Emancipation: Awakening

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#1 of Empancipation

Emancipation. An end to slavery. An end to the world that had destroyed so many lives and families. It had the sweetest sound to it to ears that had formerly only heard the snap of the whip or the orders of their Masters. It should have been everything that the former slaves had wanted, a promised land where they could start a new with their heads held high and obtaining a dignity that they had always hoped to obtain. The truth was bleaker than the slavery that they had been forced to endure, the truth was harsher than anything anyone had imagined as the Civil War came to an end and the world continued on. Mary Anne, the name that she had been given when she'd been sold into the hands of a sugar plantation owner, knew that to be a fact, because she understood the brutality that had become her life.

She stood on the edge of the swamp, the sound of the insect life was alive and well as she crouched on the tips of her toes and huddled into her shawl. It wasn't to keep her warm, the air was thick with humidity and sweat rolled down the back of her neck, but the coldness that she felt couldn't be touched by any blanket or even the weather. Blood ran down the corner of her mouth, the droplets fell to the small blanketed form in front of her while she huddled forward and dropped her head down. There weren't any tears she could cry, she had sobbed them out on the road near the patch of land that her husband had won for them. Barely two acres, and it had landed them so deeply in debt that they had been forced to work on the plantation that had owned her to keep it, but it had been their own. That was more than most folks could say, there was some pride in what they did.

Except, it was gone now, all gone. Her dream of freedom, her husband that had been so proud of their first child and what it would mean when he was born, because Joseph had always believed that she carried a boy. And she had, she had seen that when his lifeless form had come from her body in the middle of the dusty road. Too young to survive, not that he had a chance, the men that had caught up with her had seen to that. Their brutality had been absolute as they forced themselves on her and made her husband watch. He had roared his rage, and then begged and sobbed for them to stop, as she had, nothing had made them stop. They were putting the niggers in their place for daring to offer witness about a girl that had been raped and gave birth to her master's child. They were punishing them for thinking themselves a white man's equal.

She choked back a sob, trying to find the tears that were threatening to rise up, but they didn't come, only a broken sound that came from a throat ragged from her cries. Her husband had been killed, he was still by the road, his lifeless eye staring up to the heavens. He hadn't seen her miscarry, she was grateful for that, he hadn't seen his son spilled onto the ground and kicked by one of the men that had violated her. She had only enough presence to wrap the broken bundle in the rags that had been her dress and carry him here, to the edge of the swamp where the frogs and crickets sang. She wanted to take him home, to bury him, but the idea of her home filled her with nausea. They'd be burning it by now, their drunken revelry had left her boasting to one another that they'd torch their cabin as just one more lesson.

As if they haven't taken all that I have... She lowered her head and drew in a shaking breath, rocking back and forth. Her heart was broken and shattered, her soul ripped from her, there was nothing left in her world.

Nothing? There is always something, child.. A dry rasping voice spilled around her as the swamp sang its ancient song and she froze. Poor little thing, so broken...

"Get back!" She rasped out. They'd come back for her. They'd come to kill her as they had killed her man and unborn child.

A faint glow came from the water, a strange unearthly glow that pulsated a sickly yellow and grew stronger as the mists spilled around it. She reached down to snatch up her cooling infant and struggled backwards away from the form that rippled along the water and seemed to spread to the fog. It was a ghostly ripple as the lights grew brighter at two points just in the mist, darkening to a vibrant gold as a face began to form. And not a human face. There was an elongated muzzle that swept down towards a point, a spread of nostrils and a large set of ears that swept up towards her. It was like no earthly animal and she stumbled backwards, almost falling to the ground.

"DEVIL!" She hissed out and tried to get back to her feet, but her aching body rebelled against her.

To some.... Not to you.._The form created a demonic creature crouching against the edge of the swamp, making her entire body tremble in place as the eyes seemed to look into her very soul. _To you I am what you need.

"Leave me!" She got to her feet, swaying as she tried to stumble away from the creature. "You are nothing!"

I am your revenge. Your comfort. Your purpose... The voice was dry and old, like bones that rattled as the voice surrounded her. You have one thing left.... And I am it..

"I have nothing left!" She snapped back. "It's all been taken from me."

_No, you have me... You have vengeance. You have everything that has been denied you. _ The creature seemed to step towards her, despite the fact she could see no legs. _I am your vengeance, your power... _

"You are nothing but mist and magic.." She swallowed, her throat hurt so badly as she spoke, but the creature continued to advance.

Yes, but with you.. I will be more... The beast lunged forward again, coming so close she could the gold within the glowing orbs. With you... we will have vengeance.

"What are you?" She could feel cold wind blowing towards her.

