Beautiful Twilight: Suffering through endless love

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#1 of Beautiful Twilight

A Beautiful Twilight: Suffering through endless love

Beautiful Twilight stood on the corner of Badger Avenue and Bluefox Road and at 2 am, it was still as loud and boisterous as it was at 2 pm that same day. The main room of the tavern was equipped with chains hanging from the ceiling, along with shackles and rope, giving the interior of the bar itself a slightly dark, gloomy feel. The walls were littered with paddles, whips, gloves, and other unpleasant things one would use to keep a fur in order. Below the equipment, were several booths, outlining the borders of the room. The booths themselves were perfectly comfortable, with brown wooden finish and soft leather seating. In the middle of each booth was a small table; at the sides of the booths were a small chain and collar to keep furs down if master didn't want them straying to far while they dined. When not sitting at a booth, furs could seat themselves at one of the several tables scattered through the tavern. While the chairs themselves were comfortable and soft, the tables looked downright frightening. Most of the tables had chains hanging from them, or shackles to keep a fur's wrists in place. At the far end of the east wall happened to be other types of chairs. The chairs looked like barber shop chairs, only they had leather straps near the wrists, legs, waist and chest, and a ball-gag near the neck. Placing a fur in such a chair would render them unable to escape until they were released, and more then a little vulnerable. Near the chairs were soft looking barstools, specifically created for the tavern. At the bottom of the stool there were four shackles, designed to keep a fur that was bent at the waist stuck in such a position over the stool with their bottom up. Along the walls were display cases with several implements of violence and bondage inside of them. They held several little index cards explaining each object, what it was used for, the time period it was used in and who it was invented by. Towards the northern end of the bar was the stage. When not being used for performances staged by the owner, it was up for grabs to whoever wanted to use it. Next to the stage was a small set of stairs, which lead to a large trapdoor, marked "The Dungeon." It was a place that could be rented out for furs who were looking to get 'really' creative when tying a fur down.

Most nights, the bar sold itself: the alcoholics and BDSM obsessives who flocked to the place would pay out the nose for the service and quality of the food and toys. They would come in, tie up boyfriends or girlfriends and have their fun while others either watched, or had fun of their own. Every night was a show everyone put on for everyone else, but on certain nights- certain nights the patrons of Beautiful Twilight ended up with more bang for their buck, when the owner and staff gave out a special little treat- like our story tonight.

The lights dimmed low that night, taking the crowd by surprise, the sweeping gloom quieting the whistles, and sharp slaps of paddles on abused flesh, the club glowing darker, and darker, until there wasn't a flicker of light anywhere in the house. For a brief moment, it seemed there was a malfunction; no lights, no explanation, just the quiet murmurs of confusion dancing across the crowd.

A light blasted on. A spotlight, directed towards a small brown door that sat behind the bar, and rested there for just a few seconds, before a crinkle of electricity trickled down from the hidden, overhead speakers, and light jazz began to play. Fluid and gentle, it was almost relaxing. A voice followed shortly after the music began to play, addressing the crowd in a crisp, clear female voice.

"Act one. Our lovely hero, one miss Sparkle Shadowpaw, begins her night in the bar like every other night; serving drinks, and taking care of our customers. Alas, another boring night- so it seemed." The voice quipped, and on her cue, Sparkle entered the bar, walking in slowly, ignoring the whoops, whistles, and catcalls that buffeted her like wind.

She stood nearly 5'6; her fur was silky soft and colored the same color of the clouds on a stormy day. The dress code for the bartenders was rather casual, and most of the time, she served at the bar the way she felt the most comfortable. Usually that consisted of a small red tank top, one that wrapped around the ample c cups of her chest nicely, displaying the full roundness of her plump breasts, but thick enough to hide her nipples from view. Over that, was her favorite black denim jacket, thick and lengthy, the end of the jacket almost reached her knees. The bottom was a bit more revealing, the garments considering of a tight and tiny pair of shorts that hugged her somewhat chubby rear. She wasn't fat, but somehow, her backside seemed a tad bigger then it should have been. The shorts were black, and a mix of polyester and spandex, slightly revealing the bottom of the cheeks of her behind. She stood quietly, tail swishing about behind her, the crowd watching quietly. She bent down, picked up a glass, and began to wipe it out with a rag on the bar. The club was silent, watching, waiting, licking their lips, and feeding their imaginations with the beauty of the young wolf, waiting for something else to happen. They didn't have to wait long, for after a few moments, the voice kicked in again over the speakers.

