were in, all they had to do was replaced you with a fast-grown double." He watched as the fox sat upright, eyes flicking over the feed as it mentioned the funeral of the Falroxin Chancellor. "A simple aneurism. Barely even an investigation. Although the King's speech was rather moving. Not surprising considering your relationship." Another glare from the fox and a snarl. "As part of the price, you had a full body make over. It has been nearly two weeks since my crew secured your safety, and there has been a lot of work done on you. I'd say you are now twenty, maybe thirty years younger."

Ears stood tall, "But age-regression technology is..."

"Illegal, I know. Then again, so are so many good things. Expensive things." He held his glass aloft and smiled, "Fine things."

The fox let out a sigh and laid his ears back. He was silent for a long time before muttering. "What's done is done." Ears hanging low, he looked at the dragon. "And my new identity?" Sal waved at a wooden box on the table beside the fox's seat. Setting his glass down, the vulpine opened the lid and found a stack of documents and some very strange items. "Any clothing?"

"That will come later. Outfits are still being crafted, since they had to wait for the body alterations to fully take hold."

He nodded, "Understandable." Leaning back into the overstuffed chair, he grabbed a tablet from the box and began to read over his new identity. Eyebrows quirked curiously, "Chance Zalfon, really?"

The dragon kept a neutral expression as he shrugged, "It is all randomized into a computer system. You should be thankful. Had one associate get the name of Samuel Hain." A disbelieving snort sounded from the male as he turned his attention back to the dossier. Sal hid a smile behind his glass as he waited for the fox to reach a certain line of text.

When it happened, it was like a building storm. The fox fell silent, eyes darting across that section several times to make sure he read it properly. His ears folded back slowly as the fur along the back of his neck stood up slowly. Lips curled back to reveal perfect, pearly white teeth as a primal growl rattled out of the male's chest. "A SLAVE!? The personal slave of Sal Dazengard?" Leaping out of his chair, the fox threw the tablet onto the rug and snarled, stalking forwards on stiff legs. "Who the fuck is Sal Dazengard and WHY THE FUCK AM I HIS SLAVE?"

"I am."

The fox's control broke with a nearly audible snap. With a howl, he launched himself towards the dragon. "Engage punishment, five percent." The fox barely made it halfway to the drake before his body stiffened suddenly. Hair stood on end as he let out a shriek, falling to the ground and as his limbs twitched. The fit only lasted a second before it was over, leaving the fox panting as he lay on the ground. The dragon leaned forward and calmly let his arms rest on his legs as he looked at the vulpine. "Not pleasant at all, is it?"

Chance wheezed, "What was that?" He sat up slowly, arms shaking. It felt like he'd been hit with an electrical shock across his entire body.

Sal's muzzle twisted into the smuggest of expressions. "Oh, a little something I picked up a while back. Nanites that were made to help guards control prisoners. Highly effective, as you discovered, but deemed highly unethical once the people began crying out against police deploying clouds of the nanites against rioters. It can do some very nasty things when turned up beyond fifty percent." He was purring as he leaned back, looking at the fox, "I managed to secure the contract for their decommissioning. Imagine my surprise when I found some laying in one of my warehouses, all forgotten. Of course I can't just let such fine technology go to waste."

The fox snarled, "You can't do this to me?"

"Be silent."

His jaws snapped as he leapt to his feet. "I will not be silent! You can not do this to me, it wasn't in our agreemen..."

"Engage." The fox's argument was cut off with a high-pitched yelp as he toppled over again. He lay there, panting heavily as the dragon stood and stepped over him, walking towards the box. "I would like to remind you of our agreement. In return for a large sum of money, I was to secure your escape from your predicament, give you a new identity, and set you up with a new life. Your only stipulation was that you be put in a position to work for a man of power." Retrieving the box, he offered a sweep of his hands and smirked. "Well, here you are. I am like the proverbial Monkey's paw. I will give you exactly what you ask for, not my fault if you don't word it correctly."

Ears folded back as the fox uttered a noise that was more whine than growl. "You can't do this to me. Do you know who I am?"

