Unit 13

Story by Demon on SoFurry

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#15 of Incomplete Stories.

The fire fight was thick and furious. Shrapnel was blown over a ditch in the green turf of the alien world. Blue nav markers indicated friendlies, while the enemy simply showed up as yellow dots upon motion sensor sweeps. Marentine, unit Thirteen, readied his rifle for immediate use as a shield and blunt force object.

"Go go go!" Marentine and three others jumped up from the ditch, doing a strafing fire run towards the enemy encampment. This night assault had originally been a surprise attack, then one of the rookies fired their weapon in a display of shinanigans. He had promptly been dismissed from the current battle, his android suit flopping to the green dirt and dust of the alien world. Answering fire had been seconds away. Marentine ducked as he saw a muzzle flash infront of him. The barrel of the alien projectile weapon fired at the space where his head had been. Two of the three markers with him disappeared as combat friends were killed by the enemy, their android suits dropping in a pile of metal. A single shot from his own weapon and he neutralised the target. Dark blue blood seeped from the creature's skull, along with thicker things and a fragment of bright yellow bone. Unit seventy four was the only one of his quad to make it with him. While he felt a slight emotional response from having two team mates eliminated, he squashed it and focused upon the enemy encampment. Dark shadows moved upon darker walls. A thought, and his night vision activated. He jumped/dived to his left as an enemy contact literally appeared infront of him. He automatically aimed and fired his weapon, sending a bullet through his opponent's skull. The blue nav marker to his right flank turned yellow. Seventy four had taken a couple hits, most likely limb or body shots. A shadow moved, his eyes tracked it and waited for some type of weapon fire from his opponent. He received it. He jumped, knee and leg servos over compensating as he pushed them to their max, already firing at the position where the alien's cat like head would be. A yowling sound, and then silence.

Unit thirteen took a moment to survey the construction he was inside. Unit seventy four flanked him, his nav marker a reddish orange colour. Unit thirteen essentially dismissed unit seventy four as a valued partner. The fact that he was down to almost zero health already said he wasn't much of a soldier. Radio chatter went through his mind, unit thirteen singled out individual voices, then nationality. Apparently it was a conversation in the native tongue of these aliens.

Four long growls, a harsh cough, and three mewls. "Request reinforcements now, urgently need help." Unit 13 along with unit 74 turned as one, their cybernetics identifying the transmission source nearby. 13 nodded to 74, indicating the stairway behind some eerily familiar desks. 74 punched through the orange wood, destroying the flimsy craftsmanship with his superior mechanical frame. 13 took up a flanking position, watching 74's unprotected back as he made his way up the dark stairs. The wood creaked as their weight put immense strain upon the stair's supporting structure. Behind him, unit 13 heard a door open, and unit 74 open fire upon unknown targets. Making sure there were no additional targets coming up the stairway, 13 turned to assist 74.

13's heart lurched, from billions of miles away. 74 was taking out civilian non combatants. specifically, younglings. One of the little ones ran on all fours from under a coarsely made bed, the sheets and mattress riddled with bullets. He watched as 74 saw the motion, tracked, and eliminated the youngling. 13 watched as it's small chest was filled with high impact rifle rounds, delivering considerable kick to each impact. Even if the rounds didn't penetrate through body armour some of the creatures wore, internal damage was still a factor. Another of the little cats was hiding in a far corner. 74 turned his night vision enhanced eyes to the right and shifted his shuddering rifle in that direction. 13 couldn't watch anymore. Raising his own weapon, he sighted 74's head and fired a small burst. 74 dropped, the back of his head sparking. A small message appeared accross his vision.

Unit 13 has killed a team mate in action. Unit 13 respond and explain your actions.

13 took a moment to consider protocols and correct responses. He replied simply.

Mercy Killing.

He raised his eyes to the little one cowering in the corner, a small puddle of liquid trailing from underneath it's feet. Ground force command didn't respond. Rather than push his luck, he carefully shouldered his rifle and walked towards the little one that was cowering in the corner. While he had no compunctions or reserves about killing armed opponents, he refused outright to kill an unarmed, non hostile target. Regardless of intention. Give them a weapon and get them to fire first, and he wouldn't have a problem. Taking another step, a floor board broke under his weight, causing the creature to squeal and try to hide within it's own rags. Closer up, 13 could see that it actually had a tail, which was closely curled around it's ankles.

