What Was Broken [11]

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#23 of Sean & Taws

After a week in Las Vegas under the liturgical microscope and brief media spotlight... as well as under and atop a skilled, gentle and helpful wolf, Sean returns home to see if all of his labors and personal exposure has scoured the cat's demonic memory from his loins.

A co-worker tries to horn in, but there's no getting between a bitch and her man.

Section length: 8400 words

What Was Broken -

Chapter 11

"Miss McLellan, wait a moment!" Taws reached out to catch the elevator door before it closed. She had thought that the office floor had closed down hours before and was little interested in waiting for lollygaggers. Luckily the owner of the voice, a dark russet hued Irish Setter, quickly sidled through the open doors. She knew his face, and his name, only because he came by her desk three or more times a day to pick up and drop off mail. "Thanks, Taws." The panting setter smiled, self-consciously stroking back the flyaway fur of his brow.

He was the office lothario, a looker and he damned well knew it. He was in almost perfect physical condition and preened to perfection, despite a day spent ferrying packages around ten floors of the tower that the advertising firm had offices. "Why are you here so late, Trevor?" She asked with a resigned sigh. Her own meeting involved the firm's west coast branch and ran on their time not hers. It had gone half an hour longer than expected and she had spent the hour following it making sense of the documents that she had been given. It had pertained to the current California advertising push to keep their proposition toward differing species marriage in the public eye. For them it was Proposition 12b, appended to the already contentious same-sex marriage equality initiative. Luckily, there, the two had been broken into separate line items up for vote so the fate of one would have no impact on the fate of the other.

The numbers for both were in the green, but for the multiple-species initiative they were considerably better. It seemed that, species aside, the idea of same gender couples marrying was still all too deeply ingrained as antithetical even in the liberal American psyche. "I had a mountain of inter-office memos to copy, collate, staple, and set aside for delivery in the morning." Trevor replied with a shrug, running his hand over his head and then tugging his shirt sleeves. While the elevator slowly whispered downward with a muted jingle of some nondescript musak she tried her best to ignore him. She knew what his goals were, and had been for the past few months.

"Hey, Taws, what's say you and I grab a drink? Charlie's is still open on the corner." He asked with his best smile of perfectly white canine teeth and a wag of his lush russet hued tail.

Taws glowered at him, "No, Trevor, I'm not interested. I already have a boyfriend, remember?"

"The human?" Trevor scowled in distaste.

"Of course." She crossed her arms and leaned against one side of the suddenly cramped feeling box. "He's been out of town the past week, and just got back in today, so I'd like to go home and see him." She raised her eyes toward the top of the elevator and spied a ubiquitous security camera peering back down at her from the far corner. "He had a fight in an elevator while he was away, one much like this one. The other guy had a gun."

Trevor raised one ear, "What, he get shot?"

Taws' eyes came back down to fix the setter with a level stare. She dropped her jaw in a typical canine smile, though deliberately pulled up her upper lips enough to show off her fangs. A clearly forced smile. "No. He took the gun away and beat the guy with it." The elevator stopped with a ding on the lobby floor. "Your stop, I believe?" Since she had seen him walking the streets after work she suspected he had an apartment somewhere not far from the office building. He glanced out at the mostly empty lobby and caught the door with one hand.

"Look, Taws, you really should reconsider." He offered with another warm smile. He really was rather cute. If he'd tried this last year, after Bruce, she may have fallen for his false charms. But now she had Sean, whose charms were not false. "You're coming on your short cycle, what can -"

Taws punched the door close button and, despite his hand, the doors tried to close. He quickly stepped out. "Good bye, Trevor. Have fun in the mailroom tomorrow." When the doors finally closed on his puppy-dog eyes Taws fell back into the corner near the buttons and waited for it to stop on the parking sublevel. After a long day mediating between two of the creative team, trying to figure out which one she would give the boot unless they started working together, and then the overlong meeting and collating the information she had gotten, Taws just wanted to go home and get a hug from her man.

The garage security attendant, wandering among the cars, paused when he heard Sean's car beep and then purr to life. Looking up he spied Taws and then smiled with a wave. She nodded distractedly to him and slipped into the car. What a long drive, she thought, but so worth it to be back home with Sean again.

"Honey, I'm home!" Taw's voice wafted through the darkened house. The sound of the garage door rolling down filled the kitchen when she stepped in from the garage. Looking around, perplexed at the dark house, she set her purse on the counter. "Honey?"

"In here."

Taws' foot claws clicked softly on the hardwood floor, stopping abruptly when she came into view of the dining room. On the dinner table before here spread the makings of a magnificent meal, only lacking in food. The only light in the room besides the kitchen's valence lighting was from the pair of candles set at either end of the table and the last rays of setting sun through the rear window. Sean stood at the near end of the table, resplendent in his best suit. Taws could smell the soap and aftershave on him from across the room, even over the heady aromas of what would have to be an equally magnificent dinner. "Hello, beautiful," he softly intoned. "Welcome home."