Kneeling, the dragon sat the box at his side. "I know exactly who you are." He grabbed a handful of the male's hair and pulled, making him bare his neck. Tears gathered in Chance's eyes as the dragon put a heavy collar around his slender throat. "You're mine." Releasing the hold, he let the fox fall back to the ground, uttering low whimpers. "Oh cut that out. I don't plan to whip you for no reason. Not after all the effort and cost I went through to acquire you." His hand ran down to stroke over Chance's chest. The fox grabbed at the hand to stop it as it neared his belly. "I will only give you one warning. Release me." Fingers trembled before letting go of the dragon's wrist, fearing the punishment more than where the hand was going.

Chance looked away and bit his lip as the dragon's manicured talons touched his privates. Their gentle touch made his sheath start to swell almost instantly. The hand moved further down, weighing his silken pouch before sliding down to stroke his taint. He tensed, expecting the hand to venture further, but it stopped before it reached his pucker. Sal uttered a soft tsking. "No need for tears now. I don't plan on doing much to you. Just a few, simple things." He smiled, "And if you do your tasks quickly and with gusto, then you will be rewarded. Now, I believe you said you wanted something to wear?" Chance swallowed nervously and nodded, trying to avoid the dragon's piercing gaze just as he tried to ignore the growing tightness in his loins. "Good, then here is your first task." The dragon stood and strolled over to his chair before seating himself with spread legs. "If you want some clothing, then you will have to show me how good you are at the art of fellatio."

Ears stood tall as he looked at the dragon, jaw dropping in shock. Did he really expect him to trade a blow job for a fucking set of clothing? As if he read his mind, Sal purred; "Yes I do. So which is it? Do you want to sacrifice your dignity here in private? Or shall I have you stroll around my home in just your coat?" There wasn't much of a choice there. Moving over, the fox knelt between the dragon's legs slowly, avoiding the male's gaze at all times. "I thought so," he purred, leaning back and spreading his legs. "Also, if I were you, I wouldn't even consider trying to bite down on my member or anything like that. If you try to cause me physical harm, or allow harm to come to me, then well..." he smirked, "the nanites have some very strict safeguards."

Chance growled and let his ears lay back, but didn't respond as he reached out and opened the dragon's pants. He could feel the male's eyes boring holes into the back of his hear as he pulled the male's boxers down enough to expose his privates. The fox's ears twitched when he saw the male's heavy testicles hanging below a bulging slit. "Part the lips and reach inside, gently though." He spared a glance upwards and frowned at the dragon's expression. Did he wear that smug expression permanently? Doing as he told, he pushed the lips open a little and slipped his fingers inside. It was easy enough to locate the male's member since it almost jumped into his hand the instant he began to feel for it. He breathed softly at the size of it as it began to firm against his touch.

The dragon sported a cock that tapered from a point at the tip, down to base that might be as wide as the fox's wrist, maybe thicker. Heavy ridges ran along the male's underside, flaring slightly with each beat of the male's heart. The flesh was almost shiny, looking like a red chromed piece of metal. And then there was the smell. Chance had to bite back a moan as the dragon's heady musk invaded his sensitive nose. Looking anywhere but the dragon's face, he curled his hand around the spire and squeezed it gently, working more blood into it. He tried to keep his attention off the member, but his eyes were drawn back to the glorious tower as it reached a jaw-dropping stature.

Leaning in, he gave the flesh a tentative lick. The cock responded by releasing a drop of crystal clear precum that ran down the flesh to stop at his fingers. Chance lowered his head and pressed his nose to the male's sac, breathing in his scent with a very quiet murr. A hand reached down to stroke his head. Cheeks flushed as he leaned forward, wrapping his maw around the cock. He pumped the length as he worked his mouth over half the length. Tongue bathed over the hot flesh, lapping up any stray precum that might escape the tower. A soft groan sounded from the dragon, a little huffed breath as the scaled hips stirred. He couldn't help but smile as he used his teeth to just barely brush over the hard flesh. The huff turned into a soft growl as the hand rubbed the base of his ears.

The fox found himself leaning against those gentle touches as his tongue swirled around the delicious cock. His own member was starting to stand up, the red flesh a beacon against his snowy pelt. Despite their positions, he still found himself hunching forward to hide his erection from the drake, ashamed of his arousal despite himself.

