Family Days 32

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#32 of Family Days

Marion is off for work, and that leaves his two guys all alone: helpless, isolated, lonely, forgotten, vulnerable to the cruelties of life! Well, at least that's how he sees it at points. That mind set makes it no easier to say good-bye though, even if only for what is a relatively short period of time. The reassurances from his boyfriend manage to help, but at the end, the embraces for his departure don't make him wish to leave any sooner.

For Ben though, he is about half as confident as he appears: saying it'll be a great time for 'guy bonding'--that's what the pups still call it, right? are back! Yay...sort of...I guess : It took a night of not being able to sleep, but something kicked me and I at least got this part done, so i wanted to show it to ya'll...I know I'm a horrible guy in my 'time-line' sort of excuse for it. I do hope you are still enjoying the series! Sorry for my laughable timing of these things. I promise...even if it takes years...I'll get better....maybe O.o


"Ok, now, you two are sure you'll be alright?" Marion asked, looking between them anxiously. He quickly shouldered his bag again, just to unshoulder it and put it back away, only so he could grab onto it--he knew he had to leave. Truthfully, he was anxious to leave. Just the other night he'd realized he was really going to be on his own, and to his surprise, for at least an instant, he felt a bit happy for that. It would be different and perhaps even a bit relaxing, but his nerves were still more than frayed.

"Of course Marion, it's fine," Ben said with a smirk, his arms crossed over his chest as if he couldn't believe the wolf was still worried about this. He wouldn't dare let on about his own worries about the week though--not with Marion still so nervous.

Chis nodded, though was still looking around the apartment. It was his first time seeing Ben's place--though honestly with how often the bear stayed over he wondered just how well the bear himself knew the place. It was a silly thought though, the bear wasn't over that often--well, not for nights at least. He subtly moved over to a coffee table, examining a set of small trinkets the bear had set out.

Well, set out was putting it nicely. He knew his father would've had everything in a stern order, but by the looks of things Ben was quite like himself. Was that a great thing--at least for a bear who was an adult? There didn't quite seem to be any order of decoration, nor thought given to such. Not to say there wasn't decoration, there was quite a bit. Just that Chris wasn't quite sure how any of it was matched. He was sure it did in Ben's mind, or maybe he just needed to know the bear more to understand how a disco ball on the cabinet went with the lamp filled with seashells. Then again, much like his father, the bear was gay--obviously--and weren't they supposed to be good with design? Even as he thought it he knew it was a foolish stereotype.

At his left he could hear his father still talking, but it was mostly to Ben now, well, all to Ben actually: something about making sure there was fresh milk in the house. He moved away from the table to inspect the newest object of interest: a small green box. There wasn't anything particular about the box, much like most of the things in Ben's apartment, it was simply there. For a brief moment Chris couldn't help but wonder how his father so easily had no qualms about the bear's lack of style, and then for another moment wondered if perhaps his own lack of style helped or was a familiarity in that respect.

The thought never quite matured, though he was also sure there wasn't much maturity for it to reach either. Next, and strangely, he was sure he stumbled upon an actually important item; not that he wasn't sure each hung or set item didn't have its own purpose. Of course, he still wasn't quite sure what purpose the stepping stool served--at least not in the middle of the room.

The current object however seemed to have an obvious point. For one reason or another, Chris thought about an alternative world--where Ben was his father and he was the younger bear in the picture next to Ben. Or maybe that was just because his latest game was all about alternative worlds and time travel; yeah, that was probably it. More importantly he realized he'd made a mistake though; the younger bear in the picture was not some random fur. Odd as it was, he knew he was looking at a young Ben; and the bear he'd mistaken was actually Ben's father.

