Kindred Spirits - Chapter Two: Affirmation

Story by Serja on SoFurry

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#2 of Kindred Spirits

By dawn the clouds had scattered and sunlight scattered through the boughs above the slumping pair, sending dappled streams of light across them, the growing heat slowly beginning to dry out the sodden turf that had become their bed. Somewhere in the distance birds sang, greeting the morning in their own way.

She stirred first, her biological clock more closely aligned with the natural rhythm of the planet. The golden rays felt warm on her fur, and she stirred slowly, momentarily unaware of her surroundings or even recalling the night before, save for as some fading dream. She moved to stretch, only to find herself confined in a snug embrace.

And then it hit her.

Her eyes snapped open abruptly, a flood of memories flitting through her mind as she found herself suddenly very much awake. The arms around her meant that it hadn't been a dream. she stretched more carefully then, her bushy tail twitching against him as she did so. Her jaws stretched wide in a yawn, her nostrils catching the scent of him again before she rolled over to face him.

And instead of her furred companion she found a human.

A startled yip escaped her and she squirmed her way out of his grasp, her feral instincts alarmed by the presence of a human in her territory. It didn't make any sense! She crouched several feet away from him, panting quietly as her heart slowly stopped racing and she attempted to analyze how she had ended up in the arms of a human.

His brain was foggy and full of cotton. The trip back to consciousness was slow and languorous. He was warm and comfortable. He didn't want to wake up.

Then suddenly he wasn't so warm. Hardly a horrible thing to experience. Still, it was enough. Slowly a yawn split his face, his arms stretching wide to the heavens, and he opened his eyes. The forest canopy stared back at him, and he smiled. It had been a good night. And a good rest. Carefully, he rolled over on one side, preparing to get up.

Her face stared back at him. The events of the previous night came back to him, and he blinked in surprise. For a long moment, that seemed even longer now, they stared at each other.

Then, like the morning sun rising on the horizon, a warm smile eased it's way across his face. Carefully, he got to his feet, showing no obvious concern for his completely naked state. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

She stared up at him, slowly getting to her feet, still half-crouched as if to flee. This human wasn't afraid of her. Couldn't he see what she was? She bristled slightly, feeling more confused than ever. "Yes," she replied cautiously, still feeling unused to the act of speaking after so long. Her eyes roved his body, but then found his face, and more importantly his eyes. Something in them seemed familiar, and a quiet idea began to nag at the back of her mind. "Who are you?"

He blinked in confusion, as if not comprehending. His head tilted itself sideways just a little, but then his eyes widened as everything slid into place and he let out an "Oh!" of recognition. He looked down at himself, a self-conscious chuckle escaping his lips. He seemed to consider his words very carefully for several long moments, but then an idea came to him. He held up his hand, index finger up as if to say "one moment, please," and then closed his eyes.

He let a long, slow breath escape him, and called for the beast within. It was not easy; the beast was comfortable and sated. It wanted nothing more than to be left alone to sleep. But he forced it to heed his call, and it uncurled slowly. He wouldn't get much out of it, but it would be enough.

His form began to shift and change. His muscles seemed to tighten with a new rigidity. His fingernails grew outwards and sharpened, thickening into actual claws. Like a rising ocean wave, the fur sprouted from his skin, slowly growing and thickening from his feet all the way up his body. Lastly, as the fur began to work it's way up his head, his face reshaped itself. His nose began to grow outward, his upper jaw fusing into it while his chin smoothed itself in to complete the conical snout of his new face. He opened his eyes again, their slits gazing back into her own, and smiled. He said nothing; he had already answered her question quite well.

She watched him warily, her eyes widening as he began to shift before her, morphing from a human into the creature she had known so intimately the night before. For a moment she wondered if it was a trick, and she crept forward slowly, her tail down and her ears flat as she extended her snout to sniff him. A familiar musk wafted into her sinuses and she breathed a sigh of relief, laying her head on his shoulder as she began to visibly relax.

She withdrew after a moment, further confusion entering her gaze. "How?" Her eyes flicked up and down his being, trying to communicate something that she couldn't quite find the words for. It was frustrating on a level, trying to recall words she hadn't used in what seemed a lifetime ago. With a sigh, she shook her head, settling her chin back down on his shoulder, closing her eyes and just letting herself breathe in his essence while she tried to sort it all out inside her jumbled mind.