"So this is what the Queen was talking about." Ears laid back as Chance looked up at Sal. The dragon purred, eyes glimmering behind mostly closed lips. "Oh don't look at me like that. She told me exactly how you made your King squirm and blow load after load down your sweet little throat." His chuckle rolled over the fox, the dragon's length twitching in time with the mirth; "Among other places. Bet you didn't know how jealous you made her that the King would seek you out for release, and not her." His tongue stilled as his gaze dropped again, just panting around the hard cock.

Sal's petting hand shifted to cup the back of his head, pushing the fox down. "Don't stop now, we were both getting into it." Tilting his head, the dragon sniffed the air and purred. "I can smell your arousal as well. Had better not stain my carpet, it's six hundred years old." Chance squirmed, partly from nerves, but mostly from the pressure on the back of his head. The dragon was plunging more of that thick cock into his mouth, making the fox's jaws stretch wider to accommodate it. By the time his nose pressed against the male's groin, he could just feel that tip nudging against his throat. "There we go, now we know just how deep you can take it." The dragon's horned head rolled to look towards a clock as he purred. "I would hurry up if I were you, I am scheduled to receive some guests fairly soon."

He didn't need to be told anything else. The moment the dragon moved his hand, the fox leaned forward and began to bob his head quickly. His tongue flashed back and forth against the hard member, teasing and flicking the male's tip and ridges. Deep huffs sounded from the dragon as his base began to swell. The fox's eyes widened at that knot and he felt his rear tighten at the thought of having to eventually take that. He hid his whimper by driving his muzzle down over the male's length and opening his mouth as wide as he could. Sal hissed as Chance took his cock down into his throat, muscles rolling against that tip.

The length pulsed once in warning, knot giving a final swell. The fox pulled back just in time to cradle the tip between his canines as the male exploded. Grabbing the dragon's cock behind the knot, he tugged on it as the male's cum splashed across his lapping tongue. It was thick and incredibly hot as it poured across his tongue. Sal hissed, grabbing at the armrests as the vulpine worked his cock. Chance looked up with a smirk of his own and rolled his head, letting the cock pop out between blasts. He managed to get his head into place, nose pressed against those ridges and member resting on his muzzle right before the next burst came forth. Lapping at the cock, he let the dragon's seed coat his face. Sal slumped into his seat with a huff.

"About my clothes?" The dragon cracked an eye and looked down at the very satisfied, and messy, fox, as Chance licked his tip softly.

Sal hissed, "There is one outfit ready." He rattled off directions to the fox's room, "It's the only door that will open for you currently. Until you earn more freedom, you will only go where I allow you to. You are to clean up and get dressed before returning here. Understand?" The fox nodded and stood up, doing what he could to hide that erection that throbbed between his own legs. "Oh, and once last thing before you go. Remember how you never quite let me finish a good deal?" The dragon smirked, his expression making the fox lay his ears back at the glint in the male's eyes.

Reaching into the box once again, the dragon retrieved a strange orb with several straps hanging off it. Before Chance could think to react, he brushed the fox's shielding hand away from his groin and held that thing against his privates. Chance could barely flinch before the straps on the object snapped out and began to twine around his member. The fox yipped and danced away, trying to grab at the object before it could grab on fully. By the time his hands reached it, the black pouch had expanded enough to take his own sac into it, holding the velvety pouch in its grasp as the straps formed a nearly skin-tight cage around his hard cock. "What is that?!" he cried out in panic.

Sal purred and leaned back, waiting for his own erection to go down before securing his pants. Although putting the device on the fox was a definite step back. "People call it a succubus squid or a chastity calamari. I just call it a restraint." He smirked, "Special order nano-latex device. Try to take it off, and you'll probably just injure yourself. Try to get off and, well you'll go raw before you do." Leaning in, he whispered, "Consider this payback."

Ears pinned back as the fox whined. "What do you want me to do to get it taken off?" The dragon quirked an eyeridge and waited. Chance stared at him, dumbfounded for a moment before it dawned on him. Gritting his teeth, he choked out, "Master?"