"That's supposed to be my line," Taws replied as she set down her valise.

Sean smiled hugely and struck a jaunty pose with one hip, "You really find me beautiful?" He asked in a faux girlish falsetto, earning a bark of delight from his bitch as she quickly crossed the room to embrace her man, lavishing a wet collie kiss upon him. He pulled her close and buried his face in the mane of white fur on her neck and cheek, luxuriating in the scent and feel of it as she nuzzled up against him. "Damn but I missed you so, Love." He mumbled into the thick depths of her ruff, his arms clutching her close. He clung to her almost fiercely, as did she in return. He had only been gone a week, less than, but until she was in his arms she didn't realize how fully she had missed him. Eventually his embrace weakened and he drew back, his blue eyes on hers. Reaching up, he gently stroked her cheek. "It's so good to see you again love. I need a few minutes here to finish plating." His hands stroked her arms before trailing off from her fingertips. Stepping back he bowed in a courtly, elegant way with a flourish of one hand, "Go, my precious one. Make yourself comfortable, and then we shall savor what meager offerings I have produced for us." With a laugh and a flick of her tail Taws sashayed toward the rear of the house, with Sean ogling until she was out of sight.

It never took Taws long to strip out of her office garments and down more comfortable attire. Such as to say, no attire at all but the fur which she preferred for comfort and Sean enjoyed for every other reason. Still, she recognized the theatricality of the whole evening and was more than willing to give him what he wanted to make it special. The extra time allowed for a quick grooming so she could at least look her part as well. When she returned to the dining room the formerly empty plates were filled and Sean was holding a chair out for her.

Taws' late meeting, while delaying their reunion, did provide the boon of allowing Sean the proper time to prepare for her. Yes, he had some skills in the kitchen, but tonight he had really pushed himself. Taws was worth the effort, and so much more. That had been affirmed when she had first crossed the dining room that night and took him into her arms.

Where he had originally envisioned their embrace as a momentary pause in the production he had in mind for dinner, he suddenly didn't want to let her go. The feel of her so close, her scent, it all washed over him so strongly he almost didn't know if he could go on. The subtly spicy musk of her filled his nose with an explosion of sensation and his mind with memories, not a single one of them unpleasant. Those natural scents combined with the dry warmth of her fur and the faded hint of sweetness from her preferred shampoo. With some effort he was finally able to loosen his embrace upon her and gaze into those golden eyes he loved so much.

Leaving him with one of her barking laughs and flick of her lush, beautiful tail, she was gone again. His attention was turned back to dinner. The hours of preparation had indeed worked to his advantage. What needed cooking received it, and the presentation was as flawless as he had ever managed. Looking back, it was far more competent than any he had prepared with Ashley. That Taws would appreciate it more only made him all the more proud.

And then she was back.

"Sean, oh, my! This is too much," Taws said as she strolled up, tail wagging in a wide, upturned sweep behind her.

"And yet it is but a token of what you deserve." Sean answered as he plucked the flower from its place in the vase between candle holders. He brushed it lightly down the collie's long muzzle before handing it to her. "For you, my dear. I saw it and thought of you. It's--"

"If you say you got me a cauliflower, I will bite you," Taws stated as she sniffed at the flower.

Sean closed his mouth and tried to feign innocence. That only made Taws laugh and throw her arms around him in a hug. She nuzzled over his cheek again, giving his ear an affectionate lick. "It's wonderful, love."

They took their seats at the table. Sean did not choose to sit across from her but rather beside, for reasons she would soon find out.

"Oysters?" Taws asked with a smile, nodding to the plate before her. They were a rare delicacy but one she had come to enjoy since Sean introduced them to her a month after they began dating. On a bed of crushed ice rested three oysters, opened and perfectly dressed, a piece of sea urchin upon each. "Are you trying to tell me something?" she asked, her muzzle quirked in a mischievous grin.

Sean held up one of the oysters to her. "Maybe." Thankfully it was not their first time feeding them to each other and so was not as messy as it could have been. Sean was rewarded with a happy growl and solid slap of Taws' tail on the chair as she swallowed the briny treat, commenting on the ponzu-based dressing giving the perfect citrus taste to it. The course was washed down with a few mouthfuls of well chilled oaked rosé wine.

The finger food continued with the entrée that Sean brought out next; skewers of grilled shrimp with hoisen-lime sauce, with pieces of tuna wrapped in prosciutto and perfectly seared with a balsamic glaze drizzle. The only thing they did not end up feeding each other was the vegetable, a side of green beans that had been pan-fried with diced shallots and drizzled with lemon. Taws crunched her way through those as merrily as she had with the other dishes, sharing bites between them with the same syrupy romance they had seen in movies since they were teens.