His arms encircled her protectively without his ever actively thinking about it. He chose not to question it. She had become his mate, whether his grief liked it or not. It seemed that either she was a true half-beast, with only a single form, or she had somehow forgotten what it was to be human. In any case, she was skittish and afraid at the moment. He hung on to his bestial impulses, keeping himself in this form for the moment. He couldn't do it forever; he was human in truth, whatever he occasionally turned into. Neither his mind nor his body could handle permanently staying in the form he currently held. But for the moment it was safe, and she needed it. He stood and waited, letting his scent calm her anxious mind before he continued.

His arms were warm and safe, and she felt herself relaxing as she slowly took in his scent. She stopped trembling and her breath came in calmer waves, feeling a quiet peace begin to wash over her again. Slowly memories began flitting through her mind, things she had forgotten a long time ago. Faces and places began to gain familiarity and names, and for a brief moment she clung to an image that she knew instinctively was a reflection herself. Her mind's eye roved features that were once so familiar, but now had a foreign air to them. Quietly a tear found its way down her cheek, rolling down her muzzle and into his fur. To be normal again... It was an impossible dream.

He could no longer safely hold on to the beast without straining. He let go, and his form began to change around her once more. The fur slowly retreated from his skin, and his face flattened. He knew his scent would change, but he also knew that he still smelled like himself. Different, yet the same. His mindset shifted as well, his human intelligence coming to the fore. He wished he could have stayed longer, given her a chance to accept and adapt, but he simply could not maintain it. She would have to be strong. As his intelligence returned, he wondered briefly just what he had gotten himself into.

The process of watching him change back into the human was not as frightening now that she knew him. He smelled different, and yet there was an underlying smell that remained and was truly his. A look of hope entered her gaze as she watched him, and she found herself looking down at him, albeit slightly, for he was suddenly shorter than she. Some deep part of her still felt fear, but she controlled her fear with curiosity. She knelt before him abruptly, looking up at him as she rested on her knees, her tail perked slightly as her ears twitched. "What are we?" she asked, her voice soft as she slowly warmed up her vocal cords.

She looked so helpless. Without thinking, his hand brushed her forehead, stroking around behind her ears. He scratched softly, then slid his hands around and cupped the sides of her face. He knew now what she was, and why she had been out in the wild naked. He leaned in and planted a gentle, tender kiss against the flat of her forehead. "Let it go," he whispered in her ear."Let go of the hunt. Let go of the scents, sounds, and smells." He reached down, bringing her paw-like hand up to his and kissing the back of it. He rubbed the side of his face against it. "Let go of the desire for blood and fresh meat." He then cupped the back of her head and rubbed his cheek against the side of it. "You're safe. You can remember who you were. Let it go."

His touch was soothing despite the strange scent of human. Her ears twitched responsively under his touch, and she relaxed visibly, her eyes falling closed as she let out a low purr-like sound. His words were hypnotic, bringing images of her former self to the forefront of her mind once again. Within her the darkest part of the beast slept, sated by the previous night's passions. Her mind felt feral, and yet she still thought with intelligence, the two halves seeming to have blurred themselves together over time.

But his words helped her begin the process of separation. It wasn't easy, but slowly she began to identify that which was the beast and that which was her. Fatigued, the beast was eager to rest, and the feral impulses that had defined her for so long receded into the depths of her being, leaving her with an abrupt clarity of thought.

Her body was quick to respond to the internal change, her arctic fur beginning to vanish as her her snout shrunk, her face returning to a delicately boned human shape, long white locks replacing the fur and cascading down her back as the rest of her body followed rapid suit in the reconversion to human form. She opened her eyes abruptly, staring at him for a long moment before realized she was shorter than before. She looked down at herself, eyes widening as she let out a strange yip of joy, throwing her arms around him and kissing him with sudden jubilation.

He hadn't been kissed in a very long time. For a moment, he was stunned. A part of him reminded him of how much farther they had gone last night, pointing out that a mere kiss should not truly be a very big deal. The rest of him, however, knew better. He was human now, and so was she. That made things more complicated. Nevertheless, he could not find the heart to push her away or break the contact. His arms went around the bare skin of her waist, holding fast until they parted, and he let a smile crease his lips. "We are called lycanthropes."

"Lycanthropes." She repeated the word carefully, getting used to her strange, human jaw again. She smiled back at him, feeling curious as to what else he might share with her. Slowly she stood, wobbling on her strange legs and holding onto him for balance as she figured out how to use them again. "Will I have to become..." She looked for a word to describe the inner self that had consumed her completely last night, and the physical form that accompanied it, and gestured helplessly, hoping he'd understand what she was trying to convey. "...that again?"

He felt a flush of embarrassment as she stepped away. Her lips on his had awoken feeling he hadn't experienced for an equally long time, even as a human. He had felt himself hardening, the feeling of her soft, naked skin pressed against his arousing even his human desires. His arms slipped down her sides, caressing her skin as they came to rest on either side of her hips. "Is it really so bad?" he asked.