"The night is the same as the night before that, and the night before that. She serves, she cleans, she sleeps, and returns the next day to do it over and over and over again. Nothing changes; nothing alters- repetition, over and over and over again...until we get to act two." The voice chuckled quietly. The wolf looked up, ears perked, eyes wide, looking at something in the darkness of the bar. A second spotlight appeared, this one focused on the entrance of the club, and the door burst open loudly seconds later, another wolf entering the scene.

This other wolf, stood five feet tall and exactly four inches, walking slowly across the bar with a jiggling swing of her best assets, she didn't have to say a word. Anyone who caught glimpse of this wolf immediately knew the way she carried herself, the way she moved spoke volumes. Pride, anger, arrogance- she was a bitch, moving with the superiority of someone who looked down on everyone else. She had long crimson hair, cascading just past her shoulders, thick, and standing out. Her eyes were glimmering golden orbs, staring out at the world, curiosity, tangled by self confidence, with a small, smug smile resting over her sharp muzzle. Her slender neck gave way to her thin shoulders, the fur thick at the bottom of her chin and neck, spreading out there. Underneath one could trace the strong muscular lines. The wolf wasn't bulky, but simply wiry, giving away to the suspicion she was probably stronger then she looked. .

She was wearing a simple white tank top. Falling down her shoulders, the fabric flared out, clinging to her firm, youthful breasts, and traveled all the way down to her waist. A slight hint of her white belly, and the dark gray fur of her back could be seen by the observant and the large U shape of her shirt revealed ample cleavage, and this wolf's obvious lack of a bra.

Her arms were bare, save for a pair of leather gloves, wrapped tightly around her fingers and paws. At about mid forearm, the gray gave way to black... Black furred "Socks" traveled all the way down to her black hands, and fingers. Reaching the gentle flare of her hips, and lower still could be found the white of her belly disappearing between her legs. Behind her sat round, firm ass cheeks, rather cute, and arguably the wolf's best asset of all. Her legs were strong, lithe, and powerful, but somewhere around the knee, fur was replaced by leather that hugged to her calves, and traveled all the way down. The tight combat boots were buckled in the front, several buckles all the way down to her ankles. The thick leather boots, ending in hard rubber, made her feet thud against the ground with every step, her tail swishing slowly, hypnotically behind her.

"Kamara" The voice said quietly, as the second wolf approached the bar, sitting down.

"Lovers. They stare longingly into each other's eyes for a few moments, searching for hints of familiarity of the person they knew long ago. Spark having been left alone to run the bar on her own, they haven't seen each other for two years and suddenly, Kamara has returned. "The voice quipped quietly across the loud speakers. Kamara sat down across from Sparkle, the two of them staring for a moment, before Sparkle shook her head and tsked.

"Sparkle is disappointed. No letters, no calls, she's been alone all this time, and now she aims to teach Kamara a lesson." The voice said cheerfully. The wolf reached over the bar, grasping Kamara by her shirt- The lights faded out.

A new spot light appeared, this one on the stage, illuminating the polished, shiny black floor, where many a dancer had bounced and scurried to the audience's content and for yet another brief moment, nothing happened. The loud speaker came on again.

"And now- for act three....punishment." The voice quipped over the loud speaker again, before disappearing without another word- Or perhaps she did say something, but was drowned out by the cheering of a horny crowd. They became quiet again when Sparkle, dressed in black latex and walking with a springy bounce, strolled onto the stage. More catcalls, more whistles. She was carrying something- a stool, which she placed down center stage, turned around, and sat on it, crossing her legs with a latex squeak. A dominatrix. She smiled crisply, and tilted her head somewhere off the stage, staring into the inky blackness that held a mystery the audience couldn't see. For a moment, she frowned, and crossed her arms, and a second spot light hit the stage. This one was pointed towards the side exit, where Kamara slowly, bashfully, walked onto the stage. The arrogant, self-absorbed wolf had been transformed into a shy little school girl. She was dressed in a white blouse, a green necktie, a green skirt, white socks and black shoes that clicked and clacked as she took her long walk across the stage. The audience cheered and hollered, a great deal of them clapping and whistling at the second wolf who blushed heavily under their attentions. She approached Sparkle nervously, tail tucked between her legs, eyes wide, fingers of one paw rubbing the other.

