Fur space prologue/pilot

Story by Solarflare215 on SoFurry

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I have one job on board the USG Ishimura. One job,cleaning up the zero gravity basketball court when it's done being used. Simple right? So just my luck that the gravity field reactivates while I'm on the "roof" ,and also just my luck that I shatter my right shoulder blade and fracture my collarbone. And that's how for the third time this trip I've ended up in the medical bay.

I sit patiently in the examination room, my shoulders numb from the painkillers. From here I can see Nicole Brennan, the medical officer, talking away on her rig to some man. It was late when I arrived, and she wasn't helping, But I didn't mind, I rarely slept these days anyways. I sat on the examination table wearing nothing but the light paper robe that are required in case of contamination. The room was cool and slightly dim. The normally white medical equipment was lit with the weaker blue neon lights, rather than the main lights, casting an eerie glow over everything. Nicole noticed me and wrapped up her video call, and came into the examination room with a smirk. "Back in the medical bay eh Rolland?" She said sarcastically. I lowered my ears and looked down with mock shame. "Yes ma'am." I said with mock sadness. We both chuckled slightly, as Nicole got out the clipboard. "Alright," she sighed. "Lets fill out these forms first then lets see to your shoulder."

I nodded, my tail twitching impatiently as I waited for Nicole to start." Full name?"

"Rolland Hanson"



"Gender and species?"

This was always a dumb question in my opinion. "Male and fox." I stated.

"Don't blame me, I don't make the questions up." She said innocently. "Ok lastly, nature of examination?"

"Multiple fractures in the uppers torso."

Nicole giggled as she simply said "very professional,now lets see what we can do for you"

Medipacks were amazing. Along with the RIG system they were the most cutting edge pieces of medical science available. Effectively a cure-all, It was capable of re-attaching bones while numbing the pain out and making full recoveries only take a matter of minutes. Which was good because otherwise I would be off duty the rest of the trip and with a fully blown planet crack planned I would become very bored, very fast. I still think about how I got here in the first place. After my mother died I was told my father was an engineer on board, so they had me sent here, But pretty soon after he died too, and I pretty much belonged to Earthgov now so the Ishimura was all I knew. I remember thinking how cool the planet crackers were, "going into deep space and destroying mineral rich planets, to feed earths demand for minerals!" What a load of crap. We gave our resources to whoever gave us the biggest wad of cash. I was in the captains quarters while one was taking place, all strictly off the record of course.

I was tired, it had been a damn long day, so I began the borderline trek back to my quarters. There was one thing I hated about the Ishimura. The noises. When "night" came everyone went to there own bunks in their soundproof rooms, making the hallways cripplingly quiet, so every noise in the vents was amplified. Every little knock and creak. I knew there were no such thing as monsters, but late at "night" when your tired, well, your mind can wander sometimes. Suddenly, a noise like a growl echoed through the vents, causing me to break into a run. "You are a fucking idiot" I thought to myself, that was just a steam valve opening, I'd heard it a thousand times before. Regardless I didn't dare stop running until I reached my room.

The door sealed shut behind me, my heart was racing. God I hated this ship sometimes. I took of my RIG and left it on my desk. The RIG. The "resource integration gear" it applies all the med-packs directly into the bloodstream, and is used to track the owners health; vitality, pulse, nutrition, that sorta thing. Earthgov's issues RIGs came with stasis meters. Stasis was used by engineers. It basically slows the object you fire it at to a near stop, making it easier to move, get around and hold cargo in place. I don't have a stasis pack installed though, only the basic health model for me.

I crashed onto my bunk. I don't share rooms with anyone, but bunks are standard issue beds so even in single rooms. I fell quickly into a deep, drug induced sleep


The next day was an easy day for me. Only cafeteria duty, which was simply making sure no one took too much food, but people were sensible enough anyways so I just had to stand there. Today however there was a slight change in my schedule. There was a resupply of fuel and foodstuffs coming in as well as some crew members family members coming aboard. My job was going to be delivering the canned food to the cafeteria, and moving vegetable seeds to the organic food storage area.

"Get a move on!" Yelled the man working the loader,as he placed another set of crates on the ground. My tail twitched agitatedly in the small rip at the back of my civilian uniform. The suits weren't made for anthromorphs, so a simple whole was made in the back for a tail, which would have left my tail hole exposed if it weren't for my thick furred tail.

I gritted my teeth as I pulled the boxes with kenisis ,another piece of rig that allowed me to pic up and move heavy objects with a sort of tractor beam, 'asshole' I thought to myself, as I pulled another crate to the cargo lift and sent it on it's way.

Suddenly the shuttle doors opened on the cargo ship and a few dozen people came out. You could tell there was a division between the two groups of people who got out. There were the normal people in there normal civilian outfits, then there was the Unitologists, a group of "religious nuts" as there known.

Then the last person to get off was a beautiful teenage snowy fox girl. The only other anthromorph on the ship.


I did it, I finally got a story out there. Expect much more to come after this. As I said I do write on an iPod so apologies for any auto-corrected things, scaling error or just general "guff" like that. Also I may have gone slightly comma crazy ^*" but anywho THANKS FOR READING!