Hilltop Highs: Day 1 (Truths)

Story by Arctfox on SoFurry

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Ray is a new student at hilltop boarding school for the gifted, He's a 15 year old black panther: Hazel eyes, a warm smile, slender toned build, though not entirely strong...Thrown into the bleak boarding school life of young lawyers, accountants, and Men. He'll soon realize the struggles of ambition, lust, inner turmoil, and holding up to ones word. Along with some help///^^


The cooling rain fell from the heavens above, burning my cheeks their scarlet red hue. I stood in the foreyard; white noise mixed with chatter filled the crisp morning air, echoing the dorm, through the labyrinths of hallways, to me. And there I stood; frozen...at the uncanny desire, lust I had just felt, to go home, never return to this bleak, unforgiving place. Forget lawyers, accountants, I wanted to live life the way I wanted...

"Come now sweetie, only four years and you'll return home the strong man you've always been destined to be. Hugs and Kisses. Buh Bye..."

The last words his parents left him with for his teen-age life. In his mind, Despair: I cant live here for four years, Pain: I've never even had my first kiss, and Confusion: How to go about life now...That's right, I was alone, here, without parents or authority, just solitary high school life. A smile cracked his distant daze in the rain, which quickly faded to a blush. Three boys stood around him laughing at his zombified state. His gaze immediately fell to the ground; tears began to fill his eyes.

"Hey! Leave him alone, get out of here you stupid jack asses. Are you okay?"

My line of sight began to trail up, examining his body as it went. A slightly-larger-than-his build, "Probably an athlete" I thought to my self. My blushed state soon subsided as my eyes met his. The moon blue tint in his eyes, white-gray fur perfectly contrasted together.

"*Sigh* yeah, I'll be fine" I thought he could tell that I forced that one out. Though he only returned my comment with a slight nod and a grin.

"My names Justin, and yours would happen to be? Don't say lost, because I could tell that from your day dreaming I saw earlier."

A smile curled on my lips, "My names Ray" I said it so quick and shy I wasn't sure whether he heard it or not, although I knew by now he spotted my obvious shy tendencies, for when he started a new conversation, he wouldn't take nothing as an answer. Something twinkled in his eyes, he wanted something: this conversation without point, his overly active will to get to know me, and his...well I couldn't really tell what the last thing was, it just seemed to linger in the shroud of his efforts. Oh well, he seemed as a great friend.

He continued to talk and I, giving short to-the-point answers, went along in small amounts. The chatter slowly cracked and silenced as the morning bell rung, people departed to their classes, but Justin didn't.

"Aren't you going to class Justin?"

"Naw, I'll walk my new friend to his...no problem." We walked down the corridors of the school, Justin and I talking and laughing as we went about the morning incident. I noticed the teachers all consisted of Grey Wolves, I mentioned it to Justin:

"Heys Justin? Ever notice all the teachers are..." He watched where I stared and finished my comment before I even knew what exactly I was going to say.

"Wolves I know, they said it was for better security and maybe kids wouldn't goof off as much, like this. Unjust if you ask me, just another way for them to control all pars of your life, but not me" He ended his statement loud enough for one of the wolves to hear, winking at me. We finally walked until we reached my class, covering at least a quarter mile in the process.

"Buh Bye there sweetie" He turned laughing, hurrily heading off to his class. The comment turned slowly in my mind as I waved good-bye.

I sighed at the sight of every teacher in every class seeming the same, of course all except gender, and the droll, lifeless monotone setting for every environment. Hours passed at the signing of papers, and nodding to the understanding of consequences for wandering off to skip class.

First Period: English

Second: Drama

Third: Science

Break: Lunch...

Don't get me wrong, I loved English and Drama, could do without the science, though it was okay...it was just the rules that had been pulling my eagerness away. My trance was, once again, broken by Justin's obsessive acts towards me.

"Hey! Ray! Come on lets Play! We ain't gotten all day"

I felt like I was in a nursery rhyme book, turning to meet Justin's face. Wait; there was an obvious change, his perfect smile and face stayed, though he had two other boys about him.

"This is Greg and Nikky" Justin almost seemed reluctant to say their names, and for the first time, since I met him, he seemed to blush.

"Hello..." The awkward hello strung its self in the air, and hung creating an awkward silence. We all stood, until I made an attempt to sit, as of which coaxed all the rest to mimic. We spent the entire lunch speaking with each other, until the last five minutes...

Nikky began to speak, "So I was in the rest room and saw THE hottest gu..."

Justin broke him off mid sentence,

"What did you do last period? Ray?"

Then strangely got up and left to the rest rooms.

We spent the last five minutes in utter silence; staring from the cold wet ground, up for seconds at a time, then back around like we never met eye contact. The bell once again shattered the air. I jumped.

"Well I'm off guys"

And with that we embarked on our own individual journeys to the same-like classrooms.

Fourth period, Fifth, a slow day. I stared at the lucid shapes through the glass window on the door. Then, jumped to notice, "Justin?!" I whispered to myself in utter shock. He fingered me over...

"Could I possibly leave to the restroom?" I asked

With his nod I jerked up, stumbling my way out over peoples bags, opening the door, jetting off. I got to the bathroom, "Justin?" I called. Moments later he showed, crawling out of a stall, naked.

"What the heck man! Get some clothes on!" He only looked up from his hands and knees, whining...

"Come now Ray, I love you soo much...and its mating season for female wolves, why should they get all the fun?"

He crawled up to my leg, nuzzling my crotch, and all I could do was watch, frozen in my confusion. Lust. Want. No, I shouldn't feel this way! Thoughts racing my mind...a large click echoed the restroom from around the corner, Lust turned to fear, Confusion to panic. The footsteps came around the corner into plain view, and my heart jumped.

"Oh no, it cant be..."


Its not very long, but im working still on which direction im going to let this story series go...;D Watch for more!