"Much better, you're learning. And you'll get it off when you prove to me that you can be a good little foxy." Standing up, he cupped the vulpine's chin and leaned in to lick his lips. "I will tell you how you can prove that to me later. Go get cleaned up and changed. Now."

Chance wasn't surprised to find that his room was largely bare. His bed was a bunk, not unlike one you'd find on a star ship. Hardly even a bed really, although he was thankful to discover it could be drawn out to form a double. Which was a good thing since he was often restless in bed. There were various cabinets and shelves around the room, but most were bare at the moment. What interested him most was the bathroom. It was barely big enough to house the toilet, sink, and shower stall, but at least he had one. What he was more thankful for was that the shower doubled as a drying booth. He'd hate to imagine how long it would take him to towel dry his fur.

There was no mirror in the bathroom, but the display in the room proper doubled as one. Standing in front of it, he did a slow turn around, looking at his new body. Sal was right, he was younger, maybe in his early twenties now. Resting a hand on his belly, he ran his fingers through his fur and felt the toned muscle that lay under that plush pelt. Good muscle tone too. And judging from the dragon's own form, he guessed that he wouldn't be allowed to slack and put on weight. It was a nice, lovely body, but the price was a bit more than he'd honestly wanted to pay.

Heaving a sigh, the fox finally turned towards the closet. "Let's see what he has for me to wear." The door slid open silently, light clicking on to reveal a single garment bag hanging from the rail. Chance unzipped it and let his ears drop at the sight of what lay inside. "He has got to be kidding."

No. No he wasn't.

Oh the fox had tried to protest the outfit when the dragon came to collect him for the party. Sal had allowed him to go on for a few minutes before silencing him with just a look. Then he was given the choice of either wearing what was provided, or going without any clothing on at all. So here he was now, ears laid back as he walked at the dragon's side into the room. Chance shifted nervously, feeling the silken panties gliding against his sheath as he whined softly. Sal smiled at the crowd and spoke out the corner of his mouth. "The dress looks very nice on you."

Chance huffed, "This is embarrassing." His cheeks colored and he lowered his head a touch. The dress was nice, a slinky black thing that clung to his new body and showed off his rather effeminate form. Which was unfortunate since it drew many lustful gazes from the party goers.

Sal chuckled, "Be thankful I didn't make you wear the heels to go with it. Maybe next time, after you've had some practice." A heavy scaled hand smacked his rear and propelled him towards the gathering. "Go, mingle, and remember the rule."

Chance yipped and hopped forward, reaching back to cover his rear with a huff. As if he would bother telling anyone here who he was. Between the outfit and the collar he had to wear, this was utter humiliation. And judging from the number of people wearing collars, some dressed up like him and others waiting on the sidelines, he doubted he would even find any anti-slave advocates here.

With just the barest of whines, the vulpine shifted his demeanor and moved to interact with the crowd. He wasn't allowed to initiate conversation, but if he knew people then it wouldn't be hard to get a dialogue going. Making his way towards one of the long tables set up in the room, he claimed a glass of champagne for himself and took a sip. Thankfully, he hadn't been forbidden from helping himself to the delicacies there. And despite how he despised the dragon, Sal had a very good eye for the finer things in life. There were foods he hadn't seen in years, some he had never seen before, and others that he'd only heard of. All samples laid out for the crowd, an edible display of just what type of services the dragon offered.

And of course there were private rooms to sample some of the other...goods.

He was just about to try some of the food sat out on the table, a heavy arm wrapped around him. The fox yipped in surprise as a large elephant male pulled him away from the table and clasped Chance to his side. "Well, hello there. I see that Solver has finally decided to get himself a tasty treat."

Chance squirmed, cheeks flushing hotly; "Ah, yes Sir. Just recently secured my services. My name is..."

"Don't care." The elephant waved his trunk towards one of the other slaves standing off to the side of the room. "See that lion over there? Had him five years now, never cared to ask his name. Just call him by whatever I feel like at the time." The heavy hand on his side shifted, moving from simply resting on his hip to actively grabbing his groin. Chance stiffened, in more ways than one, as the male's thick fingers kneaded his groin. "Must be new to this, ain't ya boy? Ask how you got into the game, but I don't care. Although if Solver can pick up a tasty piece like you, wonder what he could get for me."

