A Little Cabin in the Woods - Chapter 2

Story by Glek on SoFurry

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#2 of A Little Cabin in the Woods

So, chapter 2. Here we see Svem's powers as a Mimic Dragon emerging. First, some background on what a Mimic Dragon is.

Dragons have different abilities, commonly represented by the color of their scales. Red for fire, brown for earth, etc. Svem is a unique dragon. A Mimic Dragon is, literally, a jack of all trades and a master of none. She can use every dragon ability out there, but never as powerfully as a pure-breed. This plays a role in the events of this chapter.

Bit of a shorter chapter too since there's another time-skip at the end to the summer time (this chapter is mid-winter).

I'd like to apologize ahead of time if this story seems to meander or otherwise be inconsistent. Realize that, since this is a role play between myself and SkullJack17, there is no pre-planning to this. We just go with what happens, as it happens.

Anyway, enjoy!

Bit of a jarring transition here into the start of this next chapter. That's because of a time jump we did. Welcome to Svem's life at age 1.5 years, roughly 16 in human years. Mimic Dragons (which is what Svem is) can technically live forever if they take proper care of their bodies. The average time before a Mimic Dragon reaches its full size depends on its class. Svem is a Class B Mimic Dragon (Classes are based on size where A is the smallest and they increase from there), meaning her full size is about that of a horse, or a bit larger. At this point in her life, her shoulders are up to Concorde Unit's hips (Concorde is 6 foot 4 inches, for reference). On to the story!

Noting that the sun is already high in the sky on this day, Concorde Unit knocks on Svem's door. "Svem? Comeon lazybones! You shouldn't sleep all day just cause it's cold out!"

Svem rumbled, lying on the bed Concorde Unit had gotten her. She was getting closer and closer to out growing it, but it still fit her for now, and she loved it anyway. She hated winter, even though she was a dragon and therefore, always fairly warm. It was that internal flame all dragons had that kept them warm. Even so, she was a reptile in some respects, and the cold made her sluggish until she got moving. This was a particularly bad morning for her. She had stayed up too late the night before, and was suffering a bad case of sluggishness. "Five more minutes..." She grumbled, rolling over to sleep some more.

Concorde Unit knocks again, and opens the door. "Ah, comeon...I even got you a heater for the room, and you're still acting like ya spent the night outside." As he opens the door, the scent of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns with cheese wafts in after. It's a small house after all, so smells can travel fairly quickly. "That, and your food will get cold too! No better way to warm up than from the inside after all!" Seeing her curled up like she was back in her egg again under the sheets, he tugs at them to get them off. "Now come on!"

Svem gave a rather aggressive growl as her sheets were snatched off. She snapped her neck around, trying to bite and grab the sheets back, and almost catching Concorde Unit's hand in her jaws. True, Concorde Unit was a robot and therefore somewhat immune to being harmed, but he still felt pain, something she forgot sometimes. Giving up on the sheets, she curled up again. "You know I hate mornings. Slugga-blood." Slugga-blod was her term for how her blood needed to get moving before she could really get her day going.

Concorde Unit hmmms, shrugging. "Oh? So you're part slug then?" Going with her 'slugga-blood' term, he liked to tease her back lightly when she used that excuse. Taking the sheets and folding them on a dresser away from the bed, so she couldn't just reach over and snatch them again, he looks back. "Well, if ya don't feel like eating, then I'll eat your food for you!" He's teasing when he says this, though he's punished her in the past by withholding her favorite foods, treats and the like. Sometimes by eating it right in front of her. It's not a punishment he likes to do, but it's effective, and one of the only ones that would work well, seeing how he'd have to go overboard to 'spank' her or so. That, and she usually responds well to the prospect of going hungry too.

Svem was suddenly on her feet and shoving past Concorde Unit, out into the main room. The idea of going hungry was a powerful motivator for her. She almost knocked Concorde Unit down in her rush to get past him and to her food. They'd developed a set of metal talon-sheaths for her that served as both protectors from her claws and a form of jewelry for her. She skidded to a stop at the table, looking back at him with a gaze that said, "Touch my food at your own risk."