Her skin felt hot as he caressed her, and she sighed, leaning against him again as she contemplated his question. The idea of being locked in that form had been terrifying at first, and over time she had come to accept it, as she had seen no alternative. But here was someone who had shown her a way out, not to mention some of the "perks" that it could bring. She shook her head, looking back up at him and smiling slowly. "No, I guess not. Not if I'm with you." Her mood became suddenly somber. "But, how do I control when I change? I never had any choice before."

The last part of his resistance crumbled in the face of her obvious vulnerability. He pulled her hard against him, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist. His chin rested on her shoulder, his cheek brushing against hers. "You just... will it." He planted a gentle kiss on her neck, trying to ignore what her naked skin pressed against him was doing to certain parts of his anatomy. "How did you manage to get stuck that way in the first place? What was it that made you latch onto being an animal so hard that you couldn't make yourself let go?"

He made it sound so simple. His tight arms around her made her feel warm and protected, and she sighed against him, thinking back to when she had first become the beast he had seen. She had been young, rebellious even. It had happened on the night of a full moon, ironically. She'd snuck out only to be caught and cornered by the local gang. She remembered how they taunted and threatened, and a shiver ran down her spine at the memory. She'd been scared and angry at the same time. The memories got hazy, but she had woken up in the forest they were in and found herself to be a monster. She'd tried to go back for help, but... She let her thoughts trail off, shaking her head. Her chest ached, tight from unshed tears. "Fear. Anger. Loneliness. Survival." She paused, trying to find the right words. "I couldn't go home. I tried, they ran me out. To be the beast they saw me as was the only way for me to survive." She withdrew into herself momentarily, feeling the emotions start to overwhelm her again. She took a slow breath, trying to find her calm again. "In time, I forgot what it was like to be human, or that I really even was human at all. All there was was the beast I'd become."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so quick to call it a beast." He grinned. "I think you look pretty cute when you're a hybrid." He let his hand trail up to cup her chin, bringing her eyes up to meet his. His own eyes were soft, filled with understanding and sympathy. "It's just another side of who you are. Don't be afraid of it. It protected you during all these years that you were alone. It kept you alive and safe."

She blinked, startled at the idea of being called "cute" while in that "hybrid" form. She had to admit, however, that he was attractive in both forms. His liquid gaze made her feel at ease again, and she nodded slowly, conceding to his point. "It did keep me safe, but it also kept me isolated," she pointed out, feeling more comfortable with her words as she continued using them. "What if that part of me wants or needs out when I'm near humans? What if I can't control myself? I'm still a danger to others."

He nodded, his hands running up and down her back. "Yes, you are." His eyes looked into hers, and she could tell he shared her pain. "You can never truly be safe among humans, and they can never truly be safe around you. Not forever. Not permanently." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "But you are not alone. There are others like us. You need not be isolated from all form of civilization." He paused, swallowing. "And... you have me, now."

So that was that. She could never really go home. Not forever. Maybe not at all if they continued to not accept her. But here was someone she could be safe with. Someone who understood her feral needs because he had them too. And he promised others like him. The idea of being able to have friends and companions again.... Her thoughts trailed off as she realized what he said, the dawning of the idea that he was all she really wanted anyway. At least for now. Something about him promised adventure. "I don't even know your name, though," she protested mildly.

His arms slid upwards, one hand coming to rest against the back of her neck. "My name is Kenshiro Saotome." His fingers worked their way into her hair, massaging her scalp as he slowly began to pull her in. "And you are now my mate." He melded his lips to hers, tightening his arms around her lithe body.

Kenshiro... She melted into his arms, kissing him back with warmth and passion. She felt joy at his touch, and let herself give into it wholeheartedly. She didn't -- couldn't -- question his claim on her. She had given herself freely to him last night and felt no remorse in that choice, even now. In fact, if anything, she felt even more confidence in her decision. When they finally broke apart she looked up into his eyes, feeling that same warmth wash through her again from the previous night, and she let a shy smile cross her lips. "They called me Tsuki Hayashi."

He smiled. "It's nice to... meet... you." His grin took on a definitively roguish aspect. But then he seemed to realize something, and a blush tinged his cheeks, just a little. He stepped away from her, looking down at the two of them, and chuckled. They were dirty. They'd fallen asleep in the mud during a rainstorm, and it still clung to large portions of their skin. He felt self-conscious; he had a prominent, raging erection.

"I think that a bath might be in order."

