All's fair... Ch. 4

Story by SweetBlackPaws on SoFurry

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#4 of All's Fair (side project)

so it's finally here after my laptop crashed, please do enjoy. As always criticism is welcome. Too tired at present to add tags, feel free

"How significant do you think the necklace is to that town?" Otto asked. We were walking at a leisurely pace on the beaten path toward the bandit city, another dull, icy morning for the Duskwood.

"Well if Sheila managed to steal it so easily, either they have poor security or it wasn't really of much import," I suggested. Snow softly, inaudibly pelted both us and the ground, making us shiver even through the thick furs we wore above our clothes.

"Assume she was a skilful thief? Best hide that little trinket; we can't take any chances, Lukas." The city soon came into view, thick black smoke rose from various industries. The heavy clatter and clanging of a blacksmith echoed for miles through the forest, soldiers patrolled and some squads were busy with military exercises and training. The city was not very dissimilar to a militant fort, the only hints that it wasn't were the numerous houses, and the children running rampant through the streets. "Brigand central welcomes you, population: scum and lowlifes," Otto joked. I chuckled behind the darkness of my hood and punched his shoulder roughly.

"They're not exactly trying to hide the fact that they're a full city of outlaws, are they?" I noted.

"Well they are arrogant thugs. Besides, no patrol or even full city guard could rise against this army," Otto explained, and this was the absolute truth, the soldiers stationed here appeared to have gone through rigorous training and their equipment was of excellent quality, a tell-tale sign of a master blacksmith. "Let's be glad it wasn't these guards that we had to beat down back in Richard's Folly, that would have been problematic."

We strode proudly into the city, guards eyed us intently for a moment and then, deciding we weren't immediate threats, returned to scanning the tarnished road. My stomach rumbled loudly and a glance in Otto's direction told him we couldn't go much further without getting something, anything, to eat. "It's been days..."

"Alright, well maybe we'll look less suspicious I suppose." The inn that we'd first set our eyes on dominated most of one side of the town square, the other major building seemed to be the town hall which was surprisingly extravagant for bandits. The city was easily becoming more and more surprising with everything we saw. "How many coins do we have?" Otto inquired.

I began to make my rough estimate on our wealth, too worried to pull out my coin purse in a bandit city. "Forty-two coins?" I offered uncertainly. The collie snapped his gaze to me, shocked. "What?" I quizzed.

"You didn't think we'd need a little more than that? I'm sure you had more stashed somewhere at home," he raged softly. A weak, embarrassed smile found its way onto my face. He sighed, letting me lead the way to the tavern. We stepped through the doorway, making a small and unpronounced entrance to the crowded building. What I expected and what I actually saw were two completely different things, in my head I saw the place being filled with thugs and brutes with little to no order, in my mind I could imagine a fight as we stepped in, but what I saw damn near stunned me; There was a fire blazing brightly in a hearth at one end of the room, tables were arranged neatly near the fire and the patrons of this quiet establishment drank and laughed, making what I assumed to be polite conversation. The barkeep stood polishing glasses and large ale-mugs from behind his counter, and barmaids, both Human and Nephilim, were kept very busy by the orders of surprisingly civil customers.

"Welcome, gentlemen, to The Raven's inn. What can I get for you on this gloomy morning?" he offered with a smile. He was a panther, tall and weakly built even for a feline, he seemed rather out of place in a tavern really.

"Two mugs of mead and some cheap food, a little down on the money I'm afraid," Otto scowled at me when he finished speaking, making the cause of our financial crisis all too apparent. I glared back at him, starting to get annoyed with his tone.

"Alright gents, coming right up. Rita! Get these two some meal!" he called out in command.

"Otto, really? You're taking this blame thing a bit far," I whispered aggressively.

"Oh come on, lighten up a little, I don't mean anything by it," he jeered.

I intensified my glare, one paw balling into a fist. "Just ease up, I'd like to remain civil," I calmed and recollected myself as the panther came back to us.

"That's twenty-four coins, eight a piece for the food and four a piece for the drinks. Now tell me, what are a bunch of city boys doing at our little outpost in the Duskwood?" he asked, placing our drinks in front of us and returning to work polishing and cleaning out the other mugs.

I painstakingly passed him the due payment, taking a large swig of my mead. "We're adventurers, not from the mainland," I lied casually. The panther eyed me somewhat discretely as he worked away, then called one of his underlings, who came hurriedly to his side. He whispered something to her, gave her the coins I'd paid, and then she left without hesitation.

"Can't help but notice that you're a little under-equipped for adventuring around here," the barkeep pointed out. I looked down at myself, a crossbow on my back and a sword at my side, I'd dismantled my backpack and fixed it to my clothes because of how cumbersome it had become.

"And that's exactly why we're here, have to make coin with what we have," Otto said between gulps of mead.