Hey, sometimes treacle sweetness actually worked.

Deftly wending around the table in a half-dance like some maniac waiter Sean gathered up the dishes leaving behind the wine glasses and a fresh bottle in the ice bucket. Taws watched him with a toothy canine grin, tail never having ceased wagging, as he withdrew to the kitchen and returned a moment later with one arm behind his back. "I wasn't sure what I was going to do for my dessert," Sean confided as he circled around behind her, "So I just whipped together something simple." With a flourishing he rotated a dish deftly from behind his back and set it on the table with a short slide. Upon a base of meringue was spooned a mélange of fresh berries, the sauce dripping down the sides. It was topped with a healthy dollop of whipped cream, which in turn had a small mound of yet more berries and sprig of mint. It all resided on the plate with two spoons, for sharing. Leaning down he nuzzled her between the ears. "Since I boarded that flight to Las Vegas I've missed you." He murmured while she gazed at his 'simple' desert, "Your fur; the softness of it, the warmth, the smell." He nuzzled into the thick ruff at one side of her neck. "I missed that little growl you make when you hug me. The cool touch of your nose, the heat of your tongue when we kiss" His arms slipped around her as he stood behind her chair, fingers splaying upon her fur and hooking deep into the lush softness. "Just... the you of you, that is so different but so... real." As he spoke he shifted slowly to one side of the chair, drawing it to one side as she rumbled a soft, wordless growl at his nuzzling, her head tipped back.

"And here I was, poring over what sort of dessert I could make that might please you." His hands settled on her shoulders and he nuzzled into the deeper ruff of her collie mane in the hollow of her throat. "That's when I realized there is no recipe I could make, no high-priced confection I could buy, that could do justice to you." Taws reached up to stroke his head as a rumble vibrated up from her throat.

"Then what is that?" She asked, reaching out to tap a claw against the bone china plate upon which rested the mounds of pure white fluff and vibrant fruit.

Sean slid his hands downward from her shoulders, along her upper arms to her elbows as he dropped to his knees and looked up. "A distraction, my lovely, precious, ever so delicious dessert." And, before she could say anything about what he meant by that, he dropped his head and nuzzled deep into the apex of her thighs. Taws let out a short, whooping bark as his hands slipped to her knees and drew them apart while he nuzzled into the fur of her lower stomach, across the subtle swell of her mons, and his lips brushed the delicate, soft warmth of her canine nether lips. The scent of her filled his senses with the deep, intoxicating, round bouquet of her flesh and her flavor. It blossomed across his taste buds like liquor to an alcoholic too long without as his short human tongue quested forth to draw slowly across the flattened 'Y' of her labial body.

"Sean!" she yelped when he flicked the tapered tip of her lips and buried his face deeper between her thighs to kiss them with a lingering press of his lips, "Oh, gods, damn you." Her surprised laughter filled his ears with delight as a strong hand grasped his head, blunt claws pricking his scalp, and drug his face closer against her sex. "That is unfair!" Her words rolled upward in a growling trill as he kissed and caressed her twitching sex with hungry fervor, his tongue brushing across it to taste the growing dampness that leaked forth. Without lifting his head from that long desired, sorely missed delicacy, Sean chuckled.

"All is fair in love and dessert." He replied, opening his mouth and taking the out-thrust diamond of her canine labial body into his mouth. He suckled gently upon it, the rich, slick warmth of her aroused wetness suffusing his mouth with the unique flavor he had come to associate with his loving bitch. For several long moments he simply teased her outer flesh with his tongue as his lips sealed about it, utterly uncaring of the fur which surrounded it that his hungry suckling also dampened. When, at last, he teased his tongue into the yielding softness of her lips she yapped sharply and her whole body shuddered. A hot rush of wetness gushed across his tongue and hard claws clutched desperately at his head as she threw her shoulders back into the chair, dug her paws into the dining room carpet, and jerked her hips upward into his face with a gasp. With a huge grin pulling at the corners of his open mouth Sean delved his tongue deep into her wet heat, flicking the hooded bud of her clit until she writhed and whined with need.

When his probing tongue coaxed back that hood and pressed firmly against her clit with an upward lick toward her labial tip, her gasping yaps became a choked howl and her twitching hips dropped soundly into the chair only to jerk back up again as she clutched at his head. Eagerly he accepted the swift rush of her release even as the writhing, jerking strength of her hips shoved against his face, fell away, and then shoved up once more in rapid succession. "Oh... oh gods, oh!" She cried between half-uttered howls and swift gasps of breaths, her immediate orgasm racing to the fore and breaking like a wave from a released dam. "Kiss me, love, oh god, kiss me! Deeper!" He obliged her wishes even as he gamely swallowed the slick rich musk of her release, circling his tongue about her poor, neglected entry as it twitched and clenched in eager anticipation of that blunt, shallow intrusion. Leaning forward at the almost painful urging of her hand upon his head he opened his mouth further, taking more hot flesh and fur into his maw, and pressed his tongue as deep into her fluttering tightness as he could. He was rewarded with another rapid-fire fluttering of her lips and gifted with a second surge of rich slick warmth. "You kiss so wonderfully. I've missed it so."