Chance squirmed against the rough caresses, hands moving to grasp the male's thick arm. "S-sir I don't think that you should..."

A rough shake silenced him. "You really are new to this, eh?" The trunk flicked up to tap his collar. "Color code on this says that anyone is allowed to look and touch, but not play." He gave a sideways grin and let out a little grunt. "As far as I'm concerned, you're just another sample for me to examine." Ears pinned back into his hair as the fox bit his lip to keep quiet as the hand continued to fondle him through his dress. It took all his years of training to keep from lashing out against the male.

It seemed luck was with him though. Mere moments later, a fresh wave of platters were brought out and the elephant released him. Chance put his arms around himself as the large male waddled towards the tables to see what was in store.

He only had a few seconds to himself before another arm wrapped around him, trapping him against an impeccably dressed tiger. The male stood head and shoulders over him, making it easy for the male to continue scanning the crowd as he purred. "Some of the people here are amazingly crass, are they not?" While he was tempted to answer, the fox was far more distracted by the male's almost lazy touches. Unlike the elephant's heavy-handed caresses, these were gentle strokes. A deep laugh rumbled over the fox as the tiger moved, pulling him back against his chest.

The tiger kept talking, but his words were lost on the fox as those fingers ran up and down his sheath slowly, teasing him through those two layers of clothing. He had to bite his lip to keep from groaning as a finger just barely ran around the top of his sheath. After the play earlier, and not being able to seek release in the shower, Chance was starting to feel the pressure building in his loins. And this feline wasn't helping in the least. He could smell the male's musk under his costly cologne, feel the tiger's warmth against his back, and feel his... well there was certainly something impressive nudging against his back. He let his eyes drift closed as the male shifted his hand just enough so that he could reach into the dress's slit and stroke one of the fox's thighs. Of course the hand didn't stay there too long. Cheeks colored as the touches moved inwards, fondling his silken panties and bulging manhood for a moment.

A laugh and the feel of teeth nipping his ear snapped him out of his daze. "Prrr, perhaps I should see if Solver is interested in discussing a price. It has been such a long time since I had a good fox hunt." Ears snapped up as the vulpine turned around. The tiger met him with a grin and grabbed his ass firmly, pulling the smaller male against his body. His hand slipped down and poked through the dress, sliding through that hole made for his tail. Whatever protest the todd might have made was lost in a gasp as the finger teased him. With a grin worthy of the famous Cheshire cat, the male released him and faded into the crowd.

Chance shivered as he tried to compose himself. He could feel people watching him, despite the fact that none were looking his way. Cheeks burning, he quickly tried to adjust himself in those far too tight panties before fading into the crowd once more.

Hours later, Chance found himself standing in the sitting room once again. The dragon sat in his chair, reading over a tablet and sipping some liquor. The fox squirmed, hands clasped in front of him to hide the bulge in his dress. The groping and teasing hadn't stopped with the tiger. Some had been rough or crude, but others... A shiver raced through his mind as he thought about one. A viper woman whose voice had sent shivers down his spine. She'd approached under the pretense of conversing with him, but her true motive had made itself known in virtually no time. After cornering him, her own servant, a skink, had slipped up behind him and somehow worked his tongue into the dress to lick at the fox's rear. She hadn't let him move away or even cover himself, reprimanding him with sharp words and looks even as they discussed politics and the weather.

Sal looked up at him and smirked, "Well, you did an amazing job tonight." The fox looked at the drake and perked his ears. "I managed to collect so much information on some of my clients, as well as received some very attractive deal offers." Leaning back, he sat the glass down. "Makes me very thankful that I added some recording nanites to the package I installed into you."

Ears stood tall as his fur bristled, "Recording nanites?" Chance started to snarl, but the look from the dragon made him take a breath. "Those are both illegal and unethical." An eyeridge quirked, so he quickly added in, "Sir."

"If I was the least concerned with legality and ethics, I would not be in the business I am."

Chance huffed and grabbed onto his arm, ears pinning flat. "What else did you do to me? I would like to know, please."