"Alright, well I know a few people that might be able to use a pair of err... gentlemen, like you. No truly glorious jobs, but definitely something to get you the money to afford new gear, and I have a room spare if you decide you need a place for the night."

"Thanks, but no thanks, we'll not be staying here long." I said hurriedly.

"Alright suit yourself, but if you ever need work or a place to stay..." he offered one last time, the barmaid Rita returned with a particularly meaty stew, setting our food in front of us. Otto and I hungrily wolfed down our meals, finishing the food within minutes.

"If we need either of those, we'll be back," we got up and turned to leave, with hastened steps we left the building.

"By the way, that's a mighty fine trinket you have 'round your neck" There was something more than unsettling in the way his smile gleamed as I glanced back. We stepped out into the town square; numerous buildings populated the edges, the centre was dominated by a large decorative water fountain, the opposite side of the square housed a town hall and two adjacent guardhouses. Weak sunlight glinted off snow that fell on the cobblestone streets, humans and Nephilim walked about, tending their daily business. "Town hall looks a promising place to start,"

Otto nodded his head in agreement, we were certain to at least discover the where Sheila was being held, the only question that remained was how we would learn her location without making anybody suspicious...

"Move fool!" somebody yelled at us, the thunderous sound of wild horses' hooves suddenly became apparent, Otto and I jumped aside instinctively. The party charged by us with unchanging speed, I only just got a glance of the leader before I turned my head quickly to face the ground, it was Dirk.

"Stay down, it's Dirk," Otto whispered.

"I know," I returned, hoping against all hope that he hadn't recognised us. I kept low on the ground, waiting for the sound of the now-trotting horses to disappear.

"Get up!" Dirk barked, dismounting. I refused to move, frozen in place by fear. "We know who you are, get up!" he demanded. We? Otto and I rose slowly and looked toward the furious otter. He wasn't dressed for battle, nor was he armed, he stood menacingly as his escort restrained us, bitter resentment raged throughout my mind as I stared him down. The spectacle drew the attention of numerous onlookers, every one of them watched, most of them expected blood, and they all expected a show. "I do believe you've stolen something from me, from all of us... Luckily for you, I have strict orders to bring you in unharmed and as you are. Bring them in, _he_wants them now," Dirk ordered.

"So... you are the thieves that stole my necklace?" The elder croaked, standing up from his throne and leaning on his staff.

"Well, I W..." I began.

"Save your breath child, there are matters more pressing than your petty thievery," he said with a weak and aged voice. We stood in the centre of town hall, there were few guards considering the importance this elder seemed to bear, and considering his age. He offered a resolute smile, "these will do," I didn't reply, neither did Otto. The room was silent, as though we were being evaluated. "Well, I assume you came for your friend, yes? Of course you did, or else you would have sold that medallion and made your fortune already. You came to save this rogue." Some guards threw a shackled and abused Sheila into the court. I bolted in her direction but the spear of a soldier reminded me I wasn't going anywhere without the elder's permission. I stood down, looking at Sheila. "You can take her..."

"Then we'll be on our way and, you can take back your medallion," Otto said. Sheila scowled at him, the elder laughed.

"Keep the medallion boy, the woman stays with us until you have done what I will ask. A fair trade, if you will," he snapped.

"What could you possibly want from us other than that medallion?" I asked.

"You are to speak with our sage, he will give you your instructions, these are to be followed to the letter or you will never see her again. Dirk, take them to Basil, remember that they are guests in our house. I trust you will treat them as such."

"Of course, milord," Dirk returned, looking at us with wounded pride. "This way... gentlemen," we followed him across the marble tiled floor, through a door that took us into the sage's office. It was filled with books and maps of all sorts, Basil sat behind a cluttered desk as he worked hard at a piece of writing. Dirk cleared his throat, calling Basil's attention to us. "His lordship believes that these two are those that you've been searching for, I leave them in your care, sage."

Basil nodded and dismissed him, inviting us to sit. "You still smell like a human, when did it happen?" The wolf raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I replied.

"Elder Micah is a wise man; he wouldn't botch this town's last chance at survival. We know you were human once, how coincidental that we would need 'a man of both fates, of our lot and theirs' to save us," he explained.

"So... Me? To save an entire town of bandits, just to get Sheila back? You really do think I'm insane, don't you?"

"Oh come now, we're not asking you to slay a dragon or kill a powerful sorcerer. All this is, is politics, diplomacy with humans. Also you may wish to take care what you say around here, while nearly every man and woman in here is some form of criminal, they all have hearts as good and strong as any I've ever seen," Basil persuaded, "Besides, if you don't agree to help us you'll probably be killed, and I gather our military overseer, Dirk, would have few qualms about brutalising you." The sage made an undeniable point, we had little choice.