Concorde Unit laughs as she leaves him nearly in a puff of smoke, following behind. "Alright, alright! Just be careful! Last time I threatened to eat your food and you responded, you chomped on the plate!" That was an interesting day, with a metal plate stuck to her jaw. It took awhile to get it off, though in the process he found out that Svem's teeth are incredibly strong and sharp...a few times, with his hands. He still has the plate with the line of teeth marks hanging on a nail in the kitchen as a reminder. "We're gonna be working out in the snow today too. You've been cooped up in here for the past week, and you need to get outside before your muscles shrivel up from not being used!"

Svem shook her head with a snort. "They will not! Or they wouldn't if you would wrestle with me on occasion." She was already digging into her food, without utensils. CU had once tried to get her to use them. She'd nearly stabbed herself in the mouth. She'd then crushed every one she saw for the next day, ruining a fair amount of them. They'd mysteriously vanished after that. In truth, she'd eaten them to keep her scales good. Dragons absorbed the metal through a second stomach. The metal was used to form new scales as the old ones fell out. She always snuck little metal things when CU wasn't looking, or at least, when she thought he wasn't.

Concorde Unit hmmms. "Well, there's not enough room to wrestle in the house...and you hate going outside right now, so that's that! We're gonna go outside and clean up the snow. You can help in particular with the trees, making the snow fall off of them so they don't crash down, potentially on the house." It's not that either of them would really be hurt by something as mundane as a tree falling on them, but the damage to the house could still be significant after all. Drinking some orange juice and joining in, he has a knife and fork in each hand again. Where do those keep coming from? She did get rid of all of them, yet he keeps finding more.

Svem eyed the utensils. They were the most common object she stole. Where did he find them? They rarely left the cabin... She shrugged it from her mind and finished consuming her breakfast. "Alright, fine. I'll go outside. But then I'm not going outside for another week! Or until the snow melts, whichever comes first." It was the middle of winter, though, so that was unlikely.

Concorde Unit: "Well, that's unlikely to happen as well...cause we need to expand your part of the cabin I think. You have been growing at a pretty steady rate after all. And I want your help with it. Unless you want me to choose everything with no input on your part..."

Svem snapped her head up. "I'll help, I'll help!" Last thing she wanted was no input for her own living space. She swallowed the last of her food. She glanced over at CU's workshop. The smell of metal was strong over there, particularly rare metals. She always asked him what was in there, but he told her it was his work shop and she should stay away from it. "Uncle, what do you do in your work shop?"

Concorde Unit nods, glad to hear that she's finally interested now. Heh, she's like a teenager really. Taking his plate as he finishes up, he looks back to her and the workshop door. "Ah? Well, I create a lot of things...some of the stuff we use around the house, for instance, like the heater in your room. You know, I cobbled that out of the incubator I made to help you hatch when you were a baby. Which I made as well. I go through testing things too, and making devices that have the potential to help many people, along with seeing if things are really possible in the first place. There are devices that aren't for playing though." He doesn't state 'or eating' out loud, though he does have a strong suspicion that Svem has been filching smaller collections of metal to do this. "Anyway, while there are some good things in there, there are also devices that are incomplete, and would be dangerous to mess with haphazardly. Perhaps after you show me how mature you can be in helping with these changes to the house, I'll show you myself. Ok?"

Svem could hear the slight suspicion in his voice. She had long known he'd suspected her of stealing metal to eat. She was very careful when she did it, but there was no way so much metal could go missing and not be noticed. She nodded. "Alright." She licked her plate clean. "What's first on our list of things to do?"

"Well, as I said before, we're gonna be moving snow around. Gotta clear off space for land to develop after all. That, and off of the surrounding trees so they don't potentially fall on the house. Having to fix things would delay getting things done after all."

