Kal/Daz's Sultry Jungle Hideaway, Part 4/5

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#4 of Kalenidus & Dazen's Sultry Jungle Hideaway

If the anticipation is getting to all of you as much as it is to me, you're probably on pins and needles for part 5--which I assure you is the best of them all--so I'm planning to release it tonight. Remember, choose three of the parts that you think should be illustrated! Your votes could determine what spicy scenes make it onto some excellent artwork.

Two hours later, they'd cleaned up--both from the smoothies and from the semen. They'd showered together, but both were so mushy from the afterglow's oxytocin that they did little more than soap-enhanced copped feels and slick bodyrubs while in there. Despite the overall horniness inherent for the two hybrids, somehow the timing didn't strike them as needing sex again so soon, by some kind of tacit agreement. It had been a long, luxurious shower, cut short only when the water pressure seemed to drop--Kalen had a feeling that the water purifier probably had its limits, and they'd found them.

After drying off and donning some clothing for habit's sake, they'd examined the purifier together, and while they found nothing clogging it, it did still appear to have a limited flow rate--a fact Kalen decided he'd have to keep in mind in the future.

"Now then," said Kalen as they returned to the living room, "I'm going to need you to keep busy in the entertainment room until I'm done making dinner. That time we had on the hammock was excellent, so I'm gonna pull out some serious stops for dinner and I want it to be a surprise. Granted, I can't keep the smell out of your nose, but still...no peeking."

Dazen ruffled the smaller hybrid's hair. "Fine, Kal, I get the picture. I'll just be in there playing with my massive dick while you slave in the kitchen--don't mind me." He ambled off methodically, an evil grin spreading across his face. He took it a step further by loudly unzipping the front of his pants, at which point he thought he could hear Kalen's jaw drop audibly.

Kalen stood there for a moment, somewhat dumbstruck by the capability and casual eagerness of the larger male to tease him. "...showoff," he grumbled under his breath. "Now I'm gonna be distracted all through making dinner..." Already images of the larger mercenary stroking his own shaft with delight were dashing unbidden through his imagination, and he had a feeling it wasn't going to get any better...

Dazen first checked the feeds, just to see if their mysterious potential customer might have decided to finalize the deal. It appeared that the anonymous patron hadn't taken any action, so he left the connection on idle refresh, intending to check it once or twice more before dinner with ease. It sounded a bit like Kalen was going to be a while in finishing it, after all, from his words, and already considerable cooking noises were coming from the kitchen...

He noted as he moved around the room to survey what they'd brought that a breeze appeared to be moving through his pants; he remembered that he'd been intending to merely tease Kalen with the sound of opening them, but then he mentally shrugged and withdrew his member from within the folds of his trousers. He wasn't intending to have a good wank then and there, since Kalen would probably plan/demand to have more sex some time after dinner, what with the scale it looked like it was going to be, but there was nothing wrong with idly playing with the erogenous flesh while he did something else.

By that point in time, game consoles tended to be exclusively data-based--there were no discs or cartridges to carry around, since people were getting too good at taking the programs off those solid media and creating copies anyway. Instead, they generally used complicated systems of encryption and access control to prevent people who didn't legitimately own the game from playing it. Though there were still ways around the process--as always--it was surprisingly secure, in part because many gamers figured it wasn't worth the effort to gain such access without cost.

The problem with this is that it meant that games had to be transferred to a console each time you played them somewhere new, and Dazen wasn't sure if Kalen had loaded anything onto the console he'd hooked up in the room. Still, there was no harm in trying...and he could probably hook the computer feeds up to the console, too, if no games were loaded already, even if it would be slower than the average connection to the Internet, what with all the encryption and so forth...

He stepped forward from the couch, transferring his weight in that direction without ever coming to a proper standing position, using his arm to bridge the gap between him and the console's perch near the display, the other arm's hand remaining grasped loosely around his flaccid member. He scooped up one of the controllers adjacent to the console after the box turned on, settling back into the couch again while the display warmed up, having automatically detected the information coming from the console on its own. To his surprise, the console displayed a fairly wide range of games--not all the ones they had at home, but still quite a complement--including some that he'd not played before. The liguar's attention to detail had apparently not failed him in this regard...so, on a pleased note, he was able to boot up something he'd never tried and give it a first spin. He selected an RPG, because he did too much shooting in real life to get much of a kick out of that kind of game in one-player modes. When he was playing with Kalen, it was often a different story, however...