Sal looked at him over the tablet and smirked, "I had a breeding package installed. Not exactly traditional to put onto a male, but something I believe would be worth the money I spent on it."

Eyes widened slowly. "A... breeding package?" He looked down at his body, "But... I don't have a..."

"Oh of course you don't. I had thought about it, but decided to keep your body just how it is. Surprised you didn't notice, honestly." He smirked as he stood up, clasping his arms behind him as he approached the fox. "Or are you really that easy to arouse?" Chance gaped at him, mouth working as he tried to find something to yell at the dragon. The dragon arched his wings and smirked as his tail whip cracked behind him. "The package enhances arousal and will allow you to bear me and egg. Probably just a single one, considering your size." Sal leaned in and let his breath wash over the fox's muzzle. "Actually, I will give you a choice. Either willingly submit to a nice little," he grinned, "breeding." A hand moved to stroke the fox's belly gently.

Chance tried not to shiver at the dragon's touch, suddenly all too aware of the feel of that restraint on his member as well as the soft silky touch of panties against his privates. "O-or?"

"I did receive two very tempting offers tonight." The dragon growl-purred as his hand roamed down to grab the fox's rear, kneading it softly. "Very tempting." Chance looked over at the dragon, jaw quivering a bit as he tried to clear his mind enough to think properly.

A shiver raced through the fox's body as he was led into the dragon's bedroom. Even though it was just down the hall, unsurprisingly it was next to his own bedroom, the short walk seemed to take a near eternity.

It had started with a kiss. Sal grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a deep kiss. The dragon's agile tongue wound around his own, nearly tying into a knot around it. His taste was strong and exotic, flavored faintly with the meal and liquors the dragon had been imbiding. Caught off guard, the fox couldn't hold back his whimper as he leaned into the kiss, wanting to deepen it further. His jaws rattled as the dragon purred and pushed him back. He scrambled to keep up with the drake's longer legs. They had bounced off one wall after another, hands roaming over each other's bodies. Sal only released him when they reached the bedroom. Chance backed away with a pant, squirming with a whine as he felt his erection pulsing against his body, pinned between silky fur and those smooth panties.

He spared a glance around the room as the dragon started to unbutton his shirt, trying to take his mind off the need that burned through his body. The room was as lavish as his own was spartan. Thick carpet ran from wall to wall and rich paneling darkened the room. What grabbed his attention most was the bed. To say it was massive would be a vast understatement. He was certain that his room was smaller than it was. It looked to be large enough to handle a dozen people in the throws of passion.

Distracted as he was, he didn't notice the dragon's approach. Strong hands grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. Chance looked up at the smiling drake as those hands shifted to grip his dress. Fabric parted with a snarl, making him gasp as he was violently disrobed. Shredded cloth was tossed aside as the dragon rumbled, "Pity, that dress was nice on you." Powerful hands grabbed his covered rear and lifted him up, making the vulpine yip and grab onto the dragon out of surprise. "I will just have to make you work for another one."

Sal carried his toy over to the bed and stepped up onto it, advancing several long strides before falling forward. The smaller male grunted as he was pinned down to the mattress, feeling it mold against his shape. Leaning back, the drake grabbed his panties and peeled them off, allowing the fox a chance to see his unclothed form. Chance had to bite back another lusty moan as his eyes roamed over the dragon's chiseled form. The low lights sparkled off his metallic scales and cascaded over his toned body. Without really thinking, he reached up to run his hands over the dragon's well-defined chest. "Glorious, isn't it?"

Blushing, the fox nodded and squirmed on the bed, nose twitching as he picked up the scents of his own arousal and the dragon's scent. He lifted his hear, ears perking high as the male leaned over him and probed his back door with his hard cock. "Sh-shouldn't you use lube?"

A deep purr rolled over him as the dragon reached down, rubbing his cock around the todd's pucker. Thick, hot precum dribbled from the male's tip and coated his back door. "Don't worry about that."

