When I Die..My Blood Be Yours

Story by Rosawolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Legend of A Blood Wolf

A little something that's sad, romantic and has death in it I know :( but I'm just testing it!!

A female wolf was looking around walking around slowly. Without her mate close by she's scared and alone. She brushed her black hair out of her amber eyes muttering something. But when a branch broke near by her ears perk now shivering in fear. The sound of foot steps got closer and closer to her as she back up into a tree whimpering. The steps stop and a male wolf in the bushes was looking at her paws up in the air "Don't worry my love it's me Mark!"

She start waging happily running to Mark giving him a big hug "Oh Mark I missed you!! I was so worried that another wolf was going to rape me, just because I'm female!" she shivered a bit before Mark wrap his tail around her smiling "Now why would you think I'll let anyone hurt you like that? Besides Jill you're safe with me now." Jill that's her name a very beatiful wolf though very shy. "I know I know Mark but without you I'm just nothing but scared and worried..mean look at me! I'm like rape city here the only wolves who wouldn't rape me are the gay ones!" Mark wrapped his arms around Jill trying to comfort her. "Well they gotta kill me first because I'm not going to let anyone do that to you."

Jill blushed and murred as she cuddled Mark lovingly "Oh Mark thank you that really means a lot to me." Jill's tail softly wagged and Mark hold onto her paws "You know I'll do anything to keep you safe my love." The sun slowly setted as Jill start kissing Mark on the lips. Mark murred loudly and start kissing back hugging Jill lovingily. Jill smiled into the kiss softly rubbing Mark's belly making him break the kiss, panting happily "Hehe Oh Mark you still are very silly when I rub your belly!" Jilly softly licks Mark's belly making him bark "I can't help it it's my weakspot!!" Jill giggled as the sun got brighter, she trying covering her eyes but the sun only got brighter and brighter until only Jill can see it white. "Remember me my dear love..goodbye oh and I miss you."

Jill screamed and gasped loudly "NOOOOOO!! DON'T GO!!!" that's when she jumped out off bed panting heavily. Jill looked around seeing she's in her bedroom..she was just dreaming the whole time. Jill start crying curing up into a ball whimpering. "Oh Mark why you gotta die and leave me here? I miss you so much my love..." Jill cried and cried on the bed remembering all the good times with Mark. Then she remembered how he got killed a pair of black wolves slit his throat making Jill watch as his blood poors out. Jill bagged them to stop but they only made it worse stabbing Mark several times before he died. That's when the pair of black wolves just left Jill their crying.

The police never found the wolves who did the crime. Making Jill pissed off as hell and even more sad in her life. It's been three months now Jill never moved on she cared deeply for Mark. She promised herself no matter what she'll never date again. Jill maybe a sad wolf but something happened after Mark died. When Jill went to the doctors for a normal check up, when the doctors took her blood it didn't matched hers. The blood they took matched with Marks making Jill confused more than ever.