Ghost 2 Index

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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An index to Ghost 2. People, places, names, events, sayings.

Index for Ghost 2 Version 1.1

"He would argue with his salad bowl." - a polite term for someone who is crazy. Also a slur against felines (He is so finicky, he would argue with his salad-bowl over which dressing to use).

"Out! Out, Collector of Moth-Larva. Mange-Ridden, Harbinger of Fleas... And dare not return, until your words be sweeter." - Excerpt from a common stage-play.

"Step on one wolf's tail, you step on all of them." - A term used to describe how touchy wolves are about their pride.

"We are many wolves, but we are One Pack" - Slogan of the Great Pack of Wolves.

Acid-Blood, Feline - Mountain Clan Elder warrior. So named because he drank poison every day of his life until even his blood was toxic. Killed by Ghosting Shadow.

Adigij - A street where abandoned buildings are common.

Ancient/Old One - Anything over 3 generations, or anyone who has lived long enough for their fur to turn completely white.

Anki, cheetah - Friend of Jelm. Owner of The Royal Kitchen.

Bambee, skunk - Friend of Temas. They share hair-care products.

Beautiful White Flower Petals - rabbit. Bimmly's sister-in-law.

Berry-bugs - Round beetles that 'pop' when stepped on.

Billy, canine. Victim of the Fourth Gate of Heaven.

Bimmly, rabbit - Ghost's cell-mate and part-time lover. Railroaded into jail on trumped-up charges, he lost his entire family when a prominent council-member's son ran a red-light.

Breath of Life - 'When two beings give breath, then receive it back, they become as one.'

Butcher's Hill - Mid-Continent hill named for how many lives were lost taking and re-taking the same couple of acres.

Canine Courts - There is a Defender, an Accuser, and a Judge. The public may come watch and even take pictures.

Chirpers - Insects that 'chirp' when startled.

Clan Council - Six elders who decide when a cantidate is ready to 'graduate' from a Discipline.

Clan-Flag - A flag with a clansign sewn on it.

Clan-Less - Being unclaimed by a clan. Which means the being can be 'adopted' by anyclan who wishes to take them in.

Clan-Lost / Scattered / Forgotten - A member of a clan that doesn't exist any more, so they can not be taken in by another clan, unless they wish to renounce their old one.

Clan-Rites - Basically formal greetings given to someone important.

Clan-Robe - A ceremonial robe given to someone who is entering a clan for the first time.

Cook, bear - Makes Glop for the Jail. Chews on a cigar all the time. Keeper of the board of 'The Most Disgusting Things Ever Eaten'.

Dayrah, canine - Spent 30 years building a bomb in his basement so he could get rid of someone's annoying toe-claws clicking on the sidewalk. He destroyed an entire city block.

Doc, bear - Doctor-on-call at the jail. Ex-mercenary.

Ear-Rings - Silver and gold rings once used as money, now worn as decoration.

Emperor of The Sky - Best known for wiping out the HylMong Mountain clans, and losing most of his army in the process.

Eproi, ermine - Member of Tequah's gang and Nng'Kwep's Love-Slave.

Erian Opera - Plays based on royal traditions.

Feline Courts - An amphitheater where the accused gets to fight for their lives/virginity with feral beasts while bets are placed on the outcome.

Fizz-tablet - A chemical used to kill bacteria in drinking water.

Fizz water - Put any kind of liquid in a canteen. Add 1 Fizz tablet. Shake, wait until it stops trying to eat through the liner. The flavor is somewhat like a pile of citrus tossed in used machine oil.

'Flower-Boy' - Young males and females who stand outside bars with baskets of fake flowers. They are 'rented' by the soldiers for a night.

Forward Combat squads - Scouts whose motto is, 'If you can't stick a knife In it, you can slap a Hop-Mine On it.'

Gas Leaks - In the poorer parts of towns, natural gas is uses to heat homes and cook food. Explosions are commonplace.

Gerge, bull - Ex-mercenary, and friend of Ghost during one of the many Clan Wars.

Ghosting Shadow / Mountain Ghost, fox hybrid - Orphan. Mountain Pathway Clan warrior. Received the title by killing his Master.

Glop - Supposed to be food. Something that comes in a bunch of colors and tastes like not much of anything.

Goddess of the Hearth - A statue of a fire-pit, originally used to carry hot coals so fires could be lit at night.

Grandsire - Father's Father.

Great Grandsire - Father's Father's Father.

Hej Shursh, Black Panther - Wolven Nation Healer.

HomeBrew - Comes in 3 varieties; 'Beer', Hooch, Ma-Sang's Napalm Booster.

Imported Snowball - A white-fur from another place. Freight trains are common and many beings hitch rides on them.

Jelm, wolf - Friend of Anki. Council guard.

Jelme, wolf - Nigi's partner.

Jeqa, raccoon - He collects heads, literally. Prefers a certain style of hair.

John, canine - Part of Tequah's gang. Best known for always giving good muzzle.

Jona / Stupid, Horse - Brother of Tre. Maker of Homebrew.

Kemkto - a village destroyed by three warring clans so nobody could have it.

