The Squall: Chapter five

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#6 of The Squall

Once again, if your below the age of 18, you really should not be on this sight.

Sorry it took me so long to get the next chapter out.

"Mama Kin" (Lyrics) is copyrighted to Aerosmith.

"Little Wing" is copyrighted to the late Jimi Hendrix. This version copyrighted to the late Stevie Ray Vaughn.

The characters are copyrighted to me.

Jess twiddled her thumbs nervously as Tina kept a comforting fin on her shoulder. They had figured out a plan to give Shaun the necessary vaccinations to protect against digestive fluids in case he came into contact with an over zealous macro. Tina had a friend who was a doctor. She had gotten in contact with him and asked if he could make a house call. When asked about who the patient was, Tina's only response was a,

"You'll find out."

The human who sat across from Jess was also fairly nervous. Not because he was about to get a shot but because of what they do and the fact that they were required by law. Tina looked over at Shaun with a concerned look.

"Are you ok?" She asked as she walked up to him and leaning in close to his head as if she was going to kiss him right then and there. She and Beth always had a fun time teasing him with seductiveness.

"Well...I'm guess I'm just nervous about getting a shot that's to protect me from when I get eaten of something like that." Beth's brows perked up at what she heard. She noticed Shaun had not said if as if to imply that the event was inevitable. The 13 ft T-Rex licked her chops at the thought of the human sliding down her gullet to rest comfortably in her belly. Tina noticed the look on Beth's face.

"You ok, Beth?" The Great White may have sounded concern, but the look on her face showed that she knew exactly what Beth was thinking. Beth, meanwhile, came out of her daydream, her face turning a bright red. She then brought her attention back to the nervous Shaun.

"There's no need to worry. Where you're from, the thought of being eaten may sound frightening. But here, it can be a very sexual and wonderful thing. It's believed to create a very intimate bond. Besides, if it makes you feel any better, everyone in this room has had a very close encounter with my belly." Shaun's eyes went wide to everyone else, who where all smiling widely. Tony popped his head up from the couch he was sitting on.

"It's true, Me, Tina, Jess as well as the doctor, his wife and a few more friends have all been a resident of her stomach." Beth pattered her firm muscled stomach as she licked her chops again.

"That's right, and I must say, you all are very tasty." Everyone shared a laugh as they recalled all the times Beth had swallowed them. It was then Beth turned to Shaun and stated. "I've been eaten before too, you know." The human stared up at her, trying to figure out who on earth could have been big enough to eat the huge reptilian woman. Tony though about it for a second before her remembered what Beth was talking about.

"Oh yeah, your talking about Ashley. How is that lovable bovine? I haven't seen here in months!" Tony asked looking up at his friend. In his excitement, he misjudged how close he was to the T-Rex and she had to push apart her mammoth breasts to look at him.

"Well, she's doing alright. I heard she got a job for the police." Beth let go of her breasts she grabbed a few more pillows and placed them under her knees, to which she had been on for the entire duration of their conversations. After she was comfortable, she pulled apart her breasts again and looked back down at the Doberman. "I talked to her yesterday. She really wants to see everyone again." Everyone expressed their approval about the get together until the noticed the confused look on Shaun's face. Tina had a good guess about his confusion and spoke up.

"Ashley is one of our macro friends. She's a cow that stands at about 150-200 ft tall. Don't let the fact that she's a cow confuse you, she is by no means fat, but she is big." Tony couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yea, her bust and hips size is big even for macro standards." Jess spoke up at his remark.

"Well, considering she was a striper at one point she had to have a figure that could make any man drool. And now that she's with the police she's going to have some muscles to go with her seductive figure." Soon everyone was talking about their times with Ashley and how much she loved to pop them into her mouth and eat them. Shaun was still having some thoughts. Beth noticed this and decided to talk about something else, thinking he was probably uncomfortable with subject and wasn't ready. Though she was determined to give a first hand experience with the ways of being eaten, and was certain Ashley would feel the same way once she meets the human. She tried to come up with a new subject until she remembered something she should have mentioned.

"I probably should have mentioned this, but Julie is going to be coming over to meet Shaun." Everyone's head spun and faced her. Tina spoke at the statement.

"You told her about Shaun?!" Beth looked at her apologetically.

"She sneaked it out of me. You how good she is when it comes to finding out info that's being kept from her. When I told her, it took everything I could to keep her from coming here and having her way with Shaun." The human's face went red. "But she promised me she wouldn't tell anybody else." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Julie was good at finding out information, but she was even more skilled at keeping secrets.

"So when is she getting here?" asked Tony who had realized how close he was to Beth and was now sitting beside Shaun, relieving Beth of having to look post her bosom to talk to him and giving him an excuse to be close to Shaun.

