Health and Fitness: Chapter 6

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#6 of Health And Fitness

Chapter six. I've been busy with life stuff and haven't had the time to write in a while. But, I've been squeezing in what I can and have finally finished this chapter. Hopefully I'll have a better schedule in the future. For now, here is the next chapter. Sorry for the wait.

I hope you guys like it ^-^

Chapter Six

Adrian was happy to be dressed in his usual loose fitting jeans and long sleeved t-shirt he had worn holes into, fitting his thumbs through the sleeve; A bad habit he'd had since high school. It was a strange contrast from the wolf in his cargo shorts and hoodie sweater with their college name written on it. The walked to the tire tracks, holding hands without thinking about it, Adrian still limping a little bit. It was nearly dusk, the sun was behind the trees by now. They heard a car driving up to them. The two turned around, Pete stuck his thumb out like a hitchhiker as Bill drove up, stopping next to them. The ape opened the passenger door saying, "Lost?"

Pete smiled, "Just out for a swim, can we bum a ride to camp?"

"Be my guest." Bill nodded.

Adrian opened the sliding side door, hopping into the large van, "Thanks, professor."

The large ape laughed, "Please, call me Bill. Everyone else does." He looked back at Adrian, who was putting his bag beside him and said, "I noticed you were limping a bit. Something happen?"

"Oh.." Adrian paused, "Yeah, I fell off a cliff." He replied.

Bill looked surprised, "You're doing well for someone that fell off a cliff."

Adrian grinned, "Well, Pete caught me."

Bile gave Pete an approving look, "I'm glad you're safe. You should be more careful if you ever come with us again." He started driving again.

"I will, don't worry." Squeaked Adrian.

"How bad were you hurt?" Asked the professor.

Adrian shrugged, "Hit my head, my knee and burned my paw. Nothing but scrapes and bruises, really."

"Well, that's good. Lucky Peter was there to catch you." Bill chuckled.

Adrian was feeling very lucky indeed, about more than the fall, though. He replied with a smirk, "If I were lucky, that rock wouldn't have loosened." Pete laughed, "Just need more practice climbing."

Adrian shook his head, "Fuck that, I'm taking the elevator next time."

"Oh, so you would go again?" Pete asked.

Adrian shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe. Lets see how I handle sleeping in a tent, first."

It wasn't long before they made it onto the camp site. The sky was getting darker, the sun on it's way to setting. Adrian knew they had been gone a little too long. It wouldn't be a surprise to him if someone brought that up.

When they were out of the car, Adrian put their bags into Pete's tent while Pete helped light a large bon fire. Adrian walked aimlessly around the campsite for a bit until he bumped into Vincent, who waved, "Hello."

Adrian waved, "Hey, Vincent. How was your cave adventure?" He replied.

"Uneventful. Got lost for a while." Vincent glanced at Pete, "So, you and Peter have been gone a while."

Adrian glared at the other feline, "Implying something?"

Vincent rolled his eyes, "Just stating the obvious."

"Is it really that obvious?" Adrian sighed.

Vincent smirked, "Gone for a couple hours without telling anyone, you asleep in his tent when everyone gets here. You two reeked of puppy love when you arrived. Does he know about your situation?"

"No." Adrian lied, "I haven't told him. If he really liked me he wouldn't care."

"Risky, don't you think?" Hiding that from someone." Vincent stated, dully.

Adrian shrugged, "I'll risk it. Worst case, I'll end up alone, just like before."

"Good luck, then." Vincent bowed his head slightly before walking of to the fire. The whole conversation with Vincent unsettled Adrian. He hoped that it was just Vincent being Vincent that made him notice the two being together.

Adrian sighed, and walked over to the fire, sitting on a log. The sun had just set, making the flame from the fire brighter. Adrian sat, Looking at the others around the fire or talking to each other, waiting for Bill to bring the food from the van to cook. The more he thought about it, the more apparent it became that Vincent was right. Adrian didn't mind, personally. He would be happy to show off the hunky Pete around. It was Pete he was worried about. Pete had told him in the caves that he didn't want the secret out. It didn't help that Pete had decided to sit down beside Adrian, inches from him.

Across the fire from them were Mike and Greg. Vincent was to their right, looking tired and Frank sat to their left. Greg was saying something to Mike, though he didn't seem to be listening. He was looking at Pete and Adrian. Adrian made eye-contact with the leopard, then immediately turned his gaze to the fire. He turned his head slightly to face Pete, "Hey, Pete, I think the others might-"

"I know." Cut in Pete, "I was kind of careless." He didn't look up from the fire, which he gazed, looking grim.

