Youthful Love

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Chapter One

Looking out my window I turn toward the skies. Infinite pleasures of blues, and whites, and softer tones of grey and darker hues of clustered rain. In the distance, blues melted in to the greens of summer, wind slanting its brush strokes across the horizon of dotted trees. It would be here soon, the summer rains in the distance, and that would mean a perfect time for play. It was typical for people to play indoors during the rains, and with a new foal on the way I would hardly be remiss in social circles. The monster had consumed me a long time ago. Made me agree with its desires and wants, having forwent my silly ethics the world pretended to obey. I wouldn't be able to resist anymore. To me these desires were as natural as the coming storm, and I intended to let loose for the first time in my life.

My hand slowly slid over, tracing ever so softly and carefully, the sharp edges of my old toys. These knives would be more than adequate, but beyond adequateness there's a need and sense for beauty. A certain order to things that gave rise to darker pleasures. I could see that in my paintings, in the great works of art that I ripped from deep within and made real. My sins, what I formerly called sin, would be made manifest and my life no longer hollow. I wondered why is it sinful when it feels so good? Nothing to me felt so good in life.

Tail thrashing, swishing irritated, sense of adrenaline pounding through my ears and then...calm. Life had provided me opportunities I could no longer resist, and a well off bachelor like myself could do well to raise a colt. Adopting would easily gain me even more social credibility, and inevitably a good son to provide untold avenues. Until this point I had always lived alone, and that loneliness perhaps necessitated this moral collapse. It mattered not, and I sat there awaiting the inevitable ring of my door. I gently slid a small knife from my collection across the palomino hairs on my skin, feeling it ever so gently cut across and give rise to chills along my body. I never cut my skin, I didn't get off to the sharp slicing sensation as much as I do the mere feel of its potential. Potential to damage that which is beautiful, and in turn create real beauty.

My mind drifted toward the acts to come, and setting the knife down I felt my sheath pulsate with thoughts and eroticism. After such a long time in wait, planning, I had established myself as a trusted member of the community. With enough money, anything can be done, and with that money I'd adopted myself a foal. It was sick and depraved of me, but I needed to let these urges out. The burning, desiring, unyielding scratching that melted through my flesh and begged to be emptied in some screaming victim. Something was wrong with me, but I've since lost the understanding of what that is.

This house was simple enough. Your generic, "normal", two bedroom flat that suited a small family. This would be the stage of my grand opera, and I couldn't help but feel happy that I could finally begin act one. I had managed to adopt a young colt, and selected a handsome little one for my pleasures. Of course the adoption agency would never know anything of it, and with enough money nobody asks questions. I would be more than kind; breaking your own toys would be akin to keying ones own car or burning of your own home. Destruction of self and property was nothing that interested me, I wanted to love this little one. I tried to keep myself calm in spite of these thoughts, prevent my mind from going to more erotic places. It is very difficult for a horse to hide an erection, and rather difficult to get rid of when a doorbell might ring at any moment. Any moment, I reminded myself, just as the door bell finally rang.

I reminded myself to be "all smiles", trying to keep a casual appearance in spite of my beating heart. It was interesting to feel excited about something in my life. I put back my long hair to keep appearances, and with a quick mirror check on my way out of my bedroom, moved to open my door. A blur of automated appreciation, happy reintroductions, offers of hospitality, an entire song and dance that meant nothing to me. Everything I did around other people felt like a program finely coded over years of social enforcement and indoctrination, only ever free when my most depraved personal desire crept out. It started out with my excessive casual sex with other males, of any species, but I finally found what made me feel alive. My wish had finally come true, and who sat across from me was beautiful. He was bashful, quiet, the most pitiful specimen of a colt. It did not appear to be of any particular or special breed, short, scrawny, utterly fit for the role I had in mind. To me he was beautiful, to his peers he would probably be ridiculed most of his life. What did they know, anyway, of beauty in a world so bereft? I couldn't wait to explore his body, to make him feel joys and pleasures, to have him submit to me willingly. I was equally curious to see if his brown hair ran down the entire length of him.

Such was how adoptions went. This was to prevent people like me from getting our hands on children, even though it never helped. The real perverts were wearing white collars and preaching from the pulpit, I only wanted to love him. Perhaps in ways not socially acceptable. Finally seating everyone and being fully assured the last of the paperwork was finalized with only my signature, I could relax. The woman who brought him, and social service workers were always women for some reason, was almost as scrawny as the boy. A typical sized mink, all proper manners and official behavior, but I was more than happy to be rid of her. I steadied my hand and signed the last form, and made ready to endure another half hour of meaningless banter. When she finally left, I was alone.