She giggled, realizing for the first time how ridiculous they looked, coated in mud and smelling of their own musk. If she had to guess, she was sure her hair was matted in places and caked with mud. Her gaze paused momentarily at his loins, and she grinned, a mixture of enthusiasm and nervousness coloring her reaction before she pulled her gaze away and looked back up at him. "I think you're right." She looked around, trying to gain her bearings in human form. "There should be a small waterfall and lake...." she turned to her left suddenly, pointing deeper into the forest "that way."

He nodded, glad for the excuse to do something that would take the attention off his member. Taking a few steps to one side, he gathered his equally sodden and muddy clothes and turned back to her. He tucked them under one shoulder, and gestured for her to lead the way.

She quirked an eyebrow in his general direction, wondering where his clothing had come from before she remembered: she had taken them off last night. She shrugged it off and headed into the woods, her gait a bit strange as she navigated through the underbrush and the low-hanging branches. It wasn't long before the sound of cascading water began to fill the air with a noisy white sound, eventually drowning out even the most persistent songbirds as they came into another clearing.

True to her promise there was indeed a waterfall, and the lake was of good size, but almost small enough to be called a pond in truth. The waterfall came in from a cliff some twenty or so feet above them, and the lake ran out into a calmer river that seemed to lead south. The water was very clear along the shallow edges, a wide variety of aquatic life making brief appearances before returning to the "depths".

A sudden splash was the only indication as to where Tsuki had gone, for in a flash she had completely disappeared. She came up from underneath the surface, several feet away and treading water as she beckoned to him, brushing back her unruly, wet locks from her face with a mischievous grin. The water was a little brisk still, but the feeling of all the dirt being washed away was more than enough to make up for the cold temperature. She dove again, starting to scrub her hair vigorously. I've got way too much of this stuff.

The loud splash behind her signaled his own entry. A pair of clawed hands joined hers, working their way through her locks. They combed through her hair gently, helping her work the dirt out at first, and then shifting down to her arms, scrubbing the dirt off her skin. He planted a soft kiss on the base of her neck.

She sighed at his touch, bubbles from her nose rising to the surface of the water. She soon swam up to follow them, inhaling deeply as she broke the surface. Another deep breath and she dove for the bottom, using the sand at the bottom of the lake to help her exfoliate the dirt from her skin. She rose to the surface again, feeling much cleaner, and turned to look for Kenshiro. She frowned quizzically, unable to find him.

A pair of arms encircled her waist, rubbing up and down her skin. A low, playful growl sounded in her ear. His hands raced lightly up and down her sides, tickling her skin, and there was a suggestive nibble against her neck. Then it was gone, as suddenly as it had come. A "whoosh" in her ears signaled his sudden departure. A few moments later, the water broke several feet from her towards the shore. He grinned and winked at her, then turned around and began scrubbing his arms clean. His hands had stretched into the large, paw-like appendages that normally were associated with his beast form, but the rest of him seemed normal. He used them like scrub brushes, taking advantage of his claws and fur to scrub the dirt free of himself.

She shivered. Curse that lycan! He was going to get her hot and bothered again. She swam towards him, marveling quietly at the way he was able to selectively morph himself to his advantage. She pulled herself up onto a rock, watching him for a long moment and contemplating both the question that dogged her mind, and how best to get back at him for his teasing advances. "How do you do that?" She settled on asking the question first, feeling the gears in her mind slowly concocting a mischievous plan. She just needed a little time to polish it, and the question was a good way to make some.

"Do what?" he asked, continuing to scrub around his arms and shoulders. He followed her eyes to his hands, and his eyes widened in comprehension. "Oh," he said, looking down at them. His hands curled and uncurled a few times automatically while he considered. "I guess it's a learned skill." He looked back up at her, smiling simply. "You have to single out a single, particular instinct from amongst the jumble and bring it to the fore without disturbing the rest. It takes practice. It took me a few years to realize how to do it; but then again, I didn't have a teacher." His hands had worked their way down his body now; he leaned over, rubbing his hands around his legs, dragging them in swift up-and-down motions over his shins.

He was distracted now. She grinned, her eyes taking on a strongly mischievous glint. She moved slowly, pulling her legs underneath her so that she was now crouched on the rock. She balanced herself, gauging the distance between the two of them. This was certainly going to be amusing, one way or another. Baring her teeth in a playful grin she lept towards him, intent on catching him off guard from behind.

If he hadn't let his guard down, he might have been able to sense it. As it was, the only thought in his mind was getting the last of the dried mud off his right ankle. The impact against his side was as sudden as it was unexpected, but his subconscious knew who it was. His body responded automatically, as per his training, and he rolled with the impact so as not to come up bruised and/or bloody, but his mind was still taken off-guard. His shoulder and back hit the water with a splash. He came out of the roll flat on his back, his shoulders and head lying on the surf just out of the shallow water.