It turned out to be one with a surprisingly involving storyline--even for someone with Dazen's discriminating standards; he relinquished the hold on his member as he became somewhat enraptured with the gameplay, using both hands on the controller instead. He wondered briefly at one point if perhaps Kalen had tried it already and had loaded it onto the console with the intention that Dazen would try it for himself, but aside from that he had little internal disruption from the course of the game until he heard Kalen calling him to dinner.

"Hey! Cock-whacker! You gonna get in here and eat or what?" Kalen's tone was somewhat facetious, as he wouldn't ever address Dazen that disrespectfully in seriousness; the two would know easily that it was simply his way of poking fun at Dazen for his earlier sultry tease.

It took Dazen a moment to register that he'd been spoken to, as he was rather absorbed in the game. "Mm...what, Kal?"

"I said, put down your dick and come eat this feast I whipped up for ya!" There was a clatter of something raucous--possibly cookware in the sink.

Dazen popped the game onto save-and-off, a handy feature that had taken eons to develop, and tossed the controller aside himself on the couch as he stood up to return to the kitchen. He decided that it wouldn't be worthwhile to wander back out there with his dick flopping out of his pants, so he tucked himself back in and zipped back up just before Kalen could see him.

He scarcely recognized the table; there were a pair of elaborate candlesticks set atop it that Dazen had never seen before, presumably transmuted from heavens-only-knew-what, each one aside a massive platter of a sliced roast meat entrée, itself lavished with potatoes, herbs, and a brown gravy. Aside it were rolls made from the other half of last night's herb bread dough, proofed and baked fresh for this evening's meal. For a pungent contrast to the savory meat and gravy, parmesan-crusted creamed corn was set further down the table in the ceramic vessel in which it had been broiled. And there waiting, hand atop the back of the chair at the head of the table, which had been pulled out in preparation for Dazen's arrival, was Kalen himself, tail lazily flicking behind him.

Dazen stopped and stared at the table for a few moments, prompting Kalen to pipe up: "And in case your eyes might be bigger than your stomach, be sure to save room for dessert, because I whipped up something for that, too."

"Jeeze, Kal, this is an incredible spread," said Dazen, incredulity not something commonly in his voice despite hints of it showing at the moment. He moved towards the table, wrapping an arm around the liguar's back lightly and giving him a kiss atop the crown of his head.

Kalen returned the half-embrace with his own arm, grinning partially out of embarrassment and partially in thanks for the compliment. "Let's just hope it tastes as good as it looks, then. At least we should have enough, if nothing else..." He turned casually out of their single-axis bond and took a seat adjacent to Dazen's chair; Dazen, taking the cue, did the same in his own.

They worked on shuffling plates and bowls back and forth so that they could both try all of the dishes they wanted straight away. There wouldn't be any point in hesitating, anyway; despite his intermittent humble flashes, both Kalen and Dazen knew that the liguar was an excellent chef; a meal like this, despite having a lot of portions, was made of comparatively simple parts, and the hardest part would simply be Kalen accommodating his techniques to the limited facilities afforded by their cabin's kitchen.

One bite was more than enough to tell that Kalen had triumphed yet again. The roast was tender and juicy, yet spiked with the savory herbs Kalen had hand-blended just for the occasion. The gravy added a layer of robust flavor to the meat, while the creamed corn was a mixture of the pungent parmesan cheese on top and the sweet corn and cream inside. And the potatoes, light and fluffy as they were due to Kalen's fastidious whipping, turned out to be accented with garlic, making their normally-bland disposition enlivened.

"Oh man," said Dazen, "Kal, this is--guk--" He gurgled briefly, then coughed a couple times. "Sorry, was chokin' on my drool there. This is really, really good."

Kalen chuckled. "Too busy droolin' on the meal to talk properly, eh?"

Dazen tilted his head aside, gazing askance at the liguar with a slightly retort-like expression on his face. "Between that and the cook, it's a wonder I'm not drowning in my own spit."

"My, what a flatterer!" said Kalen. "One might think you wanted into my pants or something!" His facial expression made it seem like it was requiring no small degree of effort to keep from winking broadly.

"Heh," said Dazen, "I think it was the other way around. Aren't I supposed to be having sex with you for this? Not that it isn't worth it, by the way."

Kalen waved the last few fingers on the hand that was holding his knife; he would have waved the whole hand, but he, too, was enjoying the meal extremely much and was scarcely sparing time to talk between mouthfuls, so he wasn't about to put down the utensil for the slightly comedic gesture. "Oh, don't worry about that part. It'll be our digestive course, or something."