Bullets pinged then punctured his body.13 pointed his sidearm weapon and returned fire. The thick slugs within his custom pistol had enough stopping and penetrating power to go straight through what counted as a brick wall upon this planet. Unit 13 watched as a stray bullet from the enemy contact immediately behind him managed to punch through the youngling's small shin. It screamed a high pitched sound that hurt his sonic receptors before it cut out, slumping forwards in what appeared to be a faint, blue blood rapidly pumping out from the entrance and exit wounds. Checking his motion sensor, 13 made sure there was nothing else moving. One form was present, aside from the youngling infront of him. Moving cybernetic eyes, 13 made contact with the space where his contact should be. It was underneath a bed slightly off to his left. A mental request, and the target underneath the bed, and the one infront of him were tagged with his brand. It was his number designation, but the one and three were squashed together, making it look like an eccentric B. Moving his left hand to his breastplate, 13 removed his chest and reached inside. A moment's searching and he withdrew field rations and medical equipment. All units were required to carry at the very least field rations for the human commanders that sometimes ordered them around. Replacing his breastplate he placed the rations and field medical equipment upon the floor near the first youngling. Moving quickly to the bed, he upended it and snagged the other youngling as it moved. The snarling hissing and spitting cat reminded him of his own kitten, the one he had doted upon before it was cleansed. He'd never forgiven the government for destroying anything related to these cat-like aliens.

It screamed. One of it's claws had apparently caught upon his elbow seam. While it desperately struggled to free itself, he carefully reached over and analyzed the problem. The solution was simple. Bending his left arm at the elbow, the claw loosened. A quick tug from his right hand and the youngling's clawed finger was free. It spat at him and hissed loudly, showing elongated canines. Unit 13 moved it to where he'd left the wounded youngling. Setting it down, he handed it an open ration bar, making motions to where his mouth would have been, hoping the small thing got the intention. It did, sniffing the bar and taking a bite. It's ears rose from the lateral flat position they had been in, to a pointed upright position. Apparently it was surprised at the taste and quickly chomped through the rest of the bar. 13 nodded. The less critical situation seen to, he moved on to the wounded youngling.

Opening a tight fitting medical bandage, 13 set it aside and popped the suppressor of a biofoam container. The can was filled with a proto-protein. It slowed blood flow to a crawl, causing it to coagulate, and new tissue to form. Once it was finished with re-equalizing internal structures to their genetic norm, the outside was addressed, skin being produced to seal the wound. Granted it wasn't as efficient as a full body genetic reconstructor, but during engagements it saved alot of people. He set this aside as well. All preparations made, he lightly picked up the ragged thing and set it down in a much drier area. The blood quickly oozed from the wounds. Grabbing the can of Biofoam, 13 placed the tip of the long stubby ended nozzle within the fingertip sized wound. Depressing the trigger, he waited for a minute kick from the canister, and some type of movement from the youngling. It gave a mewl and tried to shift it's position unconsciously as the can gave a small kick. 13 removed the nozzle, gently turned the creature over and applied the same treatment to the exit wound on it's calf. He received a kick from the canister, but the youngling didn't move. 13 nodded to himself and removed the canister. Picking up the medical bandage he put the edge between both wounds, then wrapped it around the youngling's leg. It managed to go around seventeen times before finally stopping. 13 made note that these bandages were usually for much bigger human males, and sometimes females. Placing his right hand upon it, 13 issued a mental order, giving the bandage a shock as well. It shrank, fitting to the form it was assigned to. It would now stop any and all blood flowing from the targeted area, which was everything it covered. In a week, the biofoam would finish reconstructing flesh and muscle, unfortunately nothing could be done about the lost fragments of bone. The biofoam would keep any fragments contained and maybe this creature's doctors would be able to figure out a way to transplant bone and bone marrow to it's shin.

13 took a small break to try to understand what his new motivations were. 1, he had effectively committed treason against his government in order to protect the lives of non-combatant civilians. 2, he had furthered his initial act of treason by giving food and first aid to the non injured and injured younglings respectively. 3, the war was still going on outside and this place would effectively become human territory in a few hours. The younglings had to be moved to safety. Widening his area of consciousness, 13 read the layout of the area. Blue nav markers appeared as several small blips upon his battlenet. He moved his gaze to the younglings. Under his night vision enhanced eyes he could see that the first one was sleeping, curled into a ball. The other one was staring at him, watching his every move. 13 grabbed another bar, this time un-opened, and gave it to the youngling. It grabbed the proffered bar and quickly bit into it, making a face as it came into contact with the outside wrapping. 13 would have smiled if his android suit had of allowed it, but he had no mouth. 13 took the bar from the resisting hands of the youngling and ripped the wrapping off it, then handed the bar back. It ate ravenously, as if the first bar never existed. Considering what he knew about this current battle, there was a major enemy encampment a hundred kilometers away. This would be a stealth mission normally, but he had an injured youngling as well as a conscious youngling to take care of. He would have to keep the use of his rifle to a minimum.