Well, that hadn't worked out quite like she planned. Feeling momentarily dazed she shook her head, finding him on his back in the shallows several feet away. He was helpless, and she grinned and quickly pounced him again. She straddled his mid-section and leaned down, her lips finding his as her fingertips kneaded at his shoulders. A low purr escaped her throat, her warm, wet body pressed up against his own as her hips rocked ever-so-slightly against him.

Electricity sparked through his frame once more, though a bit less insistent than it was last night. He let his hands glide their way slowly up from her knees, letting them linger at the firmness of her behind, before coming to rest on the small of her back. He lost himself in her lips and her warmth, and a soft moan escaped his throat. He felt relaxed and excited at once, and he was sure she would be feeling a part of him poking against her leg once more before too long.

She broke away from his lips slowly, looking down into his eyes. Her smile still had that hint of mischief in it and it glittered in her eyes. "Feeling clean yet?" she asked, sitting up and letting her fingertips trace his chest, her touch light and teasing. Her multi-layered tone was darker than her touch, more seductive, and yet still airy. "Or does that require the use of a tongue?"

An extremely wide and possibly evil grin split his face. His hands slid their way around her sides, his fingers tracing light trails across her stomach before he slid them up to slowly caress her breasts. "Mmmmmm... I think there might be one or two places that could use a little bit more... attention." His tone was as suggestive as his words, and he raised one eyebrow at her, questioning, suggesting, and teasing all at once.

Her nipples hardened at his touch, her perk breasts eager to respond to his caresses. Her grin was almost vicious as she leaned forward, sliding herself off of him slowly. Her head was down beside his, and she nipped at his earlobe, a quiet growl escaping her as one hand slid down his front and began to play with him almost absently.

Her hands upon his member sent lightning racing up his spine. A very wicked idea came to him; something he'd never tried doing before. Letting his eyes slide shut, he focused very carefully, nudging the beast within. It growled in response, but he refused to leave it alone. Searching for a very specific instinct within the creature, he brought it to the fore and manifested it. This time, it was definitely NOT his hand that shifted, expanding and growing beyond it's normal size.

Her grin widened at the change and her fangs suddenly seemed longer than they had moments before. She began to work him in earnest, her teeth nipping into his neck as she let out another low growl. It would seem that the applications of this inner beast were, in a word, limitless. She chuckled to herself, running her fangs along his jaw slowly before sliding her tongue deeply into his mouth.

He groaned, his hands squeezing her breasts as she worked him. She was so... intoxicating. Full of fire and passion, yet hiding a deep vulnerability. She intrigued him on so many levels... not the least of which was the fact that what she was doing was lighting up his nervous system like a Christmas tree. His eyes rolled shut, and he surrendered to the sensations flowing through him, a series of soft groans coming from his throat as she worked him over.

She bit down on his lip gently, her fangs leaving little pin-prick sensations in his mouth. She let go after a moment, leaving only the smallest traces behind as she withdrew her fangs and tongue from his mouth. A part of her felt dizzy, a tumult of emotions assailing her. The other felt an absolute clarity and purpose, and it was with that clarity of thought that she acted. She slid her hand slowly down his shaft, her fingertips caressing him intently as they crawled down to the base of his erection. She had shifted her position now, and she bent her head low, running her tongue over the tip of his shaft for a tantalizing moment before beginning to draw it carefully into her mouth proper.

Oh Kami, YES!! The feeling of her tongue against the tip of his shaft made him whimper with desire. It was such a tease; so close, so very close to what he so badly needed... The sensation of her mouth slowly starting to engulf him, for lack of a better phrase, blew his mind. His hands clenched themselves into fists in the mud, and he groaned loudly, suppressing the desire to arch his hips. He didn't want to choke her. His breathing quickened, beginning to come in fast, shallow gasps. His heart began to race in his chest. It felt so good... His concentration broke, and he felt his member returning to it's previous size, but he didn't care. Her mouth was so warm and wet around him, and the sensation of her tongue pressing against the skin of his manhood was so exquisite... he was sure he could feel every individual taste bud.

The act of handling him while he was in his beast form was difficult, to say the least. Her throat and jaw protested being forced to accommodate him at such a level. After a few minutes it didn't seem to matter anymore. She'd gotten to him, that much she could tell. His concentration was broken and whatever method he used to bring forth his beast so selectively could not stand up to such intensity. The sound of his gasps and moans drove her on and she pulled him deeper into her throat, easing him back slowly as she got used to that angle that was _just so_to prevent choking and the gag reflex. The sensation was strange at first, but she quickly grew to like it, his responsiveness giving her an abstract sort of pleasure herself. She rocked up and down, pulling him in and out of her mouth with growing confidence, her strong tongue massaging him.

