To the Crescent Moon

Story by Trace182 on SoFurry

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All of the things you promised me,

And all the smiles you gave me,

I can still remember each word I said to you,

Underneath that blood red moon, shrouded in darkness

Come on, let's see a movie together, like we used to

Let's hold hands and pray together, like we always wanted

To this God you claim to believe in

Do I look evil to you?

The blinding light of judgement is so bright and unforgiving, it's cruel

So, for all those who will never come to love me,

And all those who will ever try to kill me,

To the crescent moon and my worthless human existence,

I ask this,

"Is the meaning of my life sin, because I am evil?"

I don't understand,

Do you...

Love me?