Demon Castle Digitalpotato - The Egyptian Hall

Story by Digitalpotato on SoFurry

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#2 of Demon Castle Digitalpotato

Peter is © Wyraachur

"I thought I was inside the castle. What am I doing outside?" Peter asked as he looked around the landscape he was in.

Peter could have sworn that he was outside in the desert. The last time he checked, he had walked into the dungeon with several others. He walked away from the group to investigate something and now, he was outside in an almost endless desert. Peter pondered a little to himself as he looked up to the night sky.

Unfortunately, deserts seemed to get a little bit cold at night. Hell, a lot cold. He shivered to himself as a cold wind chilled him to the bone. He would have to find some way to get out of here as fast as possible! There was no way he could possibly survive it. Even if he would remain alive in his own time (So he was told by one of those weird incarnations of Digitalpotato) he at least could still feel hot, cold, wind, et cetera.

Peter started running to get the blood pumping in his veins. It would warm him up, right? Well, so he thought. Eventually, he noticed something that seemed to pierce the darkness of the desert: A beam of light pointing towards the heavens. He smiled and ran towards it. Shelter! Maybe there was something heated. Or maybe given that this was inside Demon Castle Digitalpotato, there'd be some kind of dessert in there.

As he got closer, he could finally see where it was coming from. It looked to be some kind of pyramid. He thought maybe of the Luxor like what they had in Las Vegas. Why would he have that thing in his mind? As he neared the strange pyramid like thing he noticed a bright white coating to the pyramid. It must have been like what the Egyptians actually had before the elements and looters stripped the great pyramids at Giza.

"Oh that's certainly nice, isn't it?" Peter said out loud as he neared the pyramid.

The closer he got to it, the more he could see just how big this pyramid actually was. It must have been taller than the actual Luxor casino and resort itself. Or maybe something like the actual pyramids. There had to have been some kind of entrance. Peter jogged alongside the pyramid looking for some kind of a door. Why would there be a pyramid with no entrance in the first place.

After awhile, he managed to find something that looked like a sphinx. He doubted whether or not the pyramids actually looked like this, but hey, this wasn't exactly reality he was in after all. Peter smirked and looked towards the ground, finding the doorway to the sphinx. And warm air was flowing out.

Sweet relief! He jogged right on in under the sphinx's arches to escape that cold desert night. How the heck could something that's so damn hot get so cold at night anyways? It was better to just not question it, the laws of physics did not apply in these places anyways.

As soon as Peter entered, he immediately caught the smell of... water? He followed his nose to the water and noticed a large river flowing through the pyramid's interior. He looked up at the ceiling - noticing exactly just how big the inside of it was. It must have been like the Luxor, there were balconies that seemed to house doors that opened rooms of some kind. This itself could have been the demon castle, were it not for the fact that he hadn't just been inside the demon castle.

Peter stopped at the edge of the river, noticing statues of Egyptian gods. Rather than simply bearing the heads of animals, most of them actually looked kind of like anthros. Peter pondered to himself as he looked over some of the more canid looking ones. Strange, he knew there was an Anubis one, but who were these others?

Peter looked over another canid looking statue, looking for some kind of inscription to tell him. It seemed to read something in hieroglyphics that he couldn't understand. Damn it all, why were Egyptians always writing in these things? Couldn't the creator of Demon Castle Digitalpotato have at least provided a fancy translation guide or him?

"I see you have taken an interest in the opener of the way." A voice said behind him.

Peter immediately turned around, spotting someone standing right out of the river. It was what could only be described as some kind of an anthropomorphic crocodile. He wasn't wearing anything - like any crocodile really needed to do so in the first place. The crocodile seemed to tower over the little human as he stepped out of the river, scaly feet touching the sand.

"S-Sobek, right?" Peter asked.

"In the flesh. Not every day we see someone entering the Egyptian hall. Well... other than Teradyne, but that's because shi happens to have somewhat of a crush on me."

"I thought Digitalpotato was more associated with Anubis."

"Hm, gee, I didn't think so either." Sobek said, gesturing around to several of the other statues in the huge "room". Not only were there multiple statues of a black jackal with large ears, but there were also non-anthro jackals. All of which had some kind of flourish around their eyes that could only be described as "Egyptian".

"So let me ask you this... What's an Egyptian deity like you doing in a demon castle like this?" Peter asked.

"Just hanging out. You should actually consider yourself lucky that I'm the only one 'home' right now. If Set was in here would you be in for a ride. Or maybe djuti."


Sobek said something that sounded like "Jeh-hooty", before he just shook his reptilian head.

"Sorry, very few mortals can actually comprehend that name, but Thoth."

"At least I'm not in the tomb of Upshe with two birds named Youbee and Hoomite."

"Who might you be?"

"Yes," Peter said, "Those are their names."

"I know that, but why were they who might you be?"

"Oh no.... I am NOT going to start that again."