Having lived together for so many months, Sean knew she had almost utterly stopped easing her needs herself unless it was one of those rare occasions where she put on a show for him. He had always been more than willing, truly and wholly eager, to bury his face in the lush fur of her canine loins and consume her pleasure until it was exhausted in satisfaction. After almost a week, Sean could tell that she had become pent up with that need and had no other wish but to satisfy it. He wanted to do that, and so much more.

After the help he had been given, Sean was confident that he could, at last, give her the satisfaction they had both sought for so long.

She writhed and bucked and gasped against him, his head securely held to her shivering sex with both hands, her barking passion echoing off the walls. With a body-shuddering lurch, her passion crested a final time, rewarding him with another burst of her slick heat. Only once Taws had slowed the wild jerkiness of her hips and shifted her desperate grasp to his shoulders did he finally pull his face away and beam up at her adoringly. "Now... now... that is the dessert I have craved for days, and no menu in the country, even in Sin City, has such a wonderful recipe."

Breathlessly Taws laughed and grasped at the shoulders of his suit coat, claws rasping against the fabric as she blinked euphorically down at him and rolled it from his shoulders. "Come here, you." She growled fiercely, tongue lolling as she grinned stupidly down at his saliva and lust dampened face. "Fuck the dessert, stand up and give me what I've really been craving." Rising up from his knees Sean gave her the same toothy smile with his blunt, square human teeth and stood up, pushing her head back with a kiss. Shucking his jacket, Sean made quick work of his shirt, undoing only enough buttons to get it pulled off his head. Taws was making equally swift work of his belt and pants. As they fell to the floor he felt one furry white hand wrap around his almost painfully hard shaft, the other cup his freshly-shaven balls. She worked the pre that oozed from the tip down his length. He could feel her warm breath on his skin as she leaned forward to take him. "Yes, it has been too long..."

His hands rose to her shoulders and pushed until the heavy chair leaned. With a muffled yip of surprise Taws let go of him to catch her balance, her legs coming up and bracing against his hips. The chair thankfully stopped when it thudded against the wall behind her. "No, love," Sean crooned as he stepped closer between her upraised legs and laid his solid, slick length against the still twitching heat of her sex. "I know what you're really craving. Because I've been craving it, too, for far, far too many months."

Her eyes widened in wonder and she strove to glance down but he intercepted her with another kiss, slipping his tongue between her thin, furry lips to caress her teeth. He slowly rocked his hips, sliding himself against her, letting his tip drop downward and nudge at her lips as they had so many times in the recent past only to fail when growling feline laughter filled his mind. Now the only growling was his own as his lust slowly stroked her wetness to add the slickness she had helped spread. Taws' legs slid upward from his hips, wrapping loosely about his waist as their tongues met in the hot closeness between muzzle and mouth, delving and dancing in passion heated desire. With a slight upward shift Sean leaned forward, the angle of the chair putting Taws' hips at almost the perfect angle, and his blunt human tip slipped between her canine folds. She muffled an expectant moan against his lips as his hardness slid downward, grinding across her sensitive clit, and settled in the hollow of her entry.

Somewhere, deep in the dark recesses of his mind, a growling hiss echoed, bronze eyes swimming to the forefront of Sean's thoughts with that sinister, hard anger. At the cusp of the culmination of all his efforts, the cat returned in a rush with a snarling roar of sinister laughter. "No," Sean growled in return, burying his face into the hollow of Taws' throat, pressing into her soft, warm fur as his erection throbbed in needy expectation. "No, not... now. Never again."

Slowly he settled his hips forward, careful to get the proper downward angle, only to find a twitching, tight resistance pressing back. He did not press his weight forward to earnestly, despite every fiber of his being screaming to take his bitch, to claim her and plant his seed deep within the heat of her womb. He simply let himself rest there while her entry twitched and clenched and, ever so slowly, let him sink a little deeper. And then, quite suddenly, he was past that tight ring and the heat of her body surrounded him. Taws' muzzle sprang open, her eyes going wide and her shoulders pressing back as she strove to lift her lips from the awkward angle of the tipped chair. "Sean!" She howled, her body going tense and her depths clenching down on him before he had given her even half of himself. "Oh, fuck, Sean!" She gasped out a sharp yelp, "Yes! Yes!" He could feel her shiver and quake, muscles grasping tightly around him even as his pre-slickened girth spread her wide with searing heat that burned through their loins. "Yes, oh god, please take me!" Shaky hands dropped to his hips and pulled, strong legs clenching about his waist to draw at him, plunging him deep into her with a swift upward thrust of her hips.