The struggle not to do something, to sit there and let her play with him, was driving him mad. He felt like he was going to fly apart from the overwhelming sensations that her lips, mouth, and tongue were generating. As she slid his shaft down into her throat his eyes bugged out. "YES!" he screamed, his pleasure vocalized to the world. The groans coming from him grew louder as she continued to suck on his member, his body beginning to climb the slope towards a very powerful orgasm.

Some part of him wouldn't just let him give in and enjoy it, though. That part of him made him reach out, his hands shaking from the jolts of pleasure shooting through his body, and grasp her cheek. He groaned at the thought of suddenly ceasing this incredible sensation, but he needed to know. When she looked up at home, he spoke quickly. "If you plan on using that later, now would be the time to stop."

She paused, looking up at him in mid-stride. His touch on her cheek was powerful and compelling. She wanted him deeply, and as much pleasure as she was giving him -- and in turn it was giving her -- she wanted to experience that mutual joy again. Slowly she withdrew her mouth from him, curling her tongue around the tip for several long moments before letting go and putting her hand over his own. "What did you have in mind?"

He wished he could have some wonderful idea bouncing around in his head, something smooth and well-thought-out to tell her... but he didn't. A few final whimpers and groans escaped him as her mouth and tongue retreated from his member, and he let his head collapse back onto the surf, taking long, deep breaths as he let himself cool down. "I don't really know." he said, sounding winded. "I just know that in a few more moments I would have shot it down your throat." His hand cupped her cheek gently, his features finally beginning to calm. "I can't believe how good you are at that. Where'd you learn that?"

His hands were warm and felt good against her face. She could feel little jolts of electricity wherever he touched her, and she never wanted that sensation to go away. A sigh started to escape her lips, and then turned into a quizzical sound at his question. "I-" she paused, unsure of what to say, except be honest, as silly as her honesty sounded. "I don't know. I've never tried before. It just seemed...right? It felt natural, so I did it. I guess I did okay." She chuckled, pulling herself close to kiss him again, savoring the taste of his lips. "How are you going to manage when I'm 'practiced'?" she grinned.

The very thought sent shivers down his spine, and a fresh groan escaped his lips. "If you get much better than that, you'll be able to get anything you want out of me." His hands slid down from her cheeks, across her shoulders to her back, one of them resting against the junction of her shoulder blades while the other continued to slide down her skin. He tightened his arms, pressing her breasts against his chest as they kissed. Her skin was so warm and soft, and her mouth had hardened him to what felt like near diamond-like intensity. His right hand slid down across her bottom, and began to slip between her thighs.

She chuckled, amused at the idea of having him on a proverbial leash. Her eyes closed as his hands ran down her body, enjoying the pin-pricks of fire that ran through her being at his touch. Her lips melted into his, feeling a rush of fresh heat running through her body. She kissed him passionately, feeling the strong ache of her loins for him. Her nipples were hard again and she could feel the rest of her flesh blush with growing arousal. Her ears felt hot and she pulled back out of the kiss, gasping for breath, her knees spreading apart as she pulled herself momentarily upright, her hair tumbling over them both.

Her sitting up pulled her loins away from his touch before he could truly lay his fingers on her, but he didn't mind. He could tell that he was affecting her. His hands glided across her skin, his fingernails tracing lightly across the suppleness of it, until they eventually came to rest on her thighs, his fingers ever-so-barely resting on her behind. As her hair cascaded around his face, he felt his temperature rise. It was like having their own private erotic enclosure, and he felt his blood heating again at the thought. Her breasts swung tantalizingly as she sat up, and he licked his lips.

His touch was making her pulse race, and she shivered, feeling further aroused by his attention. Her face felt hot, her cheeks blushing. She took a long, slow breath, exhaling at length before looking down at him again. She smiled then, sliding herself up to where she was more comfortably straddling his waist. She was moist and hot against him, and she leaned down again to kiss him slowly, moving down his jawline and nipping at this neck with a long purr, waiting to see how he would react.

His arms trailed up her back as she leaned down, coming to rest at her shoulders, and he groaned loudly. If the touch of her tongue against him had been a tease, then the feeling of her warm, wet labia resting against his length was torture of the most exquisite kind. He flexed muscles that most people didn't know they had and his shaft twitched, the length of it pressing into her lips. The feeling of almost being engulfed was too much to stand. He raked his fingernails down her back, all the way to her thighs, digging them into her skin, a gasp escaping his lips. How much longer was she going to play with him?