Dazen wasn't really sure what a "digestive course" was, to be honest, but he let it go. He figured it would be something in the vicinity of dessert, which was good--sex was great, but this food was almost just as good. But, unlike sex, stomachs had a fixed capacity, whereas the number of "courses" of intimacy depended entirely on endurance...

Mouthfuls of food, compliments, occasional idle chatter, and a scattered few sweet nothings later, the table more closely resembled the remains of a food fight, as the plates were largely devoured clean of their original contents. Dazen's legendary appetite had been the conqueror of much of the prolific spread, but Kalen had certainly tucked into the meal with a will as well.

Yet the disposition of the meal was now scarcely upon their minds, as Dazen had just thanked the liguar again for the meal verbally...and was now doing so without the use of words as well. The two were in a glorious embrace of their muzzles, so far light but deepening with each passing moment. The taste of the meal ran like an undertone to the dance of their tongues, the two extensions of flesh flowing and ebbing from one mouth to the other.

Their arms had begun at the levels of their shoulders as they'd drawn close for the kiss, but now that they were close, that became less of an issue; their hands wandered like vagrants, Dazen's large and heavy hands stroking over Kal's toned and limber body, while the spotted digits of the liguar ran over and between the corrugations of the larger mercenary's physique.

Then there was a moment, a strange and silent moment in which they both acknowledged wordlessly what was to come next. Kalen shifted in his seat, scooting closer with his hips towards Dazen's body, while Dazen scooped his hands downward, taking the smaller hybrid up into his arms, unhurried, their mouths meeting and coming away as though they had all the time in the world, over and over again, as though each kiss was the first.

A movement of Dazen's foot moved the deserted chair away from it with a hum of protest upon the floor, but neither of them paid it more than the most perfunctory notice, so lost they were in the mystery of the sweet, solitary moment. Dazen's steps were slow as he carried his smaller partner towards his bedroom, pace of steps methodical but strides long to take advantage of his sizable stature.

And then they were there, Kalen feeling his body being let down towards earth, his back descending into the puffy softness of Dazen's bedspread. For a few moments the decadent kisses continued, some of them straying around the liguar's head and neck as the larger mercenary was craned over him, bent at the waist to bring his head in close, but gradually they became more close, more intimate, as Dazen maneuvered his ponderous frame onto the bed surface alongside the liguar.

The position was a bit of a surprise at first, as Kalen had been expecting Dazen to penetrate him then and there, on his back, but that moment never came to pass. He found himself turning quite willingly onto his side, keeping him face-to-face with Dazen as Dazen reclined. But he found the kisses lapsed to his surprise, and Dazen turned over, his back to Kalen as the liguar remained in place.

His eyelids lifted in mildly lust-glazed stupor, puzzlement evident upon his face. "What--what are you doing, Daz?"

There was a slow, noncommittal shrug of those massive shoulders, and the larger mercenary turned his head slightly aside, as though speaking over his shoulders in an unenthusiastic fashion. "Well, I figured I've done a lot of stuff today, so I'm going to let you do the work on this one, for a change..."

The thought was both strange and extremely rare. Dazen virtually never allowed Kal to top him, and yet here he seemed to be, offering it up, in his own machismo-sparing sort of way. "Uh--you mean you--?"

"Get to work, Kal," said Dazen flatly, not allowing further debate. "Or I might change my mind."

Kalen blinked a few times, processing the thought. "You got it!" he said, his enthusiasm causing his voice to nearly crack. He'd certainly not expected the possibility that was now laid out before him, both literally and figuratively.

The first order of business was to get the clothing out of the way, for both of them--but especially for Dazen, as Kalen's apron was an easy removal. He leaned in close, half-reclining along Dazen's body as he reached over the mercenary with both arms, hands homing in upon the snap of button-hole closure of Dazen's pants. Dazen responded in turn by propping himself up on an elbow, raising his hips so that Kalen could shimmy them off of the angle of his hips--the rest would be much easier to deal with, by comparison.

Kalen dexterously used his thumb and index on each hand to address the closure, the remaining fingers on each sensuously kneading the fabric on either side of the zipper--and the sensitive flesh underneath. The metal piece came loose from the incision in the fabric and the zipper yielded no resistance once Kalen pulled its tab, the rhythmic sound of the metal teeth parting a quiet purr with the unhurried pace at which Kalen was opening it.