"Spark..."She whispered quietly, biting her lower lip. The dominant wolf's ears perked to the hiss of her voice. "I reallllly don't want to do this." Kamara pleaded softly, eyes flickering towards the waiting crowd, then back to her friend. Her mistress. Her lover. She shuddered, hoping that Spark would understand. For one long, eternal stretch of time to Kamara, which calculated to three seconds for Spark, the dominant wolf stood up, and smiled gently. Kamara allowed herself a flicker of hope that the show would be called off, and they could sit down and talk. Sparkle smiled a tad more warmly, and the flicker started to dance and grow like flames.

"You've been a very naughty girl, Kamara. Leaving me to run the bar all by myself. All alone, not a call, not a letter- not even a damn post card. Do you know I thought you were dead? I really did." She snapped, stomping her heel into the stage with a loud CLACK. The audience was quiet. Spark's gaze fixed on Kamara, who had already taken a step back, her breathing deep, the scent of fear radiating off her like heat.

"I said I was sorry..."She hissed though gritted teeth, a sentiment heard only by the two of them. Spark smiled.

"I know. I never said I forgave you." She whispered quietly to Kamara's ultimate horror. The wolf dressed like the teenaged girl home from private school gasped in shock when the vice like grip of Spark's fingers tightened around her wrist.

"So, I think- And the audience thinks- That YOU deserve to be punished!" The wolf barked, and twisted herself around quickly, letting her hips catch the sides of the stool, sitting down, with Kamara across her lap like a little girl who'd be caught doing something naughty. Already the smaller wolf was whimpering, her body trembling, eyes wide.

"S, Spark...please..."She begged quietly. The audience was silent, watching, eyes all fixed on the position of the two wolves. With the way Sparkle was seated with Kamara on her lap, Kamara's behind was directly pointed towards the vast sea of the audience. They sat there for a few moments, the audience waiting, watching, Kamara waiting, whimpering- Spark just grinning. She was the one in control, the one calling the shots. She was relishing the situation, loving the sensations of pressure building between her legs, the gasps of the audience, and the smell of sex and fear rising from Kamara's body. She slipped a paw up, flipping the back of Kamara's skirt up over her plump, round backside, exposing a pair of bright, white panties that were much too small on the girl. More catcalls. More shrill whistles of arousal. Spark grinned. Kamara whimpered.

The first swat landed squarely on both sets of rounded globes of flesh. Kamara jerked instantly, Sparkle smiled. The crowd went wild.

"Such a BAD puppy!! How DARE you leave me behind! How DARE you have adventures with out me!" Spark growled, letting her paw raise up in a high arc, and slam down firmly across the wolf's bottom cheeks, her hips wriggling helplessly, the soft jiggles of her rump captivating the drooling minds of the audience. The room seemed to get warmer.

"I'm SORRY! Sparkle I'm so sorry! I've been a bad girl, but..."

"No! You're not sorry, but you're GOING to be sorry. I'm going to TEACH you sorry!" The angry wolf snapped, lashing Kamara's bottom firmly with a volley of slaps that jostled and jiggled the wolf's behind inside of her panties. Panties- A problem Sparkle would soon correct. Before Kamara got the chance to explain the situation, or apologize again, or really, say much of anything- Sparkle yanked the panties down, instantly mooning the audience with Karma's round, pleasantly squeezable buttocks. Kamara shrieked, her cheeks (both sets, incidentally) were flushed a deep scarlet, and she reached back helplessly, whimpering, trying to cover her bruised backside from the peering eyes of the horny audience. Sparkle smacked her paws away.

"Knock that off and hold still. You're going to make it worse if you squirm sweetie...well, worse for you- I'm sure they all want to see you squirm. DONTCHA BOYS?!" The wolf called out to the audience. The room was filled with cheers and yelps that drowned out the sound of the fingers slamming into the red tinged bottom. Kamara wiggled wildly, trying her absolute best to end the humiliating torture of a public spanking, and simply disappear into a dark corner somewhere. But that wasn't an option. Sparkle held her tightly, and despite all Kamara's efforts, her wriggling and squirming only managed to enhance the jiggles and bounces of her rear end. The cheeks bobbed and wobbled deliciously, like an erotic dance that refused to end, drawing moans and wet sounds from the watching audience. Another slap, another yelp, Kamara was in tears. Sparkle's back was straight, her finger's splayed out, her paws arced highly, and she bought her paws down in a painful slap that resounded off the walls in the room.