I am you. Not the creature they made you. I am the cry of our people. _ The creature advanced again, the eyes looming so close they nearly touched her. As it talked she could hear past the dry voice and an underline feminine tone. _Abeni... You will be Abeni... And you will be our vengeance...

The world erupted in golden light, tearing through the woman that she had been made through slavery and hardship. The mother, the wife, the slave. Mary Anne was rolled under with power that was older than any God she had been forced to worship. A spirit that had waited for so terribly long to finally exact the revenge on those who had cried out it and gone unanswered. A spirit from the old world, brought with the slaves as they were shipped overseas and forced to bow their heads to people as all rights and dignities were taken from them. The children didn't know who she was, they had never learned about her, but others did. They recalled the old gods, the old spirits that had thirsted for revenge and destruction. She was a spirit born of woman's outrage.

She had come with them, their cries enflaming her rage as she stood just outside of their perception, watching and waiting for a chance to be called back into the world. That was when she'd seen the girl, the would-be mother sobbing so brokenly. The pain and blood had summoned her, the despair had summoned her and now she melded her spirit with that of the girl who had been stripped of her true identity. It didn't matter, it was offered up as the spirit spread open her mind and touched deep into the girls consciousness with her offer. She would give the child the revenge she sought, she would give her such vengeance upon those who had killed and harmed her that the world had never seen, and in exchange, the girl was hers.

You will be mine... Your life is done now, at least here, but now, you will be given a new purpose.. Abeni breathed out and settled over the former slaves thoughts. While we cannot deal death, we will give them the wish for it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"The world is going to shit." Walter hooked his boots up against the bottom rung of the fence and watched as one of the steam boats made its way along the winding river. "Fucking niggers."

"They're gonna ruin it all." His companion agreed. "They were trying to buy up some land north of Atlanta, sayin' they wanted a commune or some shit. Make a whole town."

"Better havin' them there than yankin' jobs out from under us." Walter growled to himself. "We finally torched that nigger that settled over near McDermat's land."

"About time, who gets claim?" His companion perked up a bit and Walter gave a tight smile to himself at the reaction.

"Railroad, split the money up." Walter blew out a satisfied sound. "We'll get it runnin' right to Texas if this keeps up."

"Yeah, well... Depends on if they keep sellin' up good land." His companion muttered darkly, but Walter leaped off the fence and tapped his pipe on the post.

"Don't fret none, they can't take careful themselves, they'll eventually be outta our hair. If not, lotsa folks are gettin' movements together to take care of them." Walter twitched his lips up beneath his mustache in a grin. "Hell, feel sorry for the buggers, they won't know what hit 'em."

He exchanged a polite goodbye, but his mind was on the secret that he held. He wanted to share it with those of like mind, but he knew better than to let it slip. It was one of the rules of the order, none of them were to share with outsiders unless they passed the Council. There were several groups that had sprung up after the end of the war, but most of them tried to push through with the law, or just skirted it. Not where he'd joined, they were enjoined to use whatever means necessary to deny uphold their power and ensure that the blacks didn't take the country. And those means could be so terribly sweet, especially when it came to threatening the men. Walter pursed his lips and whistled softly to himself as he set out along the road and lifted his head up high.

The last man they'd dealt with had refused to give up the land he'd 'bought', despite the fact it was obvious the nigger had no idea how to run it or make ends meet. It was in his best interest to join up with one of the plantation holders and work safely, not have delusions of being a land owner. If the boy had just listened it would have never gotten as far as it did, but if he had listened, Walter wouldn't have spent an enjoyable afternoon fucking his woman. Sure, they had passed her around, but it had still been exciting to have the exotic dark skinned woman beneath him and felt her writhing. It was still enjoyable to him, and it wasn't as if anyone was going to cause too much of a stir that they'd disappeared. The land that they'd reclaimed could be used for the railroad, as was appropriate, for the good of their country.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and took the small winding path that lead along the edge of the swamp and would cut through to the port. They'd be uploading the steamer soon and he'd be able to take his pick of the imports that had been coming in from the north. His employer paid him well to have first choice of the goods for their plantation. It would all change once the rail road came through, they'd have supplies from all over the country and at a cheaper rate. His employer was already anticipating what it would mean and the way their city would begin to grow. The entire country was growing after the war, the countryside that had been torn asunder was slowly starting to heal and businesses were beginning to pick up. Soon, things would be better than they had before, it would just take time and men who were willing to stand up for what their country stood for. Men like him.

"You..." The word was hissed out, startling him from his thoughts as he continued down the path. "I've been waiting."

"Jesus, you scared me." He turned around to see a slender black woman sitting on a rock near the swamp. He frowned and narrowed his eyes. "You best get your ass home, girl, no place for you out here."