Svem nodded, picking her plate up in her jaws, carefully this time, and taking it over to the sink. She then trotted over to the door. "Well? Hurry up!" She sounded like it had all be her ideas and he was the one not wanting to do any of it.

Concorde Unit chuckles, cleaning up after them as she hands him the plate with her teeth. "You can go ahead for now...you should be able to figure out what to do with the trees. I'll be behind you in a little bit!"

Svem nodded, heading out the door. She shivered a bit, her scales becoming a darker red as she let her fire abilities come forward more, keeping her warm. She had only very recently begun gaining her abilities, and she hadn't told Concorde Unit about any of them. In fact, this would probably be the first time he would see her while one was active. She'd never used one before in his presence, even just to warm herself as she was doing now, so Concorde Unit would never have seen her scales shift colors. She looked at the trees for a few moments before hopping up and scaling one. It seemed like a good idea at the time, even though she'd yet to learn to fly. She heaved herself back and forth, shaking the tree and the snow off of it. She slid down the tree and back to the ground without incident, leaving some nice gouges in the trunk.

Concorde Unit trails outside after Svem a few minutes later, dressed in a coat and hat, his cheeks already looking rosy from the cold. "Ah...that's one way to take care of the snow, yeah!" Seeing her scaling the tree with ease, he nods a bit as he notices her coloration looks a little...deeper red? "Huh...perhaps the light off the snow?" It's pretty white all around after all with the blanket of snow carpeting almost everything. Shrugging to himself, he grabs a pole off the side of the house and starts knocking down stray icicles that formed overnight around the perimeter of it. Better to do that first before they start working and one brains them in the head after all!

Svem moved to the next tree, passing right by Concorde Unit and in the shade of the house. Her scales were undeniably darker, more red and less purple, almost crimson. She hopped up the next tree before CU could say anything. She was working her way up when there was a crack. A branch had broken under one of her lower legs. She gasped as her front claws dug in and her legs kicked, trying to find something to grip. Her front claws wouldn't hold her weight for more then a few moments, though. She was half way up the tree, no small distance.

Concorde Unit hmms, examining his daughter briefly as she trots by. "Yeah, something different..." Deciding to look into it later, as they are working at the moment, he resumes knocking down another icicle. Thinking on what her color change means while he does so, he blinks as he hears the sharp crack break through the quiet of the white day. "Ah? Svem!?" Seeing her up the tree and struggling, he throws the pole aside and tromps through the snow quickly over to her! "Svem! I've got you if you fall! If you do, try to do so with your belly first!!"

Svem barely heard him over her own panicked breathing. Her front claws couldn't grip, but at the same time, one of her back claws found grip. The result was she tipped backwards, falling. The exact opposite of what Concorde Unit had wanted her to do, she watched the tree fall past, bracing herself for hitting the ground. Suddenly, instinct kicked in and her scales turned grey. When Concorde Unit tried to catch her, it was like catching a freight train falling from a cliff. She dragged him down with her, hitting the ground with a massive thud. She rolled onto her stomach and shook her head, seemingly none the worse for wear. There wasn't a mark on her or her scales.

Concorde Unit rushes over, unsure himself if what he says would be ok too, but panic for her or him isn't the best in a crisis. "Ah shit!" Seeing her fall, his heart fears for her...sure she's tough, but she weighs a lot more and is MUCH higher now. Moving as best he can to catch her, he blinks as she seems to shift colors. Not knowing what this means, he is SLAMMED into when she hits him. Even bracing his legs into the ground, his knees buckle and seem to snap, breaking as he falls backwards into the snow with his right knee separated from his leg. From the hit, his arms don't look too well either, and his eyes are rolled up into his head.

Svem got up slowly, shaking herself off and looking around. "Uncle?" She looked down and gasped. "Uncle!" She got off him and moved to his side, nuzzling him as her scales returned to their normal red/purple color. "Uncle?" She asked again, worried sick. She didn't know if there was anything she could do to help him. She hadn't meant to crush him. She was breathing fast, panic setting in.