Alone with Jacob. In all the time I spent in the process of adoption, our conversations were very one sided. I couldn't wait to get him to open up, but I knew adopting a newly pubescent 12 year old would involve a lot of work.

I sat along side him on the couch, his blue eyes were a rarity for horses around here. He was absolutely magnificent, even though he seemed more interested in the floor than me next to him. "Hey there Jacob." I paused while I removed my hair band, "Still a little shy about all of this?" If his eyes were lasers, I'd be replacing the floor and several layers of concrete. Something inaudible came from him. "Hm? Speak up sweetie." He shuffled his feet a little, futzing with his hands while nodding softly. I grinned and stuck out my hand, "Come on, I'll make dinner." He did touch my hand, and his was such a soft delicate thing. His is a type irresistible to me, so softly tempered as I led him to his room. "Remember Jacob, you can talk to me about anything. You're my son now, and I love you. I bought you a nice set of clothes already, and your room has its own bathroom too. Go ahead and wash up while I start, okay?"

Only a little bit longer. I didn't have anything like a camera in his room. That was not how I did things, but it would come in time. Careful grooming and time. He would come around, and there was little else to do during the summer.

Chapter Two

It had been several weeks since Jacob was brought in to my life officially. I had spent that time getting him more and more comfortable with me. Communication was important in a relationship, but I was especially pleased to find him respond to subtle teasing. It had progressed to a point where he felt comfortable around in his boxers, something that took the most subtle effort to achieve, and by Gods did I love what I saw. I couldn't be caught staring just yet, but the way his boxers outlined his rounded rear and sheath left little to the imagination.

Everything I had hoped, and more, was coming to fruition. He sat in my lap as we watched TV, and while some lesser creatures may have trouble controlling their impulses, I was equally a father as much as a sexual deviant. I did love him as my son, I couldn't ask for better, and times like these made me feel quite happy. There is no rule that says sexual attraction must invite sexual action, but I admit my gentle caresses of his stomach and nuzzles to his neck were not innocent. I loved how he smelled, how that youthful stomach and warm body felt, and given how quickly he adjusted to almost nudity made me hopeful. It was obvious that, through genetics or life circumstance, he was most certainly going to like other men. This would make everything easy for me, because the more he enjoyed his life with me the easier it would be.

While I had planned to hold off for quite some time longer, something happened that sped up the process. As he sat there on my lap, watching TV quietly, I could feel him shift against my sheath. I first passed it off as coincidence, him getting comfortable, but he kept doing it every few minutes. I was about to move my arm from around him, before I found myself in an embarrassing situation, when I noticed it. His boxers ever so softly tenting upward. My heart skipped a beat with excitement. My control slipped and I felt my sheath beginning to stiffen, my mind reacting to the excitement. He shifted his weight again, and I could feel my sheath stiffen as the head pressed outward. There's no way he wouldn't be able to feel that, and as it continued I was certain he was doing it on purpose.

With all my senses on high alert I could feel everything he was doing, hear every breath he was making. With my head where it was I could smell his body, like one smells soft rain. He was doing it on purpose, and lifted his tail upward ever so slightly to further provoke. I moved my other arm to his side and slowly down to his leg, continuing to hold his bare stomach with my right arm. When I gently kissed his neck, I could feel his body respond with a gentle movement of his rear. More likely than not, someone else had gotten to him first. Probably his father, or some relative, as is usually the case. He already knew what he was doing, and here he was thinking he was seducing me. I shifted and held him affectionately, letting him rest against my sheath further as I kissed his neck. My hand toward his boxers and I felt his arms wrap softly around mine, almost tenderly. No words were spoken, he was far too shy of speech to say anything, so he spoke with his body.

I gently traced along the form of his shaft, before moving it upward to escape his underwear. It was beautiful when I saw it, almost an unreal sensation due to my excitement. My own cock was already flaccidly released, spreading out of my sheath and beginning to press against his cheeks. I slid the boy up with my arm briefly, adjusting it out of my boxers to rest against his back and between them. There we were, his young cock out in the open, and mine stiffening against his ass. Jacob's tail lifted to the side and upward, allowing easier access as he nestled my cock between him and continued to tease me.