The hard bronze glare in his mind's eye faded back in confusion and fury, the color bleeding away, the angry snarl becoming a different growl; deeper, basso, male. Sean's fingers clutched into Taws' fur as golden eyes regarded him from the shadows of his inmost self, their expression triumphant and proud. The cat was gone, but Sean was not left alone.

It was almost too much for Sean's needy lust but the tightness quenched the immediacy of his desire as hips met hips with a solid thud and protesting creak of two overstressed chair legs. He leaned over her, his weight pressed into the spread cleft of her furry thighs, and held himself there for several long breaths when he realized that he was now free. Free! He luxuriated in the feel of her heat clenching at him, yearning, demanding the hot rush that its very tightness held at bay. Her delightful, smooth, muscular heat was something he had not enjoyed in months, since his first encounter with the cat, and the feel of it sent his mind spinning. There had been Oda, but that had been different, it had felt different. So very, very different. But this, now, here, with Taws, was the culmination of so many sleepless nights spent worrying and sinking into the bottle and to finally feel it again was like coming up for air after staying submerged for far too long.

Burying his face in the mane of her throat ruff, inhaling the scent of her fur and soft animalistic musk, Sean drew himself back slowly. She held tightly to him and, when he paused, she drew him back with a needy clench of her legs. His thick length slipped into her with a slick hiss of flesh against flesh mingled with her gasping growls and he plunged himself to the hilt with a swift thrust and just as swiftly drew back.

Impassioned, she urged him on with loud whines and sharp yips and thrust her hips upward from the chair, her body lying out almost horizontal, held aloft only at rump and shoulders and her legs about his hips as he thrust himself deeply, needfully, without regard for tenderness or love and taken purely by the base desire to share his passion with her. The heavy chair groaned and creaked loudly as the two bodies separated by mere inches, then met with driving force culminating in deep throated masculine groans and sharp, pistol-crack barks of pleasure. Despite the tightness, despite the swift power of his months-thwarted thrusts, Sean could feel the tightness of his loins working into his thighs and stomach, the hot sensation of his love sliding back and then clenching down against his thrust overcoming even the sensation-deadening power of unrestrained desire.

When lust at last broke past the tight restraint of Taws' searing, wet heat Sean's body went rigid, his back bowed over her, her claws digging into his sorely abused back. With a last, hammering forward drive of his hips Sean let out a choked yell into the ruff of her throat. The intensity of it was almost agonizing in power, clenching the muscles of his loins so tightly it was almost a cramp. Heat suddenly filled the tightness about him, surrounding his deep buried length as it jerked savagely against that restraint, relaxed, and then jerked again. Taws gasped, her howls stifled and barks silenced, as she felt the same heat deep within the center of her being, swiftly spreading deeper with each pulsing throb of her mate's release. For several minutes, long after Sean's release had ebbed, they simply remained there, fixed like statues, her body bowed up from the chair against him and his bowed over her. Their heated panting was the only sound to fill the room.

At length her hands fell from his hips and her body began to slowly sag into the 'v' of the steeply tilted chair. His hips followed her down and he raised his head, mouth open and breaths coming in swift pants that matched her own, to gaze down at her. "I love you." He reached up to the wall and pushed to help her right the chair before it finally did give up the fight and crash out from beneath them. Taws tightened her legs around him, unwilling to let his still very solid presence within her escape. Though his legs were wobbly and his knees weak from the third explosive orgasm in less than a single day, Sean captured her rump and lifted her from the chair as he staggered back against the table behind him. The forgotten plate rattled as the table shifted, the dessert upon it jiggling in protest at having not been enjoyed.

"You have a truly epic way of showing it, love." She laughed breathlessly. While he held her close against his body, her legs and arms wrapped around him, Sean swayed drunkenly toward the living room. "Fuck but have I missed that, love. Have I ever."

Awkwardly Sean settled down on the edge of the sofa and leaned back. Taws unfastened her legs and settled on her knees, slipping upward but not quite completely off of him. "I have too, love." He smiled, his mind still reeling, his body both exhausted from so much in so short a day but at the same moment exhilarated like a teen in the first flush of his youthful passion. "You have no idea how much." He smiled up at her, admiring the flushed loll of her tongue and the chaotic tousling he had made of her throat ruff which he now reached up to straighten. Or, for that matter, he noted with a quick shift of his eyes, the glistening wetness of the fur pressed tight to his groin. He felt every motion of her body through that union; every swift breath and every muscular twitch of her thighs seemed to go right into his loins with the most wonderful, warm teasing.

