
Story by spacewastrel on SoFurry

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Bat cyborg character description

Rakim is the bat in my belfry.

Birdcages hang upside-down from the walls of his clock tower with their doors wide open. A lightning rod and wind turbines that he's installed on the roof power the light bulbs and turning gears in its top floor junkyard. Cybernetic owls, ravens, flies, moths, dragonflies and vultures fly in and out of its open windows to make use of its metallic birdhouses, bird-feeders and perches at all hours of the day and night, and he's always awake to use his wrench and screwdriver to fix their broken legs or wings, only pausing on occasion to scratch the bolt in his neck with a cybernetic rubber gloved hand, because Rakim never sleeps.

When he was a child, he was never able to enjoy his ability to fly like the other bats were, because he could never stop thinking about the fact that except for birds and a few insects, the vast majority of the other humanoid animals would always be denied the experience of what flying felt like, and he thought that everyone should have been able to fly. Now that he's become a tinkerer who can take most electronic devices apart and put them back together in one fell swoop, he builds wing-suits, parachutes, jet packs and hang gliders so that he can offer them to anyone who comes in. Since he's finally figured out how to share the ability to fly with all the other humanoid animals, the air he breathes has always felt fresher, and he's been able to fully enjoy his ability to fly for the first time in his life.

Rakim thinks about death every day, but his reaction to this is to strive to squeeze absolutely as much out of every moment of life as he possibly can, because you never know how much time you have left, and there's not going to be any second lifetime in which to do everything that's been put off until later in this one. He believes that nothing says "I miss you" like a nearly lifelike automaton of a dead organist playing the myriad pieces of music that he spent his life composing on an organ or one of a dead dancer going through the myriad steps and dance moves that he's spent his life coming up with, that it's a lot more personalized than a standard-issue tombstone could ever be. That is the closest to creating 'undead' that he's managed to get so far, but someday he hopes that he can assemble prosthetics that can progressively replace every single part of anyone's body up to and including their thoughts and emotions, so that no humanoid 'data' will ever have to be lost to the ages again.

His tail is a wire with a pendulum on the end of it that he can swing around like a flail and electrify at will. He can project his screeching voice to use it as selectively directed sonic weaponry to make objects shatter at a distance.