"Well, I shall say... you might like what the Egyptian temple has to offer. Here, have some of this." A cup appeared in front of Peter, quickly filling with a white fluid. If it weren't for the fact that Peter knew Digitalpotato better than to have a cup filled with some other kind of white fluid, he would have been apprehensive of it.

Except instead, Peter sniffed it anyways just to make sure that it wasn't some kind of weird Demon Castle juice. It smelled surprisingly like milk. Possibly Skim milk or something. Sobek smiled as Peter looked over it even more.

"Milk. Seriously what kind of milk is this?"

"Just Egyptian milk."

"I didn't think you Egyptians drank milk... and here I thought you'd give me something nice like purified nile water and all sorts of other things."

Peter took several sips of the milk. Surprisingly, it tasted better than any milk he ever had in his life. And milk didn't really have much of a flavour beyond a nice cool sensation. It was just like that cool sensation of eating a sticky nutrigrain bar and then washing it down with a glass of milk. He wound up sucking half the fancy cup down.

"Oh, so you know... that milk actually came from Hathor."

"Wait what?" Peter asked, taking the cup of milk away. He had quite the white milk moustache around his head now.

"See?" Sobek stepped aside, letting Peter get a good look at a rather strange looking statue.

The statue seemed to be of some kind of ungulate god - no, goddess. She had a few small horns, almost looking like a cervine's. But they still looked quite feminine. Peter immediately recognized the shape of the statue's face that she was most definitely not cervine - but bovine. A small bovid tail ran against the ground, carved out of sandstone.

"I'm drinking that?" Peter asked.

"No look a little to your left."

Peter looked to his left, noticing a much smaller statue. Something that was most easily identifiable as a non-anthro cow. Peter just rolled his eyes and set the goblet down. Strange, his mouth itched a little bit. He reached up and scratched it, feeling the milk moustache having dried. It felt a little like... fur?

"Oh no... OH NO!" Peter said as he ran to the river, looking at his reflection. Surprisingly. It was quite clear, but also reflective. He not only saw the sandy bottom of the 'river', but his reflection. His face was covering in white, just like his hair. His nose seemed to darken, as if it was broken.

"Oh no, are you turning me into a cow?! I don't want to be a freaking COW!" Peter shouted.

"Relax, you took a bigger interest in something else instead."

Peter's ears seemed to stretch, before they parted through his hair. He reached up to feel over them. While they were definitely longer than he expected, they were nothing like the stereotypical ears of an Egyptian canid. They seemed to come to a point, forming triangular ears. His mouth finally bulged.

Peter reeled back at the shock, landing right on his rear. He reached out to feel over his changing face. His nose and mouth had pointed, coming to a small point. Apart from his nose, it was completely covered in fur. His lips felt much thicker, too.

Peter looked into the mirror, spotting his head looking completely white. But it looked quite... wolfish. He opened up his lupine mouth, just in time for new teeth to poke out of his changed palate. His canines spiked out of his mouth. Peter let his tongue loll out a little bit, as it flattened just a tad. He pulled it back into his mouth, smiling.

His eyes turned a blood red, as a small Egyptian flourish appeared around his left eye. Egyptian flourishes. He must have looked just like some kind of white Anubis. Except he could tell that he wasn't quite a jackal.

Peter's shirt was ripped to shreds by his expanding bulk. He smiled as his bones and muscles tightened, expanding bigger. Strange, there was still a weight around his shoulders. It had to have been some kind of Egyptian necklace. Or whatever those were called. The statues seemed to be depicting the males wearing those. Peter let loose a sergal grin as the fur covered his torso entirely.

He stood up and looked over the reflective water, flexing a little bit. Claws emerged from his fingertips, black pawpads inflating out of his palms. He smirked and looked over them. They still looked dulled like a normal canid's claws did, but they would most definitely do in a heartbeat. He flexed again, as his body continued to grow.

Peter didn't even mind if the last of his clothes were ripped to shreds by his expanding bulk. Sure enough his legs inflated with muscle, feeling almost like nothing under his newfound strength. A tail erupted from his rear, wagging around as fluff grew. Lupine fluff. He wasn't quite a jackal.

Peter's pants were indeed ripped, but around his waist, they seemed to simply grow with him. They looked to be some kind of bleached linen cloth - a shenti, he remembered. At least, that's what he thought it was called. He remembered a picture of someone on FurAffinity with one.

His changes soon finished as his feet lengthened. He leaned forward a lot as his weight transferred to his toes. Thankfully. His feet widened even more and more, toes lengthening. Paws that would hold his weight and support him. He soon felt the sand in between his paw pads, claws digging a little into the sand. Peter soon noticed that the river was getting further and further away from him. No. He was getting taller and taller.

"Oh this will do just nicely. Seems Digitalpotato does have some taste after all."

"I should say so, since you seem to look quite like Wepwawet," Sobek chuckled.