"I - think I do." She smiled, the corners of her muzzle drawing back to reveal her long, carnivorous teeth while her ears pinned forward. "I can feel it, so eager, so powerful. Whatever happened in Las Vegas to free you of the demon...I am very glad it did. If this is the result, we need to have it happen more often." Slowly her hips lifted, exposing the pale flesh of Sean's girth still glistening with their shared release. Even his freshly shaven balls glistened and he could feel that slickness in the cleft of his ass. He could not help but chuckle at her unsuspecting approval of all the effort he had gone to so he could be finally rid of the puma terrorizing their love. When he finally slipped free his erection slapped wetly against his stomach and Taws glanced down at it and then smiled back up at him. "You're not depriving me of my dessert a third time." She growled.

Sean gasped a protest but it was to no avail as the collie sidled backward off the couch and gave him a reprise of what he had given her not so long before. Her nose dipped to his loins, inhaling with rapid, loud snuffles before the warmth of her tongue lathed across his emptied balls. "Delightful." He could only writhe in approbation of her loving efforts, letting her cleanse the powerful flavor of their shared passion from his flesh. He watched her long tongue dip from her toothy canine muzzle and draw slowly against his flesh, drawing away the glisten of his seed and her wetness with slow, hungry licks. And still his erection did not flag, twitching and pulsing with ready eagerness under the warm ministrations of the bitch's tongue. The width of it, the warm caress, even the texture was so wonderfully familiar yet, at the same time, so very different from the wolf who had given him a similar slow stroke of tongue that very morning. Both were gentle, both wanting to feel and taste his naked flesh, but both were very, very different.

Oda desired; he yearned, he sought that which he wanted, both for himself and for Sean. Taws loved, and it showed in the very nature of her slow, languid strokes and the soft, crooning growl of pleasure elicited by each soft, hissing stroke upon his flesh. Her tail flagged above her, a sign to any who could see it. She loved what she did not for the fact of what she was doing, but for the fact that she was doing it for him before herself, though she did truly enjoy it. Just as much as Sean loved burying his face in all that fur to seek out the inhuman flesh of her sex and consume it with all the vigor of his being. It was different, it was distinct, and its flavor was so much more wholesome knowing that she loved him for it, and gave that to him knowing that he sought it for her release.

It was - truly strange; almost impossible to quantify in comparison to the loves of his past. They were wonderful women, but to the bitch kneeling between his knees slowly coaxing his satiated erection into ready need once again, they were but candles before an inferno. When her tongue drew him upright and her head dipped downward to slip him once more into the accepting heat of her body, Sean could only let out a low, pleased sigh. He could feel the hard curves of teeth along either side of his length, so dangerous yet at the same moment comfortingly safe in their embrace, while her tongue slid along the underside of his sensitive cock. "After that, love, I could... be a while." His fingers lightly stroked between her upraised ears and he watched her muzzle slowly descend until her nose touched his groin and the short fur of her chin tickled his naked balls. "That was..."

Taws drew upward slowly, catching the base of his length with a couple of fingers as she lifted her muzzle free to grin up at him, "Epic. In a word; epic. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow." She giggled, her hungry golden gaze holding his as she watched him watch her tongue dip to caress the underside of his erection with a slow lick. She watched his face even as she took him into her muzzle again, only looking away when the downward drop of her head slid him too deep for the angle to be comfortable for either of them. She drew up again to give him another playfully slow lick, the tip of her tongue resting upon the blunt flare of his cock as she tasted his leaking pre. "But I want it... I want it again. God you felt so good inside of me." She tilted her head as she looked down at the proud spire standing before her muzzle, "You still do, and you taste... mhhh." And she tasted him again, fully, pressing her muzzle downward and tightening her jaws down to seal him within the carnal danger of her predatory maw.

Sean could find no words, his mind had been left reeling from the unexpectedly powerful lovemaking in the awkwardness of the dining room chair. After not once but thrice with Oda since sundown the previous day Sean had not expected that he would have been able to give her but the most cursory passion before his potency was utterly tapped out. But having her there, in his arms, her body pressed against him and the passion of her desire pouring into his mouth, had sent him into a state he could not recall ever having been in before. Raw, animalistic, carnal; almost brutal with desire to feel her, to be close to her, inside of her.

To make himself one with her.

When the wolf had been buried, knot deep inside of him, the feeling had been almost similar; but swift and confusing, altogether unexpected in the overwhelming power of it. This had been very much different, and he knew why. Love. He could not imagine his heart without Taws there within it, where Oda was a friend. A close friend, for all of that, and one he had shared things with that he had never dared share with another person in the whole of his life, but in the end he was nothing more than that.