"Lukas... We have to do it, think of Sheila, also when we finish with whatever they want us to do... I think they may know how to change you back," Otto said.

Change me back? This was an idea that repeated itself many times in my head as I considered the proposal. "Verily we can, but only once you've helped us." I clasped my paws and reclined in my seat, contemplating my position. Three options, all of them quite likely to be my end, first I saw simply ignoring everything and finding a new home, coming to terms with what happened and accepting I couldn't change it, though the otter would undoubtedly be sent to kill me before I left this hall. Second, I could comply with their demands and go off to whatever human city they had in mind, here I would either be enslaved by those that loved me or killed on sight for fear I may carry some or other maddening disease. And finally there was the third and most ambitious of my options, greatest risk for greatest reward, there was only a small chance that these bandits could help cure my "affliction." My third and final option, I could accept their request, I could ask for a night in the city, after that I could sneak back to the prison with Otto and rescue Sheila, from there we could run and find Mordecai... Or Sheila's sage.

"Alright, I'll do it. Point me in the direction and consider the task already done." I held out a paw as a sign of trust. "My word is my bond, sage," I lied, never intending to keep a promise made to a thief. Or murderer, whatever he was.

His eyes shimmered as he shook my paw "excellent," he cheered, "shall I tell Elder Micah you're ready to make way?"

I looked mischievously at Otto, undoubtedly giving him a sinking feeling. "Not quite yet, a request, if I may," the sage gave a nod, motioning for me to proceed "We need rest, it really has been an... eventful past few days. Would his lordship be able to house us for the night?"

The weak winter sun readily gave way to the moon, the last few rays of light swallowed by bare wood and snow and replaced by the masked might of moonlight. Clouds loomed in the sky with no chance of dissipating, good news for me and Otto. "You honestly think we can convince the mayor of Richard's Folly to send aid to a town he hasn't heard of?" Otto asked as he tapped against the window and watched the snow fall.

"No, definitely not, that's folly!" I joked, stifling a laugh. I'd cleared a small table and began setting random items on it, illustrating my plan.

"Oh that's a new one!" Otto said sarcastically, giving his most plastic of laughs. "So then, why did you say you'd go through with this if you knew it wasn't possible?" I gestured to the table with the objects I'd set. "Ahh yes, of course! We'll give them an end table covered in things they already own! They'll be so grateful that they'd set Sheila free without even a second thought!"

I scowled at him, "you have no faith in me, Otto. Look, the book is town hall, ok? I'm the coin, you're the feather" Otto kneeled beside me as I explained. "Now all along here are guards, they'll be easy to get past in the case of getting in, not so much in getting out. We enter town hall, speak to Elder Micah about seeing that Sheila is in good health, and they take us to her. What happens now is slightly tricky, you see we demand to have a word with her in private and say we have permission from Micah, but we get into a scuffle. While I'm in the guard's face he won't notice if one of us snatches the key from his belt, once he complies and leaves us we give Sheila the keys, once she's sure the prison guard is asleep she'll escape on her own."

Otto looked at me understandingly; this was our last real chance to save Sheila. If we failed this time we wouldn't have another chance, it was do or die. "You know, personally I think giving them that end table is a smarter idea," Otto said uncertainly.

"Well if they could understand what the objects symbolised in this instance... I think it would be more valuable to them, but no, then it wouldn't be the smarter idea." I had a satisfied grin that wouldn't fade from my face as I moved to lie on the bed for a few minutes before we would enact my plan. I collapsed onto a soft mattress of furs that seemed to force me into sleep, though it would take more than a good mattress to distract me from my goal.

"That is the truth. By the way, I took note of an apprentice blacksmith in the town today. Looked like a good lad, strong and skilful but he was being reprimanded by his trainer. Something about having his head in the clouds."

"Oh?" I returned absently.

"Yes, his name was... Something Ford... Harry? Harris? Something with an H..."

I chuckled lowly, "Ford? What a strange surname. Imagination or no, I don't see him getting too far in life with his head in the clouds, as it were. Let's do this, the town is getting more unsettling by the minute."

We made our way across from the inn, the streets were now mostly clear; everybody was at home with their families. I could barely contain my pride in the genius that was my plan, this was without doubt one of the most daring things I would ever attempt, even considering I used to hunt along the border of the Empire's reaches. Water flowed unrestrictedly in the fount, torches thrust light through the rushing water, some of which bounced back to create a runic pattern on the rim of the fountain, runes similar to those that were carved into the couple that had been crucified. The reflected light was a reminder of the gruesome previous day. Before long we were in Elder Micah's court again, he was speaking with one of the city officials about supplies, giving orders to ration the town, even the nobler of citizens. "Ahh Lukas, Otto, my work dogs. What could have roused you from The Raven's inn and swept you back into my court?" Elder Micah crowed. The official stepped aside for us to proceed with our business.