Concorde Unit is slow to respond. Unresponsive. For a few seconds at least. With the sound of something starting up in him again, like a motor powering up, his eyes move and refocus towards Svem. "...." He moves his lips, but no sound comes out. His chest seems to have been compacted from the blow as well. Frowning, he closes his right eye, and under his coat his chest seems to be moving a little.

Svem watched, feeling her panic calming down as he responded. Or rather, tried to. She raised a paw to put it on his chest and see what was happening, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to hurt him again. She wasn't even sure what had happened the first time. Would he be angry at her? She was afraid he might be. She didn't know if she could handle that. "Uncle..." She said softly.

Concorde Unit 's face looks concerned for her, but he smiles a little for her sake. It's clear she's broken up about this, with what happened. After a moment, several snapping sounds can be heard from his chest, and it pushes up a little back against her paw on him. "Mmmmmf! Oooo...there we are...not being able to breathe makes it difficult to talk! Svem!" Looking to her for a second with a harsh look, it quickly melts away to a smile. "Are you OK? That was some fall!"

Svem blinked back tears as he started talking. "I'm... I'm fine..." She sounded very choked up. "I'm... I'm sorry! I don't know what happened and now I've hurt you and now you must be angry with me because it's my fault that you got hurt and and and..." She had to pause to take a breath.

Concorde Unit blinks back at her as she starts to break down, and he shakes his head. "Hey hey! It's OK, kiddo! You're ok, and that's what matters to me! And I'll be ok too! It was an accident after all." As he speaks to her his arms seem to sort themselves out, as he reaches up to take careful hold of her paws and try to reassure her. "And I'll be ok too. I'm made of durable stuff after all!"

Svem nodded back, sniffling, trying to hold herself together as he began pulling himself back together. She still couldn't stop a few of the tears that leaked out. She'd been scared. That he'd be alright, that he'd be angry, that he'd kick her out. Though with those fears gone, and the adrenaline winding down, she was getting to the shaky, laughing/crying stage of things.

Concorde Unit errfs, pushing to where he's sitting up now. "By and by, could you hand me my leg? I need to have it to reattach, and it's a little out of my reach." Thinking that her doing something to help him might make her feel better, he offers her the chance to do this. He wouldn't have thought that she would be so emotional like this, given how sullen and all she acted sometimes...it seems his girl is growing up a bit, too.

Svem nodded, reaching over with her head and neck to grab the leg and bring it over to him. She might act surly and sullen much of the time, but she had a real attachment to her uncle, one that she maybe didn't show enough. Getting to help him steadied her somewhat, giving her a moment to calm down more. She settled down on the snow beside where he was sitting, draping her head across his lap, looking for him to pet her. It was something he'd done in her younger life. She'd started not letting him do it when she got older, but she needed to be comforted right now.

Concorde Unit nods, smiling as he takes the limb offered to him. Pulling up his pants leg that had fallen downward and not cracked off with his body, a connection of wires, a few rods and torn skin are visible. "Mmm...shouldn't be too hard to manage." Pushing the leg against the stump, he starts to pet and stroke her head and neck as a layer of liquid metal pushes out of the gap between the broken section, beginning to mend and fuse the leg back together. Pulling the pant leg down in the middle of the process to hide it from view, he smiles to her head in his lap, becoming quiet as he enjoys the moment with her, even if the cause for it was a bit painful to happen.

Svem sniffled, the occasional tear dropping down to wet Concorde Unit's pants. "I'm so... So happy you're alright," She whispered. Even now, she was a bit ill equipped to survive on her own. She'd had none of the practice most dragon hatchlings got in their early years as to hunting and such. Some of her kind might have called her pampered, but she preferred to think she was loved. And since Concorde Unit would likely be around as long as she would be, if not longer, she had no real fears about him leaving. But this had made her think she had truly lost him, and that had scared her badly.