"There's no place for men like you." Her voice held the faintest edge of an echo as she watched him with narrowed eyes. Walter twisted his lip up with disgust and drew himself up, damned negros, making themselves at home where they didn't belong.

"You askin' for a whoopin' girl?" He snapped out in annoyance. "Get your ass outta here and off this road, ain't yer master looking for you?"

"Master?" The girl tilted her head and for a moment Walter felt himself go cold at the features that regarded him now that he looked closer. Her eyes weren't the normal dark color that most of the blacks had, they were palest yellow, like a wolf's eyes and watching him with bemusement. "I'm free, I can go where I like and do as I want, don't you know that?

"Jumped up little whore." Walter growled and pushed away the nagging sense of unease. "I'll show you how free you are!"

Rage flashed through him at this damned colored girl who seemed to think she sit here and pretend that she was just as prim and proper as a lady. He reached down and grabbed his belt buckle, yanking it roughly so that it unhooked and loosened the thick leather band so he could pull it free. He'd show her exactly where she belonged, and it certainly wasn't on the road saying foul things to fine upstanding men who happened to walk past. He'd whip that smart ass and send her home limping.

"Are you going to rape me again, Walter MacInnis?" The girl snapped out and finally stood up, no taller than his chin, but she seemed to loom. "Is that all filth like you knows?"

"The fuck you talkin' about girl?" He growled and fought the urge to blanche as the girl continued to advance on him. Her hair was loose around her face, her features drawn with anger and her eyes strange looking, but he could see the cut on her lip that he'd put there with a well aimed blow of his fist. He saw the cut down her neck where Andy had used his knife to make her hold still. "God, you that nigger's girl. Get your ass outta here before I whoop you again!"

"No." One word, one simple sound, and the world erupted in a sudden rush of hot wind that rocked Walter back on his heels as it whipped around him. He let out a sharp cry and stepped backwards as the girl's eyes flared a brilliant yellow, almost gold, glowing along her dark cheeks while she had one hand flung out towards him. "Today you learn."

He opened his mouth to holler a curse at her, but it felt as if the air had turned into fire, as he drew it in he felt as if flames were pouring into his lungs. He couldn't stand against the onslaught, his legs gave out and he hit the hard dry ground with a ragged cry, his hands slapping down against the ground while the wind continued to whip around him. He didn't know what was going on, but he could only formulate one response against it. This was the devil's work, black magic, and he worked his lips that rapidly started to dry and crack to try and get out the Lord's Prayer as he lifted his hand to make the sign of the cross over his chest and head.

"Do you think your God was there when you killed my husband?" The girl's voice sent a lash of fire through his veins and made him writhe and drop to his side in the dirt. "Do you think God watched you kill my unborn child?!"

"Stop...." He rasped the words out, his throat aching so much that he felt it almost tearing as his skin felt drier by the moment. His body was twitching convulsively while he imagined his blood was boiling in his veins and threatening to break free of his skin.

"SO I ASKED YOU!" The girl screamed the words and he shrieked out in agony as his back arched up and his hands curled up.

It hurt, it hurt so badly that he wanted to cry, but the heat seemed to dry the tears before they could escape him. He stared in horror as his clutching fingers began to change, the nails curled and darkened into claws that scraped against the dust while his entire hand began to change shape. He tried to scramble away, but he was held by whatever denmonic magic the girl was throwing towards him as the first pebbled scales began to show up against the back of his hand, darkening like a stain as his back arched upwards and he felt, more than saw, the woman looming over him with the heat concentrating around him. The scales began to spread like a stain, oozing out along the wrist and sliding upwards towards the cuff of his shirt while his entire body began to twitch and jerk in place.

He no longer controlled his muscles, they contracted and relaxed in whatever manner they wanted, without any chance for him to keep them still. His stomach roiled as his arms began to draw backwards, growing smaller, and also thicker as his hands slipped into the sleeves of his shirt and disappeared from sight, but he could feel his aching bones starting to pop and shift. His joints ached so badly and his skin felt raw and on fire. Even the feel of his shirt was an agony as it brushed along the line of his spine and sides. He cried out and his jaws began to stretch, his lips were cracked and dry, but they started to harden and he lost feeling in them as they pushed outwards while he reared his head backwards. The scales started to spread over the bridge of his nose as it flattened and his jaws ached to the point he coughed out a ragged cry.

Hands suddenly grabbed the edges of his shirt and the rough cotton scraped against his sensitive chest as his upper body was yanked off the ground. The hands that suddenly grabbed him weren't gentle, weren't even feminine feeling, they were harsh and yanked hard enough to pop the buttons from his shirt. His coat and shirt was peeled off him and he was dropped back down against the ground while his lips and nose pushed outwards and flattened. His teeth were aching and when his tongue shifted forward he suddenly felt sharp teeth nearly cutting against his tongue before he jerked away. He snarled out at the woman who straddled his hips and caught her fingers against his pants before giving a sudden yank backwards.