"Mhh, Taws -" Sean hissed as the wonder of her tongue worked its magic, "Taws, love, I -" His head fell back and his body tensed afresh under the warm, slow rippling caress of her tongue hitting him in magical places only she had ever discovered with such mastery. "T- T-" he stuttered and she only growled lustfully, lifting her head quickly and then letting it drop with excruciating slowness as she quite literally drank his cock like a mother's teat. "Love, I -" And he did, not quite as explosively as he had at the table, but powerfully enough to lift his hips from the couch with a body-straightening tension and a muscular jerk of release. Taws' growl became a hungry snarl and then a short, nasal whuff as his climax spilled across her tongue with swift twitching jerks of his shaft. It was a gentle orgasm, fleeting and altogether unproductive, but it satisfied her thirst and finally appeased whatever lustful god that had taken up residence in his loins to release his priapism before it became a medical issue.

As he flagged he drew Taws up to him and they stretched out on the couch, exhausted, to stare at the moonlight through the patio doors. The candles burned low on the table, long forgotten along with the complex desert he had made but never truly intended to consume.

That night, at least.

Sean was awakened by a warm shift against him, fur sliding against his naked flesh as Taws slowly levered herself up. His arm tightened to draw her back but she only chuckled a warm rumble that was cut short by a huge canine yawn. "Love, we should find our bed." She murmured, leaning down to touch her cool nose to his brow.

"Mrrhr?" Sean mumbled sleepily, blinking into the darkness. The moon had risen behind the eaves and, at some point, the candles had guttered out. Taws slipped from his arm, her tail brushing across his chest and face as she stretched. With a myopic stare he watched the pale fur of the canine ass a few inches from his face. Reaching out he fumbled a light stroke across that dim whiteness, his hand a dark silhouette against it. The soft length of her tail lifted upward and her weight shifted back slightly, allowing him to capture the base of it and rub lightly along its underside with one thumb. "Sofa comfy."

"Too small, love." Taws chided in the dark from somewhere above his recumbent sprawl. "One of us will end up on the floor before morning." But she did not step away from his touch or that gentle massage near one of her most intimate of places.

Begrudgingly Sean swung his legs off of the couch and slowly sat up without releasing her. "'S long as it's me, first." He murmured, leaning forward as his free arm slipped around her waist, and buried his face under that wonderful tail. He did not quest for the heady musk of their recent energetic play, merely brushing the warm white fur against his face to wake himself up. For a moment other parts of his somnolent body tried to awaken as well but the exertion of their recent efforts sent them back into slumber as Taws giggled and stepped away. "With you on top."

She turned and ruffled his hair playfully, "I'm not a blanket, love."

"But you're so warm and comfy."

Her hand dropped to grasp his elbow and together they worked to get him upright. "And your... treat is still out on the table." She gave him a brief hug and ambled toward the darkened dining room. "Find your clothes while I put it in the fridge."

Following her, or more rather the pale silhouette in the general dark, into the dining room he found his shirt with one foot and awkwardly hooked it up without bending. His coat had ended up halfway across the table, somehow without landing on his forgotten dessert plate. Picking it up he shambled about the dining room, questing for his cast off slacks with his toes. Feeling a hard lump in the pocket of his coat he fished it out.

The sudden brightness of his cell phone was like staring into the sun after emerging from a cave. He turned his head away with a disgusted grunt and waited until he could look at it with one eye. He heard the refrigerator door open and a rattle of its contents as Taws made room for the fruit plate while he thumbed through his contacts until he found the one he sought.

Text message to: Oda


The refrigerator door closed with a thump as Sean found and scooped up his pants. Though blinded by his cell phone, and she by the refrigerator's interior light, they found each other awkwardly in the darkness and, one arm draped about each other, shambled through the house to the bedroom. The phone vibrated in his hand but, since it was still on silent mode, he paid it no heed. At the door to their bedroom he dumped his clothes heedlessly on the floor and laid his phone on its charging pad. The clock on the bed table ticked over 3am when they finally sprawled out upon it.

Lying on her side, Taws snuggled back when Sean stretched out behind her, casually reaching down to draw her tail up and drape it across his hips. One hand slid down her stomach and pulled her close as he dropped his head on a pillow. For a time they lay there in silence, sleep stealthily creeping back upon them, before a slow rearward push of Taws' hips sent it scampering away into the darkness again.

"Love?" He heard her voice, gentle and soft in the dark. He smiled and nuzzled into the lush fur of her nape, fingers splaying into the soft fur of her stomach. Gently tightening his embrace he drew himself closer, shifting his hips until his manhood nestled into the cleft of her ass. He said nothing as she pressed back again with another slow roll of her hips, the softness of her tail creeping up to settle upon his waist. The caress of soft fur over firm muscle did not quicken him as readily as it may ever have in the past, but his flesh bestirred itself under the tantalizing brush of her warmth. As his slow tumescence built to a more firm presence beneath her uplifted tail Sean gave a slow roll of his hips, sliding himself upward along her cleft until his blunt tip pressed against the underside of her tail.