"Count with me folks!" The Wolf laughed loudly, Kamara whimpering, trembling, jiggling...

"ONE!" The audience cried out when the blow landed on Kamara's right round cheek.

"TWO!" They screamed, the blow landing on her left cheek.

"THREE!" Both cheeks. Kamara was blushing so hard she would put a lobster to shame in color differences.

"FOUR!" The sit spot. The lowest part of the cheeks where it was said to be the most sensitive, juuuust under the swell of flesh. Kamara squirmed madly.

"FIVE!" Another slap to the right cheek.

"SIX!" Yet another.

"SEVEN!" A slap to the left.

"EIGHT!" Another slap to the left. Both buns were bright bright bright red, the girl in Sparkle's lap crying, tears rolling down her cheeks, her thumb having long vanished into her muzzle, she glanced back over her shoulder at the crowd, who all hollered wildly at the sight of such a "little" girl, being disciplined. Spark grinned.

"NINE, TEN!!" A few furs shouted, both slaps across both cheeks. The audience quieted down when the spankings seemed to stop, Sparkle sitting quietly, looking down at Kamara, who had both eyes shut tightly, her hips trembling, her tail arched to one side.

"I think...You've had enough from me Kamara." Spark said softly, pulling the wolf to her feet. Kamara stood wobbly in front of Sparkle, sniffling quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Bend over the barstool."


The was a heavy slap that followed the question. Kamara bent over, her bottom bruised and red. Sparkle grinned and knelt down slowly, leaning against the stool that Kamara was currently positioned over, and produced a set of silver handcuffs from her side- which she promptly snapped around Kamara's paws, with the chain though the loop of one of the bars- forcing the other wolf to remain in that position. Kamara whimpered quietly, but returned to silence the moment the other wolf began talking.

"Would you just LOOK at that freshly spanked bottom?! Glorious, ain't it?" Sparkle laughed. The audience laughed too. Kamara just blushed furiously, whimpering.

"So round, and soft know what? I just...I just can't keep such a glorious behind to myself." The wolf called out. Ears perked instantly in the audience.

"I's just SUCH a delight to spank...would anyone like to try? 2 dollars a slap- 20 dollar cap." The wolf said casually. She wasn't able to count the number of paws that suddenly shot into the air, all of them holding crinkled bills in their clutches.

"SPARK! T, this wasn't...we didn't plan this! This wasn't in the script...w, what are you doing?" Kamara hissed though grit teeth. The wolf glared for a moment, then turned back towards the audience.

"Come on, don't be shy! Form a line! Step right up to the stage!" Sparkle barked happily, her tail giving a swish behind her at the sight of money being thrown at her; several, SEVERAL patrons had almost instantly formed a drunken, horny line at once side of the bar.

"S, Spark please, PLEASE don't do this to me..."

"I told you I was still mad."

"But I THOUGHT you were only acting."

"You didn't think things would go back the way they were before you left, did you?"

"But...but I thought...I thought we could...You and I...we're..."

"Shush. You'll get your chance to talk after were finished." Spark hissed quietly, forcing a smile towards the first fur that walked onto the stage, a large Border collie, who was rubbing his paws together greedily. The wolf regarded him with a grin.

"Your name sweetie?" She asked.


"LETS give a round of applause for Luke, gentlefurs and ladies! He has the exquisite pleasure and joy of being the first after me to sample that fine ass. Give her a slap...or a lick, or whatever you like. I'm selling the bitch out." Spark said, her voice suddenly turning cold. She grinned a moment, and reached down, resting her fingers along Kamara's rump, before letting them glide down a little further, sliding them over her cunny gently.

"Look at this folks. Take a good hard look right her- She's soaking, wetter than Niagara Falls. My slutty little bitch loves the attention, so give her all ya got!" The wolf shouted.

"N, no! Don't! Don't listen to her! She's out of her mind!! She's crazy!! Somebody, p, please help me!" Kamara hollered suddenly. Sparkle frowned, kneeling down again, this time, a silky, white length of cloth in her paws.

"Shhhh, no talking- just screaming." She whispered softly- And wrapped the white object firmly around Kamara's head- keeping her from speaking another word. Sparkle smiled at Luke and nodded her head.