With heart pounding in my ears and now rubbing his member, I whispered to him gently "good girl". Jacob's cock twitched in excitement at those words, already trained to respond to them. I caressed his cock with tender care, feeling every inch of it and eliciting ragged breathing from him. Wanting to survey the full extent of my prize, I moved my hand yet further downward and began to remove his underwear at the waistband. His form was light, and he moved his legs to make the motion easier, egging me on further.

At this point I moved us both, him facing me as I laid down on the couch. Surveying his form, he looked absolutely beautiful naked, that lithe form with brown palomino colors. I stared in to those beautiful rare blue eyes as I kissed his snout softly. Our size difference was quite apparent, and though being small for a horse, Jacob was even smaller. being entirely uncertain of how experienced the foal was, or was forced to be, any effort to penetrate him would be arduous. Moving closer to his ear, my hand gently tracing against his balls and cock, I asked him "What would you like to do, sweetie?"

His passivity left him a bit speechless, but with an encouraging kiss to his neck and groping of his shaft as he laid on top of me, I elicited a quiet response. Almost inaudible. "Fuck me daddy." answered my question about his experience, and who taught him what. "You're a beautiful good girl, nobody could be better." I told him lovingly, kissing him directly. His father must have only used him as a fucktoy, as he was as novice a kisser as any pubescent virgin could be. This was for him as much as it was for me. My cock was still nestled in between those loving cheeks, him rubbing his hole desperately against it. Yearning for it. If he couldn't orgasm yet, he could nevertheless feel a cock for all it was worth.

He moved himself upward to slide my unflared cock up to his hole. He didn't seem ashamed to display his pleasures at this, cock throbbing openly as he added pressure. With gentle force and gravity his ass opened to me, and my stomach filled with butterfly sensations of pleasure. I moved upward to kiss my young companion, letting him know how much I loved him. It happened slowly but so quickly, that moment where I entered him. He relaxed his anal ring consciously, opening to the pressure of my cock, and the first delicate inches probed in to him.

My cock twitched and lubricated his insides, precum spilling freely from me, and my toes curling as my body became electric. As emotional as physical, I felt everything all at once as he worked himself up and down my shaft. His limit for the time being appeared to be my medial ring, his stomach already softly bulging. "You're amazing", I told him, never letting his cock unattended as I caressed it and encouraged him on. "Ride me sweetie. Show me what a good mare can do." elicited an automatic clench of his anal passage. I would not be able to last long.

He began to buck against my cock, still trying to work more of it inside of him. At this point I had let go of his cock, and he gripped it himself, rubbing it vigorously as he impaled himself. I could feel every inch of his insides, every muscle clench of his ass, and watching my good girl in so much pleasure turned me on more than anything else. I wanted to cum inside of 'her', badly, and claim her as my own. He became even more vigorous, gripping every inch of my cock down to his limit. I could see and feel my cock entering him each time, hitting against his insides.

My tip flared quickly, and I couldn't stop myself from bucking against his light form. In spite of being quiet thus far, he cried out in pleasurable pain. I pushed him against me, his hand still griping his own cock, and began to thrust as much as I could fit in to him. Jerking movements of spearing my cock in to him, which still would not fit more than a little past my medial ring without bending, elicited further high pitched sounds. He knew how to play a part, and he played it well. His cock humped against my stomach with every thrust, and I began to spew obscenities softly in to his ear to encourage his act further. "Take my cock like a good bitch", "Ride me slut", all of this elicited even harder humping from his legs. Jacob wanted an orgasm, even if he never had before, his nature could feel it. The cock painfully pushing against his insides, his cock engorged and flared, he had to have all of it.

Then my world exploded. My cock began to pulse. My eyes closed and toes curled, my breathing ragged and hard, I finally claimed my mare. Pulse after pulse emptied in to him, and held in place by the engorged flare of my member. Gripping him tightly against me I continued to thrust, trying to bury myself inside of him, but unable to do much better than he had himself. The tightness from every forced entry was bliss, and I lost myself to Jacobs warm embrace.

Panting heavily, my orgasm subsiding wave by wave, I could feel him breathing against my chest. His arms were around me now, and I felt my stomach wet with cum. Jacob could orgasm. He expressed the first sign of assertiveness since I had met him, and kissed me with as much passion as someone with youth could muster. He continued to softly flex his ass against my retreating cock, but lovingly so, enjoying its passing and holding my cum inside of him. While later I would have to talk to him about his father, all that I cared about now was my new son resting against me. I loved him, and I could never imagine life afterward without him.