He was rewarded with a soft, breathy croon as she shifted back in response, pressing her tail down slightly to guide his blunt girth downward to press against the hot, furless flesh beneath that tail. "Yes." She rumbled in the dark, her breath quickening as Sean felt the muscular warmth twitch and caress his tip with that uniquely carnal kiss. "Yes."

Without lube, other than what pre his awakening erection could coax forth, it took several long but luxuriating minutes of slow, gentle touches for him to win into that tight, smooth heat. His fingers clutched at the fur of her stomach as he eased himself under her tail a few inches only to draw back and then ease forward again. He took his time, and once his body acceded to his wonts, too spent from the last couple of days to demand haste, and slowly claimed his final reward. "Gentle," Taws crooned as he sank into her a few wonderfully slow inches only to draw himself back. "So gentle." As she desired it, that way; not with power or lust but with that slow, easy back and forth that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Sean's cock with every clench of her muscular ass. "I love it so, dearest. Gentle me."

"Always, love." Sean moaned, somewhere between rapture and slumber, her body pliant against him and her heat taking him into its tight embrace. "For you, always." With a final slow but firm roll of his hips he drew her back with a clutch of his arm and nestled himself to the hilt within her. He did not withdraw after that moment, their bodies fully joined, as locked together as any two canines might, even without the design of nature tying them together. Pressing himself close, hugging her back, his cock throbbing heatedly deep beneath her upraised tail, Sean let the pleasure wash over him. So long ago, it seemed, they had joined like this at the edge of slumber, Sean newly single and finding comfort where he never expected it; deep beneath the tail of a dog.

Now, that comfort was his succor, his retreat, his blessing, and in that wonderful embrace sleep slowly drew him down, their bodies still joined.

Of the cat, there was no sign, not even the faintest glimmer. Sean had a wolf at the door now, and he knew that he would keep the demon away for good.

The remainder of the weekend was spent re-visiting all of the things that they had missed in the months after Sean's unfortunate run-in with the puma. By Monday morning Taws was sore in places that had not felt that sort of ache since Bruce had left so unexpectedly. Considering it all, she wondered why she had put up with him. He had not been a bad sort of guy, but not terribly romantic, and a jackhammer in bed, at least until he got his knot buried. Like Sean he had been interested in giving her some measure of pleasure, but by comparison he was a complete duffer.

Sean knew how to please a girl, both in bed and just as wonderfully every other time. Bruce had been a boy, interested in boy's pursuits with his male friends. Sean was a man, in every sense of the word. Considerate, responsible, and so wonderfully gentle in ways Taws had never expected or known from her stable of canine boyfriends. And she'd had more than a few, quite a bit more. In her early years she had churned through them trying to find - something. She had never thought at the something she sought was simply not to be found with fur or a knot. In her human lover she had found - everything. Even under the stress of the puma's demonic after-image he had been more than any of her other boyfriends, and she loved him all the more for it.

Despite the dull pleasantness of the ache in her loins she looked forward to the end of the day to assuage it with another wonderful, thick, knotless massage from her man. Her team sensed that something had most definitely changed in her within the first hour. When she found Lacy and Tina once again engaged in a bickering match she intruded with a smile, pointing them in different directions. Lacy was the more creative of the two and stayed on the production track while Tina was reassigned to logistics where her organized manner would be of better use. With luck it would keep the two separated for months, if not for the duration of the project.

Considering her entire team expected one of them to rather brutally get the axe the equitable shift came as something of a surprise. As did Taws' change of demeanor from professional politesse to laughing garrulousness that was infectious. Arguments dwindled away and the team began to come together.

Sean was returned to his previous contract, much to the effusive pleasure of the client, Jael Dubois. In the week that Sean had been set aside from the project the media rollout, both through traditional radio and television, as well as the internet track, had begun. Unfortunately the media lead had inadvertently released the second commercial installment rather than the first, throwing the web and traditional tracks completely out of whack. Within hours Sean had scrapped the first commercial, storyboarding out another that would make the currently running commercial look like an intended initial release. Vincent had been dubious, but when the team realized how Sean was changing the flow to compensate, they jumped aboard and showed the client how it would work.

Dubois had been more than pleased.

With work going as well as it was, Taws and Sean received another reason for a small celebration late in the week. It was a call from Oda, asking if Sean had heard the news. While he had not due to being stuck in meetings all day, it was to both elation and a sense of personal satisfaction when he heard that the jury had returned a verdict against the cougar; guilty on virtually all counts. The defense managed to dismiss a handful of the lesser charges such as the capital offense rider from the charges associated with Sean's assault, but all the serious charges had held. Sentencing would be another matter and likely be delayed many more weeks -- and still the possibility of a plea of some form in the wings -- but it was all but certain that the cat would not be seeing the outside world again for a very, very long time. "To our inevitable victory," was Sean's toast at dinner that night.

Chapter 10 < > Chapter 12