"Go on...give her your best shot. I assure you this plump ass is more then tough enough to take whatever you can dish out." She whispered to Luke, who smiled brightly, and handed her a twenty dollar bill.

* * *

The small office was rarely used for any real business work. Signing papers and handling large amounts of money really the only reason why Sparkle ever entered the room. Oh, and to play video games. Standing at the door and looking in, there was a large, cushy looking leather couch pressed against one wall. On the floor there rested a large red rug with a big gray paw print design on the inside. To the right, there was a quietly sitting large wooden desk, with a big leather chair on the other side of it. The items on top of said desk included: A small CD player, a pencil and some pens, a pencil sharpener, a clock, a remote control, a lighter, an ashtray, and what looked like a Gamecube. Behind the desk and the chair rested a brown book shelf with several books inside of it.

At the moment, Kamara way lying on the couch, her eyes closed, a bright red sweater over her upper body, and absolutely nothing below. She was naked from the waist down, her rump slightly elevated from pillows under her crotch, a bag of ice cooling atop the angry scarlet shaded furry cheeks of her rump. She scowled at the wolf counting money at the desk across from her.

"That really hurt Sparkle."

"I'm sure it did sweetie- they were going at you like crazy. We really riled them up."

"...Sparkle...I...I'm so sorry I didn't call, or write, and you don't know how muc-"

"Save it."

"Wh, what?"

"I don't wanna hear it. I don't know how I feel about that just yet...I mean, I'm really glad to have you back Kamara, but..." The manager of the club sighed, swiveling around in her chair for a moment, before throwing her feet up onto her desk.

"But...I just want to know if...If there was ever a way we could..."

"Be together again? I don't know. That's one of those things I don't feel like rushing into right now...You still seem like the same Kamara I remember...but you're different."

"You're different too."

"I am...but apparently, you still like rough sex." Sparkle giggled quietly, forcing a deep cheery red blush from Kamara's cheeks.

"I...Do not." She whispered quietly. Sparkle grinned, climbing to her feet. She strolled quietly over to the couch and knelt down beside the aching wolf.

"You came at LEAST 15 times while they were spanking you silly. I watched, I smelled it, they smelled it. Who are you trying to kid?" She teased. Kamara blushed even harder, turning her head away for a moment, before erupting in a soft string of giggles.

"That was a nice touch-everybody spanking me-...I really didn't expect it." She admitted after a few seconds, Sparkle grinned.

"I figured you would like it. You've always been a sucker for a rough fuck. But maybe we took that too far."

"I won't be able to sit for a week."

"That's no different form the way we used to horse around." Spark grinned. Kamara smiled softly, nodding, her eyes sparkling with warm memories of time spent together with her favorite wolf. Spark sighed softly, standing up suddenly.

"You should get some rest...take a few days off to rest your tushy...I don't want to see you here tomorrow." Sparkle chimed quietly. Kamara smiled gently and tugged a pillow under her head, giving a soft, happy sigh. Spark sighed too, resting against her desk, watching her former mate absorb the coolness of the melting ice around her rump. Her mate suddenly returning to her after years of absence without a word. She managed to make over six hundred dollars off of a whim of an idea she had while performing a show. And her performance tonight was such a success that she was tinkering with the idea of making it a regular thing. The wolfess sighed, glancing down at Kamara, who was now sleeping quietly on the couch.

"I'm so glad you came back to me Kamara..." Sparkle whispered softly, feeling the familiar sensation of tears racing down her cheeks. OH, how good it felt, when everything was in place, and the world seemed to give you a hug. The wolf sighed and stood up, slowly returning to the leather chair on the other side of the room, and sunk into it, determined to keep a silent visual on her beloved until she woke. The strange occurrences of the night should have bothered her, but they didn't. Things had a strange way of beginning and wrapping themselves up around the bar. Everything was suddenly going the way she wanted, and Sparkle closed her eyes gently, lulled to sleep by the gentle sound of Kamara's breathing. And here is where we leave the two, sleeping softly, dreaming of being held in the other's arms. And until they wake up, the world will remain perfect, a loving and warm place. The patrons would never know, the rest of the staff would never know how much they longed for each other. The night was a night of reunion and love and understanding, but to everyone else:

It was just another night in Beautiful Twilight.