"What's the matter, aren't you enjoying yourself?" Her voice was harsh as his hands braced against the ground, no not hands, his claws scraped roughly against the dirt while his chest began to change as well.

His body began to elongate as his neck thickened and grew heavier, losing the ability to turn it the way he wanted to look up at the woman that was somehow causing this. He tried to cry out, but all that came out was a hiss as he twisted and felt his legs starting to draw up closer to his body. The bones were changing and the joints were burning as they pulled closer to his body, he could feel his knees shifting higher up while he tried to twist himself around. The heat, that had been horrific, almost seemed soothing as he felt pressure growing right at the apex of his spine. There was a sudden feel of something pushing out right at the curve of his ass, pushing along the backs of his legs and thickening as it went. A tail, he was growing a tail!

The dark scales were covering his sore skin, it was almost a relief as the burning overly sensitive flesh was covered in thick pebbled hide. The weight of it rested along the line of his back while his eyes shifted position, the view blurring and changing as he thrashed wildly against the ground. As he tried to twist back and forth, the thickness of his tail started to sweep behind him, rocking him before the woman grasped it and yanked him backwards, pulling him roughly while he snarled out in anger. He stared over the broadness of his snout, a reptilian snout, like an alligator. She was turning him into a gator! He kicked roughly backwards and fought the hold on his tail and gave a kick of his legs. He could feel the ground scraping right along the broad scales of his stomach.

"That's better.. Now you match your inside..." The woman's voice was harsh while the girl moved her foot down and suddenly shoved her foot down at the base of his thick neck. "Just improved."

Walter snapped his jaws wildly, trying to twist around with the grip on his tail forcing his haunches to one side as his hind legs kicked at the air helplessly. She forced his spine to bend, shifting him about so that he could see the line of his body and his stomach roiled sickly. He had a gator's body, the dark leathery back and pale underside could be seen, with the squat powerful hind legs instead of his long ones. His feet were even webbed, spreading open wildly in his bid to escape her grip, but she only gave a final yank and moved into view so he had a perfect view of his thick tail base and the ridges that ran along either side of his tail. Inhuman looking, completely inhuman.

"Would you like to see the improvements?" Her voice was harsh, angry and he felt the heated winds still cracking around him, but now it didn't burn his hard hide and scales. "I'm sure you would."

What is she?! What has she done to me?! _ He snapped his jaws, clacking his jaws shout with a rough sound as his teeth clicked together. _I'll kill her for this! I'll tear her apart for doing this!

He mentally cursed her, snarling and trying to drag himself forward with his claws digging against the dirt as he fought the hold on his haunches. The attempts to get away froze as her other hand moved and suddenly pushed beneath his tail. One of her fingers curled just between his haunches and suddenly pushed forward and into his body, spreading apart a scaled vent while his walls clamped down in reaction while he twisted around wildly. For one terrified moment he thought that he was feeling the woman probing his ass, but it was much worse than that. The finger rolled inside of him, inside of her, touching a place that she had never possessed and she gaped her jaws open in shock as the strokes pushed within her passage and soon she felt another digit wedging against the tender opening of her vent.

It was like nothing she had ever experienced, the slow penetration was mocking her, stretching her body and making her thrash wildly, but the hold on her tail and the back of the neck gave her no option to get away. She wasn't large enough to throw of her tormentor as the fingers curled within her passage and spread apart, making her body stretch as the finger pads caressed back and forth lightly. It ached to be spread apart, but it also sent an unwilling shudder through her body as the fingers touched places that boasted nerves that she'd never possessed in her life. They rubbed through her and mockingly stroked over a spot that made her tail flex in reaction, trying to get her to do it again.

"What's this? Are you upset?" The woman's voice echoed strangely as Walter strained to get away, her claws scraping up furrows of dirt and the fingers started to massage along her passage tauntingly. "Don't you like this? I bet you've wanted this all along, haven't you slut?"

The words echoed what Walter had snarled down at her when she'd been raped, it sent a tremor through her and made her roar out again. The sound was high and wild as the fingers started to plunge inwards again, stretching her newly made passage with a mocking stroke that made her kick her hind legs out and spread her toes open. It was horrible, it made her entire body start to shudder in place as her breathing came out in a hoarse protesting cry.

"Oh don't worry, you're not going to be wasted on me." The girl pulled her fingers out slowly, pulling and tugging along the scaled vent. "I think that you're going to get exactly what you deserve. All of you will, and soon."