"Elder," I greeted, bowing courteously. "We would like to see Sheila before we leave, there is something important we need to discuss with her."

He coughed hoarsely, looking down on us with dwindling patience, "I never imagined her to have any friends outside the Northern Warrens... Alright, but you don't have much time. You two, take them to the prison. Lukas, you report back to me when you're done, there is something I didn't mention earlier, something confidential."

We were led a short distance from the town hall, through an alley, one guard led while the other followed closely behind. The guards gave us ten minutes, standing outside the entrance. We met the main prison guard, he- or rather she- was not what I expected in the least. She was a hyena, powerfully built and heavily armoured. Her personality was a perfect complement to her build, she was as cold as the steel that swung at her side, and her arms looked capable of crushing bones to dust effortlessly. "Micah let you back here? Whatever, that kangaroo bitch is this way. Stay close or you'll find this great sword wedged somewhere between your fifth and sixth ribs," she taunted with a voice more feminine than her body should have allowed. It wasn't hard to see why our escorts were waiting outside.

"Alright, leave us, we need to speak with her alone." I instructed, she snarled, cracking her neck. She moved a large paw to the pommel of her sword, making her point clear. "We have the Elder's permission, girl. Perhaps we could speak to him again," I threatened. She poked me roughly in the chest, I gave Otto a nod and signalled he would have to move soon. I steeled myself, and shoved back on the hyena woman, she pulled a fist and charged forward, I reacted and barely managed to grab her wrist, but this did nothing to cushion the blow she struck me. Otto made a deft move for the keys on her side and pocketed them. For a few tense seconds the three of us stood there, blood trickled from my nose and my eye began to throb with pain.

"You have five minutes left, I'll be waiting for you at the door," she said, spitting on me. She left, carrying with her the torch that gave most of the light.

"charming," I remarked, raising a paw to my eye.

"Well, on the upside, at least she had a nice voice?" Otto added. We stepped toward Sheila's cell, she seemed to be the only prisoner on this side of the prison. She laughed at us when she saw what the hyena did to me.

"Was she a little too tough for you mate?" she was roughed up pretty badly, she was bruised and her clothes were torn, not to mention her scent was almost as bad as the prison by now. She was unshackled in her cell, no longer a threat behind bars, she really was a ghastly sight.

"You have no idea... mate," I said. Otto passed her the keys, she gasped and looked at us with wide eyes. "Surprised?"

"You're crazy, you know that? Those are really? That means I don't have to spend another night in this hellhole, no more abuse from the guards, no more being alone in this cold cell!" she squealed. I had to signal her to hush or she may well have been heard.

"Yeah, but we have a plan, stick to it. You're going to have to wait until that hyena falls asleep or leave when she isn't looking, you'll meet us just outside the city. You only have this chance, otherwise this will be the end for all of us," Otto explained, making the consequences of failure more obvious. Sheila agreed and hid the keys in what was left of her shirt.

"Well we're out of time, hopefully we'll see you on the outside. Good luck."

Otto and I left, looking back one last time at our beaten friend. "Get out of my prison, your escort is waiting for you outside."

"Alright Otto I have to speak with Micah, get to the inn and grab any of our items that might be there, we'll meet on the outside." I whispered, Otto followed my orders as I readied myself to speak with Elder Micah.

"Did you take care of everything you needed to in that prison? I see you met Aubrey," he joked, noting my eye and bloodied nose.

"Yes. What is it you wanted to speak to me about?" I so graciously snapped.

"I don't expect you to trust us, and I know you would rather not aid us but I can see you care for the girl..." he began

"I need her, that's all it is."

"Do you? I don't think you do. What you're doing for her is what any of the citizens of this town would do for any other. We may all be people of questionable character, but we do watch out for each other, that I can promise, and we do keep true to our word... Just keep that in mind, this town needs you. Without those supplies we could last a month, maybe two. Think of the families here that can no longer go home. That's all I have to say, feel free to leave whenever you want," he finished. I stood in that cold hall, shaken by Elder Micah's words. I couldn't help but notice that this town, much like myself, had been exiled by society. Were we really so different? I was run out of town for being different, they fled here to start over and they've succeeded. Perhaps this called for a new line of thinking. Perhaps I could help this town, after I returned myself to who I once was. I left the court of the Elder, walking to the edge of the city where Otto and I would meet Sheila.

As expected I found Otto already waiting outside for me, sitting back against a tree. "What was that all about?" he questioned.

I looked down at him, smiled, and then took a seat beside him. "It was nothing, just about what they wanted us to do. And now, we wait. No sleep for us, we have to be ready to leave when Sheila gets out." I whispered. And now, the moment of truth...