Kenney / DipShit, laughing hyena - Tequah's second in command.

Kerlin, rabbit - Clan of the Open Hand. She wrote about the destruction of the Royal city, and other fables.

Kiwan Fayimar / The Conspiracy Master, ferret - He believes he is safer inside the jail than outside. The Powers that Be agree with him.

Languages - Low, Common and High wolven. Normal and Court feline. Standard Canine. Lizard. Trade. Hand/Hunter sign.

Latjen, bull - Bullied Raph. Tangled with Ghost. Got a broken hand and his penis sprained so bad it wouldn't re-sheath, for several days.

Lawaiem Reformatory - A canine 'jail', where Ghost spent some 'quality' time.

Lea, rabbit - Bimmly's daughter. Deceased.

Lovely, rabbit - Bimmly's wife. Deceased.

Mae Tai, warthog - A cross-dresser who ran the The Inn of Happiness.

Metaai - Mid-Continent slang for a local female.

Mid-Continent - So called because it straddles the equator. Still hotly contested by various clans and tribes as to who owns what piece of ground.

Morki, canine - Believes his sheets try to kill him in his sleep, so he 'kills' them first.

Mountain Shield - A Warrior technique that changes the density of the users body.

Mud Eel - A creature that lives in the mud on the Mid-Continent. A nickname for any soldier who has spent time up to their necks in mud.

NewsVid - A video channel dedicated to news. Crews run around in vans with cameras taping whatever happens to be going on at any given moment.

NightSleep - a night-flowering plant that turns into a strong narcotic when mixed with alcohol.

Nigi Phiol, wolf - Combat Med Tech, Forward Squad 17. Jail guard.

Nng'Kwep / The Scholar, serpent. Second oldest being in the jail. Descendant of Mountain Temple of the Arched Moon.

Orglin, rhino - Another of Ghost's victims.

Phanpat - City in the Mid-Continent.

Ranks in the Wolf Guard - Leader. Sergent. Senior. Chief.

Raph / Raph The Bastard / Raph the Stupid, wolf - He managed to piss Ghost off several times, and lived to tell about it. He is currently very happy being Tequah's sex-toy.

Rehonji - a type of tea that only grows on the Second Continent.

Richhein, Rhino - Double-crossed Ghost and was slammed through several walls before the fox regained his temper. There wasn't much of the rhino or the building intact afterwords.

Riot-Doors - Solid steel doors put in at key points in the hallways. They tend to stick if they are not installed properly.

Rolling Boulder - A Warrior technique that expands the bodies natural energy field.

Second Continent - One of the five main continents.

Shiyu, feline - Erian Opera master. Teaches Royal HylMong etiquette.

Sire - Father.

Snowball - A person whose has white fur. Rare as ice in the desert.

Spook / Haunt/ Shadow / The Unseen - Agents who were never there, doing things nobody talks about.

Stingers - A variety of fish that have barbs in their tails, and a nasty disposition.

Temas, Wolf - Ghost's cell-mate, lover and 'Flower-Boy'. Temas' ex-lover left him holding a bag of drugs, literally.

Tenday - A common week.

Tequah, feline - Head of the Crooked-Fur gang. Lifer.

The Black Dragon - Death. Gatekeeper of Souls.

The Blue Dragon - Revenge. His symbol is a sword, for revenge cuts both ways.

The First Gathering of Tribes - When the felines and canines first gathered for peace treaties. Not because they wanted to, but because the ursines got tired of their bickering and said, 'Make nice - Or Else'.

The Fundamental Rights of All Living Beings - Food, Shelter, Warmth. The worst crimial in the world will still get a cup of water, a burning twig and a broad-leaf, just before being kicked across the Territorial Boundary.

The Gates of Heaven - A technique to give pleasure by vibrating ones fingers and palms on different areas of the body. There are Ten gates, although no one has ever survived past the seventh.

The Hand of The Dragon - A technique where the user pushes a shockwave of energy in front of them, leaving an oversized handprint.

The Nine Mountain Clans of HylMong - The temples took in anyone who was willing to be trained, usually orphans and outcasts.

The Pink Parasol - An infamous bar/brothel in Namgon.

The Red Dragon - Anger. Hell's Gatekeeper.

The Royal House of HylMong - Destroyed in a revolution. The actual city was turned into a crater when a meteor fell on it.

The White Dragon - Mercy. Healers sometimes pray to the White Dragon.

The Will of the Gods - A practice used by poisoners to leave one spot on a bowl or cup 'safe', so the drinker has a chance to live.

Trae / Idiot - Horse. Brother of Jona. Maker of Homebrew.

Trouble Pool - A 'pool' put together by guards to bet on who would get into trouble when. 'Crazy' inmates got put a special list, because they might go off any any given moment.

West hall - Somehow all the Brigade Mercenaries got tossed into one wing of the jail.

WildGrass - A bland-tasting grass use to decorate food, much like parsley.

Winter's Lament - Wolf-Song, An ode to Winter and Village Life.

Wolf guard(s) - The Sovern Nation of Canines version of a Police force. They drive electric cars.