The younger looking Ben in it took him by surprise. Even though he knew Ben wasn't exactly 'old' right now, he could tell that quite a bit of time had passed since the picture. The bear looked closer to his own age--which Chris found weird to think about. A look of slight shock and unknowing came across him at how a light was shining of a part of the a picture--one that wasn't from the room, but something that had flashed from Ben: an earring. The silver stud had a very obvious, in-your-face shine about it; the entire way Ben seemed to carry himself was different--as if one picture could show all of that.

It was the only picture of Ben he'd seen that gave him the slightest inkling the bear was gay, of course he had to admit the 'pride' necklace around his neck helped--well, aside from one his father kept where the two were cheek to cheek. Or any numerous ones where the two had their arms around the other....

Of course, it wasn't like the ear ring made him gay, right? No, it just had a bit of a stereotype with it perhaps. The bear didn't look bad with it, just a bit, strange.

The bear himself looked different though. Slowly he became aware of more elements in the picture, like the fact that Ben was wearing a graduation gown, though he had it unzipped. It seemed like a college one, but it was what lay underneath that was truly shocking--truly unlike Ben; a sight he wasn't very prepared for.

No flannel.

The bear looked so unlike a lumberjack, instead just wearing jeans and a regular shirt. For anyone else it would've been just a picture, but when he considered how few times he'd seen the bear dress without his current style it was most certainly odd. He had to agree with his father--Ben certainly had a tendency to look like he'd be more comfortable cutting trees than diluting acids and bases.

Ben didn't have a gut either--which was odd. Chris leaned closer and his ears flickered in curiosity at the sight. It made Ben, well, not quite look like the Ben he knew. Not unhealthy, or even healthier, just different. Glancing over, he wondered when it was the bear really became like he was at the moment: perhaps while snaking and grading papers? He looked strong in both images--one seemed like a strong from the gym, the other just a natural strength though. He liked the Ben talking with his father much more--he looked gentler.

Chris snuffled while staring at the picture--now turning his attention on the other furs in it. Ben's father looked a lot like Ben; flannel and all.

That made him snuffle again. Maybe he changed his style to be more like his dad? He said his parents passed away... he thought before noticing a pair of eyes on him: Ben's. He let out a small 'hmph' as if he'd only just seen the picture and moved on--feeling like he'd invaded the bear's private life just then, but not wanting to seem timid about it either.

The bear was going to be with him this week, there was nothing he could do about that; he'd just have to deal with it. Or maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he'd find the bear's company enjoyable, though that thought seemed odd to him. He liked Ben, the bear was cool--as far as teachers went.

Maybe they would grow close? Chris snuffled again and wondered what exactly that was supposed to mean. He knew his father wanted him to be close to Ben, but how was he supposed to do that? The bear wasn't his family, the bear was his father's boyfriend, and his teacher; not his father, and never his mother.

That was a part of it he knew. His mother. She was his parent, the other side to Marion that fit in his mind. Ben didn't fit there, not quite like his mother. But he does...he loves Dad and they get along together...while he and my mom didn't stay together. Ben makes him happy...they're a unit all the way.....but he's not...he can't be Mom... but it doesn't have to be Mom, does it? He's Ben. Ben and only Ben...I know he isn't trying to replace her... he was thinking before being snapped from thought at the mention of his name.

"...and Chris doesn't have any allergies,"

"I know that Marion...from when you mentioned it ten minutes ago,"

Marion bit his lip and shot the bear a slight glare, but it couldn't hold--it turned to an insecure look quickly enough. He would've much preferred being brought into his lover's arms and held tightly--told that nothing could go wrong, but he was glad for the paw on his shoulder. At least that way he got to look tough and in charge for Chris. The paw squeezed him lightly and Ben's eyes made him feel better immediately. "Don't worry Marion...everything will be fine, OK?"

"Yeah...I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" Chris asked with a small smile, throwing himself into the conversation again. By the sudden look that ran over his father's features, he really wished he hadn't asked the question though--even if he was slightly curious what came to mind.