Dazen reached around with his free arm to help shimmy the waist of the pants downward, knowing that the angle at which he was laying wasn't going to make it as easy, what with gravity working against the effort rather than aiding it, as it would were he standing. He used his thumb to help bring his boxers down as well; it would be worth it to not have to squirm his feet out of clothing two times rather than once, even if it might deny Kalen some of the underwear play he often reveled in when he shared more intimate moments with Dazen. Once it got near his knees, he could no longer reach with his arms, but the distance from his hips made it possible to employ the strength of his tail instead.

With Dazen's clothing attended to, Kalen's remaining necessity was to get the apron off his body; he mentally thanked himself for having removed the other articles of clothing prior to cooking. It could get warm in the kitchen, after all, and for all he knew, they might have simply dispensed with a bed and done it there and then, bent over the countertops...he began to undo the strings in the back--they somehow always got tangled, no matter what knot he used--and Dazen turned over partway, one of his large hands turning over partway and drawing fine traceries with a single clawtip along the liguar's neck, eliciting soothing tingles. When Kalen finally finished getting the knot undone--not that Dazen's lovely tendings were making it any quicker, but it certainly made him want to finish sooner--Dazen's hand turned over and picked up the neck loop of the apron, lifting it up and over Kalen's head while Kalen scooped up the rest. Dazen relinquished it to the spotty hybrid and turned back over onto his side, letting Kalen do the honors of tossing it off the end of the bed.

Kalen was half-hard already with anticipation and seeing the massive hybrid's body in its lovely unclothed state, but it simply wouldn't be enough, not close enough to perfection to be worth delving into that wonderful body just yet, and so instead he snuggled in close, grinding his loins against Dazen's rump and the base of his tail, the solidity of the mercenary's gluteal muscles a counterpoint to the velvety softness of the fur surrounding that buried pucker. After propping up his torso with one arm to give him enough altitude for his intents, he wrapped the other arm up and over the wide upper torso of the larger hybrid, its hand going immediately for the massive chest muscles veiled in ivory fur. Each one was a wide and prominent expanse, and he certainly loved to feel them up, as they retained a juicy firmness even when not in use, but were like wrapped marble when tensed. Either way, they held a sculpted beauty that was impossible to ignore.

Dazen lowered his down-side arm, knowing that his larger stature would make it harder for the hybrid to reach around him if he was propped up. The free hand reached up to interlock fingers with the liguar's from above, letting him feel for himself whatever it would be that his smaller partner was attempting to feel up, while the one now released from support duty angled downward to his own loins, stroking that velveteen sheath with the intent to free up its contents. He knew it'd be hard soon, anyway--sex tended to have that effect--but he wanted to have that much opportunity for stimulation that much sooner.

It wasn't long before Kalen's shaft came to its full hardness, especially because he loved little romantic things like what Dazen had just done. He lamented for the fact that he'd no lube on hand, but he figured he'd probably be fine soon enough, considering that he could feel traces of his air-cooled pre that had come away on the fur of Dazen's rump as he moved his cock. "Get ready..." he said to Dazen, knowing that for someone who was virtually never on the receiving end of such things, this would probably be a little painful. Dazen, after all, was far more experienced at penetrated others--and who could blame him, with a glorious body and assets like those of the built mercenary?

Dazen took in a slow breath as he felt that solid spire angle into place behind his rear entrance. He'd let Kalen top him once before, and he hadn't counted on doing it again, but the romance of this weekend getaway that Kalen had gone to such lengths to prepare for him was getting to him, and he'd decided that this would help relate the magnitude of his thankfulness. He mentally attempted to focus on the same tips he gave others with little experience with bottoming, such as preparing to push outward, and relaxing as best he could. He was thankful, in a corner of his mind, that Kalen was smaller in stature than himself; were it someone as large--in all senses of the word--as himself, this would be a lot more painful...he felt that pinching feeling of the tight ring in his backside being forced open by the intrusion of Kalen's blood-hardened shaft, and he drew in breath, doing his best to prevent himself from letting out a hiss that would betray that initial discomfort. He still had a macho image to keep up, after all...

Kalen let out a pleased murr as that tight passageway slowly enfolded him with bliss. While memories of the last time Dazen had let him do this remained quite fresh in his memory, memory alone could never do justice to the immensity of the pleasure such experiences brought him firsthand. He pushed in slowly--mostly due to how strongly he could feel that entrance resisting his efforts involuntarily, knowing how painful it probably was for Dazen accordingly--but didn't let up, delving himself inward until his softly-furred sac came to rest against Dazen's perineum, captive between their respective bodies. He hesitated there for a while, in part due to the fact that he wanted Dazen to be able to adjust to this intrusion upon his body, and in part because that simple state, that being within his partner-turned-lover, was a delight in and of itself, inspiring a sense of togetherness and devotion that a romantic like Kalen found intoxicating in a heady sort of way.