"Well she also knew about the house call so she should be coming at the same time as Rob and Sarah." Tina nodded at the statement before turning to Shaun. She decided to have a little more fun and spoke to him in a very seductive voice.

"Well, it looks like our cute little human is going to get three new friends." Everyone began to laugh as the human in question took on an even brighter shed of red. After a few more minutes, they heard a knock on the door. Jess got up and headed for the door. She opened it up and was greeted by the sight of Rob, his wife and assistant Sarah, and Julie. Rob was 35 year old wolf. He stood at 6'8" and was covered in white fur.

"So where's the patient in question?" His voice boomed. Jess didn't say a word as she led the trio into the room. The look on their face was priceless, with the exception of Julie who had more of turned on look than surprised. "I should explain this to me." Everyone took turns in explaining how Shaun had arrived. Once it was over Rob and his wife Sarah had calmed down. "Well, I must say it's a pleasure to meet you." Rob held out his furred hand as Shaun took it in his. The Doctor kept his cool as he had his first contact with a human, but inside he was ecstatic. Sarah meanwhile had replaced her earlier state of shock with that of Julies. She, like her husband was a wolf, or wolfess to be more exact. She was covered in black fur and stood at 6'7". As her husband inspected his patient, Sarah leaned in close to Julie.

"My, isn't he a cute one." Julie nodded her agreement. Julie, like Beth was of a reptilian nature. She was a crocodile to be exact. She was 30 years old and stood at an impressive 7' flat. Julie smiled a toothy grin as she replied.

"You can say that again." After a few more minutes, Rob turned to his wife. With having to be asked, she removed a syringe and a bottle of green liquid from her bag. She filled the needle with said liquid and handed it back to her husband. Shaun eyed the needle suspiciously before he turned away from the needle. The doctor gave a bit of a chuckle before he quickly inserted the needle into the human's arm, injected the substance and removed the needle. Shaun didn't even notice it had been done until he heard the doctor say he was done. They Rob and Sarah were about to leave until Jessica stopped them.

"Why don't you two stay awhile? Julie is and I'm sure you'd like to learn more about our friend here. We were about to watch some of his home movies." Rob and Sarah grinned at each other and agreed to the husky's suggestion. As they all headed into the living room Sarah leaned to her husband and whispered.

"You know we should ask Jess if she'd let us borrow Shaun for a few days. It would sure spice things up the bedroom a bit." Rob got a good look at the human and gave his wife passionate kiss.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." Different pictures began to swirl in the wolf's head. "You could have him to yourself for one round, I could have him for the second, and the third round could be all three of us in one night of passion." The wolfess grabbed her husband in a passionate embrace.

"You naughty wolf, you" She giggled. The all sat down in front of the television, Shaun's video camera already hooked up. Everyone stared at the screen with baited breath, eager to get a glimpse into Shaun's world. The human was perched by the camera on the floor. When everyone was ready, he pushed play on the camera, and everyone was immediately greeted by a goofy grin of his friend Jack.

"Hello everyone out there, this is Jack. I'm currently in the passenger seat of my friend, Shaun's, car. Say hello to the camera, Shaun?" The screen shakes a bit as the camera moves to the right, an image of Shaun currently staring out the front window. "Hello camera." Jack gave a chuckle before he responded.

"Why don't you tell all the fine people at home were we are going?"

"Well, my a little should I say this?....completely beyond repair and we are now currently...traveling at a steady 70 mph, heading for the music I can purchase a new axe." The camera bobbed up and down as if to say "yes."

"And what axe are you looking for, my man."

"Well, I was thinking of Fender Stratocaster or a Gibson Les Paul." Back in reality, everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen. Shaun was expecting to be bombarded with questions, but was surprised to only hear the sound of the video. The image on the screen continued to show the two humans travel down the highway until it cut to an image of a building with various instruments in the window. Shaun walked into the building first as Jack followed, keeping the camera focused on the star. After a few more minutes of dialoged and a few comical images of jack messing with some of the instruments, the picture cutaway again to an image of Shaun with a very shiny guitar draped around his neck. Jack spoke up.

"Tell us what you got there."

"Well I decided to go with the Gibson. I like Fender's guitars pretty good, but I can't resist the power of a Les Paul."

"Why don't you play us something?" everyone on the couch leaned in close to the screen, eagerly waiting what the human was going to play. The store clerk gave Shaun the go ahead and he raised the pick high into the air before bringing it down on the strings to play a powerful power cord. After a split second, Shaun began to play an amazing guitar riff. People in the store stopped what they were doing to listen to him play. After a few more minutes, Shaun ended his little solo and a wave of applause hit him. He gave a bow as he walked up to the clerk and simple stated.