Adrian looked at him, Pete looked deep in thought. Adrian frowned, "I'm sorry." It was all Adrian could think to say.

Pete shook his head, shaking off his stupor, "No, don't be. You didn't do anything wrong. Neither of us did." He seemed to be saying that more to himself than to Adrian.

"Is the wrestling coach the same as the football coach?" Adrian asked, feeling he knew what Pete was thinking.

Pete shook his head, "No, Bill is the wrestling team."

"I don't think you really have to worry with Bill. He seems pretty cool." Adrian replied.

Mike's voice cut in, "He'd be right to throw your ass off the team." Both Adrian and Pete looked up at Mike, who was standing above them, "No one wants to wrestle a fag, You might try and fuck us."

"Fuck you, Mike!" Pete said, standing up.

Mike grinned, "I bet you would just love to. Guess I should have noticed by the way you grab at my crotch when I have you pinned on the ground. That probably gets you off, being dominated-"

"Fuck off, Mike!" Adrian said with a raised, intimidating voice, who was now also standing.

"I see you got your little bitch to stand up for you, too. Can't take me one your own?" Mike grinned, a strange manic look in his eyes. Adrian knew he wanted a fight. Mike probably didn't care if Pete was gay. This was just Mike trying to start trouble. Adrian was getting severely agitated with the leopard. Greg and Frank were trying to tell Mike to calm down, Vincent just sat and watched while Bill was digging through the van out of earshot, probably assuming the raised voices were nothing serious.

"I said fuck off, asshole!" Adrian shouted, making the mistake of getting between Pete and Mike. Mike shoved Adrian, who shoved back without thinking. Before his reflexes could stop it, Adrian saw a large paw come from his left, slamming open pawed onto his cheek. He felt a sharp claw rip across his face. The impact, mixing with the searing pain of being clawed dazed Adrian, causing him to fall back with a loud shriek. Pete tried to catch him, but it happened too fast. As Adrian extended a hand to stop the fall. His previous injury to his paw didn't help with the landing. He screamed out, clutching his aching paw. He saw Pete rush to him asking him if he was alright. Adrian looked up at Mike, who was being held by Greg and Frank. Mike's nose was bloodied. Pete had punched him hard.

Before Pete got to him, Adrian felt large hands help him to his feet. The low, authoritative voice was yelling Mike's name. He was handed gently to Pete, who proceeded to hug Adrian tight, apologizing profusely for letting him fall. Bill walked over to Mike, yelling, "I told you! One more fight and you're off the team! When we get home, don't come to practice. You're off the team!"

Without a word, Mike shrugged the others off, turning towards his tent, grabbing his bags left, flipping the group off as he walked off, down the path that Bill had driven in on.

Bill was fuming, as he turned on Pete and Adrian. Adrian lowered his head, feeling guilty, he was preparing himself to get yelled at, too. He said something to Greg and Frank, who shuffled off to the van.

The large hands gently took Adrian's aching wrist to examine it. He said, "How bad does it hurt?" There was no more anger in his voice, only concern. Adrian tried to move his paw, it stung, he winced, feeling himself start to cry. All he could think was that he had broken it. He was able to move it with some effort, the pain had dulled down a bit. Bill thought for a moment, "It doesn't look broken, maybe sprained. Your face, let me see it." Bill said, sternly.

Adrian lifted his head, Bill had a flash light, Pete had gotten it from the van along with a medical kit. Adrian felt blood all the way down to his chin as Bill examined the wound on his cheek, then grabbed something from the small kit to clean and bandage the cut. He then wrapped Adrian's arm in a thick bandage, making it hard to move his wrist, not that he would want to. Bill then said, "You were right, earlier."

"Right about what? Adrian replied, now noticing that Pete had been holding his other paw.

"If you were lucky, you wouldn't have fallen." Bill laughed to himself, "The cut is pretty deep, if you're lucky, which we can rule out, it won't leave too big a scar."

Adrian's heart sank, Pete gave his paw a squeeze in response to the sudden slack in Adrian's grip.

Bill took a step back to look Adrian over. He gave a half hearted smile, "I feel bad. I wish I could have stopped you from coming along."

Adrian shrugged, "Don't worry. It wasn't all bad." He glanced up at Pete, giving his paw a firm squeeze.

