Chapter 4: The Gorge

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#4 of Warrior of Legend

That old question came back up and Akiana asked Walker how would they kill such a thing. He said he didn't know if they could. Leave it to a wolf to tell you something you already know.

They pushed ahead towards the entrance of the lands where the 'water burns from the fire beneath'. The journey there was long and arduous, but at least Akiana had company now. Stopping in front of a gorge that entered a mountain range Walker offered that they make camp for the night. The pads of Akiana's feet were already hurting and she wasn't too far from nodding off either. Akiana agreed after a short conversation about the difference between fox and wolf endurance, in which she left the wolf bewildered. They found a small flat, a ways down into the gorge, to set up camp. The ground was soft and covered with green grass. Akiana found it rather unique to find grass growing so far away from the water. Walker told her that it rains around the area a lot and would help cover their scent, save for their tracks. It didn't bother Akiana in the slightest since she wasn't as heavy as Walker was and could easily dust her pack to make herself lighter.

Night had fallen and they sat back to back eating jerky. Walker didn't pick up any new scents and Akiana could only the smell the river water below their position. She asked Walker if the trek down to the water was safe and he told her that it was. Akiana told him that she needed to clean the dirt and sweat from her fur as it had began to add extra weight to her already small frame. He said he didn't mind her mixed scent and that he would watch out for her.

"Watch out indeed." she told him as she finished her piece of jerky.

Akiana rose to her feet and began the trek down the small, steep cliff. She slipped a few times but managed to get to the waters edge, where the water was calm and inviting. She wondered if I'd catch a cold while bathing. The rivers edge was a little muddy but at least there was a boulder in which to lay her things. As she neared the edge the sounds of crickets nearby would help alert her if any were nearby. All she had to do was listen for their silence. After donning her clothing she placed them on a nearby boulder and put a foot into the water to test it out. It was cold and made her withdraw momentarily, her fur had absorbing some of the water and making her stop to think about how cold it really was. Steeling her nerves she stepped in further than before. The sudden shock overcame her and quickly subsided as she began to scrub her fur clean. Akiana heard Walkers voice from above as he asked if she was okay. She told him it was and that she wouldn't need to his help to get back up. He said to let him know if I did. "Okay" was Akiana's uneasy reply. The water was refreshing as she dunked her head under, avoiding getting water into her ears by folding them back and swishing back her hair. The motion was pure and collected, as to not draw any unwanted attention from up above. Walkers voice came once more, "You fishing down there too? If you are catch me one. The jerky wasn't enough." Akiana yelled back, "I'll try but its kinda hard when you're already busy doing something else."

He laughed and told her a wolf could easily bathe and fish at the same time. Akiana joked "It's because their bait is already in the water." She could only hear Walkers laughter as he grew silent once more. Akiana had just finished up when something big splashed beside her, nearly scaring her enough that she though she was gonna have a cub. She figured Walker had tossed a rock in but was surprised when she seen his gray head emerge from the water, a big grin on his face as he does. In response she covered herself from his prying eyes. "What are you doing!?" she yelled, turning away. "Nothing really." he replied. "Why? What are you doing?". "I'm trying to take a bath, if you don't mind." Akiana replied. "Well, so am I." he said, brushing back his hair over his pointed ears. "From up there it sounded as if you were having fun and I only wanted to join in" he commented as he emerged from the water sans clothing. Akiana tried not to look but she had never seen much of male and had only a brief glimpse. The initial glance shown he wasn't as large when his fur was watered down, the white fur on his chest shining in the moonlight only led her gaze to look further down his muscular framework, to which she tried not to stare too hard. That dusty scent she had grown to know had more than faded after he emerged from the water, his scent now washed clean of any remnants from before. Much to her nose's favor. A dusty wolf's musk is one thing but add some time, miles, and sweat, well, it does wonders for ones sense of smell. "I take it you never seen a male before, I mean a real male, have you?" he asked. "Least one that wasn't bathing anyway" she told him, still turned the other way. "Well you should take notice then" he said as he reached for her shoulder. She quickly grimaced and broke away further from him, "Not like this." "Why not?" he asked, ears twitching about like leaves on the wind. "Because of what you are." she said, "A wolf." "So you're the traditional type I take it?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Akiana told him that she believed in the old ways and wasn't into the seeming 'promiscuity' of wolves. He laughed at her response. "Times change as do the seasons. And I figured that since I rescued you the least you could do is repay my kindness." "Kindness!?" she retorted. "You were the one who almost got us killed in the first place." "True, but I did care for your wounds when I didn't have to." he spoke,his voice solid and invoking at the same time. "I could've just let you bleed to death." "Maybe it would've been better if you did. We wouldn't be here right now and I would be dead." "We both know you don't mean that." he said, uncrossing his arms. "Fate could have something to do with our meeting." Akiana remained silent. "Okay, have it your way" he spoke as he turned away from her, his words hitting her on another level that she had never felt before. Not since Arukai. Stepping from the water, Akiana gathered her clothing and got dressed, the air silent between as she made her way back up the steep incline.

The next morning Akiana noticed Walker wasn't laying next to when she awoke. She took a moment to clear her head but to no avail and crumpled up into a ball, crying to herself. She was confused but most of all, alone. She had just met this wolf and already felt a connection between them. She couldn't tell if it was mutual or otherwise. Suddenly laughter burst out from below. Rising up from her perch she went for a peek over the edge and seen Walker fishing with a makeshift spear. She smiled, knowing that even though her words were cruel, he was still with her. Walker looked up,. "Awake now?" he asked. "Good. Then you can help me fish." "I think I'll just watch.". "Just tell me you cant fish like a wolf" he laughed, standing his spear straight up.

"Fine!, I'll show you then." replied Akiana as she began her descent.

Later at camp...

Walker is cooking the fish since the night before was quiet, uncomfortable quiet. He figured they were in no real danger of being ambushed. Akiana teased him about burning the fish. He responded with a humph and tells her that "Wolves have a good notion for cooking fish", to which she remarked "It was because they seen the foxes cooking fish and try to do the same." They both laughed for awhile before growing silent once more.

After eating their fill they managed back up to the trail and proceeded further in. Along the way, Walker marked their trail by relieving himself near a bush, Akiana told him he "Could've just piled up some rocks rather than leave trails.". He laughed, "Unlike foxes, we wolves like to taunt our enemies. And what better way than by leaving our scent for them to smell. Besides, what are they going to do about it?" he said proudly. "Well they could track us easily and find out its just the two of us." Akiana said while keeping look out till he was done. "Wouldn't take more than a few of them to cause us trouble" "I can handle myself." he replied. "I'll remember that when we're running for our lives." "Just about done" he said, wagging his tail. "You wanna give me a hand?" "I got a knife, that good enough?." Akiana joked, shifting her pack on her shoulder. "We could use more bait for fishing, later on down the trail."