"Nothing is the right answer," Ben answered quickly enough with a chuckle. "Well, nothing but some good ol' quality bonding time,"

Bonding time. Chris's ears flickered rapidly against his head at that. While he knew it wasn't a lie, it seemed strange to him too. He felt like 'bonding time' with Ben was something that they would've done in the woods, at a lake while fishing and talking--a nearly idyllic scene it seemed. Even if he knew Ben wasn't exactly the nature type. But he wondered if Ben would've gone camping with him--for his sake?

Marion laughed a little, but couldn't help but feel nervous ever still. His son hadn't agreed to he 'bonding time' thing, though Chris seemed to be off in his own world at the moment too. He felt like he could've leaned in and kissed the bear, but didn't want to chance it.

Chris stared at Ben, feeling a bit caught between what to feel. Was there something to do this week, or would it just be school as usual--just without his father? What if Ben didn't want anything to do with him? Am I not overthinking this....I'm assuming Ben even cares about me. He likes my dad...I could just be an attatchment to that...nothing else...

Like much of his thoughts for the day Chris shook it away, knowing it was true. If anyone has issues with it's me. He wants to get to know me more...Dad said so...

Ben shuffled lightly under the pup's gaze, but also tensed a little--or perhaps he posed somewhat. He tried to look more imposing, but accepting; strong, but not overbearing; he tried to look like a parental figure he guessed. Though he didn't know if Chris would ever see him as such.

"OK..." Marion said, looking between the two still and smiling a little--even if he wans't sure if they were having a staring contest or not. "Well...umm...I guess I'll be off if there's nothing left to do,"

Chris's attention snapped onto his father and he felt his throat tighten. He wasn't sure what to do with his father leaving, much less how to act with Ben for a week. The actions were taken from him though, when his father moved over and pulled him closer. His own arms quickly found their way around his father--though he forced himself not to hold on. At least not too much.

"Bye Pup...I'll see you in a week, OK?" Marion asked, rubbing his paw up and down the pup's back.

"OK...." Chris replied, returning the hug and wondering just what this would be like. This would be the first time without his father near him--at least after they finally came together. Sure they may have gone a day without seeing one another if he went to a friend's, but they both knew they'd see one another very soon. Knowing that that 'very soon' was now a week; well, it was daunting. The distance far between them didn't help at all.

He'd been excited though. He was still excited--in a way. He was going to be on his own--sort of. Sure, Ben would still be there, but he had freedom. It was no surprise he had to have a chaperon of some sort. The best part was no doubt that he'd still get to stay home. But he wasn't sure what to expect of the bear.

Of course he didn't plan to try and walk all over the bear, though a part of him was sure he could if he wanted to. But what if the bear was a control freak? A quick look around the room sent that thought away; the bear seemed to not have much need for 'control' as far as his environment went.

It seemed both the wolves waited for the other to let go. After a minute Marion pulled away and rubbed his son's head playfully, "Now, if Ben gives you any trouble--you don't have to do your homework,"

Chris smiled a little and his ears flickered on his head, "Heh..."

"Well, that's certainly not true," Ben said from the side, frowning at Marion, "And who the end of the week maybe I'll have Chris realizing that he's been living under a rule of tyranny all this time,"

Marion scowled playfully back at the bear, "Don't let him go too crazy without me, OK?"

Ben chuckled lowly and nodded, "I won't," he replied, knowing the wolf was joking and at the same time understanding that he was being trusted so grandly. After all, the wolf was leaving Chris with him--that said a lot, right? Of course it did. After all, hadn't he spent hours upon hours upon hours listening to Marion talk about the pup--his shining star and greatest gift in life? Or at least, that was the way Marion made it seem, and he didn't blame the wolf, he knew Chris was the wolf's most prized person in his heart--even if he got a nice spot there too. He had to have such; if the wolf would dare to trust him like this, after all, he'd heard Marion talk about flying back and forth each day, as crazy as it seemed.

