Chapter 4

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#4 of Silk, Lust and Memories

Please enjoy Chapter 4.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked. "Mr. Sandsteal, I'm sorry to say this but, I've got some bad news for you." A male voice spoke. At that very moment I felt my heart sink as the nurse continued. "I'm sorry to inform you but, your mother has just passed away. Despite trying our very best to revive her, we're deeply sorry. When you can please come to the hospital and we can make the proper arrangements" He informed.

After he hung up the phone fell from my hand and clattered onto the carpeted floor below. Instantly I broke down and started crying both women knew something bad happened. They instantly hugged me tight as I cried myself silly in their arms. Both women did their very best to get me to a stable frame of mind. While I leaned on Kathrine, Page grabbed my phone off the floor and contacted Dusty.

Page told me that Dusty would meet us at the hospital, so we quickly got dressed. Kathrine had me sit down nearby while Page and her closed up the store. Since I was a wreck, it all felt like a nightmare I desperately wanted to wake up from. Sadly nothing I did worked as reality slowly sank in the second we entered the parking lot. The second I stepped out of the car, Dusty rushed over and hugged me tight.

Fred wasn't too far behind her, from there we made our way into the building. After giving the nurse at the front desk my name then she had someone paged. It didn't take long for a nurse to arrive then escorted us down the to hospital mortuary. By the time we got there I was shaking, despite all the moral support. The lead surgeon and the doc responsible for her overall care were waiting for us.

"I know you're in a state of shock Mr. Sandsteal but, we need you to sign some paperwork. The most important is your mother's death certificate since you're a blood relative. We would also like offer to help pay for the cost of her funeral and burial." The doctor said. His tone was soft and full of sorrow for the loss I just suffered. Dusty convinced the doctor to let her handle the paperwork since I couldn't do it.

He was more than happy to let Dusty handle everything at least until I could manage myself. From there we left the hospital and went back to my home to sort things out. Everything that went on that night felt like a whirlwind that didn't seem to end. Dusty could tell I was there bodily but, my mind was someplace else. She thought it best to pick up first thing tomorrow after a goodnight's sleep.

Kathrine kissed my forehead before she went home and shared her condolences. Page couldn't bring herself to leave my side so she decided to stay and watch over me. Dusty was a little shocked by her offer, she thanked her before she and Fred left. The first thing I did was take a shower to help wash away the shock of losing her. It still didn't feel real yet, it did and I don't know how to move forward.

When I exited the shower then dried off and threw on some light clothes. "Page, I'm really not in the mood for company, if anything I'd like to be alone tonight." I said walking past her. She stood up and walked over to where I stood then smiled softly. "Derrick the last thing you need right now, is to be left alone. Besides you and I both know Dusty would fry my tail if I went home." She pointed out calmly.

That being said she suggested that we head to bed and try to get some sleep tonight. The idea sounded very good as we walked towards my bedroom and got comfy on my bed. It took me a good while to finally drift off to sleep for the night. Before I did I held Page close to my chest as I fell into peacefully slumber under the blankets. My dreams were of wonderful memories my mother and I made over the years.

To be continued.