The pain slowly subsided to a remnant ache within Dazen's rear as his efforts to relax his internal muscles bore fruit. He knew the rest would fade to the point that pleasure would easily drown it out, if any even remained, but for now he did his best to focus his attention elsewhere, intending to at least direct his consciousness further towards what satisfaction he could derive from the moment. But rather than let Kalen ask him when he was ready, he decided to take the initiative: "Okay, Kal...gimme all you got." A challenge was always a sure way to squeeze performance out of the liguar, and while this one was somewhat indirect, he knew it would still achieve the desired effect.

And indeed, Kalen found it setting off in his mind several imperatives; while he'd certainly meant all along to give this hulking mercenary a night to remember, the directive upped the priority of the matter, while also letting him know that Dazen seemed to be asking for it rough. Sure, it made sense, as the larger hybrid wasn't quite as much of a romantic softie as Kalen--and especially when bottoming, as that could already be interpreted as a hit to his machismo--but at the same time he didn't know yet if Dazen felt comfortable with the pain levels. He patted Dazen's body much like a teammate might clap another on the back. "You bet I will, Daz...you won't regret this."

He reached down with their interlocked hands, brushing Dazen's away so that he could use that double-wide assemblage of digits to pleasure the sensitive spire that much more effectively, while he squirmed his other arm around a bit to afford him proper leverage with which to thrust strongly into the larger hybrid. He withdrew somewhat slowly, knowing that the first few thrusts would be somewhat painful, and again pushed in, picking up speed gradually over the next few movements that followed. He could feel it becoming slicker as his movements spread his slowly-extruding pre-ejaculate around inside Dazen's passages, and it made the feeling more delightful to him with the extra dimension of sensation it afforded.

Dazen, too, was thankful for the natural lubricant his smaller partner was providing; the pain was ebbing more significantly as uncomfortable friction gave way to more pleasurable sliding feelings. And while he'd challenged the liguar, he was glad Kalen still had the sensibility to build up, as he knew from experience that Kalen could muster quite a lot of passion; such a torrent unleashed upon his relatively inexperienced rear would have doubtless left him in pain for much longer during, and possibly after, their sordid encounter.

Soon, though, Kalen had reached a plateau of intensity that he'd likely be able to keep up indefinitely--or at least until his arm went numb from holding him up atop the soft bed. He tilted his head up as he continued to swirl their interlaced fingers over and around the hardened shaft between them, and spoke gently towards Kalen's ear, though their position prevented him from doing so as closely and quietly as he'd have liked: "Does it hurt any more?"

The pain had mostly disappeared for Dazen, and there was definitely a lot of pleasure being afforded him now--an exchange he was quite thankful for. He felt about as relaxed as he could get with intention itself, so he lied--it was a small lie, but still not entirely true--so that Kalen would take things up yet another notch: "No, no, I'm good...that feels good already..." He had a feeling that more fervent fucking would be likely to loosen him up the rest of the way, anyway, and it would certainly help drown what minimal pain remained in bliss.

So Kalen amped up his efforts, bringing to bear the surprising athleticism that his lithe build often veiled to the casual observer. Now thumps emanated from between their bodies each time he came to a hilted position within Dazen's body, his twinned orbs not so much coming against Dazen's rump as bouncing off of it, and he kept the intervals between thrusts fairly short, making his assault more of a rhythmic pistoning than a simple repetitive motion.

However, when spooning as they essentially were, it was causing his muscles to tense up towards cramps, as they were operating at inefficient angles and he had only his arms and the sides of his lower legs for bracing. So after keeping up this onslaught for a while, and feeling that unpleasant burning start to engulf his muscles, detracting from his focus, an idea occurred to him. He brought himself to a gradual but quick stop, then brought up his legs close to himself and turned his shoulders towards the bed. "Daz--there's no way I can give you the rutting you want from this position. Lift your top leg up and I'll move into a better spot."

Dazen did as he was bidden, his mind racing for a few moments to try to guess the position Kalen was going to use. When he figured it out, he realized it was an odd one; it definitely lent itself well to more primal sex than romantic lovemaking, which was why he didn't use it very much on Kalen--they'd only tried it once, really, and while Kalen had told him it felt awesome, they had much less of the lovey-dovey afterglow to share afterwards, which even Dazen wanted once in a while--and which Kalen wanted essentially as a rule. That might change, though, with Kalen using it...