Marion moved over to the bear, and set his paws on Ben's side, smiling up at him. After a moment he leaned up and kissed the bear gently on the lips--leaving their goodbye at that. It didn't end immediately though, and he stayed for a few moments, letting a sigh escape him as he did. He wouldn't have minded going for something a bit heavier, but more than that he didn't want to embarrass Chris. He knew the pup was OK with him and Ben, but he also knew that didn't mean it would be fine to just snog with the bear in front of his son either. After all, if Chris was like him then the pup would've been just as embarrassed and flustered by that as he had been when he was a pup and his parents had done it.

"Be careful, OK?" Ben asked, smilingly gently down at the wolf. He nudged their muzzles together once, enjoying the touch.

"I will be...but I'm more worried about you two,"

"You have nothing to be worried just be careful on t road, OK?"

"I will be," Marion replied, pulling back from Ben and hating every moment of it. He looked over at Chris and smiled at how the pup wasn't really looking at them--but still kept them in his peripheral. A stray glance and their eyes met again, and he tried to smiled as encouragingly as he could.

"You'll be back in a week, right?" Chris asked, trying to sound matter of fact about it and not like he was looking for reassurance it wouldn't be longer.

"Just about six days...I won't be long," Marion said.

Chris opened his mouth to reply, but quickly shut it and nodded, looking away again, unsure what there was for him to say. His throat constricted again when he saw his father throw the travel bag over his shoulder--and yet again when they were at the door. It didn't get any better as they got to the cars: one bound for home, and another for far away. One with his father, and one without.

The embrace came yet again. The final goodbye. It's not the final's only a week...just a week, I'm fine... Chris told himself again, but it didn't quite work. It was difficult. He felt his paws grip at the shirt his father was wearing and he couldn't help but to bury his face in his father's chest--not wanting to be seen with teary eyes.

Ben didn't expect to feel his own throat constrict during the departure, but it happened anyhow. He couldn't help it--seeing the two wolves embrace again. Still, he managed a smile too, it was touching, very touching.

"I'll miss you," Chris managed to get out, his voice a bit shaky, and nothing like how he wanted to sound as he said goodbye.

"I'll miss you too Pup..."

His father's voice wasn't that much more secure. And it made him feel better in a way. Chris nuzzled his father, let out a sigh, and let go. It hurt a bit, but it too made him feel better in a strange way. His father would go now, and he wouldn't see him for some nights, and then they would reunite he knew. He managed a smile even, the smiling face of his dad helped though.

"I'll be in the car," Chris said, and moved off--quickly getting into the bear's car, knowing he didn't want another goodbye or to extend it any. And it would also give his dad and Ben a chance to say good-bye; he knew they were different when he watched.

And so it left the two alone, if only for a moment. Marion smiled at Ben and shrugged his shoulders, "Pups...right?"

"I don't know, I think I saw two pretty emotional wolves right then..." Ben said with a smirk, taking his chance to bring Marion into his arms. He kept his back to the window of his car, to block the view, though he knew the pup could tell they hugged. But the next part was what mattered. A sigh of relief flowed into his muzzle at the kiss--a true and proper one--and paws gripped at him roughly. He held it for a few moments, not sure he wanted to let go either, but quickly enough ending it.

"I love you so much Ben," Marion rasped.

Ben chuckled a little and nuzzled the wolf, "And I love you so very much too," he replied, guessing the emotional toll in it for Marion was quite a lot higher than what he thought was a 'I'll see you in a week' kiss. He tried to understand as best he could though, and for the most part, he was sure he did. He understood how difficult it was for Marion to turn around and get in the car, how hard it was to drive out of the parking lot. And a part of him wondered if it was as difficult for him. Getting in the car and smiling brightly at the pup, " don't have any you?"

It caused a light smile and a laugh. And Ben kept his smile as well...Damn it! Marion told me he didn't! Bu--but he thinks it was a joke........OK...I, uhh...I think I got this...