She inhaled sharply as his claws raked across her, a low moan escaping her in the aftermath of the pain. The feel of him pressing against her was delightful. She cooed, slowly working back up his jawline before she slid a deep kiss between his lips, sliding herself down on him in the same moment, a shudder of pleasure passing through her being as her body welcomed him with snug caresses into her depths. For a moment her eyes rolled back into her head. He was so amazingly filling and no nerve ending felt ignored.

He groaned loudly as she slid down around him, his own eyes sliding shut at the wonderful sensations. The feeling of her soft inner folds wrapping around every inch of him was like nothing else he could have possibly described. His breath escaped him in shallow moans, his eyes looking back up at her with a glazed expression as their hips connected, her body having taken his shaft fully into her warmth. He gripped her hips, squeezing and massaging her skin, a low growl coming out of his throat. It was heaven.

She moaned, a long low sound that conveyed desire and intense pleasure. She rocked against him, grinding her hips hungrily against his own. Every move brought an intensity into her being that she didn't want to go away. It burned from her loins into her whole being. But the fire was addicting, intoxicating, like alcohol without the hangover. She arched her back, rocking into him deeply, her hands clawing at his forearms as she let a long, low, feral sound emanate from her throat.

An instinct rose within him. He did not call for it this time; it manifested itself in his mind unignorably, a specific part of the beast demanding attention, and he let it wash through him without resistance. She was warm and wet around him, but in this form she was also very, very tight. And then she was suddenly growing tighter still as he expanded within her, his member swelling larger insider her body, beginning to slowly fill out to the dimensions it normally carried only when he was truly feral. He felt his chest tighten at the extreme sensation of it, and he thought he almost heard her squeak as she was stretched like she had never been stretched before. His hands squeezed her ass hard, a strangled noise escaping his lips.

She felt herself tighten around him as she continued to rock against him, her body eager for more as he found sensitive nerve endings she never knew existed. He felt firmer between her legs and she let out a fresh moan, sliding up and down his length rhythmically. With each repetition he seemed to be larger and she let out a small gasp as she slid down on him again, feeling her body give a mixed cry of protest. Her eyes widened as she realized what he had done, and she slid further onto him, a shudder washing over her as he continued to fill out within her. He felt impossibly enormous inside of her and her body throbbed responsively around him, almost seeming to pull him deeper. She moaned, her mind feeling overloaded by the stimuli.

He was panting now, his breaths clipped and shallow. Occasionally, sharp whines echoed from his lips as the pleasure became too much for him, almost as if he was begging for something, but whether for more or less it was impossible for even him to tell. He thrashed his head back and forth, his fingernails digging into her skin tightly enough to leave marks that would last for hours. The pleasure was so intense that it felt like his mind would fly apart at the seams. Not only had he expanded to a point where she could barely contain him in his entirety anymore, but with each thrust down upon his member, her excitement rose and her muscles squeezed down on him harder still, tightening and loosening in wonderful waves around him that made sure every single nerve he had was individually and uniquely stimulated. He let out a very loud groan, his mind starting to break from the overload, and his eyes fell upon her dangling breasts once more. They entranced him. He wanted to... needed to... had to...

He craned his head upward, letting his arms fall back onto the ground so that he could use his elbows to push himself up. It wasn't very comfortable, but he didn't care. He wanted to hold off for just a few more seconds, wanted to not only push her over the edge but make sure she flew off it at 120 miles per hour, and this would help. As she slid forward off his member once more, her breasts swung towards him. As she began to reverse course to slide back down, they reached the apex of their swing; he tilted his head forward at just the right moment, and captured her right breast in his mouth. He sucked strongly, keeping her motions from pulling it free, and gently scraped his teeth against her aureole, rubbing the tip of his tongue back and forth across her nipple.

Her eyes were closed, her mind lost in the waves of ecstasy that rose and fell with his thrusts. Even the deep marks on her arms could not draw her out of this engulfing trance. She was so absorbed in the ocean of their mutual pleasure that she failed to notice his shifting. Her eyelids flew open as he caught her with his mouth, a strange sort of noise escaping her that could only be classified as a gurgle. Pleasure coursed through her veins in a new way, and she felt herself spasm anew, a shout erupting from her vocal chords that shook her whole being in response to the overwhelming sensations.