13 set his proximity warning to ten meters and gently hefted the injured youngling. Gesturing to the other youngling, he pointed to the doorway where his or her baby sitter had been brutally slain by 74's barrage. Big green eyes blinked up at his cybernetic video receptors. 13 blinked, disabling his tracking systems and faking his 'death', now the military wouldn't be able to track him, nor would they know he was still around unless he showed himself to his own people. 13 kept his awareness upon his motion sensor as he quietly stepped upon the second story floor. Taking the conscious youngling by it's furred hand, he maneuvered it behind him before releasing it's hand and readying his rifle. A trio of blue nav markers were targeted by his sensor, indicating that they were ten or less meters near him. 13 accessed the database, searching for a viable exit. The Lenix super nav marked the exit doorway with a green arrow that showed up on both his hud, and motion sensor. The green arrow on his hud had a distance to target number in meters. He tugged the uninjured youngster into a light jog, stepping quickly past the furred body of the adult cat creature and going through the doorway into a kitchen. 13 turned his head right, following the green arrow. A bolted and sealed door blocked his exit from the kitchen. Grabbing his sidearm, 13 put a single thick slug through the locking mechanism of the bolt, raised his right leg, and slammed four hundred kilo's of weight into the door. It snapped open with a bang and 13 hustled the uninjured youngling through the door before he went through as well. The blue nav markers upon his sensor turned red, indicating they had noticed the noise.

Marentine cursed his luck from billions of miles away, before holstering both his weapons, grabbing the uninjured youngling, and running for it. The space immediately behind the door was a couple square feet of cement that ended in a large railing that descended to the left in a stairway. 13 jumped the railing and fell to the ground below. Shock absorbing equipment within his knees lessened most of the blow of his seven hundred kilo form, plus the additional weight of the younglings. The conscious one gave a muffled whine as it's stomach was squashed into his right shoulder. 13 sprinted down the right hand side alley, keeping to the dark shadows. Behind him, upon his motion sensor, the three red blips turned blue, before he left their range. 13's night vision allowed him to see what was ahead of him as he raced down the alley, taking a left at the end. 13 blinked at the barricade, ducking back around the corner before they noticed he was there.

13 moved the conscious youngling to the ground. He then knelt and offered his back to it, gesturing urgently. The little cat understood, and jumped onto 13's back, it's furred arms wrapping around his throat. 13 lowered his rifle, and picked up his sidearm. Cocking the weapon, he unclipped the magazine and physically checked it. His reader for the weapon said that there was only a single round of a full magazine fired, but better to be sure then run out of ammo. The reader was correct. Locking the magazine back in, 13 took careful aim, bending around the corner of the alley. He made note of the weight adjustment as the cat upon his back slid around to dangle. Using his cybernetics, 13 aimed carefully at his unaware opponents. Three quick, precise, shots, and 13 neutralized the weapons of the enemy. A half a dozen rounds went into the mounted gun turret that they'd set up facing the alley exit. His motion sensor lit up with five yellow targets, all running around looking for something to shoot. 13 took careful aim again, sighting down upon the cats that he'd missed. Three shots later, and their weapons were scrap metal worthy. It had taken three shots because his first target had moved at the last micro second and he'd only chipped the weapon instead of destroying it.

The enemy cats turned in his direction, yelling orders in their native tongue of snarling hisses. Floodlights went up, blinding his cybernetics for a moment before the computer software adjusted, killing his night vision. 13 ducked back around the corner, looking for a different route. Looking to his hands, he made a small request. Small two inch blades erupted from his finger tips, the last finger joints locking so as to support the blades. The blades were coated with a special toxin that slowed the heart rate of the affected. It appeared naturally in a certain frog upon his home world. He used it for those he felt sympathetic for, giving them a quick stab so as to lessen the horrors of their impending deaths. Military law said he couldn't interfere directly, so he did it indirectly.