Concorde Unit nods back, so happy to hear this as well. "Heh! You're a good girl, Svem...thank you for caring what happens to this fella that worries for you too." Patting the top of her head, he mmmmfs and stretches. "Though, my pants are getting cold and wet here on the ground, so let's stand up a bit, yeah?" He waits on her to sit up so that he can as well, since she's practically on top of him and all.

Svem nodded, standing up and offering her neck for him to use to get himself up. "You know I care, I always have and always will." Once he as up, she seemed to get a bit withdrawn. "You're sure you're alright? I don't see how I could have done that much damage. I'm not that heavy..."

Concorde Unit takes her offered neck to help himself up, mmmfing as he gets to his feet. Standing and wobbling a little, he soon straightens out. "Aah...heh! I know you do...I'm just glad to see it and all." Finally stable he pants a little bit as he looks to her, and the ground behind him where he left an impact in it, along with her. "I'm not sure what caused it....but, you changed...colors, briefly in the air before you hit me." Scratching the side of her head affectionately, he looks to her scales again. "It was odd...you were a different color out here as well, for a little bit too...a darker red."

Svem looked sharply away. She had kept this a secret from Concorde Unit because she wasn't sure how he'd take it. Specifically because the first of her powers to emerge had been fire, and she'd been playing with it inside her room. In their cabin. Which was made of wood. She looked back at him, but her eyes refused to make eye contact. "I... Uh... I don't know what you're talking about. I've always been this color."

Concorde Unit hmmmmms....and pokes an area around the back of her head, near her 'ear holes'. This doesn't hurt, but it's a little ticklish. "Come on...I saw what I saw. And I certainly FELT what happened too. That, and you're a terrible liar...probably got that from me, cause I'm terrible at it too!" Laughing at his joke at his expense, he looks back to her. "Now comeon...something happened, and I'd like to know what, so I can help you through it."

Svem squirmed, trying to get him away from the sensitive flesh around her ear holes. "Eee! Stop that!" She wiggled away from him, giving him a scowl, but then letting it break into a grin. "I've told you not to do that, it tickles..." She took a deep breath. "I've been developing... Abilities... Lately. The only one I know of is that I can breath fire. I guess I can do something else as well... Whatever I did back there. I just felt panicked that I was falling, and I needed to protect myself."

Concorde Unit nods, hmmming as he looks back to her. "I see...! So that explains the puffs of smoke I've picked up now and then in the house." Not angry, but more interested in what she's saying, it seems he already had an idea of what was happening. "So, you were a deeper red to breathe fire....and whatever you did before made you heavier...a LOT heavier."

Svem nodded. "Like I said, I don't know what I did. The fire came naturally, this one was more like... Instinct. I don't know if I can summon it again... At least, not on demand." She seemed a bit put out that she couldn't reproduce what had happened.

Concorde Unit mmms, looking back to her. "Well...for now, if we can't do anything about it, we can't do anything about it. And we still have some work to do." Having used a good chunk of time with the whole 'broken and healing from being crushed' the sun is start to move from its apex in the sky. "For now, let's focus on the snow and ice and such again....but you should be careful too. You can probably shake most of the tree from only a short ways up, and with a thicker trunk to cling to you shouldn't fall as easily...and if you do, it won't be as far. Let's try to at least get this much done before the sun sets, ok?"

Svem nodded. "Lets!" She headed for the next tree, taking his advice and only going a short way up. Her muscles rippled as she shook the tree. With the snow gone, she moved on for the next one. It didn't take her long to do all the trees except one, which was unusually thick. "Hmmm..." Her scales shifted to a brown color. She reared up on her rear paws and slammed her front legs down. It was like a mini earthquake. Every tree for a few miles was cleared of snow.

Concorde Unit is sure to watch her this time as they go along, as he moves back to the house to recover the pole he was using. Knocking down icicles, he also plots out where and how Svem's area would expand, scanning under the dirt and snow to check how a foundation could be laid out. As he's doing this, he blinks as the ground shakes, and he catches himself before looking back to Svem. "...Whoa....Svem? How'd you do that?"