"I'll take it." Everyone outside of the TV were also applauding, Shaun rubbed the back of his head as the image on the screen changed again. The speakers blared out the sound of a cheering audience as Shaun stood on stage. His friend Jack was on bass, and two other people they recruited where on drums and rhythm. Shaun hammed it up for the cheering crowed until he walked up to the mike.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR A GOOD TIME!?" The crowed cheered loudly. "HOW ABOUT SOME AREOSMITH, YOU WANNA HEAR SOME AEROSMITH!?" The crowd's cheers grew louder as he prompted the band. After a countdown, the band began to let lose the beginning riff to Mamma Kin. A few seconds, Shaun busted out a quick solo before they repeated the main riff again. When it was time for the lyrics, Shaun cleared his throat and stepped up to the mike before he started to sing the lyrics.

"It ain't easy; livin like a gypsy, tell ya honey how I feel...I've been dreamin, floatin down the stream, losing touch with all that's real...Whole earth lover, keeping under cover, never knowin' where ya been...You've been fadin', always out paradin, keepin' touch with mama kin!" The audience exploded with cheers. Up on stage, Shaun was singing and playing like a true rock star, the audience swaying and bobbin to his playing. After a few more songs, the lights dimmed. Shaun took off his Les Paul and replaced with a Stratocaster, which he decided to buy along side the Gibson. When he was ready, Shaun began to play Stevie Ray Vaughn's version of "Little Wing". The audience clapped to the beat of the Bluesy tune. Shaun's body moved and swayed with the music. Once the song was over, the audience both on and off screen burst into applause. On screen Shaun and the rest of the band took a bow before the lights dimmed and the video ended. Shaun pressed the stop button and was suddenly surrounded on all sides. He was then bombarded by question about what he did besides what they knew based off of Jessica's drawings. He explained how he learned how to play, how the band got together, what they did, and where they went. He went into his room and pulled out the two guitars that he had bought and had come with him to this new world. He played a few riffs and let everyone have a try at playing. Seeing as the guitars in the anthro world were slightly larger, they had a little bit of a hard time handling them, especially Beth. Shaun showed them a few cords to play and he had decided to give them guitar lessons.

They watched of few more of Shaun's home movies, until it was time for Rob and Sarah to go home. They said their goodbyes and once they were heading home, they continued to think little plots to "borrow" Shaun for a little while. Everyone else decided to stay for the night and watch more of the videos. Laughter was heard throughout the night as they watched Shaun and his friends play paintball, though the way the acted it out was as if they were in a real war. Once everyone was feeling tired, it was time to hit go to bed. Shaun, Jessica, went to their respective rooms. Tina slept with Jessica, though she would have like to sleep with someone else. Julie, Beth, and Tony stayed in the living rooms. Julie and Tony took one of the two couches while Beth was happy with the floor. Everyone said their good nights and within minutes, was all asleep.

Tony laid on the couch, thinking about all the things that had happened through out the day, more specifically the new resident human. The mere thought of the human was causing his sheath to stir a bit. The Doberman blushed as he thought about the human. His thoughts were interrupted all of a sudden, by the presence of another person in the couch. He looked down and saw a large lump travel upwards from underneath the covers. Before he could protest he felt his sheath and scrotum being caressed and handled eliciting a moan from the canine. He tried to protest but felt that no words would want to come out. It was then he noticed the lump travel even higher and higher until it rested on Tony's chest. At that moment he lifted up his covers to see who it was. His eyes went wide when he saw a familiar furless being lay on top of him.

"Sh-Shaun...w-w-what are you doing?" The human slowly crawled up Tony's chest before he was face to face with the Doberman.

"Tony" he said with a passionate sigh "The first time I laid eyes on you; I knew that I had to be with you. Please...let me sleep with you tonight." Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always thought something like this would have been the other way around, with him professing his needs to Shaun. Before he could say or think of anything else, Shaun's lips met with his. Tony's eyes went wide. He felt his member slowly poke out his sheath. The way Shaun was positioned; Tony's extending maleness began to prod at the human's backside. Tony felt something else on his body. He felt Shaun's hardening member just below his navel. The Dobermans felt his face get hot as the heat was being turned up on his body. When the kiss was broken, Shaun stared lustfully into his eyes. "Tonight...I want to make love to you." Tony's face grew hotter as the shocked look on his face soon matched the humans. Lust and passion filled both of their eyes as they embraced, ready for the night ahead.

I know I placed it under M/M, but thats only because of Shaun and Tony's little encounter....the more...intimate stuff you'll read in the next CH. ;p