Chance latched onto the dragon's arms and offered a whine, the noise hanging somewhere between need and fear. His eyes were locked onto the dragon's features as the powerful male pushed forward slowly. Thighs trembled against Sal's sides as that pointed tip easily spread his rear open. The breath started to catch in his throat as his pucker was stretched wider and wider. Ducking his head down, the fox pressed his head against the male's broad chest. Both fox and dragon groaned as the tight pucker spread out around the shaft. Sal only pushed inwards a little before drawing back. Back and forth he rocked, sliding just a fraction of his member in before drawing back once more.

Didn't take more than a few moments before the fox was panting and squirming under the dragon. His own length was rock hard and drooling onto his belly. Despite the discomfort due to the much larger dragon plunging into his rear, he couldn't help but be aroused. Embarrassing, but he always preferred larger partners. Curling his legs around the dragon's waist, a bit of a stretch, he pulled himself upwards and whimpered. "Can you take this thing off me, please?" He arched up with a louder whine, pressing his rocket against the drake's hard abs.

Sal rumbled, now working fully half of his length in and out of the snowy male under him. "What thing is that?"

Chance squirmed, digging his fingers into the male's satin scales. "Th-the thing you put on my privates." Pulling back until just his tip was resting inside of the male, the drake lifted his body upwards and looked down between their bodies with a thoughtful noise. The fox tried to hold still, body trembling with wanton desires.


The flat refusal stunned the fox, leaving him staring up at the dragon in shock as the male's body tensed. "Why...IIIIEeeeee!" His question rose into a high-pitched cry as the male slid forward, not stopping until he was fully sheathed inside of the todd. Flaring his wings wide, he arched his back and purred, throat trembling with the pleasured song.

A hand curled around that furred head and lifted it, hot breath puffing over his muzzle. Chance squirmed, tongue hanging from his mouth as he panted heavily. "Simple, my sweet little vixen." Sal barely moved his body, pushing the fox down into the mattress. "I want you hungry for more. When you come to me, begging for more of this," a gasp sounded from Chance at his thrust, "then I will take it off and allow you to make a mess on your beautiful pelt." Sal locked muzzles with the panting fox, his tongue drawing the male's back into another knot. The dragon heaved his body over, drawing the fox on top as he landed heavily on the bed.

Chance broke the kiss with a gasp, drawing his legs back so he was kneeling on the dragon. Without even thinking twice, he began to bounce and ride the male, sitting up with a moan. Sal lay his head on a pillow and huffed, eyes closing to slits as his hips pushed up against the todd. Reaching back, Chance felt the drake's heavy balls and huffed. Ears fell back as he bounced up and down on his new master, fingers sliding over that armored purse and feeling the large orbs that resided there. "Like the feel of them, don't you?" The question poured from the dragon's mouth as he purred, watching the fox gyrate his hips on his lap. Chance folded his ears back and turned his head away, biting his lip. "No need to feel embarrassed, my lovely." He grinned, flashing his perfect teeth. "Although you shouldn't keep grinding on me like that."

Chance tilted his head before his ears perked and eyes widened as he remembered something. The dragon's knot! "Oh no!" he yipped as he drew up, gasping as the male's bulge pulled at his backdoor. He hadn't noticed it swelling inside of him, thanks to degree he was already spread to. Now that he finally noticed it, he could feel it growing larger inside of him with each beat of the male's mighty heart. The fox started to moan and whine, feeling the bulge pressing against his prostate and encouraging his cock to drool even more.

Sal hissed and grabbed onto the fox's waist, hips slamming up against the smaller male. "Too tight," he groaned, gritting his teeth. Chance fell forward, tail arched high as he held on for the ride as the dragon thrust against him. The dragon arched and let out a room-shaking roar as his cock exploded, pumping his magma-like sperm deep into the male. Chance's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out little whimpers and moans, body twitching as the restraint kept him just on the edge of blowing his own load. The dragon's purring took on a deeper note as he lay back, hands petting over the fox's back and sides. "That was very nice." Sal smirked and adjusted himself before wiggling into the sheets. "Lights."

The mood lighting turned down, throwing the pair into darkness. The dragon's breathing evened out slowly as he began to drift off. Chance lay there, resting his head on the dragon's chest as he felt that cock continue to pulse inside of his rear. A little whine slipped out of his mouth as he got comfortable on the male. How long would it be before he was begging for more?

And how long until he was eagerly awaiting the next egg?