Svem looked back, her brown and green scales rippling and returning to red. "It was too thick to shake. At least, by hand. Why do you... Ohhh!" Suddenly it clicked. "I... I don't know. I just did it."

Concorde Unit hmmms, and makes his way over to her. The mini earthquake she managed to perform had also done an admirable job on the icicles too, so he figures he may as well check up on her. "Well, that was something! Though, whatever it was, please don't do it in the house of course...heh!" Laughing all the same, he rubs the top of her head lightly. "Still, good job!"

Svem snickered. "I dunno... I gotta practice..." She was giving him the evil eye, like she was seriously considering using this new found power inside the house to see what mayhem she could unleash on her poor uncle. She didn't have a mean streak, but she did love to push the limits at times. She looked down her nose. "The inside of my nose is starting to freeze. Can we go back inside now? Where it's warm?" Her scales had shifted to the deep crimson again, but even the extra heat she was now giving off didn't seem enough to make her feel warmer. In truth, it was the last of the adrenaline leaking from her system making her a bit cold, but she figured they were done now.

Concorde Unit looks over the house a bit, blissfully ignoring the evil eye. Or, at least acting like it anyway. "Yeah, this should do for now. It's not expected to snow again for awhile, so we can take some time designing some of the layout of the expansion. That, and there are some other concerns that have come to my attention now, that I feel we should address in the future too..." Tromping through the snow, he leads the way back indoors where there's heating and towels and warm blankets waiting!

Svem knew he saw the evil eye, though it did irritate her that he more or less ignored her. She tromped through the snow behind him, heading back into the house. The first thing she did was make for the nearest heat source and curl up in front of it. She gave a satisfied sigh of contentment and kept one eye open to watch Concorde Unit, as well as to see if he tried to sneak up on her for any reason.

Concorde Unit takes his time to put away his stuff, knocking off any bits of snow and ice off his boots, as well as turning up the thermostat a nudge or so, so that warm air would start to flow through the vents. Svem loves the heat after all, and he smirks lightly as he sees her lounging in front of one. "Heh...well, did you enjoy yourself at all out there, hon?"

Svem snorted. "No." Her voice fluctuated between an honest answer and a joke. She'd mastered the technique of bouncing her voice in such a way to confuse even Concorde Unit. She curled tighter, her scales rippling through several colors but not settling on one before returning to her normal red and purple highlights. There'd be a rather large spike on the electro-magnetic scale as it happened.

Concorde Unit hmms, and shrugs back. "Well, ok...guess I'll make snowmen and all without you tomorrow then while we clean off the snow from the areas some." Starting to walk out of the room, he stumbles and catches himself on a wall. "W...what the...?" Shaking his head, he stands himself up and looks over to Svem. "Did you feel that?"

Svem lifted her head. "Feel what? Are you alright, Uncle?" She sounded genuinely concerned. She got herself up and walked over to him, nudging his arm with a wing claw. "What was it? You know I can't feel half the things you do." Standing beside him, her colors gave another cycle through, though this time there was a much more limited color set. The pulse was smaller this time, but still there, and it lasted long, marginally. Her color hung on a yellow-ish color for a moment this time before returning to normal.

Concorde Unit is back to normal mostly as she approaches, running through a diagnostic with his right eye closed as she moves over to him. "Well, it felt like there was an electro-magnetic signal of some sort...it's something that really fritzes with electrooooooooooooooo-" His voice hanging like that for a moment, he looks back to her and sees her coloration changing like this. "-oooooonics! Ooof! That was something..." Now he looks a little worn out, as he moves to the den to slump onto the couch. "Well, that's one answer...I think you were doing it, hon...with your color changing there."

