Moving away Chapter 1

Story by BOSSman1969 on SoFurry

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Something else I'm working on. I will be redoing Escaping the pack when I get the chance but I'm going to be working on this for a while.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"....God..time to wake up and go to work. And I was having a rather awesome dream to. The name is Sean I'm a Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog I'm and 20 years old. Yeah it is sad to think I've only had this job for only a week now with me already being in my 20's but it's hard getting a job in my area. But what ever with a job comes money and experience and with that comes the ability to move out of the damn house. I don't totally know how it's gonna go at work today...But what I do know is that fucking alarm clock is pissing me off. I got up and turned off that horrible noise of the 40+ year old alarm clock. It was one of those 1960's clock/radio things made by Hitachi. I found it when I was picking through a dead relative's house. It's sun faded and miss colored and the light doesn't work but hey it looks good and it works...although like I said before the noise it makes for it's pitiful excuse of an alarm clock is horrid. Kinda sounds like one of those annoying door buzzers that you would see in an old Chevy from the 1970's. But hell it gets the job done and wakes me up at least. And It's not as bad amazingly as today's alarm clocks. After turning that noise off I was already up and out of bed. the clock is at the foot of my bed basically forcing me to get up to turn it off. Well it was time for my morning shower. Oh yes nothing like a nice hot shower to wake you up first thing in the morning. I walked into the bathroom and after a 15 minute or so shower I got out and walked back into the bed room...well after drying off of course. I didn't bother covering myself up but I did make sure my parents weren't nearby and ran to the bedroom. Thankfully the bathroom is right across the hall from my bedroom so I don't have to go far. But it is kinda risky doing that. I mean hey it is a nice show seeing my butt naked body but I really don't think my parents want to see that. I shut and locked the I said I don't really think my parents want to see that and really I don't want them seeing me either. I went to my closet and grabbed some pants. Didn't bother with underwear. It's always riding up on me and giving me wedgies. And lord knows that on the first week of work I don't want people thinking I spend my day with my hand up my ass crack all day getting out wedgies. I grabbed my belt and a shirt and put those on fallowed by my Collar..yes I wear a collar..shut up. And put on my ear ring...again shut up. I didn't bother with putting on my ring. I'm going to work at a car dealership and the last thing I need is to be cleaning one of them and scratch that new BMW's fancy metallic paint job with my ring. Now all I needed was my wallet and car keys and I'll be set. I grabbed my wallet and went downstairs. I heard the T.V. already on. My Dad was downstairs watching JCTV. Basically meaning "Jesus Christ Television" A channel dedicated to Christianity. He must have finished watching the 5 o clock news and switched it to JCTV to get in some Christian music time or something. I didn't really care to be honest. I'm far from a Christian in fact I'm straight up Atheist. My Dad...actually BOTH of my parents I should say are very conservative Christians. And yeah I was raised to be that way to. We used to live in the deep southern parts of Tennessee so it was really pounded into my head. But my Dad is in the army so we tend to move allot. We ended up moving to Northern Virginia. Still technically in the south sure but when I say northern Virginia I really mean NORTHERN Virginia. We only live like 15 minutes away from Washington D.C so there are allot of different people from different cultures up here. And I ended up slowly realizing just how much I disliked the Conservative Christian ways. I pretty much moved away from the southern ways and became pretty much a liberal...well I should say independent. I really hate politics and I would rather not get into details. But long story short I've basically moved away from everything that was forced into me as a kid. And yes my parents aren't totally proud of it. In fact they're down right disappointed in me, but that's just life in a super religious overly conservative home. Thankfully my Dad is generally an accepting guy. Me and him still get along pretty well for the most part just as long as we don't talk about politics...or religion. "Hey Buddy. How did you sleep last night" Heh "buddy" the nick name my Dad always referred to me as ever since I can remember. "just fine Dad. Just fine. What about you?" "I slept good." And that was pretty much all our conversation went. He had to go to work in about 5 minutes. He works in the National Guard of Washington D.C he is a recruiter and a CW2...or Warrent officer rank 2 in English, he is a German Shepherd he has light brown fur with a tan under body basically the same color as me but with lighter hair on his head and a slightly different build. I get my dark brown hair and stocky build from my Mom. He sipped on the last of his coffee and got up "I'll see you later buddy have a good day at work. Love you" "You too Dad. Love you too" I looked around a bit and changed the channel to something that's actually worth watching. I turned it to Cartoons. Yeah I know 20 years old and still watching Cartoons but hell it's who I am. I still had about 15 minutes before I had to go to work. I wake up early for a reason that way I can fuck around a little bit while I'm getting ready. But with that said I still didn't have much time left. After about 10 minutes of some Transformers action I got up and grabbed my car keys witch are on a little rack right next to the door, and walked outside to my pride and joy. Sally. She is probably the only thing I truly cared about at the moment. She is basically my Girlfriend. I take better care of her than myself. She's a black 2003 Ford Mustang V6..oh yes she's a beauty. She sounds good too. But she aint Cheap. Even though she was given to me by my Mom because it used to be her car I still have to pay the insurance. With over 100 dollars a month this car is pretty expensive. But my babe is worth it. I hoped in and started it up and drove off to go to work.