Kalen ducked under the well-muscled leg and used one arm to prop it up over his shoulder; the other he placed forward to use as a brace. His weight was now mostly upon his knees, as Dazen's waist was also fairly wide, placing his entrance a good distance above the bed. He'd kept his cock inside Dazen the whole time--a testament to his flexibility, and after doing a visual check to see if Dazen seemed settled, he set right back into his thrusts, building back up to his previous speed quite rapidly.

Dazen realized the truth of Kalen's long-past assessment of the position; immediately he became aware of a more glorious set of sensations that seemed to spread from his loins like some kind of energy surge, and he realized that these were almost certainly the sensitive nerve endings aside his prostate being stimulated. Their last lovemaking session was in the missionary position, and so there was less of this to be afforded them that time around...Dazen hadn't known what he was missing. Kalen had released Dazen's fingers when he changed positions, so while Dazen kept himself supported with one arm against the momentum Kalen was bringing to bear upon him, he brought the other in to pleasure his own shaft, rewarding him immediately with the interplay of heavy erotic stimulation from both inside and out. His face crinkled somewhat with the pleasure, his usual flat-tempered visage untenable with the passion wracking his nethers.

To Kalen, too, it was a new experience, as his reversal of roles finally let him know what this felt like. There was a strange serenity to the moment; despite the fact that he was avidly rutting himself into one of the most salivation-inducing individuals he'd yet run across--itself an experience of note--the feeling of closeness it afforded, the strange sentiment evoked by that heavy, muscled leg draped over his shoulder, the unique delight of sharing the space of Dazen's body...added to the already incredible erogenous sensations of their coitus, it stimulated him on a panoply of levels, melding pleasures and flooding his mind. It felt quite unlike anything he'd done with Kazen, despite the countless number of times they'd mated in their time together. A momentary lapse in attention caused him to flop sideways a bit mid-thrust, and the resulting twist of his momentum created a fresh and novel sensation, so he brought his bracing arm sideways so that he could continue it, occasional grunts spiking the heavy breathing demanded by his exertion. But the dams were eroding, with the complexity and intensity of stimuli searing into his awareness; his climax was not far off now.

The twist did that and more for Dazen as well, as the rhythmic pressure upon his prostate was augmented by the corkscrew feeling the rotation of Kalen's hips provided. He could see and hear and feel Kalen going wild, exhibiting intensity that matched his characteristically stellar levels of intimate passion. And sure, he was having to jack himself off because Kalen's hands were otherwise occupied, but it was worth it, without a doubt; the melding of the pleasure from outside with Kalen's efforts inside was more than the sum of its parts. "Ugh...God, Kal, who knew you could be this good..." he said, breathlessly, panting somewhat with sheer stimulation rather than simple expenditure of energy. He knew he usually lasted a lot longer than this, but then, this was a situation that ranged rather far from the usual...

The moment of orgasm for Kalen was languid and luscious for Kalen; rather than it suddenly ambushing him like an assassin, it slowly built, perhaps over the course of a quarter-minute, causing his last few thrusts to be that much harder and less graceful until the final surge of orgasmic pleasure tore though him, triggering the release of his seed deep into Dazen's body, a place it so rarely came to rest, with something between a yell and a roar. He could feel so much of his energy being unleashed in that blazing moment that he knew he'd practically crash afterwards, but he couldn't care about that, not with the payoff the moment was returning to him.

Those last few thrusts left Dazen wondering at Kalen's sudden change in pacing, and then he felt it, that climax of Kalen's flooding into his body with both its force and its product--that hot, sticky essence being laid within his belly. For him it was more of a surprise when his climax took root; later he'd remember that he'd jerked himself especially hard as Kalen's climax set in, but as it unfolded he didn't notice it in the slightest. The sudden total spike ripped a roar from his chest, and with a palpable throb his seed coursed forth in thick ropes, matting his white fur and adding a set of what would soon be new stains upon those silky sheets.

And then it ebbed, that miraculous moment shared between them, the energy applied to it spent. Kalen slowly tipped forward, Dazen's leg sliding off his shoulder and along his body in the process, the liguar's lower body becoming clasped between the larger mercenary's thighs. They reached towards each other, Kalen somewhat awkwardly pulling out so that he could edge closer towards Dazen's face. All he wanted now was to hold and be held by Dazen in that amazing afterglow, his body ever so close to his partner, as consciousness took its leave of him...

And Dazen was more than willing to oblige.