Political Corruption

Story by BladePup on SoFurry

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#7 of Non Furry

An essay I did on politics in 2010

?Throughout history many men and women have asked the question, "Are all politicians corrupt?" The answer to this well known question is yes, many of them are corrupt. Ranging from Barack Obama to Robert Mugabe to John Key, many different politicians are corrupt. They all seem to share similar attributes with their speeches, actions and appeasement of the public. They all enjoy playing with peoples' lives and ruining them accordingly. It is not only the leaders but also those with slightly less power that have this tendency.

Politicians have always been corrupt throughout world history. Their inborn need to dominate and possess mixes up with the mind games they all play. Politicians such as John Key and Obama do this in many cases. They seem to only appear when their country is in protest and try to control them with speeches describing how everyone has been working hard to prevent terrible things from occurring. One of the present topics for protest is terrorism. Obama promised the American people that he would withdraw troops from Iraq and then afterwards stated that he is going to move those troops into Afghanistan instead of having them return home. "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" as it was said by Horace, the so called only way to run a country. Oh, how the old lie seems to rot the teeth of those who sample it.

In Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe controls his country by using the action of brute force. The country of Zimbabwe has been controlled by Mugabe for around 50 years. During this time he used the military to keep in power. This military regime has degraded the country's economy and reputation. Mugabe recently was suspected to have tried to assassinate the prime minister of a neighbouring country and in doing so killed the prime minister's wife. While his attempt failed Mugabe almost instantly held out a sympathetic hand. In the last elections he showed the world how even when voting the people had no choice in who became their leader. He asked how a pen could decide the fate of a country while a gun could do better. "A shape with a Lion's body and the head of a man, while about it reeled indignant desert birds". An apocalyptic view on such a small country, one plagued with war and famine and a man unwilling to let others rule, a man who would kill to keep his power. "The time has come, the Walrus said to talk of many things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings".

A common trend in political talks and in the appeasement of the public. Take last year for example; Prime Minister John Key expressed his version of appeasement. Greenpeace had been informed that researchers discovered how much New Zealand should cut down on Carbon emissions and wanted John Key to attend the world summit. John Key declined and Greenpeace organised three simultaneous protests in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. Many supporters for Greenpeace protested and John Key finally agreed to go, but when the time came he only went the summit for a day and a night.

Corruption is not only present in world leaders but even in normal politicians. Very recently three ministers in New Zealand misused their ministerial credit cards. Those cedit cards are debited from the tax payers' money. Shane Jones was accused of using tax payer's money for his own sick pleasure. His credit card bill shows that he spent over $6000 some of it going into the purchase of pornography. Is this setting a good example? Is this how people should be running a country? Do we want pornography driven politicians? While the world ends politicians will continue to live out the rest of their lives in luxury while speaking in false hopes.

This my friends Is the future of mankind a hell driven War machine controlled by pitiless leaders and worse yet those who believe their lies. The outlook seems bleak indeed. A future not set in glory but in perilous hatred and fire, a world without a hope of returning from the abyss. Do you want this to happen? Or do you want to stop this from happening? The ending of the world is near, its your decision about who you want to believe in; corrupt politicians or yourself.