Skyrim: The Argonian Chronicles

Story by B H on SoFurry

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Okay, my first story. I hope everyone enjoys it. This is going to be a series, and I've uploaded this short first chapter to give a taste and to describe what the series will be. Obviously Skyrim, so action packed, but also with something a little extra. I'm going to try my hand at some more adult oriented writing.

I'm basing the series on my personal play through of Skyrim. Yeah, this was a bit rushed, bit I'll take more time on the upcoming chapters. And yes, there will be sex to come. As I married Scouts-Many-Waters, a sexy Argonian in the game, so he is definitely in the story. ll.

Well, next chapter coming soon.

Things were never the same after Helgen. I had come to Skyrim to start a new life, but knew nothing of the war that was tearing the province apart. I had no sooner spent an hour on skyrim soil that a group of Imperial soldiers rounded a bend ahead of me and surrounded me, taking what few possessions I had away (though thankfully leaving my clothes on me, and roughly pushing me on a cart where I stumbled and hit my head on one of the benches, knocking me out cold.

I awoke with the cart having a few more additions on it, including one man who was gagged.

One conversed with me, but it was a one sided conversation. I was questioning for the hundredth time why in the name of the eight had I come to Skyrim. Not the first place you'd think an Argonian would go. Too Damn cold.

But, I would later learn I was not the only Argonian up here and that despite the horrible start, I was about to have the best moments of my life.

The soldiers took us to Helgen, where they would execute us. I learned that the other men were soldiers for the Stormcloak uprising, basically the cause of the disorder in Skyrim. And the man who was gagged was Ulfric Stormcloak, the one leading the rebellion. He was wanted for murdering the emperor.

How about I skip ahead. One guy gets his head lopped off, then they call me up, even though I wasn't on the list.

A distant sound rings off the mountains, making the soldier's pause to listen and look for the source. They bring me to the block after their commanding officer tells everyone to hurry it up. The sounds comes again, but a soldier pushes me down and puts my head in the groove of the block. I catch a glimpse of the head of the previous guest of the axe. What a great way to go. Don't even know why I'm about to die. It's not like crossing the border is illegal. I turn my head and stare at the wielder of the axe when just behind him a large beast lands on the roof of a building. All the soldiers stare, stunned. It roars and lets loose a stream of fire on my would-be executioner. The heat on my scaly skin is intense and I roll to get away from the flames. This was very difficult to do with my hands tied (so accommodating, Imperial soldiers are). Someone calls to me as the beast blasts the side of a building to charred splinters. I remembered some legends of beasts like this one as I sprinted through the debris to get to safety, well, relative safety.

Screams of soldiers giving orders and those of civilians joined the roars of the dragon. A child was caught on the path just as the dragon landed behind him. The boys father yelled to him, catching the beasts attention. It breathed fire, engulfing soldiers. The father got out of the way in time. The dragon took to the air again and the boy ran to his father.

And yes, I got past the dragon, and after journeying through the catacombs of the city, entered the wide open spaces of Skyrim.