Species Sheet: Luffies

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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Luffie character sheet

Name: Limaxis Amor

Nickname: "Luffies"or "Luvies" by the apacians, "Fuzas" by the Arcathions, "Death Eaters" by the Zephyrians Evolutinary Age: 10,000 years Genders: Hermphroditic Species: Ancestors closely related to sea pig Native planet: Apok

Summary Description: The most cuddly yet annoying species in the universe that can easily inhabit any living planet. A common apacian house pet. Personality: "Luffies" are incredibly cute but especially annoying when they reproduce in vast quantities. They are incredibly social creatures who gravitate to the nearest sentient creature.

They seem to share a mutual attraction with the arcathions who find Luffies irresistible and vice versa. The reason why the Varandians were unable to invade Apok was because the Arcathion troops became immediately pacified by stray swarms of luffies, which provided the apacians the idea of utilizing luffies as a weapon against the opposing forces by sending them aboard the Varandian ships, The ship overseers were forced to endure six earth months of ridding the luffies so their crew could function properly without their interference.

Luffies have their own unique temperaments that reflect sentient creatures they have encountered.

Likes/dislikes:They like all living creatures and they love to eat decayed plant matter, pollution, grime, certain kinds of soil and molds. They also like bathing.

Bio: Limaxis Amor's ancestors were closely to earth's Sea pig, Consuming decayed matter that fell to sea floor in Apok's Oceans. Evolution has benefit these peculiar creatures to be Amphibious, granting them a set of fur to cover their bodies to withstand conditions in forests where decaying leaves were prevalent and a somewhat Psychic Abillity. A Luffie's Defense mechanism is its shape and the "cooing" sound it generates when it is absorbing its food source or happy, It produces a pleasure response via resonating vibrations in other creatures in which the efficiency of said effect is determined by the complexity of the creature's brain structure, The more complex brain, the lesser the effect they have unless they are in a group together.

Luffies have very little in the way of predators but can be prone to certain environment induced conditions such as Heat stroke, or dehydration if their environment produces +100 Fahrenheit in temperature unless bred to be adapted to the environments.

Body: Luffies are small oval shaped creatures with breeds that can reach the size of a pineapple . They are covered in fur with two fuzzy antennae protruding from their bodies, they are capable of latching onto smooth surfaces with their six nodule-like feet. Fur is what help maintains their body temperatures to a manageable level as well as being part of their natural defense, beneath that bounty of fluffiness, their thick skin contains a semisolid gelatinous mush that contains their organs as well as their hyper compact brain with its dermal shell. Eyes: They are blind but find food by smell via their Antennae Fur/Scales: a luffy's Fur is incredibly soft and pleasant to touch. The length varies breed to breed.

Movement: Luffies move either via Locomotion by hopping for long distances or crawling on their stubby legs.

Diet: Luffies are big Intervores, Meaning they eat Pollutive agents and things that are detrimental to environment such as oil or runoff from factories, as well as fungivores. How they consume these food sources is via absorption into their skin then it is processed via their bodily mucus which is the remain byproduct is additional saliva.

Setting: Whatever feel like Sexuality: Pansexual Reproduction: These creatures can breed incredibly fast, two Luffies alone can produce 14 to 18 luffy offspring within an hour, then 196 to 324 in the second hour, then 38,416 to 104,976 luffies in the third hour, given if they have enough food to maintain that size of a population. Luffies are sexually mature from the moment they are born, using their antennae to transmit genetic data. The worst part is if a single luffy gets excessively fat, it will explode into 7-9 individual luffies, Apacians are excellent mathmaticians because of these pleasant little nusiances... They used to be an ancient form of apacian currency.