Her noises drove him to new heights, her walls tightened around him once more, and he felt it begin. He had a few seconds at most before it hit, but he wanted one more thing before it happened. His blood demanded it of him. He could do without it, but it would be the final icing on the cake. He released her breast, his eyes looking up into hers, his pants increasing in severity and quickness. His pupils flattened and stretched vertically. "Tell me you want it." he said, his voice low and primal.> The darkness was infinite and finite. It filled the darkest part of the soul and hid the beast within it that was the true darkness. All was still within the psyche. There was no sound. There was no light. There was simply a void-filled darkness.

Then there were eyes.

The eyes glowed intensely, primarily consisting of a sharp shade of cerulean that pierced the mortal soul to its core. Their oval shapes were divided by a cat-like slit down the center that comprised the starkly black pupils.

The creature moved suddenly, rising with a lithe grace as a low growl sounded in its throat. The glow that started with the eyes abruptly began to spread, a ghost-like aura rising to form the outline of a ghostly white fox.

Who suddenly grew a second tail.

She opened her eyes suddenly, her pupils now sporting diamond-shaped slits. The change began to crawl over her body from the eyes out as she leaned in close to him, her lips finding his for a long moment of passion before turning into a muzzle. "Oh, I want it," she rumbled in his ear seductively, her hands-turned-claws slowly raking down his chest. "I want every last drop you can give me."

Her loins squeezed him again, the fur crawling down her torso. She could feel the tail grow out of her spine and smacked his rump with its bushy shape. There was a look of intense concentration on her face, even as she dug her claws deeper into his chest, trying to hold onto that last bit of humanity between her legs, for better or worse, before feeling her body clamp down on him one more time before she lost it, and she thrust down on him.


He expected her grip on his manhood to loosen at least the tiniest bit when her body began to expand above him, but as her furry hips slid up him one last time and hovered with just the tip penetrating her depths, he felt the insides of her vagina tighten to such an extent that he wondered if his manhood was going to be crushed within her. That teasingly tight touch, the pain in his chest, the tone of her voice, and her words themselves all combined within him, and he felt the oncoming wave traveling through his body double in intensity. And he knew that his body was going to give her exactly what she had said she wanted.

And then her hips fell down upon him, his penis buried completely in her oh-so-incredibly-tight depths, and he felt her insides veritably buffet him, squeezing in complex patterns all the way around every inch of his shaft, and it was the most powerful thing he'd ever felt in his life. The wave increased even further in those last moments, and then he was coming. As his world began to explode around him, his slitted eyes found hers. He sank his teeth into her shoulder, biting hard into her as he groaned, the taste of her blood filling his mouth, his member hardening and twitching inside her as it emptied it's powerful payload deep into her body, coating her insides with everything that was him, his fluids and her blood serving to communicate his willingness to claim her in the most primal and powerful way there was.

Every part of her resounded in chorus with him, the core of her being singing with desire and satisfaction. But the beast within wanted more. It would not lay by quietly and simply be claimed. It would have the same blood he demanded of her and it would have it now. Her claws moved, pinning him further, her shoulder throbbing with a fresh pulse of blood. She hissed in pain and pleasure, her pupils large and dilated as she bared her sharp fangs, sinking them into his own flesh where neck met shoulder and became one.

His blood was exquisite! The taste of it sent a fresh rush of fire through her veins and she shuddered against him, a moan escaping her. He had her blood and now she had his. She could think of no better way to claim him as her own. The beast within rumbled a certain satisfaction as the metallic fluid rolled down her throat.

Now we are ONE.

You are MINE!

She felt herself slump against him as the last of their orgasm played itself out. She sighed, her breath hot against his ear as she slowly relaxed. She felt sated, at least for now, and the darkness within seemed to concur. She pushed herself away carefully, sitting up and looking down at him, fresh blood rolling down her furred shoulder as she contemplated him with her slitted gaze.

His eyes were closed, his breathing slow and relaxed as he let himself recover from their ordeal. He was beginning to soften inside her, decreasing in size both from his own repletion and from having sated the impulse within him. Her walls sliding across him as he shrunk felt like a good-bye caress to him, and the small tingles they sent up his spine were like eddies after the storm. They brought a soft smile to his lips. His muscles felt tired and heavy again as he opened his eyes. His smile was small, his tired muscles not wanting to flex, but it was warm and caring. He slid a hand up her arm and shoulder, and began to gently massage the back of her neck.

His hand on her neck was warm and soothing, the knots in her neck melting away at his simple touch. She sighed, feeling calmer and less bestial as he continued to work at her. It was different this time. Instead of having to force herself to let go she found the emotions ebbing on their own, like the slowing pulse in her chest. The transition was less jarring, as well, as she felt her body begin to revert, losing the fur, the claws, and last of all the slitted eyes as she returned his smile and chuckled.

"I think we need another bath."