Svem was growing more concerned now. She helped Concorde Unit move over to the den and sit down. She blinked when he suggested she was the cause. "But... I didn't do anything..." She hadn't been looking in the right way to notice her own color change, and she hadn't felt anything... She was examining a claw when it happened again. This time, the pulse was long and strong, the yellow color much more defined, hanging for several seconds before receding. "Oh... I think a new ability is coming, is all..." She looked up at Concorde Unit. By the time she finished her sentence, she was only half done the color change.

Concorde Unit mmmfs back to her, about to answer when the next wave of electro-magnetic pulse starts to hit. At this point he's gotten some of his act together and set up his countermeasures for electro-magnetic activity, or at least started, so he merely leans back and lets the wave wash over him as he listens to her. "Yeah...that's great hon. Umm....we're gonna need to do something about all of these, I think...what's happening to you and all." It's hard to have a heart-to-heart when one is unintentionally making conversation with the other difficult, so he's waiting out this pulse first before he'll really get into it.

Svem can tell he's struggling. "Sorry, Uncle. I... I can't control it until it emerges fully. It's... Unstable. I never told you about the fire because I... Kind of almost burnt the house down when it was emerging..." The wave passed, but her color was looking shaky, like another one could follow right on the heels of the first. And sure enough, it did. This time, it was the strongest pulse, but it suddenly cut off, her scales keeping their yellow color. "Ahhhh..." She sighed, tilting her head back as power rushed through her form. "Better. I was starting to get queasy." The air around her was alive with static electricity, but the electro-magnetic pulses were gone completely.

Concorde Unit is still, quiet as the pulse moves around him. He's keeping his activity to a minimum in order to not damage himself while he's holding this 'defensive' network up, merely nodding back to her as the pulse continues to push through him. The lights dim a little and flicker as the next pulse goes through, and as it cuts off they come back on as normal. Feeling that the pulse has passed, he blinks his eyes to test them and looks to her. "...Well, look at you...you're like a pikachu!"

Svem growled. "I do NOT look like a mouse!" A low pulse came off her, though it quickly subsided as she controlled herself. She didn't want to cause more problems. "Anyway, I guess this is sort of an... I don't know, energy ability. Manipulation or something. I'd have to play around with it to get a feel for it, but I think that'd be a bad idea with you near by..."

Concorde Unit erfs once more as the low pulse comes out. "You have a bit of a temper, hon..." Shaking his head, he looks over her. "Yeah...that looks fair to estimate, I'd say..." Hmmming, he reaches up to rub the side of her face. "It also reminds me of something important as well that I wanted to talk to you about."

Svem quirked an eye ridge. "Something you wanted to talk to me about? Sure, go right ahead." She let her color leech back to red and purple. "What's up?" She settled down on her haunches, looking alert, if a bit comical because of her posture. She looked like a puppy.

Concorde Unit hmms, seeing her posture, and smiles a little. Before he remembers what there is to talk about, and he straightens up a bit. "This past year, you've grown so much...I remember when you were still a tyke that couldn't get around without help, and needed to be fed by hand...cause you were so messy, AND you kept eating the forks when I served you a bite!" Laughing for a moment, he wipes a tear away from his eyes from laughing so hard. "Still...I think I've neglected a part of raising you, Svem...something rather important for you personally."

Svem chuckled at the memories of of her younger years. She had some hazy memories. She glanced away at the mention of forks and eating them. It was kind of something she avoided mentioning. In case Concorde Unit figured out she was still doing it. She turned her attention back, though, when he got serious. "Never. You've done everything right, Uncle."

Concorde Unit looks back to her, and smiles, patting her head as he stands up. "Heh...you're kind too. But still, it's somewhat true. You are a dragon of one sort, and I've been raising you like a human child. Granted, that was all I really knew, but as a result you don't know what you CAN do as such. I'll admit though that your...chromatic abilities are unknown to me as far as relating to dragons, but still..."

Concorde Unit had a plan for teaching his daughter a skill that all dragons should learn.

But that is a story best left until the summer, half a year later.