Bill nodded, "Well then. If you want, I can drop you off at the house and you can go home. I would see a doctor tomorrow. I don't think you are in any dire need to go to the emergency room, and you look like you could use a good night's sleep."

Adrian grinned, "I think I might just camp out for the night."

Bill raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

Adrian nodded, "Yeah, Just gimme some pain killers and I'm good to go." He forced a smile. He didn't want to see Mike on the way back. He would rather brave the night.

Bill smirked, "Resilient one, aren't you."

Adrian shrugged, "Eh, gonna take a lot more than that to take me down."

Bill nodded, "Well, Greg is cooking dinner, and I'm sure you two are starving. Eat up, then I want to talk to you both."

Pete nodded, "Yes sir." with that Bill walked over to the fire to join Greg. Greg had set up a makeshift grill and was cooking hotdogs on it while talking to Bill. They looked serious. Adrian figured they were talking about what happened. Pete handed him a couple pills to help with the pain, which he took quickly.

Adrian, Pete and Frank were sitting at the picnic table in relative silence, uttering rude remarks about Mike every so often. Vincent was sitting on a log in front of the fire, playing on a hand held game.

A few minutes went by before Bill and Greg had finished cooking. They called over the group to have them eat closer to the fire. Pete and Adrian sat back down on a log, bringing with them the cooler. Adrian didn't realize how hungry he was until the food was handed to him. The group ate quietly, no one really had much to say. There was an awkward vibe in the air.

After they had finished, Bill looked around to everyone, "Alright, Jeff planned some events. But I forgot to set up some of them, and I didn't really read the rules he made.. So you guys can do what you want for the rest of the night." He grinned at the group, "Sorry if you're disappointed." The small group laughed. Even Adrian, who knew Jeff enough to know how hyper active he could be about plans. Bill continued, "Right, feel free to do what you want. Peter, Adrian, can I talk to you guys in private?"

Adrian sighed to himself, dreading the upcoming conversation. He looked over at Pete, who didn't look much better. Bill led them over to the table, when they were alone, Bill looked at them and said, "So, what exactly happened?" He was looking at Adrian. Adrian looked down at the table and replied, "Mike was trying to start a fight with Pete. I told Mike fuck off. He pushed me, I pushed back, then his clawed my face, I fell, Pete tried to catch me, but it all kinda happened too fast."

"Why did you push him back?" replied Bill.

Adrian shrugged, "I dunno.. It was a reflex." He sighed.

"And what caused the fight?" Bill asked, looking at Pete.

Pete cleared his throat as Adrian reached out with his uninjured paw to grab Pete's. Pete sighed and said, "He said it would be right of you to kick me off the team for being gay. He wouldn't let off about it. That's around when Adrian told him to fuck off and you know how the rest goes."

Bill nodded, "And you felt I would do what that Prick O'Reily did to David to you?"

Pete lowered his head, "Yes, actually. I've been worried about it for some time."

Bill chuckled and said, "Well, Mike will find out first hand that there are quite a few homosexual wrestlers in Olympic teams. My daughter is gay. Doesn't make anyone less of a person." He patted Pete on the shoulder, "However, that doesn't mean you can go and punch someone, even if he really deserved it." He looked sternly at Pete, "I don't want to have to lose another wrestler due to anger issues."

Pete nodded, "Sorry. It won't happen again."

"Good." Bill replied, "I'll leave cleaning up to you, as punishment. So you're off the hook." Bill turned to Adrian, "As for you. Don't expect a lot of free time with Peter." He laughed to himself, "We have to make up for the lost member if we want to keep winning."

"I'm sorry about the fight." Adrian said, feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it." Bill said, "It was bound to happen eventually. Mike has always had anger issues. Maybe the cold walk back to his car will be an eye opener to him." He looked over at the camp site and turned to Adrian, "I noticed earlier that you don't have my tent set up."

Adrian sighed, "Yeah.. It sorta.. fell off my bag when I fell."

The ape nodded, "I guess your safety is worth a bit more than an old tent. Mike left his tent and bag up here when he left. I don't know if he will come back for it." He looked a bit uncomfortable, "Or, you can just share with Pete.. So long as you're quiet."

Adrian blushed, "Oh.. I'm way too worn out to make any noise or anything, really."

Bill nodded, grinning slightly, "I'll see you guys in the morning. I'm going to go drive back to the house and make sure Mike doesn't do anymore more that he'll regret later." With that, he left to the van, driving off.

