Guns of Legend: Chapter Six

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Six

Adlis shivered as a cold wind hit

her from behind.  Her dress may have been

gorgeous, but it did little to protect her from the chills of the desert

night.  Za followed behind her, grabbing

his hat with one hand to keep it from blowing away, his coat billowing out

behind him.  Kilo brought up the rear.  She had long since stopped pointing the gun

at the two friends, but she kept it in her hand at all times.  Judging by the way her eyes shifted and her

tail twitched, the fuaro was having second thoughts about journeying out into

the desert this late at night.  What

might be out here waiting for them? 

Kulgan had mentioned running into sandgoyles the night before.  Adlis shivered at the mere thought of running

into those savage beasts.

"Keep moving," Kilo snapped, but

her voice lacked the conviction it had carried before they left town.  Adlis decided now might be a good time to try

reasoning with her.

"Ms. Kilo?" she asked tentatively, "Are

you sure it wouldn't be a good idea to go back to Everdry now?"

Before she could move, Adlis felt

Kilo's foot connect with her rear end, sending her sprawling out on the sandy


"Hey!" Za exclaimed, but found his

path to her blocked by Kilo's gun once again.

"Shut up, the both of you!" she

ordered.  "Whatever took my baby is still

out there, and we're going to kill it! 

Either that or we'll die trying!"

"But Ms. Kilo!" Adlis

protested.  "We're lost out here!  We haven't been following any tracks since we

left since we left town!  Where do you

think we're going?"

Kilo paused for a moment, indecision

flickering in her black eyes, before she gritted her teeth and thrust the gun

at them once more, "I say we're going to kill that thing, and that means we're

going to kill it!  Now move your tails

before I shoot them off!  Or at least,"

she added, casting a contemptuous look at Za, "those of you who still HAVE


Za's eyes went wide with hurt

underneath his mask.  Ignoring the pain

in her backside, Adlis glared at the fuaro, her ears turning red with

anger.  Za, being shy and quite weak,

wasn't one to stick up for himself, so the task often fell to her.  The only thing that held her back from

sending a scathing remark to the fuaro was that Adlis knew she was suffering

from the loss of her son.  That, and she

was holding a gun.

Slowly, the zik got back to her

feet, "Very well, Ms. Kilo.  We'll keep

going."  Turning cautiously, she resumed

walking aimlessly into the desert night.

"What's wrong with your ears,

anyway?" Kilo asked after a few minutes had passed.

Adlis stood up straight in

embarrassment, her ears instantly turning white, and she had to force herself

to keep moving.  She quickly contemplated

whether or not to tell her the truth.  It

really was none of her business to be asking things like that.  Then again, she WAS holding a gun...

Before she could answer, though, an

ear shattering war cry rang out through the night.

"What was that?" Za asked, his

voice high pitched with fright.  He ran

forward and grabbed Adlis by the arm.

The shadows around them shifted,

like a mirage in the dead of night, and the travelers suddenly found themselves

surrounded by a band of gargoyles!  They

were dressed in primitive clothing, and carried weapons crafted from sticks and

stones.  They were not as large as their

sand-bodied brethren, but gargoyles were known to be far more intelligent.

One of the goyles stepped forward,

his slate gray skin dully reflecting the moonlight.  Judging by the elaborate headdress he wore,

Adlis guessed he was the leader.  He

raised his spear, upon which hung the skull from some unlucky foe, and said

something in the goyles' gravelly language.

"What's he saying?" Za asked,

afraid to speak louder than a whisper.

"I don't know," Adlis responded,

never taking her eyes off of the chief.

"It's a challenge," Kilo answered,

her voice loud and unafraid.  "He's

asking us what right we have to cross his land."

"You speak gargoyle?" Adlis asked.

"No, but that's what my pa taught

me.  Gargoyles don't take well to folks

trespassing on their territory, but they'll always ask them why they're there

before killing them.  They consider it

the honorable way to kill trespassers."

The gargoyle chief began shouting

at them, obviously unhappy with being ignored.

"What do we do?" Za asked, his

knees quivering.

"This," Kilo answered, raising her

gun.  The gargoyles immediately darted

forward to stand between their chief and her, but before she could fire a

single bullet her hand was grabbed from behind and yanked upwards over her

head.  Another band of gargoyles had

sneaked up behind them, and suddenly all three travelers found weapons at their


"Oh, they're gonna kill us, they're

gonna kill us, they're gonna kill us," Za stammered in terror.

As the tip of a spear pricked Adlis'

throat, she felt fear wash over her as well, and her ears turned even whiter

than they had been before.

The chief barked a sudden command,

and the gargoyles fell still.  He walked

tip to stand before Adlis.  Raising his

hand, he rubbed her right ear between two of his claws, making her squirm with

fright.  He leaned down and sniffed them

suspiciously.  Adlis stared at him with

eyes as wide as dinner plates, but his grim expression refused to reveal what

he was thinking.  Suddenly, with another

gruff command and a wave of his arm, the other gargoyles lowered their

weapons.  The travellers' wrists were

quickly bound with rope, and they were all tied together in a line by their

necks with another rope.  With one final

command, the gargoyle chief set off towards a bluff a few miles in the

distance, his underlings following obediently behind him, their new prisoners

in tow.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys, thanks for all the awesome comments!  I'm

really enjoying writing this story, and I'm glad you're enjoying it so

much.  However, I've been accepted as an author on, where I

will be uploading my new story, "Trevor Dune: Storywalker."  I still

plan on working on this story, but since JukePop is paying me, I have to

make them my priority.  Updates might be sporadic because of this, but

don't worry- I like this story too much to just give up on it!