A Fox and His Yeena

Story by Poi Is For Yotes on SoFurry

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This is one of two variants of a novel I want to write

and possibly publish. The other variant is in my personal

sketchbook and that is different. The novel IS intended for adult

audiences but doesn't contain much Yiff. So I say NC-17.

Ch: 1 Flashback

My name is Knave. This is a novel about my life and how I met my dear hyena Juke.

It was twelve years ago when I had my first breakup. It was the worst feeling I ever had besides death. Her name was Sheila and she was a cruel mistress for doing what she did. We said our goodbyes, gathered our things, and eventually moved away from each other. Not long after we met again although, just to file for divorce and nothing more. When the separation was complete I was lonely like a dog without a bone. Used and useless I was a recluse trapped in my own body. I hardly went out unless it was to get food or drink. Eventually the bar became my new home. Its concoctions always intoxicating my brain I would sometimes fight or try to flirt. It didn't matter who or what, as long as the other party didn't run away, it almost always led to sex. Unless it was a fight then that's a different story. I felt even more filthy and used until this nice guy (the exception) gave me a ride to his cabin. There we talked and shared thoughts. Then he introduced himself. His name was Drake and being that he was a fox and wolf hybrid he had nice features complimented by a strong but good attitude. I felt a strange but great bond to him, and surprisingly , I didn't fight it. After it got late he led me to his room, gave me covers, and a pillow. So generous is he not ? Anyway as I make my way to the couch he asks me something. "Hey Knave ? Can you come here for a sec ?" Even though I hardly knew him I followed his voice to his room. He looks into my eyes with a gaze that can entrance even the hardiest of players and tells me he wants me to stay. That was my first moment where I had a homosexual thought slip into my head. I tell him, "I will stay as long as you like." We came to a strong embrace and that was the end of my troubles and the start of a new life.