After being turned down by Pete to help clean, Adrian walked around the camp site. Vincent had gone into his tent, a soft glow coming from inside, no doubt from a video game. Over by the fire, Greg was toasting marshmallows gleefully while Frank was by the cliff side, stargazing.

Not knowing what else to do, Adrian decided to head over to Pete's tent and wait for him. He got undressed and got into Pete's sleeping bag. He couldn't wait to get home. He really missed the luxuries that waited for him at his dorm.

Adrian lay awake, trying to get comfortable in the sleeping bag. After a few frustrated minutes he resolved to lay on his back, half in and out of the sleeping bag. It was a little while before Pete made his way into the tent. The fire outside was starting to dim, though he could still see Pete.

Slowly, Pete slid out of his clothes and into the bag with Adrian. Pete wrapped his arms around the lion, pulling him close. Their naked bodies pressed against each other as Pete zipped up the bag. The two laid there for a bit in silence, just enjoying the peace and quiet. There wasn't too much room for movement, it being a sleeping bag for one, though, neither of the two cared, even with Pete's throbbing member pressing at Adrian's back. Neither made an effort to start anything, instead Pete asked, "So um, what days are you free?"

Adrian ran his schedule through his head before replying, "I don't have any night classes, just mornings. I work Monday through Thursday."

Pete nodded, "I wanna take you out on a date. Dinner and a movie, the whole romantic thing. My treat of course. Would you wanna do that on Friday?"

Adrian turns around to face Pete and kisses his neck, "That sounds lovely."

"Alright, I can't wait." Replied Pete, kissing Adrian softly as he felt the warm moist lips of Adrian's sex gliding along the length of his cock.

The fire outside had be put out, leaving the two in complete darkness. Pete let out a small whine, grinding back against Adrian. The two turned, Pete now on his back with Adrian on top of him. Adrian looked down at Pete, positioned his sex over Pete's leaking member and slid onto it. Pete moaned softly, kissing Adrian passionately, driving his member home into the lion's pussy.

Slowly, Adrian began to ride the wolf, while Pete thrust up into him in perfect harmony. They tried to keep quiet, knowing there were others sleeping within earshot of them. Their love-making became more passionate until the lack of room started to get to them. Pete unzipped the sleeping bag, pulled out to gently lay Adrian on his back, tracing his fingers down the lion's form, spreading his legs wider as Adrian wrapped his legs around Pete's waist, pulling his closer. Pete wasted no time in inserting himself back into the warm folds of Adrian's sex. He leaned down to kiss Adrian passionately as he thrust into him harder, his growing knot easing in and out of Adrian's nether lips, causing the lion to moan into the kissing.

Adrian's paws explored Pete's body, groping and pulling him closer, ignoring the bandage, running his fingers over the toned abs, his strong arms, resting on his back as Pete buried his face in Adrian's mane. Adrian was getting close, he could feel it coming. The thick shaft spreading his vaginal walls, the pre leaking into him, the rhythmic beat of Pet's body. It felt so good, he loved every second. They were both breathing heavy now.

It wasn't long before Pete's knot was big enough to tie. He pushed deep into Adrian, locking them in place. Adrian felt the large bulb inside him. It hurt a little, though he didn't pay much mind to it for his body adjusted quickly to it. With a tug, Pete tested to see if they really were tied. Pete ground into Adrian, unable to do much more, being stuck to the hilt inside Adrian. He made short thrusts with the throbbing member, ready to blow. Adrian held Pete close, kissing deeply as he felt the rush of his orgasm hit him. The walls around Pete's cock squeezed and milked Pete for every drop. Pete groaned softly, immediately stopping any movements as Adrian felt the warm rush of seed gush deep inside him, with each spurt a healthy throb of the knot, causing more pleasure for the both of them. They rolled around so that Adrian was on top before Pete let out a sigh of relief. They kisses, Pete holding Adrian close as they both rode out their orgasms. With a sigh, Adrian tugged on the knot. They looked at each other and giggled, "I'm stuck" Adrian said. Pete blushed, "Yeah, we'll be like this a little while, unless you want to pull out now. But that might hurt.."

Adrian grinned, "It's alright, it feels nice." He laid his head on the strong muscular chest of the wolf, looking up at him. Pete grinned, "It does feel nice." He stroked Adrian's back, rubbing his shoulders, Adrian giving soft murrs. Adrian wasn't able to fall asleep with something large lodged in him so deep. As good as it felt, he was relieved when it finally slipped out. They kissed once more before both drifting off to sleep.